Chapter 41 – The Priestess of Paillard
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Hello girls, guys and gays,

Good news: we're back with the third season!

Some bad news: the chapters will be fortnightly or monthly  :(

We also won’t see much of our dear Jean and Camilo this season. We will focus on another point in history and world-building.


Furthermore, I will be opening Erdonya's scenario to anyone who wants to write collaborative plots ;D


Castelmare, capital of Sanfegia, is one of the largest cities on the continent of Koradel. Almost 100,000 souls live in this port city. Adventurers from all over arrive in Castelmare hoping to be recruited by some famous party. Performing solo missions is not only dangerous, but also time-consuming. Joining an adventurer's party can make the job easier, but most adventurers don't accept new members easily.

"Hello Great Castelmare! How good it is to see you again." A young but experienced adventurer admires the metropolis she hasn't seen in years. "Finding a new party will be easy for an experienced adventurer like me." The warrior-priestess brags to herself, as she walks confidently through the bustling streets of the city, full of humans, elves and even members of non-humanoid races.

Castelmare is a medieval metropolis that is taking its first steps towards an industrial revolution. However, coal and steam from machines dispute the vanguard of technological transformation against mystical crystals and magical items. But although cheaper, fossil fuels are not as efficient as magical minerals... They will hardly have the same appeal in this world as they have in the Other Worlds, where magic does not develop due to the scarcity of mana.

The young adventurer heads towards the Heroes Square, built in honor of all the adventurers who gave their lives accomplishing great deeds in quests. In the center of the square there is the Heroes Milestone, a monument with platinum-coated statues of a combatant, a scout and a spellcaster, all in combat position.

The Central Bank of Sanfegia is also located in this square, where nobles, merchants and the most zealous adventurers deposit their savings. There are also in this place the headquarters of several famous parties and the headquarters of the Castelmare Adventurer's Guild. The Guild is the organization responsible, among other things, for registering parties and adventurers, in addition to forwarding quests.

"I remember the first time I was here looking for a party. The three of us were so young."  She remembers when she left her village accompanied by two friends in pursuit of their dream of becoming heroes. Brigia came from the north, from the small village of Paillard, in the Marches of Beldeda.

The northern counties and marches declared independence from the Hadolimite Empire a few years ago. With the outbreak of war, Brigia and her friends left their village and headed south to Castelmare. The kingdom of Sanfegia became independent over a century ago, when Halidom ruled the entire continent of Koradel. A safe place, with promises of a life away from war.

"We spent three days approaching adventurers until we were recruited". She remembers while walking through the square. "If it wasn't for Lendor, we would have starved to death here like stray children. But this time will be different."

The warrior-priestess confidence was based on her rank. After auditioning with guild evaluators, Brigia was promoted to Silver Rank! A high-level adventurer. Above brass and bronze and below only gold and platinum, the silver rank is awarded only to the most experienced. A party of silver-grade adventurers can slay an adult drake. Less than a quarter of adventurers reach that level.

And yet, even a seasoned adventurer could be left in limbo. The few silver level parties in the city were already crowded or had gone on overseas expeditions, to investigate the recent rumors of recently opened breaches.

After a few days without success in getting a new team, the priestess considered joining a bronze or even a brass party, but pride got the better of her. The future successor of Yoana of Merenil would not stoop to hunting ugly goblins and wild slimes. At least that's what she thought...

"It can't be! Nothing has changed. I've been here three days and I haven't been able to convince anyone to recruit me." She pulls the hair of her head in despair. Our heroine was already exhausted. She was dressed in traveler's attire consisting of an olive green blouse and hood, light brown pants, and leather boots that reached almost to her knees. Her breastplate was covered by the suit. Her light brown hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days and her almond-colored eyes had deep dark circles under them that took away all of their shine.

The priestess sits on the ground in the busy square, leaning against the edge of the Landmark of Heroes monument. "No… something has changed since last time. Now I'm alone." The priestess closes her eyes and kneels down, starting to pray to her god. Maybe today He would answer her prayers...

When her hope was already fading away, as well as the rest of her money and supplements, a familiar voice took her out of her state of melancholy.

"Brigid!?" An old acquaintance calls out the name of our heroine, who had her eyes closed and her head down.

"This voice..." She recalls as she slowly lifts her head towards the man calling her name. "Howell!"

After a few seconds without showing any reaction, the priestess jumps on top of her friend, grabbing his neck and crying in happiness. She believed she was safe now.

Despite being a warrior, Howell did not have a very athletic build. He was the same height as Brigia, with short brown hair and blue eyes. He wore light armor, a leather vest over a white shirt, accompanied by a pair of sheathed rapiers. The dimacheer, a type of dual-wielder warrior, also wore a bandana tied around his forehead, covering his ears and nape.

After the outbreak of happiness, the warrior buys a small snack at one of the nearby stalls for his friend to eat and both begin to talk more quietly on one of the benches in the square.

"So you went back to Paillard?" Howell asks.

"Yeah. I've spent the last two years helping the master. Things are still complicated, even with the end of the war." She pauses for a moment. "… Everyone is worried about you, Howell. You haven't been back to the village since what happened to Kalen." Brigia's speech was filled with concern.

"I've been too busy with guild quests… I'm sorry…" The dimacheer looks away as he tries to justify himself.

"No need to apologize. You saved me now. It was worse than the first time we came here. I was worried that I would have to go back to Paillard without being able to join a new party. I'm glad you showed up." The priestess places her hand on her colleague's shoulder in relief.

"What do you mean?" He questions with a confused look.

"What do you mean with 'what do you mean'? You're going to make me join your party!"

"No!" The swordsman is caught off guard.

"Why? Is it crowded?"

"It's not that…" Howell averts his gaze. There's something he seems to be hiding.

"Then why can't I come in?"

"I don't want to talk about it." He replies with an impassive expression.

"Come on, you bastard! Do you think I'm not good enough for your shitty party?" Brigia was wiggling him by the collar of his shirt. But the dimacheer with the adamantine nerves showed no reaction.

"Just because you're now a silver rank, you think you can snub an old comrade?! Check it out! I'm silver too!" She points to the silver brooch insignia on her blouse. "I'm one step away from being recognized as a paladine."

"It's not about that…" He continues answering guardedly and with a look suspiciously looking into space. Something typical of his personality.

"It's going to be amazing the two of us together again. Like ol'times. Convince your party leader to accept me now, old fart!" She demands, still grabbing her friend by collar.

"You know… I don't like to ask for things or owe favors… even more so to that man…" The dimacheer whispers this last part.

"I don't give a crap!" The priestess spoke with an unyielding smile on her face. "You're gonna convince him to let me join your party or I will spill your secrets to them…"

"Wouldn't you dare…" A mingled look of disbelief and concern came over Howell's face. For the first time he clearly showed some emotion.

"Do you want to bet?" Brigia taunts him with a cynical smile and squinted eyes. A truly devilish face.

"You're too cruel… I wonder who would be the worse of the two?" The warrior wonder as he remembers his party's leader, a swashbuckler. "I guess it's a tie…" He concludes aloud.

"What did you say, old ass???"

"Nothing… Let's go to them…" Howell is persuaded to introduce his former companion to his party leader.

Both cross the square and head towards the tavern where the members of the dimacheer's party were. The group was celebrating the recent success of a quest.

"Finally you're back from the bank, Howell. The tavern keeper was starting to think we were going to default on him." Valinzi, a man-dog paladin, walks towards the two. "And I see you found a friend!"

"She is a fellow member of my former party. And she wishes to join the Blue Wyvern."

"Then I better go get the boss…" Valinzi quickly changes his way, towards the second floor.

Brigia and Howell sit at the table where the party members are drinking while the dog paladin goes to meet the band leader.

Everyone is curious about Howell's friend. Because he is too secretive, his teammates saw a unique opportunity to get more information about his past.

"Was he always this quiet?" Judith, the sympathetic life-priestess asks.

"Oh gods, no! . He's actually a frisky, snappy little brat." The other priestess answers without the slightest shame.

"What kind of women does Howell like?" Darneth, the wood elf with dyed purple hair asks.

"Black-haired elves, I guess." Brigia teases. She seems to be enjoying the game.

"Does he have any shameful secrets from when he was a kiddo?" Bilos, the barbarian dwarf with the long red beard and mustaches, asks.

"Actually, he does…" The priestess places a hand on her chin. She seemed to remember some curious story.

"Are you guys dating?" Asks Sarina, the bulky and romantic lady-knight.

"That. Is… A good question." A young man dressed as a privateer interrupts the interrogation as he enters the hall accompanied by Valinzi. He has long, reddish hair and brown olive skin. He speaks politely and with a merenilian accent.

"My name is Fayir Velas. I am the leader of the Blue Wyvern party." The buccaneer greets Brigia.

His green eyes contrasted with his crimson red attire. A shade of green similar to that of a fayalite, the precious stone that originated his name.

"Name is Brigid Brigans. But you can call me Brigia."

After giving the priestess a meticulous look, Fayir continues. 

"Mister Valinzi told me that you want to join us. I don't particularly have any objections. Even more so as a recommendation from Mr. Howell." The young party leader speaks in a very formal manner, especially for a pirate. "I see you are a priestess. What's your domain?"

"Warrior Cleric."


"I shall soon be recognized as a paladine."

"A female paladin." Darneth, the elf, corrects.

"No! A Paladine!" Brigia retorts.

"A paladine. Like Saint Yoana, the Burning Sword." Fayir remembers her countrywoman.

"Yes!" The priestess's eyes sparkled. "We met her when we were children. The Paladine of the Burning God saved our village from a Lent of Fairies. That's why I want to follow in her footsteps."

"Too meet a Heroin of the Old. Howell never told such an interesting story" The buccaneer says as he turns to Howell, who hits his face with a facepalm. "But there is a long way for you to reach the Burning Sword."

"There is, but I'm getting closer. I just took the selection test for the silver rank." She brags. She seems to have no shame at all.

"It will be very good for business to have another silver grade adventurer in our band."

"So I'll be able to join your party?" The priestess’ eyes twinkle.

"If the deputy leader, Mr Valinzi, agrees…"

"No problem for me." Beastman Valinzi nods, lifting his mug.

"Then it is decided. Miss Brigid Brigans shall be part of the support team of the Blue Wyvern adventurer party. Let's toast!" The captain states.

The group continues drinking to celebrate the new membership. Howell, Valinzi and Fayir are already silver, while the rest of party members are still at bronze rank. Now with Brigia joining them, the group will be able to choose more dangerous quests - and better paid too!

When the party night ends, Brigia decides to sleep in the same hostel where part of her new companions were. She shares a room with Howell, who until then had always slept alone. The dimacheer lies on the single bed while the priestess lies on the floor covered in sheets and a hay mat.

"Howell!?" Brigia calls out to her colleague after finishing her nightly prayer.

"I am sleeping."

"No, you are not! You liar!" Brigia's sudden cute expression takes Howell by surprise and elicits a small smile from him accompanied by a quick chuckle.

"I just wanted to thank you. I’m very happy. I came to Castelmare looking for a new team, but I never imagined it would be the same as yours." She says lying down on the hay mat. "Perhaps the gods really do have plans for all of us."

"Maybe…" He replies thoughtfully.

"Good night, Howell. Sleep well."

"Good night."

Brigia's words made the warrior take a while to fall asleep. He reflected on them as he held up his locket pendant.


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Lorenheim, Synalarion.


Meanwhile, in the elven city of Lorenheim, a group of priests clash with a mysterious figure who suddenly appears within their sanctuary, interrupting their vigil prayers.

"Who are you? How dare you invade Goddess Eria's shrine?" A priest asks.

"We'll kill you if you don't tell us how you got in here!" Another more exalted one threatens.

"Where are the former priests of this temple?" The mystery man finally speaks up.

"Don't tell me you're a servant of the Moon Goddess? Your lies will not save you from death."

"Not. I am not. There is only one god on this land. And He is not this farce that you pray for." The spellcaster raises his hood, revealing small horns. A human cambion.

"Blasphemy! Die servant of the Enemy of the World!"

Before the priests attack, the invader conjures an ethereal entity from the Astral. A seraph resembling an elf woman. The goddess Eria herself . The High-Angel nullifies the powers of her own priests and starts to attack them.

"Are you… some kind of god?" A dying priest asks the spellcaster.

"There is but one god… And soon all Erdonya shall hear His Word."

The spellcaster leaves the temple and walks quietly through the city streets, bathed in moonlight. He raises one arm and stares at the pendant on the cord wrapped around his wrist. When he's finished staring at it, he whispers to the wind:

"Because He does have a plan for all of us…"