Chapter 3
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Just off silverstreet's main road, about a hundred and fifty meters upstreet from Sander's Sandbox, stood a large and quite inviting establishment. Once the most recent cycle had ended, workers from all over the silvertreet would flock here to get a good meal and a few drinks, blowing off some steam before heading home to get some much needed rest. 

Above the entrance hung a slightly crooked sign with the image of a keg leaking wine drawn upon it, with words underneath reading ''The worker's paradise''. It appeared to be quite a fitting name indeed  as even now, two hours after the twin chimes of the belle had rung, signifying the end of the old cycle, people could still be seen coming and going at a lively pace.

It was right about now when Jerald, the owner, after having served the umpteenth meal and drawn the gods know how manyith beer, began to wish he could just kick his legs up and relax instead of putting himself through the stress and chaos that came and went with each customer. Even so he never complained since, aside the worrying creaking of his knees when he stood up, he remained in good health despite his old age and, besides the butcher's daughter who would help wait the tables, the only people running the place were him and his wife.

-''Wish I had a son or two to take care of this place, I'm getting too old to be waiting tables. I'd rather just dump this place on someone who can actually manage it properly and appreciate all the work I've put into it. It was a profitable business back then but now I can't seem to get rid of it. What good is having money when it's too exhausting to walk to the gambling den to spend it.'' He grumbled  after finally sitting down with a groan, the last customer having just left moments ago.

-''What about Noah? Sure he may be a bit young but if he starts learning once he finishes his education I think he would take good care of the place.'' Suggested Irene, the waitress as she passed Jerald by, skilfully balancing a dangerously high stack of plates with both hands.

-''HA! There's a good joke if I ever heard one. The brat is giving even old Sander a run for his money last I heard. If not even he can get through to the little pest how do you expect me to so much as bring up the subject with him?'' 

-''Now now it was just a suggestion. Perhaps you should try appealing to his sensible side, after all he can't very well spend the rest of his life running around the city pissing off the guards.'' Irene responded before entering the kitchen and saying something to the person inside.

Jerald frowned before going over that scenario in his head several times, but no matter how he spun it, in each instance it was bound to end with Noah simply giving him a cheeky smile and running off after telling Jerald to ''Watch him''. He heaved an exhausted sigh before wondering how things had ended up this way. for most of his life he had always heard his elders talk about the joys of aging and the peace of mind they received by passing things on to the next generation, but seeing as he had no next generation to pass it on to, peace of mind had long since abandoned him, leaving only bitterness and anxiety in it's stead.

-''Fuck this,  can't even go drink and gamble my sorrows away anymore like I used to. Aging fucking blows.'' He muttered to himself before feeling a heavy object connect with the back of his head, causing a dull ache to begin spreading across it. Furious, he turned around to look for his assailant, only to find his wife standing behind him, arms crossed across her chest and a triumphant expression on her face.

-''That's a win in my book. If getting older causes you to finally start behaving responsibly than I hope you live forever. the less time you spend throwing your money away and getting drunk, the more time you can dedicate to finding someone to take over running this place while we retire. Also don't curse, you know how I feel about it'' she said while leaning down, poking his chest with her index finger.

 Laura had never approved of his two favourite pastimes and it had often become a point of contention for the couple. But seeing her smile and hearing her words left the old man feeling quite irritated, and he was quick to push her finger away, exclaiming:

-''Gods woman, will you leave me be?  Just because you finally get to have your way doesn't mean you have to rub it in at every opportunity you get. Also it's my home and I'll curse if I bloody well want to.''  Laura frowned at this and was quick to voice her discontent.

-''See now that's exactly the attitude that's kept you virtually friendless despite our years of living here, and kept the Allfather from blessing us with kids no matter how many times we tried now look a the mess we are in because of it. Were I you I would start considering the possibility that perhaps it's time to mellow out a bit and enjoy life, because at this rate you're going to die a lonely, grumpy, bitter old man.'' 

Jerald sighed and listened patiently to his wife's reproachful words. She was right about most of it and he knew it, although he wouldn't be caught dead admitting that fact to anyone. The idea of having children had always made him nervous, after all he wasn't exactly keen on having smaller, louder versions of himself running about the house causing all sorts of mischief. In the end it was more than likely that it was his conflicted feelings that had kept them from having any, instead they had immersed themselves in work, and well, despite their success Laura was right: he was terribly lonely when she wasn't around, and he would sometimes catch her looking at families passing by from the kitchen window, betraying her longing for children and leaving Jerald feeling unimaginably guilty.

Once she had finished chewing him out, Laura headed back to the kitchen to finish tidying up, and Jerald got up with the intention of heading to bed when, out of the corner of his eye he saw a piece of paper on the bar table and,  curious, he picked it up to read, recognition flashing in his eyes before pocketing it and  heading for the door. But when he looked out the door, what he saw made him smile despite himself.

-''Perfect timing.'' He thought to himself, before calling out a certain boy's name...

As he slowly approached his grandpa's store, Noah slowed his pace as he thought of what he was going to tell the old man to explain his absence. Sure , it way not have been the first time he had come home late from his lessons, but for the first time, at least as far as he could remember, he was genuinely worried about what the old man would say. 

Of course there was always the chance that he would get off with nothing more than being sent to the workshop with a kick in the pants and a stern warning. If he was lucky the old man might even believe his story of being twenty seconds late. But it was far more likely he would assume he had been off roaming the city, trying at all costs to avoid coming home.

As he pondered this unfortunate possibility, a loud voice called out to him from across the street.

-''Oi, Noah, come here.'' 

Noah turned, instantly recognising the voice and berating himself for not having thought of this before. 

The voice was, of course Jerald who beckoned Noah to come inside as soon as he approached the door, sitting him down at one of the many now vacant tables.

-''So ? What do you want ?'' Asked Noah, who, caught off guard by Jerald's unusually friendly attitude, wondered if the old man had had too much to drink or, better yet, fell and hit his head, tricking him into treating  him like a human being instead of just a young pair of legs. 

His hope's were instantly shattered however, when Jerald lightly smiled and began speaking.

-''Nothing much, just wondering if you wanted to make a little money is all, You see I have a little job to do but I'm quite tired, running a restaurant is hard work after all. That being the case I could really use a good pair of legs to help me out.'' Jerald explained amiably. 

Noah, sensing an opportunity, quickly made it seem as though he was thinking hard about the offer, finally answering Jerald with hesitation in his voice.

-''I don't know if I can. I was just on my way to go help gramps in the shop and I'm a bit late already.'' he said, scratching the back of his head apologetically.

Jerald, surprised by the sudden revelation, was quick to reassure him.

-''Oh don't worry about that, I can stop by the shop later to tell him you were late because you were running errands for me.''

''Perfect'' Noah thought to himself as he looked Jerald with a defeated expression on his face, before finally sighing and agreeing.

-''Fine, but I want a silver coin for my trouble.''

A vein popped in Jerald's forehead as he wondered just how shameless this kid could be. Jerald wasn't stupid. they both knew that Noah would get reprimanded as soon as he went home for being this late, and Jerald was essentially agreeing to cover for him with Sander. It was a kind of agreement the two had with each other that kept them both happy: Noah ran errands for Jerald and Jerald would vouch for Noah should he get in trouble with Sander. They were both fully aware of this yet Noah still demanded an entire silver in addition to all the rest.

-''Now you listen here you little shit, and listen good. 3 browns is all your sorry little ass is getting and that's final. Or do you not want me to help you out?'' Jerald said in an aggravated voice. Noah just chuckled and made a counter offer.

-''8 browns and I won't tell aunt Laura you swore at me''

-''5 browns that's as high as I go.''

-''6 browns and a meal later. That's my final offer.'' Noah replied with a smirk.

It was in moments like these that Jerald was glad he had not had children for if this is what it was like, then it couldn't be worth the trouble.

-''Fine, now take this and deliver it to the head gardener and bring back what he gives you. Normally$ you should find him in the Cathedral. Now get the fuck out before I change my mind'' He exclaimed before handing Noah the paper and leaving the room in a huff.

''Guess luck is on my side today.'' Noah thought to himself as he left the restaurant. He looked in the direction of his grandpa's shop for a moment, silently apologising to the old man before turning and heading in the direction of the Cathedral.

As he walked he began thinking. 

-''Now that I think about it, the head gardener would be the perfect person to ask about the strange coin that man gave me. After all, I'm pretty sure head gardeners have access to all the information they desire from the archive.'' 

-''Speaking of the archive, if I go near the Cathedral than I'm bound to get a great look at it before the other's. I wonder if the head gardener knows anything about the God Tongue, though even if he did he probably wouldn't tell a nobody like me. Still, there's no harm in asking.''

It was with these thoughts turning around in his head that Noah began making his way to the Cathedral. A trip that would mark the  beginning of the end for Argus and It's many citizens.


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