Chapter 19
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Youri’s POV:

Curse you Eden! I can’t believe I fell for a mission as crazy as this and gave in. I had every right to refuse, didn’t I? And yet I chose to listen… Not like I can go back and undo it. Might as well follow it through now that we’re here. But still, there is a very good reason as to why we aren’t facing the Banes right now. If this fails, things could turn sour very quickly. I just have to make sure I don’t get ousted. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?

The next day, I made sure to sit nearby Christian and try to make myself stand out in order to gain his attention. He was often alone, and this time was no different. As Roxy was a transfer student, she had to take some courses with the first-years, which is why she sat in front, as always. Our morning class was “Introduction to AI”, which was something she was all too familiar with by this point.

“Why are you so far back?” She called out before our professor came in. 

“I’m far sigh-sighted” I lied. The screen hurts my eyes from up close” She simply shrugged and turned away. Christian stayed silent throughout the class, but was attentive and actually concentrating on his work. He was like a cat, sitting there without making a sound, his grey eyes glued diligently to the screen. Today’s topic was about the basic manufacturing of AI. As this was the introductory course, we were still taking it quite slow and sticking to the basics for our first semester. 

“Okay, now who can tell me the components of artificial intelligence?” Our professor asked. I raised my hand but noticed Roxy’s shot up well before he even finished the question. “Yes, Roxanne” Tch, of course. She’s naturally a walking cheat code in this field due to her power. She got accepted into Baulder, attending there for a year before transferring to Monarch. I’m not entirely sure as to why any sane person would do that to be honest. According to Eden, Baulder was her dream. 

“There are five main components that make up Artificial Intelligence or AI. Learning, Perception, Reasoning, Language-understanding, and Problem Solving. When it comes to learning”-

“Thank you” The teacher interrupted, well-aware of how she’d never stop with her rambling once she started. “You’re a brilliant student but we can’t have you hogging all the glory. Who can describe them in detail?” Roxy looked on devastated, as if she’d just been back-handed. I put my hand up, stretching it as high as I could for him to notice me. “Hmm, not Youri either. How about you, sitting next to him?” He pointed at Christian. I have yet to hear him talk despite these few months together. He’s the one who almost beat Eden? Well, he did beat him. He almost KILLED him too…

“Computers learn in different manners, just like humans. Learning for AI includes a trial-and-error or process of elimination type method. In the sense that the program keeps on solving the problem in a variety of ways until it gets the correct answer” “TYKEL” spoke in a very monotonous voice. Almost like he was an AI system himself. “This allows the program to keep notes of the process that got the correct results and stores it in the database for future use”

“Well done Tykel. You should definitely be more participative in class” No matter what, I cannot refer to him as Christian at all. “Youri, tell me about Language-Understanding” Of course I have to do the one with the most syllables…

“Lan-language und-unders-understand-understanding by com-compu-computers is inc-includ-included to und-unders-understand dif-differe-different prog-programs and ex-exec-execut-executing them eas-easil-easily” Why can’t my power be capable of removing this godforsaken stutter? I’m sure everyone’s gotten tired of it by now. “Just like how we as hum-humans know lang-languag-languages to dif-differ-different-differenti-differentiate betw-between dif-differ-different obj-objects” I will not forgive you for this professor.

“Perfect!” Did anyone even understand what I was trying to say? “Roxy since you look like you’re about to fly out of your seat and explode, you can answer the remaining ones” She lout out a huge sigh of relief at that. 

“Thank you sir! So the other three components are Perception, Reasoning, and Problem-Solving” She went on and on, describing the three in great detail. For the first time, I saw some kind of glimmer in Christian’s usually dead eyes. He was fixated on Roxy, intently listening to her words as she rambled about the components of AI. Surely the topic wasn’t THAT interesting. Who’s going to tell him that she’s already fixated on someone else? 

After the class ended, I decided to seize the moment and take initiative. Should I use Roxy as a medium? NO! Eden assigned this mission to me for a reason. I will see it through by myself. I can’t depend on others too much. “I’m surp-surpris-surprised the teach-teacher called on you tod-today” I remarked as we got up.

“Me too. He was probably trying to see if I was paying attention or not” His accent doesn’t sound like an average Bane one. Was his mother from Quarl?

“May-maybe he wants you to part-particip-particip-participate more. You’re mos-mostly just in the back by your-yourself” I noted. “Would you like to get some lunch?”

“Just cause you feel I need some company? I don’t want your pity” He scoffed, turning to walk the other way. NO! 

“I didn-didn’t mean it like that! I just” CURSE YOU EDEN for making me play this card. “I know what it’s like to be a lon-loner and outc-outcast. I don’t want an-any-anyone else feel-feeling like that too. Esp-espec-especia-especiall-especially when I know I can do som-something to fix it” I hate having to resort to this. 

“Hm” He stopped in his tracks, turning slightly towards me. I noticed a devilish grin creep across his face. He is a Bane after all, no doubt with some twisted intentions. Probably going to use me cause he thinks I’m weak and defenseless. And will probably formulate some kind of bond based on us both being labeled “outcasts”. Fair enough. I guess I’ll have to keep playing the submissive, naïve role. I mean, I don’t really have to try too hard. My stutter already makes me sound like a six year old and people assume I’m meek and timid just because I avoid talking due to it. Also my status as a refugee makes others feel like they’re entitled to pity me. Was I born to be this kind of person? “I appreciate that. Let’s go to the café” The grin remained… Just what kind of use would I be to him? He doesn’t even know of my power. Then again, neither does Eden. 

“What for?” I blurted out. 

“To eat, dumbass” Oh, we’re that comfortable already? “It’s on me” He pulled out his wallet. This one’s said to be the least like his other family members. According to Eden, his siblings were quite terrible. Does that mean Christian is much better or worse? Also I need to find the right opportunity to plant this tracker on him. Oh wait, this is one that he has to swallow. I just have to spike his drink. “Waddya want?” I wonder what’s going on in his head right now. 

“Just some piz-pizza and a juice. Al-also can I have some of your wat-water?”

“Sure, just don’t put yer mouth on it” I was expecting him to be far more racist and ethnocentric; as one would expect from an elite, upper-class family like his. Maybe his brothers were like that. And father too. Or is he just desperate for allies? This kid, having only just turned 18, beat Eden? And he beat Eden for the first time when he was 15-16? Then again, Eden had no powers at the time and he doesn’t have THAT ability just yet. 

“Of course” I unscrewed the lid, taking a couple sips before dropping the tracker inside as he went in line. It dissolved immediately. Roxy really is a goddess when it comes to tech. 

“Here ya go” Pepperoni pizza…. How unfortunate. 

“Oh sor-sorry um, I can’t eat pork” I swear I’d be a thousand times more confident if I didn’t babble like an idiot whenever I talked. 

“You’ve never tried it either? That’s a shame. You’re missing out” He shrugged, taking a bite. It’s not like I have a choice…. “I’ll get you another flavor. You should definitely try it out sometime though”

“I mean, um, well”-

“Yeah I know it’s forbidden but let’s be honest here. Haven’t people of your faith done much worse sins than just eat pork? Hell, haven’t people from all religions done far worse?”

“Well, when you put it that way”-

“Everyone sins, just in different ways. But in what world are things like getting intoxicated, stealing, adultery, lying, murder, cheating, and so on worse than eating a type of meat? No one’s perfect, and no one will ever be” He does have a point. “Tell me, religious reasons aside, why don’t YOU eat pork? Isn’t your God a forgiving, merciful one? Cause to me it seems like people from your religion will do EVERY sin but eat pig”

“Well, I” I don’t really have an answer. Oh wait. “Bec-because there are subs-substit-substitutes for pig meat. We can eat goats, sheep, chicken, fish, cow, deer, and so on inst-instead. Things like alc-alcoh-alcohol and drugs don’t have an alt-altern-alternat-alternative. Well, not a dir-direct one at least. There’s noth-nothing else that makes us feel the same as those do. Wher-whereas with pork, all the oth-other meats will satisfy the same hung-hunger. All food fulf-fulfills that need. Noth-nothing else will get us drunk or high though besides alco-alcoho-alcoholic subst-substan-substances and drugs. If there were oth-other drinks that got us drunk, besid-besides alco-alcoho-alcohol, we’d drink those. It’s sim-simil-similar to how the law works. If we out-outlaw or ban things, pe-peop-people are ev-even more lik-likely to do them. How-howev-however if leg-legal-legalized, Im sure cons-consump-consumption would act-actu-actual-actually dec-decrease. Of course eat-eating pork isn’t as big a deal as other sins and vic-vices. But we just, have oth-other op-opti-options that make us feel the same way” I explained. 

“Damn, I’m impressed. Out of everyone I’ve come across, from your faith, you’re the only one who’s given a proper answer. The rest just gave me bullshit about how it’s just not allowed and they don’t do it cause they’re believing, practicing people and they act all innocent and holy. When the truth is everyone sins” This is not how I thought befriending him would go but we seem to be on the right track. “You’ve actually given a good response. I’m satisfied. Let me get you something you can actually eat” Is he trying to buy my loyalty? Or are we both playing different games the other can’t see?

“Thank you” I smiled, waiting for him to return. He still hasn’t had his water yet. 

“They only had plain cheese, if that’s alright with you. Now, tell me” He said, sitting across from me. “You’re a Xarxin refugee right?”

“Yes” Wasn’t that already known? 

“And if I recall, you had some trouble with your admission? It kept getting delayed and they kept making bullshit ass excuses as to why you couldn’t become a student yet?” Are we thinking the same thing?

“Yes, my friends helped me out in the end” Do I say anything about Eden? Probably not. Christian’s underling was sent to plant the PB5 brownies at the mansion. Does he know Eden was the same person he faced and beat twice? Either way it’s best if I keep my mouth shut regarding all that. 

“Didn’t that bother you? Like, literally no one else from our batch had that many issues with their admission. It was just you. Obviously cause of your race, religion, and ethnicity. They didn’t trust you and your, kind. It’s harsh to hear but it’s true. All this bullshit racism is so deeply rooted in our society that it’s sickening” Isn’t his family the most elitist, racist, and ethnocentric in all of Czingrodael? “Say, you and I get into a little disagreement here and things get kinda heated. I’ll be fine, but I’m willing to bet that whatever punishment you’ll receive will be a thousand times worse, even if I’m in the wrong” Yes, that’s how racism works. 

“I’m aw-aware of how my pe-peop-people are looked down up-upon. They’re treat-treated as sec-second class cit-citiz-citizens. It’s said if you’re born a Xar-Xarxin, half of your dreams and goals in life are al-already ov-over” I frowned at the thought of just how bad my people had it. This entire situation needs to change. Hopefully Eden’s mission can help with that. If anyone can bring about a momentous change like that, it’s him. It has to be. 

“Doesn’t that piss you off? Don’t you hate it? Aren’t you tired of being beaten down and forced to submit? Don’t you just want to rise up, against all this?” Of course I do. “You yourself haven’t done anything wrong, yet you’re treated as inferior. This world is clearly out to get you and your people” Should we really be having this kind of conversation in our university cafeteria? Does this guy think I’m some sort of extremist or radical? It’s better if I play along though.

“It is, kind of fru-frustrat-frustrating”-

“It’s goddamn shameful. We need to be taking a stand” I’m sorry, we? “You and I, we’re not so different. We’re both outcasts in our own way” Aww he’s trying to manipulate me. Time to play along.

“Yeah you’re right” 

“I’m thinking the two of us could go quite far if we worked together. Let me get you in on a little something” He paused, opening his water bottle and pressing it to his mouth, not removing it until he finished all of it. Finally. “Actually, I have to go right now. Let’s meet tomorrow, after class. Your name’s Youri right?” He asked, offering his hand.

“Yes, Your-Youri Bin Had-Hadid” I smiled, holding his hand firmly as I shook it a few times; enough to activate my power. Perfect, Eden’s going to love this.