A Tale About Fathers
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Twelve years ago...

"Cmon papa, can't we read just one more book? Pretty please?"

"But we've already read ten tonight."

The small child gave his father a pleading look.

"I think it's time for you to get some rest."

He let out a disappointed whimper. "Okay."

"Good night, Theo."

"Papa, what will happen if I lose control again?"

The father lovingly stroked his son's hair. "All werewolves lose control sometimes,"

"Even you?"

"Even me. Don't worry, I'm going to teach you everything I know. You'll have your transformations under control in no time!"

"You promise?"

"I promise."

They were startled by a loud pounding on their front door. "We know you're in there! Open up!"

His father's face went serious. "I need you to listen very carefully. I need you to hide under the bed and don't make a sound until I say so. Do you understand?"

He nodded. Dust clung to his clothes as he crawled under the bed. It was so dark he could hardly see anything.

"You can't just demand to search our house without a warrant!" Theo's mother shouted from the other room.

"As a matter of fact, we can, Mrs. Lovell. The Silver Huntsmen have a reason to believe there are rogue werewolves living in your home," said a woman's voice he didn't recognize.

"That's ridiculous!"

"Is it?"

"You need to leave." His father stated firmly.

"Randel Lovell, it's taken us a very long time to find you. I can't believe you actually thought you could run away."

"Listen, We're not hurting anyone out here. Please, just leave us alone. We won't cause any trouble."

"Which one of you is going to be the one to shoot the cub when it goes rabid? Yes, we know you have Mixedblood cub. You know you're going to have to put it down sooner or later. We're here to make the job easier for you."

"I've heard enough!" His father growled.

"This is your last chance. Tell us where the cub is hiding!"

"Over my dead body!"

"Very well then."

Theo never knew how loud the sound of gunshots were until he heard them followed by his mother's sobs, on that fateful night. "Pack Father Gregorio, search the house for the cub. We'll secure the perimeter to make sure it doesn't escape."

"Yes, ma'am." The man's footsteps got louder and louder. "What a waste of a Pureblood," the man muttered to himself as he left the room his father's body was resting.

Theo tried to be still, but he couldn't stop trembling.

The man ripped the blankets off the bed. His shoes were now visible from Theo's hiding place. He was forced to watch in horror as the man picked up the bed, leaving Theo completely exposed. He stared at him with malice in his eyes and pointed a gun right at his face. Theo couldn't do anything but sit there, completely petrified, unable to breathe. His eyes began to fill with tears.

His hand shook as he placed his finger on the trigger. He just stood there with the gun in his shaky hands for an eternity.  He slowly lowered the gun. He dialed someone on his phone. "The cubs not in here. He must have escaped somehow. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point." Without another word the man turned and left. Leaving Theo all alone in the dark and empty room.