Chapter 25 – Spoils of War
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After the end of the war and the annexation of Ul-Gak, everyone is busy planning the next steps or examining the spoils of war.

The undead Vadod has secluded himself in the library of the Black Timberhold. Trows are known for researching all kinds of profane magic, so Vadod wants to "confiscate" any dangerous materials. Fortunately, Sarak is keeping an eye on him as well.

Oberyl has joined a search party with other members of his pack to explore the Ul-Gak forests. The group's goal is to make contact with the forest unicorns. These unicorns are rarer and do not live in herds, preferring a solitary lifestyle.

Bubali Umara and wolfling Soran are doing the same, contacting the beaskfolk tribes of the forest.

The troll Dorgun will be responsible for assisting Queen Ferin in governing the region.

Latharon II, a name better than Latharon Jr, has begun preparations to establish a temple for the Dragonlord, aka me, in Stroi. He is assisted by the kobold priestess Evira.

The kobold religion has become quite popular among the other races of Gorkaki and Ialdai. I wonder if this will become a problem someday. I don't know if I'll continue to be able to handle a growing cult that venerates me, especially if it becomes too large.

Okay, okay. I might have self-esteem issues. I actually paid attention to what my therapist used to say. But I thought it was all bullshit. Only after coming to this world, the things she said started to make sense.

But sometimes, I feel like I'm getting too much attention. It makes me uncomfortable. Not just the kobold cult, but this whole emperor thing.

After the conquest of Ul-Gak, they're calling our realm the "Akalani Empire." It seems a bit cringy to name a country after yourself. But since the idea wasn't mine and it's from the trow Ferin, it's less bad.

In any case, I need to keep my mind occupied. I need to discuss with Kheldash what the next steps of this farce set up by her master will be.


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"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Cambion Kheldash praise me.

"For what?"

"Your Majesty did a great job during the war against the trows. I hardly had to intervene." She replies with a proud smile. Like a mother who just saw her child use the toilet alone for the first time.

"Were you testing me all this time? Is that why you didn't do much?" I ask, a bit annoyed.

 Far be it for me to do that, Your Majesty. But I'm glad that soon you won't need my services anymore." She was definitely testing me.

"Are you planning to leave me, Kheldash?"

"Not exactly. But it's good to know that Your Majesty will be able to run the empire even if something happens to me."

"So, tell me, what are the next steps?" I ask.

"I believe there's no need to rush, Your Majesty. Have you checked your Life Scroll?"

As soon as she says that, I check my attributes and am surprised.

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Name: Akalani | Race: Copper Wyvern | Class: Barbarian 3 Noble 3 Druid 2

Title: Dragonlord | Background: Savage | Age: 73 y.o (young dragon) 

Size: Large | Speed: 12m (40’), Flight 18m (60’)

HP: 182 | MP: 42 | Defense: 31

Attributes: Strength 7 | Dexterity 2 | Vigor 6 | Intellect 2 | Senses 2 | Charisma 3

Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Fortitude, Initiative, Intimidation, Fighting, Survival, Will

Features: Draconic Scales (Fire), Dragon Breath (Fire), Dragon Flight, Monster Vitality, Darkvision, Rage, Unarmed Attack, Primal Instinct, Spellcasting, Wild Shape

Spells: Cure Wounds, Earthbinder, Scorching Ray, Wildfire

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"I leveled up again. Noble class." I comment.

"Exactly. Your progress is quite fast. Gaining so much power in such a short time can drive you insane." She explains.

"So what should I do now?"

"Nothing." She says with her typical sly smile. "Just take some time to absorb everything that's happening. Sometimes, taking a break is as important as moving forward."

"Haven't I been asleep for the past three decades? Are you suggesting I take a vacation now?"

"Don't worry. Everything is going according to plan."

"Whose plan? Camilo's plan?" I ask, annoyed again.

"Lord Balmeroth cares a lot about Your Majesty."

"I highly doubt that." I roll my eyes.

"The elder cambions said that Lord Balmeroth awaited your arrival even before Your Majesty was born. It was an honor for me to be chosen to assist you when the time came." She says as she bows before me.

I sigh deeply. What's the deal with these two?

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. There's no need to go chasing trouble because it will come to us in due time."

"Alright, Kheldash, alright." I say as I look out the window of the castle tower.

I wonder what else this world will throw at me in the future.

It seems like the future is my biggest enemy. An unknown enemy much bigger than me. So the best way to defeat it is in pieces.


One piece at a time.


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The following scene contains BL content and does not interfere with the overall plot of the series. Feel free to skip it. 


I lie down on my bed after taking a long bath to remove all the makeup. My humanoid form tires much faster than my original form, but I decided to stay in it for a while.

Today, I walked through the city of Gorkaki until late at night. One of the maids helped me disguise myself with makeup so I could pass as a trow. Trows are the goblinoid race most similar to elves, and since we conquered the first territories of Ul-Gak, they have become more common around here. Of course, I could simply try to create a new humanoid form, but that wouldn't be any fun.

And the makeup was worth it. It had been a while since I was invisible to people's eyes. Since I arrived in this world, I've received so much attention. Sometimes, going unnoticed is good.

Knock, knock, knock.

I hear someone knocking on my door. Who could it be at this hour? Something urgent must have happened for them to bother me in the middle of the night.

I open the door and see a trow. The trow mage from Stroi.

He's covered by a cloak and bows when he sees me. There are no guards in the hallway at my request.

"What do you want at this hour, trow?" 

"Lady Kheldash requested that I serve you in your chambers." He says as he removes his cloak, revealing a lascivious outfit that must have come from some brothel in the lower part of the city.

"She did what?" I ask, startled.

"Lady Kheldash requested that I serve you as a way for Your Majesty to enjoy the spoils of war." He says, still with his head bowed.

"Damn Kheldash. That's not what I had in mind when I said she would know what to do with you." I put my hand on my forehead. I was just interested in his magical abilities.

"Am I not to your liking, Your Majesty?" He asks.

"No... I mean... You are, but... For fuck's sake..." 

My face must be redder than my hair right now.

"Listen to me, trow. Don’t you hate me?" I ask after regaining my composure.

"Your country invaded mine, killed some of my people, and conquered us." He answers bluntly.

Well, that was a stupid question on my part.

"But Your Majesty spared my life and my homeland. You could have chosen to destroy everything, but you didn't."

"Still, it seems pretty bad." I comment.

"If Ul-Gak had been invaded by one of the hordes of Vrared or Druma, my people would be slaves, not citizens of an empire. And for that, I am grateful."

"So, you're here out of gratitude alone?" I inquire.

"Forgive me, Majesty? I didn't understand what you meant."

"Do you find me... attractive?" I ask, a little embarrassed.

"Your copper-colored scales are stunning, and you fly with the grace of a bird of prey."

For fuck's sake!

"I don't mean my dragon shape. I'm referring to this form."

He finally raises his head and looks at me.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty, but this question doesn't make sense to me. You could change to any other humanoid form if you wanted to."

"Yes, yes. But what do you think of this form?"

"You can speak freely." I say after noticing that he hesitates a bit. However, he remains silent.

"The last time, during the battle... When I transformed into this form, I was naked when I came to you... What did you think?" For Ralkor's sake! I'm going to wildshape into a sandworm and bury myself in the ground.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I didn't notice such a detail. We were in the midst of a battle, and I feared for my life and the lives of my friends and family." He speaks while lowering his head again.

That's it. If I weren't atop a tower, I would have already transformed into a sandworm. Maybe I should jump out the window and fly away like a seagull.

"But..." He continues talking. "...If I had the opportunity to see such a scene again, I would certainly pay more attention."

Oh. It worked. Not smoothly, but it worked. I'm terrible at this kind of thing. No wonder I've never gotten this far before. If I had known that to sleep with someone, all I needed to do was invade and conquer their country, I would have done it ages ago.

"What's your name, trow?"

"Salutar, Your Majesty." He says while raising his head, looking at me with those yellow shimmering eyes.

"Come in, Salutar. And I'll show you again." I say, extending my hand.

And the trow enters my chambers, not leaving until morning.



Maybe, just maybe, the things this world has to throw at me aren't all that bad...