Chapter 40 – All Hail (Season Finale)
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That's it, my friends... The final chapter of the season. Sorry for the delay.

PS: leave your reviews :D


"Coward! You finally came to face me for my rematch." I roar loudly. But the flying noodle, now in the form of a Dorama protagonist, does not advance. He doesn't even draw his sword.

"Kill him, Your Majesty. Rain fire upon him." Cambion Kheldash shouted as if I should destroy a cursed ring.

But the most surprising thing was to see her flying by my side as she railed against Renxing. She had metamorphosed into some kind of demon, perhaps a succubus. Her scleras were black, her horns longer, and a tail protruded from the end of her spine. And from her back, a pair of leather wings had sprouted.

So that's how she saved the trow prince from free fall... If there's one thing my life as a wyvern has taught me, it's that no creature, humanoid or beast, with wings sprouting from their backs is natural.

"So this is the herald of the Enemy of the World." Renxing speaks upon seeing Keldash. "Step back, cambion. My matter is with the lord of this land."

"Your Majesty!" Kheldash flies near me. "He broke through our newly erected aerial defenses and interrupted the festivities in your honor. He is disrespecting Your Majesty in front of foreign emissaries. We must destroy him right now!" She exclaims.

But something is wrong. It's very unusual for Kheldash to lose her composure like this. Furthermore, Renxing has not engaged in combat yet.

"And what business do you have with me, Renxing?"

"I come on behalf of the Celestial Emperor Danbaishi, Sovereign of the Empire of Dinan. He requested that I accept your demand for me to teach you the Dragon Dance. And that an alliance of goodwill and friendship between your domain and the Empire of Dinan be sealed. In return, you must commit to not colluding with the forces of the Enemy of the World ."

Well... That wasn't in my plans. It seems things are going to get more complicated from now on. I was ready to side with Camilo and start a war against this whole world, but now they come knocking at my door with a white flag.

"Tell me, Evil Dragon Akalani. Will you welcome me as just another foreign emissary and discuss the proposal I bring, or will you treat me as an enemy as before?"

While he awaits my reply, Renxing grips the hilt of his sword, ready to draw it. I doubt he would be able to defeat me in my domain. Even if, by some miracle, he did defeat me - and my strongest servants, as well - the delegation of cambions from Hanami would not miss the opportunity to try to take him down.

But something doesn't seem right to me. The main purpose of building this city and this empire was to use them against Renxing. But when the day finally comes, I can't stop thinking about how much a fight between us would damage my city and how many minions I would lose.

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

"Very well! I will accept you as a guest and trust in your honor that you are not lying." I utter as I land again on the balcony and transform into my elven form. My ceremonial clothes tore during the transformation, leaving me only with my magical tabard.

"I have come to your lair in the name of the Divine Emperor. No falsehood would I commit in the name of the Almighty." Renxing speaks as he stares at me with his deep black eyes.

"So be it. Kheldash, arrange a place to accommodate our new guest during the festivities."

The cambion promptly complies with my request. The loong dragon is led to a spot far from the delegation of cambions from Hanami. The Celestial Empire of Dinan and the Oni Shogunate of Hanami have been at war for centuries.

Renxing may not be foolish enough to stir up trouble in my palace, but cambions have plenty of tricks to deceive and provoke their foes.

Immediately after, Kheldash addresses the crowd to appease their spirits.

"People of Dro-Ur! On this day of celebration marking the beginning of a new era for this land, even those who once stood as enemies of the emperor now come to us seeking to fall into our favor. Rejoice, people of Dro-Ur! For just like us, the world will hail the Dragonlord."

And the crowd, in unison, responds:

"All Hail!"


§ § § § §


After the minor incident, the festivities resumed without further hitches.

In the following days, the agenda of meetings with foreign delegations begins.

I decide to meet first with the dragonmen of Imalor and then with the elves of Shandor. Most likely, I will have to choose a side between Dinan and Hanami, so it's best to gauge the opinions of the neighboring countries before that.

The Empire of Dinan and Shogunate of Hanami are located on a continent called Berinda, which is similar to Asia, northwest of Dro-Ur. Shandor is in Kazaran, the continent to the south - somewhat akin to Africa and the Middle East.


Continents of Erdonya


It's a pity we didn't have any delegation coming from Merenil. From what I know, Merenil is similar to Latin America and the place where both Balmeroth, aka Camilo, and Santa Yoana came from.

During the meetings, I realize that the dragonmen of Imalor are much more boring than I thought they would be. Their society is quite reclusive. Their island, to the north, is the closest nation to Dro-Ur, but contact is still very restricted.

Imalor remained neutral during almost all the major wars that swept through Erdonya. An isolated nation from the world.

The only thing the imalorian dragonmen wanted from us was a non-aggression pact.

So be it.

Next, I met with the black elves of Shandor. It was my first time seeing a true elf, besides Camilo, who is some sort of half-elf, half-demon.

And the shandorite elves were not exactly what I thought an elf would be.

Most elven varieties are hybrids of elves and humans. The most abundant variety is the common elves. Basically humans with pointed ears and magical tattoos.

Only the synalari, the high elves of Synalarion in Midarth, have maintained pure lineages.

The kingdom of Shandor lies south of Dro-Ur, at the easternmost tip of Kazaran. The shandorite elves are the result of crossbreeding between high elves and the humans of the savannas and jungles of that continent. Their skin is darker than that of the elves from the western deserts of Kazaran, and their tattoos are made with white or golden ink.

The elves of Shandor also harbor a great hatred for the synalari and what they call the "bastard children of Synalarion": all those who have inherited and propagate the culture of the high elves. This includes most human nations under the banner of the Church of the Saints of the West.

The shandorites came to us seeking an alliance against the Church of the Saints of the West and its vassal states. They do not trust the Demonlord Balmeroth, but the Church is seen as a greater evil by them.

After dispatching the black elves, I met with Renxing and lastly with the oni of Hanami.

The flying noodle is still in his humanoid form. He is wearing his black armor with blue details. His long, dark hair has a turquoise streak, the same color as the mane plumage of his dragon shape.

His fair skin has a silver tone, similar to that of his scales.

He's handsome, I admit. But he's... how can I say? Dull? The formal way he behaves doesn't help much either. If he was a little more tanned and a little more mean… it would be better. But high elves used to fuck ogres and trolls to produce orcs and trows, so who am I to judge someone's preferences...

"Tell me... If I had chosen to fight you, would you face me in my dragon form?" I ask before we begin discussing his proposal.

"Absolutely." He replies without hesitation.

"Even with the dragoness Korath supporting me?"

"The grace of the Divine Emperor would lead me to victory. No matter who my opponents are."

Fucking paladin. I can't believe I was into that templar bullshit not too long ago. Sometimes I'm too thankful for being reborn.

"Your deity is not part of the pantheon of the Saints of the West of Koradel, and yet you fight alongside the clergy. I wonder why?"

"This is not a war for culture, it is a war for Erdonya. In times of tribulation, different faiths come together against the Enemy of the World." Renxing answers with his typical stoicism.

"Of course... But that's a bold proposal." I say after seeing Kheldash gritting her teeth. "What makes you think I still need the Dragon Dance?"

"You are a power-hungry beast. For you believe that only power will fill the void in your soul. Our kind has four original gifts. The Dragon Breath and Dragon Scales are the basic gifts that set us apart from lesser dragons. The third gift, the Dragon Dance, is achieved by few. Only the loongs have maintained the tradition of this power." The flying noodle lectures me.

"And what if I'm after another power now?"

"The Dragon Flight?" Renxing laughs. "That's not even one of the original draconic gifts. A crude copy of the Dragon Dance developed by you, wyverns." He mocks my breed.

"I'm not talking about the Dragon Flight. I'm referring to the fourth original gift..."

Suddenly, Renxing's demeanor changes. He casts a serious and belligerent glance in my direction. I sit comfortably on the settee and place one of my hands over my mouth to hold back my grin at seeing him annoyed.

"Are you seeking the Dragon Rage?" Renxing asks. His gaze sharper than his sword.

"Actually, I am getting closer and closer to mastering it." I reply, letting my provocative smile slip.

"Then you will choose this path?"

"This path was imposed upon me." I answer, solemnly.

"As a token of gratitude for your hospitality, I will not engage in combat in your home." Renxing says as he rises and walks towards the door. "But do not expect the same the next time we meet." He warns before leaving.

"Tell your god-emperor that I will not take the side of the Demonlord. At least not for now." I say before he leaves.

"That is auspicious news to hear." He answers, relieved. "Listen, Evil Dragon Akalani, the Dragon Rage is not a gift, but a curse. You will lose everything you have built if you follow this path."

"The only path I follow is the one where this whole world will hail my name." I retort.

"You will be a king sitting on a throne of ashes long before that." Renxing departs before I can refute his final advice.

And then the flying noodle leaves in the same way it arrived, weaving through my skies.

After his departure, I met with representatives from the Oni Shogunate. The cambions tried in every way to convince me to participate in the next Crusade at the beginning of the following century. I promised to consider the matter and give a response a few years before the conflict begins.

This is a matter I would like to discuss personally with Camilo. But for that, I need to complete my transition rite into an adult dragon.

So the time has come for me to make use of the gift that Korath gave me.


§ § § § §


In my chamber of slumber, I hold the Korath's egg, soon to be cracked.  The shamaness Sarak and the mage Salutar watch as I prepare to consume the contents of the egg. Besides them, Kheldash and Priest Latharon II are also present.

"At last, Your Majesty will take another step towards the pinnacle of dragonhood." The kobold priest congratulates me.

"But at what cost?" I murmur as I think about the favor I will owe to Korath.

"Your Majesty does not need to subject yourself to this." The orc shamaness tries to make me reconsider this decision. "We can wait a few more years until you are ready."

"There is no time. I don't know how many decades I will need to hibernate if I do not consume this egg."

"How long until Your Majesty enters the slumber of the Wyrms?" Salutar asks.

"At any moment once I ingest the yolk." I reply as I transform into my draconic form.

I bite into the egg and crack its shell with my teeth, releasing the contents that flow down my throat.

It tastes weird. 

Weird and wrong.

"I have unified this land, but you must govern it in my absence." I begin to bid farewell to my most loyal subjects after feeling an uncontrollable sleep beginning to overcome me.

"I do not expect to reunite with all of you when I awake. But know that I could not have done it without your assistance. Thank you."

My subjects simply respond by bowing.

And with this farewell, my eyes begin to close as I fall into the Deep Slumber of the Wyrms.

A sleep, this time, dreamless.




§ § § § §

Name: Akalani | Race: Copper Wyvern | Class: Barbarian 3 Noble 5 Druid 2

Title: Dragonlord | Background: Savage | Age: 102 y.o (adult dragon) 

Size: Huge | Speed: 12m (40’), Flight 24m (80’)

HP: 265 | MP: 66 | Defense: 31

Attributes: Strength 8 | Dexterity 2 | Vigor 8 | Intellect 3 | Senses 2 | Charisma 5

Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Fortitude, Initiative, Intimidation, Fighting, Survival, Will, Perception

Features: Dragon Scales (Fire), Dragon Breath (Fire), Dragon Flight, Monster Vitality, Darkvision, Rage, Unarmed Attack, Primal Instinct, Spellcasting, Wild Shape, Terrifying Aura

Spells: Cure Wounds, Earthbinder, Scorching Ray, Wildfire

 § § § § §


I close my Life Scroll after checking the changes as soon as I wake up. The guard who kept watch over the slumber chamber left to announce my awakening. Part of the current Council of Folks is on their way to greet me.

When they arrive, the marks of time show their strength. Several unfamiliar faces and some almost unrecognizable. After another 30 years, even Kheldash begins to show signs of age.

But what catches the most attention is the surprising presence of humans and elves among the council members. Besides cambions. 

It seems that many changes have occurred during my absence.

The new high-priest kobold, whom I presume to be Latharon III or IV, steps forward to announce my return. His eyes are filled with religious jubilation.

"After decades of diligent waiting, our Lord has finally returned to guide us on the path of the new world. All Hail Akalani, Dragonlord of Dro-Ur. May His breath scorch the world in a searing blaze."

When he finished reciting the same chant his ancestors recited, accompanied by the members of the council, a mocking voice echoes behind them...


The Enemy of the World.


The Demonlord Balmeroth in flesh, blood, and malice.


And the fleshy, provocative lips of Camilo recite along with the choir:


"All Hail."