Chapter 20 – The Devil (Season Finale)
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The world turns pitch black.

I lie in darkness, alone.

Until I start to see silhouettes taking shape.

I see myself, angry. Locked.

I see my parents, worried. Disappointed. 

I see my classmates, indifferent. 

They walk away. 

Everyone fades into the darkness. 

I’m left alone.

And then a blinding light.

I see myself again. Still angry, but this time free.

I see the faces of goblins and other creatures. At first, they are afraid, but then they look at me with apprehensive and hopeful eyes. 

I see white eyes gazing kindly at me.

I am surrounded by friends. They are so different, but all united for one reason: me.

They need me.

But once again... They leave.

I am left in darkness once more.

Yet, I am not alone. I never was. 

A shadow has haunted me all these years. 

With horns, claws and a gaping maw.

Feeding me desires. Making me want what I cannot have.

The Devil unveiling dreams I never knew I had, only to take them away from me.


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"Where am I?" I wake up feeling quite disoriented. I don't recognize this hall, but the standards on the walls tell me that I am in my kingdom. The last thing I remember was meeting Kheldash. She convinced me to return to Gorkaki, and then... I blacked out.

Oh no... I feel a little taller. My scales also seem harder. This can only mean one thing.

I check my life scroll just to confirm my fear, but I am stunned by the facts.

§ § § § § §

Name: Akalani | Race: Copper Wyvern | Class: Barbarian 3 Noble 2 Druid 2

Title: Dragonlord | Background: Savage | Age: 73 y.o (young dragon) 

Size: Large | Speed: 12m (40’), Flight 18m (60’)

HP: 154 | MP: 36 | Defense: 28

Attributes: Strength 6 | Dexterity 2 | Vigor 5 | Intellect 2 | Senses 2 | Charisma 2

Skills: Athletics, Fortitude, Initiative, Intimidation, Fighting, Survival, Will

Features: Draconic Scales (Fire), Dragon Breath (Fire), Dragon Flight, Monster Vitality, Darkvision, Rage, Unarmed Attack, Primal Instinct, Spellcasting, Wild Shape

Spells: Cure Wounds, Earthbinder, Scorching Ray, Wildfire

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More than 30 years have passed. I lost three decades of my life sleeping. What did I do to deserve this kind of curse? 

Never mind. I need to find the others.

I transform into my elven form and cover myself with one of the standards. The huge hall has a trapdoor in the ceiling, but I don't know how to open it. I'll have to go through the door made for humanoids.

I turn the doorknob and open the door slowly. To my surprise, there's a goblinoid guard on watch.

He turns to me, equally surprised, and shouts, raising his sword.

"Halt! What are you doing in the Emperor's chamber?"

I glance at his sword and then back at the hobgoblin with a bored expression.

"Drop that sword or I'll incinerate you to cinders."

He steps back and sees that there's no dragon in the center of the hall behind me, then he looks back at me. He gazes at the copper color of my hair, similar to that of my scales, and then kneels down with his head bowed.

"F-forgive me, Your Majesty. It's an honor to be the first to greet you upon your awakening."

I guess he shouldn't have been born when I fell into slumber.

"Summon the Council of Folks, if it still exists. Inform them that the Emperor has awakened."

The guard rushes out through the corridors. It seems that I am in the underground. Perhaps below the castle. I decide to wait for the council members right here.

I lie down on the floor while gazing at the trapdoor in the ceiling. I believe it leads to the castle's courtyard. It's so large that an adult wyvern could pass through.

The door for humanoids opens, and three figures enter the hall. The cambion Kheldash, a kobold priest, and a female orc.

Kheldash hasn't aged a single day. Perhaps because she's not a regular hobgoblin but a cambion. I wonder if the others were as fortunate.

"Your Majesty!" The cambion bows, followed by the others. "Such joy to see you finally awaken from the Deep Slumber of the Wyrms."

"Good to see you again, Kheldash. But... where is Farat?"

For the first time, I see Kheldash falter.

"My father... he passed away, Your Majesty." The female orc speaks with a tone of sorrow in her voice. "I am Sarak, the youngest daughter of Farat."

How is that possible? He should be less than 70 years old now. How could he have gone?

"How? When?"

"Over twenty years ago, in the war against the trows." Kheldash replies.

Great! He died in a conflict that I started.

"A great loss." I say, trying unsuccessfully to contain my emotions. "And did we win the war?" 

"We conquered several territories in the Ul-Gak forest, now under Lady Ferin's rule. However, we were unable to take Stroi." The cambion updates me on the conflict.

"But now that the Dragonlord has returned, victory is ours. I am Priest Latharon, Your Majesty." The kobold speaks with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Shouldn't you be older? You look like you've aged only a few years."

"Your Majesty is mistaking me for my father. He told me that you liked his name, so he named me after him. And I named my son the same."

Creepy. But at least I know these fanatical cultists won't leave me.

"Then continue with the good work of your father, Latharon Junior." The kobold opens his jaw in joy upon hearing my words and nods in agreement.

"Your Majesty," Kheldash calls me. "Could you accompany me? There's something I'd like to show you and someone I'd like you to meet."

Still stunned by the news of the orc shaman's death, I follow Kheldash to the surface. The castle has finally been built, but it seems that news of my awakening has not spread yet. 

I stare at Farat's daughter, trying to find traces of her father in her, but I find none. She has short, orange hair, like the fishermen from Vermekh and a greenish gray skin.

The orc blushes when she realizes I am staring at her. She looks away, embarrassed. She had the same reaction when she saw me wearing the clothes they brought me earlier.

Sometimes these creatures seem so human.

The cambion dismisses the other council members as we continue climbing to one of the towers of the building.

"When Your Majesty fell into the deep sleep on the way and returned to your dragon form, it was quite challenging to bring you back to Gorkaki. My master personally intervened in this problem, lending me part of his power to teleport Your Majesty safely to your cave..." Kheldash begins to speak as we climb.

However, my attention diverges every time I pass one of the tower's windows.

The view of the city. Was this what she wanted to show me?

The small village of Gorkaki has grown immensely. Almost as large as Ialdai.

"... Then my master asked to be informed as soon as Your Majesty woke up from the Wyrm's Slumber."

"What?" I stop daydreaming about the city and pay attention to what Kheldash is saying. But we have already reached the top of the tower, and she begins to open a door covered by mystical wardens.

"Lord Balmeroth wishes to see you, Your Majesty." The cambion says with a twisted smile.

"Oh... I don't think I'm in a condition to meet him today. A lot of things have happened, and I need some time to process them."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. You will feel better once you see him..." She says as she opens the door.

I enter the dark room and feel an uncomfortable and eerie aura. In the center of the room, there is a large ominous mirror adorned with obviously profane runes.

When I approach the mirror, the runes begin to glow, and a figure forms within it. A trembling silhouette, a shadow with horns, claws, and a gaping maw.

The Devil. 

The same devil that has haunted my dreams. 

However, the silhouette starts to take form. An oddly familiar form. 

His brown skin is now covered in devilish tattoos.

His ears are pointy.

His once piercing eyes now possess an even more golden gleam. 

A crown of black and gold horns lies upon his head. In line with the noble clothes he wears.

And that mocking mouth, now adorned with small fangs, utters words I thought I would never hear again.


"Long time no see, emo boy."