Chapter 08 – The Class Rep
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First week of senior year of high school. Six months before the bus accident involving Jean's class.


In this first week of class, the class representative was chosen. Since most of the students already knew each other from previous years, it was easier to make a choice.

The three contestants were Ashley, Grant and Camilo.

Ashley is a model student. Dedicated and studious. A total nerd. She would be the ideal candidate for the job if she weren't so introverted.

Grant is the popular, sporty kid. Captain of the baseball team. But a student with mediocre grades and not very responsible.  He only ran for the position to seek attention. An attention whore, as Jean calls him.

On the other hand, Camilo is a good student with decent grades, although not as good as Ashley's. And he gets along well with everyone, even though he's not as popular as Grant. Thus he has the best qualities of both candidates but none of their flaws. 

Reason prevailed, and Camilo was chosen. Although he decided to run just to please his aunt, Miss De La Cruz, who is also the science teacher for this semester.


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Jean, still human, is alone in the classroom during the break. He is dressed in black from head to toe. His shirt has a folk metal band on it. 


As a lone wolf, he is sitting in his chair, watching a flock of sheep and pigs outside the window. 


This is the last year he will have to deal with these people. 

"Hello? Earth to Jean!" 

Then an annoying voice pulls him out of his deep thoughts. It's the class rep, Camilo. 

"What do you want?" 

"Were you daydreaming again?"

 "What. Do. You. Want?" Jean asks again, quite irritated. 

"Alright, alright. Here's the math assignment. The teacher asked for it to be handed in by next Monday." Camilo says as he places a sheet with math questions on Jean's desk.

"Okay. Bye." 

"Why are you like this?"


"Like a troublesome emo kid who could at any moment grab a gun and start shooting his classmates."

"If I ever do that, you better run fast." 

"Dios mío! Sad is the life of a white boy in America." Camilo mocks. "You act like your life is a living hell. If you had suffered half of the bullying I went through, you would have already committed several crimes by now." 

"It's not my fault you are... like that." 

"Like what? Latino? Good-looking? Dark-skinned? With beautiful curly hair?" 



"Listen here, mexican boy, I never bothered you. So I would appreciate it if you did the same for me. ¿Lo entendiste?

"My family is actually from El Salvador, not Mexico." 

"Then why... don't you go back there?" 

"Well..." Camilo puts his hand on his chin as he starts thinking. "... El Salvador was actually part of Mexico. Just like this state we're in. And before that, this land belonged to Native American nations... And where are your ancestors from again? Britain? Scandinavia? Viking dragon hunters or some RPG shit like that, right? You're into that nerd stuff, aren't you?" 

"How do you know?"

"Contrary to what you think, you don't hide your preferences... By the way, I love your shirt. I bet at least one member of that band is a neo-Nazi." 

"Wow, so woke. Why don't you wrap yourself in a rainbow flag?" 

When Jean says this. Camilo's face becomes more serious and mischievous. The class representative slowly approaches Jean and whispers:

"I've seen how you look at me when I change clothes in the locker room. Maybe I should get a rainbow flag for you too." 

Jean's face turns red. Maybe out of anger. Maybe out of embarrassment. 

"I broke Grant's nose for a lot less than this." 

"Yeah, I heard. But... If you hit me, I'll report you and get you expelled. It will be quite a scene. Your parents will love it." Camilo threatens with a velvety voice.

"But it's you who came here to provoke me." 

"But who will they believe? The Sweet Camilo or the troublesome emo Jean?" 

"You're a piece of trash."

"Dios mío! Don't make me look like the villain here. You're the stalker one. Do you think I don't know that you go through my photos on social media? Do you think I didn't notice when you liked and then unliked that photo of mine at the beach? Did you enjoy my swimsuit pics? What do you do with them on your lonely nights, emo boy? I bet you want a picture of me without any clothes..." 

"Fuck you." 

"Oh, is that what you want, huh?" 

"Just leave me alone. What do you want from me?"

"What do I want, emo boy? Well… Out of all the boys in our class, why did you choose me? I know very well that your type would be someone like Grant. That's why there's so much sexual tension and fights, isn't it? A beautiful caucasian couple. But for some fucking reason, you keep stalking me too. Why? Do I seem easy? Do you think you would have a chance with me while with Grant you wouldn't? Do I look desperate enough to accept any dick that's offered to me?" 


"Why the long face, Jeancito? Don't be like that, emo boy. I only want one thing from you:

Stay. Away. From. Me.

No more stalking on social media. No more lewd looks in the locker room. No more ogling." 

"..." Jean remains speechless as Camilo concludes his twisted lecture.

"Well... You may be cute, but you're creepy as hell. But let me tell you something, I can be twice as cute and creepy than you. Much creepier.

¿Lo entendiste?"


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After that small talk, Jean and Camilo hardly spoke again for the rest of the year.

And so Jean was released from the suffering of this world to be reborn as a dragon in another world.