Chapter 1 – First Contact
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POV – ****

An empty inky blackness stretching out, forming an infinite expanse of nearly empty space. The corpse of a long dead planet the only sign of the universe’s pervious state, its fractured form unnaturally illuminated from within.

Between the many large fragments of the planets surface, a web like structure of pure white twisted in bridges, towers, and abstract shapes. This pale warped structure running down to the long dormant core of the planet which it seemed to spread out from like a corruption.

This long dead core of molten metal now trapped within a structure shaped like a mixture between a cross and a star. A closer white eye in the centre of four pale blades, towers of white warped stone like material that bleed crimson light from the deep with its abstract form.

At the centre of this twisting nest like formations of pale metal and stone, behind the closed eye, sat a something.

A twisted nightmare of a thing, beyond the comprehension of any mind, life, or thing that wasn’t its own kin, a being that brought despair at the mere mention of its name to many. 

Yet this forces beyond understanding gave itself form, a body seated upon the throne of the pale structure, its pale structure. A throne seemingly formed by the deformed heads and faces of trillions of creatures craved into a pale metal. Carved they were not however, each was a disaster in its own right, many destroyed of universe, some far more, now all but simple prizes, trophies on its throne.

A throne made for their killer, their slayer, their end.

A black humanoid form comprised of twisting flames seated upon pale throne, its body vaguely female in nature with its visible defined waist and significate chest. Though that was it, the being’s body was stripped of any other humanoid features, the surface that severed as its skins, a mass of shifting faces and shimmering, morphing rainbow markings.

One of its, or more accurately her talons tapped rhythmically against the throne’s arm, while she stared out, into the vast empty space beyond the structure.


The concept echoing throughout her quite mind as she sat, a simple express of how she felt with her usual sources of entertainment and joy far away from the dead universe.

She knew they would return, that she could warp time to overcome this boredom, but she didn’t. She believed that doing so lessened the value of the time she spent with them, and so she would wait for them. An action near unheard of  for anything even close to her range of power, and yet she did.

Her face pulling away from its study of the empty abyss, its form splitting in half, producing two faces, each turning to fondly focused on a smaller silver throne placed to each side of her own.

[I wish they were back already…]

The two silver thrones of contrasting design, both made from her partners, the two she saw the most, the two she missed right now. Their locations somewhere in the vast sea of universes, fighting, explore, creating, she didn’t mind their adventures without her, she even supported it, but she still missed their presence.

The halves joining back together as she returned to her graving of the dead universe beyond the remains of the planet. Her mind about to settle back into its lethargic study of the blackness when a spark of energy lit up a corner of the space.

A spark of flaming energy invisible to naked eye, billions of kilometres from the throne room, and yet drawing her entire attention.

This spark of energy beyond insignificant before her power was her chance to escape the boredom, even if for a time.


Her from rising from the throne, black flame structure falling for her frame, seemingly an imitation of a rob. Its form extending out behind her as she began walking towards the closer eye, its maw opening to the abyss of space as she walked closer.

Even with her legs concealed by a dress like structure of black flames, the steps were felt, each indicated by a tremor rumbling across the planet.

Her attention still fixed on the energy as she reached the edge of the room, a thin shimmer barrier of spiralling energy the last precipice between her and the space beyond. Her movements coming to a stop as she flicked her attention from the far of spark of hope to the empty throne room. A jagged cut splitting open across her featureless face in a nightmarish imitation of a smile, shimmery rainbow light pouring out from behind the ridged blades of black teeth.

[Will I be back first, or you two…]

The fracture in her faces closing as she turned back towards the barrier, a moment later her form exploding into a torrent of rapidly spiralling black flames. The flames flowing through the barrier as if it weren’t there, swirling upwards form the throne room at the dead planets core.

Upon passing out of the planet atmosphere, the flaming mass emitted a new form from it depth, a dragon like creature that tower over her humanoid body. The flames all condensing into the new body, many remaining as flames, while some morphed into pale bone like structures marked with spirals and twisted faces.

Her three tails flicked around behind her, as she turned her form bulk to face the beacon of escape from the boredom. The forms eight massive forearms reaching outwards, talons locking onto the space itself as her eyeless face lined up with the energy.

All it took was a simple mental flex and the space around her deformed, instantly shifting her titanic body to mere meters away for her interest. Her body encircling the weak shimmering hole in space as she studied it, its compositions, its intent, its destination.

[A summon gate surprising, likely a misfired…]

[But still potential fun.]

Another quick flex of her mental state and the hole was transformed into a gaping maw in the fabric of space, the weak energy of the gate rapidly consumed by her own. This influx of rampant energy simply a method to let such a gate transport her, as gate of this kind weren’t nearly strong enough.

Their intended target wasn’t even those of another universe, but instead aimed to make a deal with a creature form the world veins that run between them. Something she was happy to ignore, driving headfirst into the spiral hole in space, and towards the unfortunate world on the other side.

The moment she trio of tails vanished into the gate the dead universe seemed to release a sigh of joy, that even for a moment it would get a break from the weight of her existence on its fabric.


POV – Alania Knighting

Spells zipped far above her head as another blast from a demonic beast breath echoed off her barrier, the other commanding officers twitching at the explosion before them, something she could only sign at.

Alania had hoped that after a few days on the war front her fellow commanders would have gotten used to the neat constant bombardments, but to no avail, through some means beyond her knowledge even after 4 months they still weren’t used to it.

‘I really should have stay out of this war’

She turned away from the other officers and surveyed the battlefield that lay beyond her massive shimmer barrier of golden energy. It was a near 100-meter wasteland, not made of ash and mud like the other battles she had experienced by made of the festering corpses of humans and demons alike.

On the opposing side of the dead zone a wall of massive demons acted as the barrier between the main demonic forces and any human ranged spells, fulfilling a similar purpose to Alania’s own barrier. However similar was key, as she knew that each one of those behemoth creatures were able become a walking weapon any second able to turns cities to dust with relative ease.

‘With all that power, yet they just sit there, surely it would be more effect to just push with them?’

‘Perhaps their weaker then I remember… no, their must be something else at play’

Her mind once again going through the questions she’d first had since she arrived on the front, a question that would finally be answer that day.

Hours past as soldier from both armies attempt futile pushes across the field of dead, the human knights would be slaughtered by the massive demons that formed the wall, while any demons that made it close to the barrier Alania had formed were blasted by excessive amount of spells for the most board defence mages hidden behind it.

This last until mid-day, when both suns lined perfectly in the shy the organic wall of demons started to shift, opening up a hole in the defensive line, a gateway. Alania attention was immediately grabbed by this change, she watched as a figure, a creature clothed in detailed black and gold robes walked through the gateway. An insect like humanoid, a Kyrus, instead of a mouth it had tentacles swaying for it upper jaw, a line of pitch black spheres of eyes running down each side of its head.

Alania turned away from the field attempting to yell out and order, and order to stop the Kyrus by an means. She was far to late, before the words could even leave her mouth she felt the burst of magical energy as the spell was primed to drop.

Then the Kyrus raised its four chitin cover hands, and promptly slammed them into the ground formed from corpses, less then a second past before a massive circle of shimmering black energy over 60 meters in diameter filled the dead zone.

The ring rapidly filling in with fracture and crakes to the space inside it, and then it open, not as one usually would with the sound of shatter glass, but with and eruption of energy and pure black flames.

Flames that spiralled upwards form the portal as they formed into a creature, massive in stature, and still coated in the very flames that made it. It form a twisted version of a dragon to many of those that saw it might, its eight massive arms pulling the remainder of its nightmarish form from the gate, to the horror of both armies.

The creatures enter forming on display for them, tower over the battle field, each one of its massive clawed hands the sizes of the demons that formed the demonic wall.

‘How, how can something that big even exist…’

‘It must be the largest summoned creature by a far margin, what kind of ridicules power does it have… were all so dead.’

Alania, as well as most other magic uses knew that often the larger the being that was summoned the stronger they were, as the amount of power need to cross the world increased expediently with sizes. Not even mention how the summons have to maintain their worlds influences as a bobble around their bodies, and how stupid that energy demand gets.

The creature shifted its mass into eight of its twelve main limbs as it gazed across the now silent battle field, they could feel its pricing vision sweeping  across the field even through it seemed to lack any for of eyes. It titanic head stopping for a brief moment on Alania, before continuing past her, even such a simple interaction with this creature send shiver across her skin.

The creature bulk shifted slight before it head snapped back to the demonic side of the field, a low rumble echoing out from the creature.

Alania felt it, 

a spike in magical energy from her allied forces followed by a bolt of flame like energy zipping through the air, the spell clearly aimed towards the creatures head by its unseen caster. The impact, as massive blast of energy pulsed out as the creatures head was engulfed in grey ash.

Alania could physical feel the hope for her fellow humans about the single spell killing the creature, but she knew that it was nothing more the a hope. She could already see a purple glow of energy pulsing from within the cloud of ash, the creature head burst from the ash cloud and pointed skywards. Launching its breath into upwards, wiping the sky clean of clouds, while the power forces behind the beam smashed into the two armies.

Winds of unbelievable strength ripping through both armies turning almost anything they had into two things. Alania throw a punch into a wind blade cutting towards the officer’s camp, a punch that defused the wind entirely, but leave a deep cut into her armour.

Glancing around she took in the aftermath of that creatures single attacking, her barrier was now gone only shatter fragments of it energy remained. Her forces ever knocked out, dead or heavily injured form the winds and sheer pressure of the spell.

What remnants that survived the attack from both armies began lobbing every spell, projectile, and weapon they could at the massive creature. Who by now had finished up with its opener, and Alania could only watch as purple energy swarmed around it maw.

‘It does even care about the attacks, its just waiting, maybe giving us the chance to escape.’

She continued to watch in fascination as any attack thrown at the creature was consumed by the black flame that covered it body. After a few minutes the creature seemed to have had enough, pushing it body onto it back four legs it aimed it head towards the ground, the glow in its mouth rapidly reaching the level of blinding bright.

‘So much for being a great dragon slayer…’

‘But I guess this is far more like a depiction of a dragon then her was…’

As if to support her belief a two set of massive wings formed from the creatures back out of the black flames, and with a single beat wiped out anything trying to approach its mass.

The black plating of the creatures chest now bleeding purple light from between the segments as it attack charged further and further into ridiculousness.

‘You know, it kinda look female, well with the chest at least…’

She realised a sigh preparing to accept her fate, Alania knew that pretty much nothing was going to stop the creature so she should just enjoy the experience. That was until a hand grabbed onto her should, and a warm fuzziness started to fill her mind.

Turning to see what was behind her, Alania found a solider, a young man with shinning silvers and gold armour.

Solider “Commander, we have to leave.”

Alania felt compelled to follow the gentle but string voice, slowly reaching out for the mans extended had, the fog in her mind growing stronger. A voice in the back of her mind continued to echo something about the man, the man who’s shimmering amber eyes she was staring into.

‘Mind magic…’

The realisation hit Alania just before she responds to the man request, but not even giving her a moment to process the information she had just obtained, the man face twisted in anger.

Alania felt the energy behind her spike in power, the attack going off with a wave of blind light. Before the light could consumed her vision, she saw the mains body collapsed in on its as a teleportation spell fire off pull him out of the way.

‘I guess this is the end…’


Please do note any spelling and/or grammatical issue that may occur, as even after editing I may have missed some, thank you.