Chapter 12
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The memory ended, and as the wisps of recollection faded, our surroundings transformed into the once majestic throne room of the present, now a desolate ruin marred by the merciless passage of time. The crumbling walls bore the weight of countless years, each crevice a testament to the relentless march of ages.

"Year after year, they attempted to escape the confines of this very throne room, but I stood as an eternal guardian," the undead knight's voice echoed through the chamber, carrying the weight of centuries. "They resorted to dark, arcane magic, making me undead, seeking to bind me in eternal servitude. However, their feeble attempts only served to grant me the means to endure beyond the limits of my mortal existence. Even as time wore away at my thoughts, and corruption gnawed at my soul, my purpose remained resolute. Guard the entrance"

I gazed at the undead knight, his form withered and ravaged by the inexorable passage of time. His face once filled with vigor, now held a steel helm of resignation. "And yet, here I stand, defeated by a knight of the light," he said, his voice a mixture of bitterness and admiration.

I nodded solemnly, "Yes, 229 times to be exact."

A bitter laugh escaped the undead knight's lips, "A rather pitiful record, I must admit," he sighed. "But I was faced with you. So it is understandable" His tone carried a hint of pride, tinged with a touch of regret.

The air grew heavy once again, its weight pressing upon us, and it was the Undead Knight who shattered the silence anew.

"Why are you here, esteemed Knight?" questioned the Undead knight. "I know it's not to eliminate me; otherwise, I wouldn't be standing here. I can't fathom any other reason."

"I need your help with a troublesome matter" I answered. 

The Undead Knight fixed his gaze upon me, his eyes flickering with a glimmer of interest. "What troubles you?" he inquired. "What could possibly unsettle a being like yourself in this realm?"

I shook my head, a solemn expression on my face. "That's the problem—they are not from this world."

I proceeded to explain to the Undead Knight about the impending invasion of demons, set to occur in seven years. I described their aim to unleash chaos and destruction upon this world, plunging it into an era of darkness. Throughout my explanation, Rython didn't question how I obtained this knowledge.

No trace of doubt lingered within him; he embraced every word I uttered, attentively absorbing the details. For Rython was a true swordsman, capable of perceiving one's character through the crucible of combat rather than mere words. 

This was one of the reasons why I desired Rython on my side— a straightforward character who I didn't have to invest time in building trust and confidence. I just needed to convince him to join me.

"I must respectfully decline," Rython responded after carefully considering my words. "While I fully comprehend the severity of the impending threat, I firmly believe that my presence is required here. It is my duty," he turned towards me, his voice filled with genuine sincerity.

Rython's response didn't catch me off guard. Even when corrupted by the undead, he remained steadfast in his sense of duty, mere words would not easily sway him. That's why I had prepared a strategy before approaching him. To give him what he needs. 

"I understand," I responded calmly, acknowledging his perspective. "However, Rython, I have only shared what I require from you," I explained, accompanied by a genuine smile. "I have yet to disclose what I can offer in return."

Leaning closer, I spoke earnestly, my words carrying the weight of conviction. "I possess the power to utterly annihilate this accursed ruin, freeing you from the shackles of your burdensome obligation," I offered. "Furthermore, I can grant freedom to imprisoned souls of this Ruin"

"Imprisoned souls?" Rython's brows furrowed in confusion, his curiosity piqued.

With a slight tilt of my head, I assumed an air of feigned surprise. "Ah, it seems you were unaware," I remarked, drawing out the revelation for effect. "This ruin is enveloped in potent undead magic. The same magic that summons the relentless undead beings also possesses a sinister side effect. It binds the souls of those lost within these walls, preventing their escape. Every life claimed by this place remains trapped, tormented, and tortured by the dark forces "

As comprehension dawned upon Rython, a mixture of grief and determination crossed his face. He raised his head, his voice filled with sorrow. "Catherine..." he uttered softly, invoking the name of his beloved, whose life had been cruelly taken within these haunted halls.

It was a somewhat manipulative move to leverage Rython's love for the princess to gain his support, but whatever it takes. 

A smile graced my lips, the pieces of my plan falling into place. "So, my dear Rython, what do you say? Wanna save your princess from the clutches of this mortal hell?"


Verth's life had taken an extraordinary turn. Mere moments ago, he had come face to face with an unknown individual whose power was so immense that it had rendered him paralyzed with fear. And now, he found himself standing at the forefront of an army of Elite Paladins, encircling the Ruin, prepared for an impending siege.

Following the encounter with the enigmatic figure within the ruins, Verth swiftly recognized that he and his team were wholly outmatched by such a formidable being. They made the decision to report their findings to their superiors. Fate seemed to align as, upon their arrival, they coincidentally crossed paths with a Paladin Lord who had just departed his station to investigate an anomaly in the area.

Though the Paladin Lord did not divulge the specifics of the anomaly, his intuition whispered that the man within the ruin held some connection to it. And it appeared his intuition had struck true.

The moment the Paladin Lord learned of Verth's encounter, he personally requested Verth to serve as his guide and promptly mobilized the entire legion of Paladins under his command.

Marching across the land with astonishing speed, they arrived at Rangotta in a mere few minutes. However, much to Verth's dismay, instead of venturing into the ruin, the decision was made to lay siege to it

"This is wrong, we should have gone inside the ruin" Verth muttered with vexation. 

The Archer, understanding Verth's unease, shook her head and replied, "Verth, you must understand the Paladin lord's reasoning. The undead has the advantage within those ancient walls, and it would be foolish to march into unknown territory without a clear plan."

Verth's exasperation grew, and he retorted, his voice laced with urgency, "So, what is their strategy? To continue waiting indefinitely? Are they planning to let the man execute his schemes without taking action?" His scowl deepened, betraying his frustration

"They are not simply waiting," the priest interjected, sensing the need to clarify. "I just spoke with one of the commanders. They are actually preparing for a Grand Archane magic."

"A Grand Archane Magic?" inquired the Gaint, who was the least educated in the Art of Mana. 

Verth shifted his attention to the Giant, realizing the need to explain. "A grand Archane magic, my friend, refers to a powerful and intricate spell that requires the combined efforts of skilled spellcasters or a high-level mage. It's a spell of immense magnitude, akin to a weapon of mass destruction." "

The priests nodded in agreement and continued, "In this case, the Paladins are likely planning to use a Great Magic to destroy the Ruin and eradicate the undead within it. The advantage of this approach is that they can minimize the risk to their forces by attacking from a distance and avoid the potential traps and hazards inside the Ruin."

Verth nodded, though his frustration was still evident. "I suppose we must trust in their strategy then. But I can't help but feel anxious about what lies within that Ruin and the imminent danger it poses."

The Giant patted Verth on the back, offering reassurance. "Have faith, my friend. The Paladins are formidable warriors, and with their combined strength and the Great Magic they plan to unleash, I believe we have a good chance"

Verth managed a weak smile, grateful for the Giant's support. "You're right. We must have faith in their abilities and do what we can to aid their efforts. Let us stand ready and hope that their plan unfolds successfully."

At that moment, a palpable tension gripped the air, sending a chilling sensation coursing through their bodies. As if guided by an innate instinct, they collectively turned their heads toward the epicenter of this ominous presence.

The Ruin. 

Their eyes widened in sheer astonishment as they beheld a sight that surpassed all expectations. The very atmosphere seemed to vibrate with an Divine energy, while a resplendent golden light bathed the surroundings, suffusing them with an enchanting radiance.

Verth's words trailed off, abruptly silenced by the sight before him. He observed the Paladins hastening away from their positions, their hurried retreat a display of confusion and trepidation. In a desperate attempt to comprehend the situation, he called out to one of the fleeing Paladins, his voice tinged with urgency, "Is the Great Magic prepared? Should we withdraw?"

Breathless and panic-stricken, the Paladin turned to face Verth, their eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and alarm. "It's not us," they managed to utter between gasps.

Verth's heart skipped a beat, the weight of realization crashing upon him. "What?" he exclaimed, his voice a blend of shock and disbelief.


Before the Paladin could finish his sentence, a deafening boom shattered the sky, as if the celestial heavens themselves had been torn asunder. The once serene atmosphere now crackled with the intensity of a mana explosion.

A kaleidoscope of luminous shards filled the air, each fragment radiating with a resplendent golden hue. Time seemed to freeze momentarily, holding its breath in awe, as the colossal beam of golden light emerged from the heart of the fracture.

The sight was nothing short of breathtaking. The magnificent beam, brimming with divine power, pierced through the desolation of the ruins with an unparalleled grandeur. It stretched forth like a divine serpent, undulating with grace. With each passing moment, the beam expanded, its golden tendrils reaching out like a majestic tapestry of destruction.

Verth stood frozen, his mind racing to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what was unfolding before him. Horror and awe mingled within him, and he uttered a barely audible whisper, "Dear divine lady..."