Chapter 26 – Expanding an Empire
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I'm sorry for the delay. I've been quite busy recently. But enjoy the new chapter.


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Gorkaki. One month after the end of the siege of Stroi.


I stand in front of the Meeting Hall table. In the room are the orc shamaness Sarak, Keldash, priest Latharon II, the undead Vadod, and the trow mage Salutar who has become my retainer. On the table, there's a map of the continent of Dro-Ur.

We have conquered now the Steppes of Darog, the Desert of Maz and the Woods of Ul-Gak. More than a third of the continent.

We have never attempted to conquer the Forest of Kasvil and the city of Shaxai because they form a barrier between our empire and the hordes of the Druma Expanse.

The beastfolk tribes in this region are quite challenging to deal with. Farak once told me that the elves didn't conquer the entire continent because of them.

A few years ago, Shaxai sent a proposal to join our empire in exchange for protection against the Druma hordes. However, the Council of Folks decided to postpone the decision until I wake up again. Incorporating Shaxai before finishing the conquest of Ul-Gak would mean opening another front on the opposite side of the continent.

The goblinoid and beastfolk tribes in the northwest of the continent have united to thwart Druma invasions. The goblins of Buyagh are known as the defenders of the Korath Pass, a gap in the Mountains of Korath that provides a passage for Druma invaders. 

The Forest of Kasvil is another extremely dangerous region where the main passages to the underground realm of Eskira are located. Therefore, the Trow Lords of the underground have infested the forest with war beasts they bred. Not even the barbarian beastmen of Druma dare cross this forest.

Another point that Druma raiders cannot pass are the swamps that lead to Kudrukh. Only lizardkin and toadling tribes can survive in that region. In addition to swamps, Kudrukh has plains and sparsely populated forests. It is a land inhabited only by ogres and trolls. And it is also believed to be the current lair of the dragon Odura.

Lastly, there's the Bay of Zord and the Vrared region.

When the high elves invaded Dro-Ur, they began colonizing the western part of the continent. This region is where you find the highest concentration of orcs, hobgoblins, and trows - the goblinoid races created by interbreeding with elves.

Along with the decline of the Elven Empire of Synalarion, the orcs staged a rebellion followed by other subjugated races. After driving out the elves, the orcs formed barbarian tribes that pushed the trows into the forests and the hobgoblins into the Steppes of Darog. These orc barbarian tribes are known to this day as the Vrared.

However, part of these orcs decided to abandon their barbaric ways and build a more sophisticated civilization. They founded the city of Vermekh in the Bay of Zord, the region where I had my encounter with the loong dragon Renxing.

"What are the next steps, Your Majesty?" Kheldash inquires, making me wake up from my deep thoughts.

I gathered this small group to decide the future of the empire. I plunged into the war against the trows as a way to procrastinate my decision. Now that I know I've been used as a pawn in someone's game all this time, I have two options left: continue with this charade or drop everything and be free.

"Now that the war against Stroi has finally ended, perhaps we should go to the aid of Shaxai. For years, they have been requesting our protection against the Druma hordes." The shamaness Sarak suggests.

"The Vrared are a more urgent matter." Kheldash counters. "We should secure the entire south of Dro-Ur before venturing to conquer the North."

"Maybe we should launch incursions into the forest of Kasvil. Not only to monitor the movements of the Eskiran trows but also because the forest's war beasts are excellent raw materials." Vadod adds to the mix of opinions.

"Entering Kasvil now would be like poking an anthill." Kheldash rebuts.

"The swarm was already alerted as soon as we took Stroi. Now we must prepare for when they come." The undead states with a cynical tone.

"Your Majesty..." Latharon II addresses me. "What is the Dragonlord's wish?"

After hesitating for a moment as I lean over the map of the continent.


“How come?” Kheldash and the others are surprised.

"Druma, Kasvil, the Vraded. I will conquer it all at once."

"We need to plan our steps more carefully. We're increasingly drawing the attention of external powers." The cambion warns me.

"These silly games are delaying my growth. I won't become an adult dragon before I reach a hundred years if I keep playing noble and relying on an army to fight."

"Gaining experience through leadership is much harder than through strength." She advise me.

"Send troops from Ialdai and Gorkaki to protect Shaxai and await my arrival. I will go to the Vrared and challenge the leaders of each tribe. When I decapitate each one of them and unite the orc barbarian tribes, I will fly to Vermekh. I will issue an ultimatum to the city to surrender or be plundered by the barbarian tribes."

"Your Majesty, do you really intend to raid Vermekh if they resist?" Sarak asks, concerned.

"Not right now. I just want to get Renxing's attention. There have been rumors that he left the Bay of Zord years ago, leaving Vermekh unprotected."

"And what if the loong dragon is still in the region and reveals itself?" Kheldash asks skeptically.

"I'll shred him like noodles.” I utter.

"Then, I'll fly to the Mountains of Korath for a rematch. I'll challenge her to a battle for control of her mountain range.

Regardless of the outcome, I'll proceed to Kasvil, to hunt down the trow war beasts and seal any entrances to Eskira that I find.

Finally, I'll meet you in Shaxai, from where we'll set out to conquer the Druma Expanse." I conclude my plan.

"Your Majesty, this plan seems a bit hasty..." Kheldash worries. 

"And dangerous." Sarak adds. "It's too risky for Your Majesty to embark on such a journey alone."

"But I won't be going alone. You and Salutar will accompany me to provide me support and long-range cover." I reveal the last part of my plan, surprising both the orc and the trow.

"I'd love to accompany Your Majesty on the raid to Kasvil." The undead Vadod speaks with an ominous gleam in his eye sockets.

"No undead will be riding on my back!" I refuse, bluntly.

"Will we travel mounted on Your Majesty?" Sarak inquires, even more surprised.

"Flying is the fastest way of transportation, and it's the most comfortable way for you to travel with me. However, I can hold you with my claws, as I used to do with your father, if you prefer." I tease her.

"Perhaps it would be wise to order a saddle for the riders' safety." Vadod suggests.

"And perhaps I should become a paladin and smite you." I reply as the skeleton shrinks, intimidated.

"Is there anything else you wish to discuss?" I question my small Council.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Father Latharon raises one hand. "For years, our cult has been trying to convert not only the common people but also the lesser dragons, to unify all of dragonkind under your wings. However, we have not succeeded, as the pride of dragons, even the lesser ones, is a formidable obstacle. But if Your Majesty defeats Korath, Odura, and Renxing, the only greater dragons in Dro-Ur besides you and Ralkor, the other dragons on the continent will have no choice but to accept your authority over these lands."

"So it's settled. I'll have my rematch against Korath and Renxing, and then we'll hunt down Odura, wherever she may be hiding." I utter once more.

"Excellent, Your Majesty." The priest rejoices.

"Do you have any objections to my plan?" I ask Kheldash.

"Your word is final, Your Majesty." The cambion bows her head in reverence as she replies.

"Will your master have any objections to my plan?" I ask, but she takes her time to answer this time.

"Probably... Lord Balmeroth cares too much about your well-being. He may find this incursion across the continent too sudden and risky."

"Good." I say with a satisfied tone. "I intend to keep doing things he doesn't expect. If I'm going to follow his plan anyway, I should do things my way and give him as much trouble as possible to handle."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." The cambion replies as she exits the room, followed by Sarak and Latharon. Only the trow Salutar and I remain in the Meeting Hall.

"Who is Lord Balmeroth?" The trow asks.

"A brat who wants to play god." I answer, annoyed. "I'm not exactly sure what his plans are, but they're probably not good."

"Every time mortals try to play god, the world teeters on the brink of destruction. We don't want a Lent of Fairies happening in Dro-Ur."

"Are you concerned about the well-being of the entire continent? I thought you were some kind of secondary villain?" I jest. 

"I may be wicked at times, but I'm not a villain. There are no villains or heroes. Just people." The trow graces me with the wisdom of his slave-driving race.

"Besides, I'm not stupid. This continent is the only one where I can live without being hunted. I don't want to see it destroyed by creatures from the Astral Plane." The mage concludes, as his concerns become mine as well.

And for some reason, perhaps because of the nights we've been sharing, I feel the need to comfort him.



"Don't worry, Salutar. About astral dragons or fairies. Nor angels or demons. No spirit will harm this land. I will protect it for you."