Chapter 5 – Draconic scuffle
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POV – Mona

She simply stood there watching the scene slowly unfold before her eyes, Alania’s body launching itself towards the draconic creature as ruin lines creeped across her skin. A blast of dirt and grass trailing behind the launch as the ruminant energy of a magic formation dispersed into the area.

[This… this isn’t going to be fair…]

Her void like eyes flicking between the two combatants, studying their signatures, a sign of annoyance exiting her pitch-black lips.

[Really, we could have just run off, but no, jump straight into combat,]

[Through I guess I shouldn’t expect her to know the disparity in power…]

She continued to watch the two gradually drift towards each other, Alania slowly generating more spell formations, while the creature prepared its muscle subtly to deflect the impending attack.

[This might be fun in its own right...]

[Yeah, I could help her reach a peak of power in this world, hell, maybe even further...]

[Yes, yes, this will be fun.]

Mona’s attention turning back to the field before her, the two still a good distance from making contact with each other, a slight grin form on her lips.

[First, let’s deal with this.]

A simple snap of her black talons and the world came to a standstill, the colour draining nearly instantly as the sky filled with a sea of crimson eyes. Eyes that slowly begin to flow in a similar manor to a water towards her, rapidly bundling together to form a puddle of silver liquid at Mona feet.

After several second of waiting the sky was cleared of eyes, now nothing be a dead black void, while silver warped itself to for a poor mimicry of Mona’s form. The attempt recreation lacking any feature but the glowing crimson eyes that covered its body, a body far to smooth to and fluid to mimic the original properly.

Mona “Paridium, my dear, how have you been.”

The musical nature of her voice gone, as truer form of her voice echoed form her lips, the sound of thousands of different feminine voices speaking in unison. The creature’s only response was a simple bow, as its many eyes closing to illustrate its submission and respect to its maker.   

Mona “I see. Well, this is one of those rare occasion where we can have some fun…”

Paridium eyes all simultaneously snapping open to stair at Mona with a joyous expression, before throwing itself onto Mona, as a subtle purring sound exiting its body.

Mona “Okay, just remember, follow my will and only draw for the bodies supply, we don’t want to ruin the fun…”

A horrific large smile split unnaturally across her lips, revealing teeth that now look far more like knives, the Paridium mimicking this smile by splitting apart its featureless faces. Before its body warped around Mona’s neck and collapsed in on its to form a silver choker, a highly detailed pattern running its length themed around crimson eyes, glowing crimson eyes. 

[Let’s have some fun…]


POV – Alania

Once the creature passed the 50-meter mark from their position, Alania fired off a spelling as she pushed off the ground, launching herself toward the creature. A blasted rippling out behind her from the forces as she close the distance in a fraction of a second, swing her right fist coated in the glowing lines of buffing ruins towards the creatures mass.

A massive scaled arm driving a wedge between her attack and the creatures main body, discharge the power she had built up and a shock that shatter the ground around them.

Her body rocketing back a few meters from the recoil of the impact, letting her get a good view of the creature, and its arms, mostly undamaged, with only a patch of cracked scales to indicate anything had happen.

A patch that was healing slowly under a glow and brown glow, the creature’s eyes locking with Alaina’s almost mocking her.


The creature body lurching forward as it swung its massive other clawed fist towards her, the scale coated in the same brown and gold light as its small injury.

Alania just dodging out of the way for the strike as her mind started to races, trying desperately to find a win condition after her one launch had been dismissed so easily.

‘Dammit, stronger, tanker and possible even faster the me, hell its even got magic…’

‘might even be as smart as me… why did I even try to attack this, what is wrong with me…’

Her mind leave the fight for a moment attempting to answer her, only to find the smiling faces of Mona.

‘Right, her…’

A warm bubble forming inside her, one immediately popped as she felt the creatures fist ram into her stomach, sending her flying backwards.

‘F***, focus on the fight Alania, you’re a Knighting focus.’

Her eyes locking with the clear look of smugness on the crocodilian like faces as she staggered to her feat pushing herself into a combat stance. The creature not losing its smugness bellowing a roar before once again charging towards her on its four limbs, plated tail whipping behind it.

‘Okay, normal stuff does work, I don’t have weapons, draconic power it is then.’

A slight burner heat building in her throat as the creature barrelled towards her, its sources a growing mixture golden and crimson light beneath the skin of her chest.

Upon reaching Alaina the beast swung another mana coated fist at her, one she just managed to duck under, the scale brushing against her own scales and skin. Followed immediately by just scrapping by with aside step to avoid the other fist, position under the creature chest, then aiming her mouth at the creature’s heart she fired it off.

A breath of golden and red energy streaming out of her mouth like a torrent of flames, ripping into the creature’s chest. After a second the swirling draconic flames began reacting with the mana coating the beast skin setting off a explosion that smashed Alania into the ground.

She could feel the burns forming all cross her skin as her vision was filled with dust and dirt throw into the air form the blast, a pressure forming in her chest before she coughed a bundle of crimson blood. Her muscle strain as she pushed herself somewhat upright, looking around, attempting to confirm her successful attack.

‘It worked? It worked right?’

A misconception dispelled by a roar ripping through the air from just meters away, blasting the clouds of dirt out of the away. The creature’s form appearing, glaring at her crippled state, the beast wasn’t uninjured form the attack either, its chest was cover in burns, a large chunk of scales completely obliterated exposing the muscle beneath, leaking a golden and red blood.

‘F***ING HELL, it’s also a dragon-kin…’

The dragon-kin stumbling forward to bear down on her, as four black eyes firing a pricing glair into her body, as its dorsal spikes begin to glow with the iconic light of earth magic. It maw of a mouth opening above her, letting the impending energy of the draconic breath trailing across her skin.


Before Alania could even attempt anything, the creatures body buckled to the side, promptly followed by it staggering several steps to regain balances, before its head snapped back to face Alania.

The glow of the breath prime in the creature’s throat bleeding into her vision, but never given the chance to hit its target, as a silver talon extended from the creature back and grabbed onto its horns. Forcefully twisting the creatures head so the beam of golden and brown cut into the soil several meters away, leave a trial of jugged amber like structures in its wake.

A scream like roar racing out of the dragon-kin’s mouth as a fountain of golden blood sprayed from the now shatter horn. The silver hand having broken it off in the struggle to redirect the creatures beam, the fragment of bone worth more then Alania could image just dropped to the ground as if a useless rock.

The dragon-kin’s body stumbled again as the figure of Mona launched herself form the creatures back, and between Alania and the beast.

‘What… what is she wearing?!?’

Her faces exploding in a crimson blush, a colour that would normal be blood on a battlefield, but instead saved for the sight of the outfit Mona was clothed in, through outfit barely a description of the clothing

The majority of the costume cover Mona forearms in massive silver structures that looked similar to muscle layered together, and ending with a silver hand with large, curved claws. Two crimson and black eyes set into the back of each of the gantlet like structures with and indicial red colouring the markings that run along key points accenting their design.

The only other structure to the outfit was a series of silver plates layered together around the upper chest; no parts even attempting to conceal the pair of pale spheres, that seemingly all joined together purely at the neck. These structures connect to the forearm ones with a single strap, that Alania felt she had seen in the more adult focused areas of Moridian.

Mona “Good start dear Alania, now heal up,”

Mona tossing a small silver vile over her should to Alania without even turning to faces the downed Alania. Muster her remain strength she attempts to catch it, only for it to shatter over her head, a spray its contents of purple fluid onto her.

Mona “Get ready, I am not fighting this, WERE going to fight it.”

Alania could feel the effects of whatever that purple glowing fluid was on her almost instantly, her injuries healing at a visible rate, while she felt new energy explode within her. Staggering up she limped over to Mona, each second the limp lessening as her body repaired under the fluid influence, until final she stood next to her partner completely healed.

A glance to her side showed a content grin on Mona’s perfect faces, one etched with pure confidence in their victory, a confidence that Alania could help but get infected by.

Alania “Yeah, lets win.”

The dragon-kin final overcoming golden blood spray as its regeneration ending of the fountain of draconic blood, the beast turning to face the pair with an enraged snarl as its four eyes sharped.

And another chapter, it was intend to end the cliff hanger of the pervious one, but that didn't work out, so hopefully I can get the next chapter out tomorrow and complete this fight. 

 Once again, thank you for reading