Chapter 3
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Saving the world, it is not an easy task, it's not even my task. That job belongs to Heroes-individuals who are born or forged with the power to tip the scales toward righteousness. It is their duty to safeguard entire realms., Yet, there are occasions when even the Heroes falter in achieving their noble purpose, or worse, become the cause of the very challenges they aim to overcome.

During these pivotal moments, we step forward to save the world. Yet, it is crucial to acknowledge that we are not superior to Heroes. One of the rookie mistakes in this line of work is the misguided belief that we are more capable than the Heroes based on the information about the future we possess, leading some to attempt to replace the Hero and become the main character of the story. Unfortunately, this often results in disastrous consequences and disrupts the narrative. 

Heroes possess not only boundless strength but also the immense potential that extends to the heavens and an indomitable will stronger than steel. If they cannot overcome an obstacle through sheer force, it is unlikely that we, even armed with our skills and information from the Library of Voice, will fare any better.

Our role is not to be the protagonists of the story but to rewrite it. We employ our skills and knowledge to manipulate the narrative's flow, mending whatever went awry and guiding the story toward a favorable conclusion.

At least that is how I operated until now, I controlled the story and manipulated it behind the scenes in the way I wanted it to be. Sometimes it was through immoral action but it was effective. 

As I sat in my room, contemplating my knowledge, I realized that I am currently situated in the Central Continent, the very place where the story unfolds, with seven more years until the plot truly unfolds. Thus, time and location are not obstacles for me.

In seven years, the impending invasion of demons will occur, and the Heroes, a group of four individuals, will rise to oppose them. However, even their combined strength will prove insufficient, as one by one, the Heroes will meet their demise.

What is the reason behind their failure?

The Heroes faced an overwhelming number of enemies and a scarcity of allies. Even when the demons invaded the nations of this world and engaged in internal conflicts among themselves, those in power sought to exploit the situation and manipulate others for their own gain. There was a profound lack of unity among the nations and major powers.

In the face of such adversity, the Heroes found themselves not only battling against the forces of darkness but also contending with treachery from within their own ranks. The scarcity of allies compounded their struggles, as the nations that should have stood united against the demonic threat were fragmented by long-standing rivalries, territorial disputes, and the insatiable thirst for power. Each nation pursued its own interests, with leaders consumed by greed and a thirst for control, oblivious to the looming catastrophe that threatened to engulf them all.

The sense of distrust among the nations permeated every aspect of their interactions. Diplomatic efforts were marred by suspicion and the fear of betrayal, hindering any chance of meaningful alliances. The lack of unity weakened their collective defense, leaving the Heroes to bear the burden of protecting the entire realm alone.

Within this landscape of chaos, the influential figures revealed their conceit, believing their own power and influence were sufficient to weather the storm. Blinded by their arrogance, they failed to recognize the importance of cooperation and collaboration, dismissing the pleas of the Heroes for support and assistance. The Heroes suffered greatly as a result, evident in the fact that only one Hero perished in battle against the demons, while the others were ruthlessly assassinated or coerced into taking their own lives by the very same people they were sworn to protect.

In short, this world as a whole has fucked up big time but they are not alone to blame

There is a third party in play, sowing the seeds of discord here and there, someone is pulling the strings behind these curtains. Somebody like me, an outsider. 

The only name that comes to mind is Origin Shade, an old foe, one I need to be very wary of but first I need to make sure that it is really the Origin Shade. Something I can think about later after gathering information.

Now I need to think of how to move from here. If it was my usual way, my approach would involve operating covertly, providing assistance to the Heroes from the shadows, as long as they get proper help I am sure they can handle the situation. I never interfered too much with politics or culture, as I was not going to be there for a long time anyway, so I did not try to bring any change to the world. But this is not my usual assignment, this is the world I am going to live in from now on, my commitment to this world is long-lasting

However, before embarking on this journey, I must first ascertain the extent of my abilities. Closing my eyes, I delve deep into my inner self, where two ethereal orbs of blue and golden light reside. Concentrating my thoughts, I direct my focus to the radiant blue light, studying it. 

The Blue orb represented a skill named, 

Enigmatic Charm, it bestows the user with a mysterious and captivating aura, enabling them to exert a profound influence over others. This skill imbues the user with an irresistible charisma that effortlessly draws people towards them and enhances their persuasive abilities. With Enigmatic Charm, the user possesses a unique charm and magnetism that can sway opinions, win allies, and even manipulate the course of events.

Now I can understand why this skill is expendable. It is a passive supporting skill.

For individuals like me, who are limited to acquiring only one skill from the Library, it is crucial to prioritize skills with attacking or defensive attributes, particularly for first-timers. 

Because these skills serve as our lifeline, offering protection and offensive prowess during our initial stages in the new world. Even as we grow stronger, these foundational skills retain their value, as they can prove instrumental in safeguarding our lives when faced with dire circumstances. The inherent nature of the skills procured from the Library necessitates such strategic considerations.

Although Enigmatic Charm offers many possibilities, chances are others might not fully pull out its potential, especially the newcomers, and since this skill attracts a lot of attention the chances are that veterans also steer away from this skill. 

It is a good skill, but in the library, there are better skills. 

Though I do think I can use this to my advantage here. With a mental command, I activated the skill. In an instant, my senses came alive and picked up a tangible manifestation of the unique energy that now cloaked my being. It was subtle if it was not for the knack I have for sensing energies something I honed throughout all those lives, I would not have caught on to it, which means the chances that others can sense it is pretty low 


I turned my focus to the golden skill, it is a skill named 

Soul Echo, a skill When activated, the skill grants the user the ability to access and utilize a single skill from their previous lives for a duration of 1 hour, and have a cooldown of 12 hours

A wry smile played upon my lips, for this skill was tailored precisely for someone like me, who has 100 past lives. I don't think no one else can take advantage of this skill better than me. The time limit is a little troublesome but considering what I was and what I achieved in some of my past lives, let's just say for those sixty minutes, I would ascend to a realm surpassing even the divine. 

This would be fun