Chapter 17 – Cara and Lotus
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Cara immersed herself in relentless training, pushing her limits for nearly two consecutive days. In that time, she effortlessly vanquished two demon armies with newfound ease, the upgrades she had acquired making the battles akin to child's play. But her focus extended beyond combat prowess; she also delved deep into mastering her evolving abilities.

One of her newfound skills, <Unmatched Strength>, bestowed upon her a momentous surge of power, amplifying her physical might by a staggering 300% for a fleeting three minutes upon activation. However, to prevent its abuse, the skill mandated a cooldown period of three hours. Cara recognized the importance of strategic timing, ensuring she maximized the benefits without risking exhaustion or overreliance.

Another skill at her disposal was <King's Armory>, a remarkable ability that granted her access to the weapons of each demon she vanquished, as well as any other weapons she possessed. With a mere thought, she could summon a chosen weapon into her hand or skillfully hurl it at her opponent. Utilizing this skill effectively demanded careful consideration of mana expenditure; Cara wisely reserved her weapon-flinging for moments when her mana reserves were ample, unleashing devastating strikes upon her foes.

And then there was <Divine Protection>, a skill that, true to its name, conferred upon her an enhanced resilience against harm. It did not render her invincible but rather made her significantly more formidable to defeat. Cara knew the importance of embracing caution, understanding that even with this divine safeguard, she remained susceptible to certain threats. Nevertheless, it fortified her resolve, knowing that her adversaries would face an arduous battle to overcome her.

As Cara neared her faction's base, she noticed Katie and Jordan engaged in conversation with two unfamiliar individuals. It became evident that these strangers were Alan and Lotus, the ones assigned to join New Uruk. An underlying sense of importance loomed over the scene, tugging at Cara's intuition.

"I'm telling you," Alan's voice boomed, filled with confidence, "I am the unrivaled blacksmith, and I've come here to join your faction!"

"Let me make this clear," Jordan matched Alan's volume, undeterred, "We won't make that decision until Cara arrives."

Curiosity piqued, Cara approached, sensing the gravity of the situation.

"What's the matter?" she inquired.

"These individuals wish to join our faction," Katie explained, her voice laced with uncertainty, "They claim that one of our leaders specifically requested them."

"Oh, right," Cara replied nonchalantly, realization dawning upon her, "I forgot to mention that I made that request."

Lotus regarded Cara with a determined gaze, her eyes brimming with resolve. She unsheathed the sword strapped to her back and spoke with unwavering conviction, "I've heard of your immense strength. You hold the title of the strongest in America. I desire to test my mettle against you."

Cara was initially inclined to decline, but then something unexpected materialized on her screen, catching her attention. Lotus, too, received a similar message:

<Reenactment Beginning. Make your Sponsors Proud!>

<Quest created: Defeat Lotus (1000 EXP, +1 Stat)>

<Quest created: Befriend Lotus (1000 EXP, +1 Stat)>

<Quest created: Reach an understanding score of at least 50% with Lotus (Instant Level Up, +1 Stat)>

Cara's smile widened as a sword materialized in her grasp, ready for the impending duel. With a shared determination, both Cara and Lotus lunged forward, their strikes resonating throughout the base. Lotus's agility became evident to Cara, who swiftly adapted her strategy. In a bid to swiftly conclude the fight, Cara activated her <Unmatched Strength> skill.

The clash that ensued between the two combatants was nothing short of breathtaking. Their movements blurred with astonishing speed and pinpoint accuracy, as they seamlessly exchanged strikes, expertly parried incoming attacks, and gracefully evaded each other's onslaught. The onlookers stood in awe, their eyes fixed on the awe-inspiring spectacle unfolding before them. The reverberations of their clashes echoed through the base, causing the very ground beneath them to tremble.

Cara's determination intensified as she understood that victory required her full prowess. A radiant, golden aura enveloped her, emanating an ethereal glow. With a swift motion, two swords were propelled toward Lotus. Although Lotus deftly evaded the incoming blades, Cara seized the opportunity to deliver a decisive strike, sending Lotus reeling backward.

Lotus's laughter echoed through the air as she regained her footing. "You are every bit as formidable as the rumors suggest. It seems you have emerged victorious," she remarked, a glimmer of admiration in her eyes.

A joyous laugh escaped Cara's lips, her exhilaration filling the atmosphere. "Gods, that was the most fun experience I've had in years! Such a thrilling fight!" Her voice reverberated with excitement and a newfound appreciation for the art of combat.

Amidst their contagious laughter, Alan turned to Katie with a curious expression. "Does she usually react like this?" he asked, gesturing toward Cara's jubilant demeanor.

Katie chuckled softly in response. "No, laughter isn't her typical response. This is a rather unique display."

Alan nodded, a hint of amusement playing on his face. "Well, I can't say mine reacts like that either."

<User: TheImmortalKing is cheering wildly>

<User: BeastMan is impressed by your show of power>

Cara's laughter subsided, and she approached Lotus and Alan with a radiant smile on her face.

"Welcome to New Uruk!" she exclaimed warmly, extending her greeting to the newly joined members.

Alan nodded, his curiosity piqued. "So, what's my first task as the best blacksmith ever?" he inquired.

Cara's expression turned determined. "We need to find you a sponsor before anything else," she stated firmly.

Alan raised an eyebrow, mildly taken aback. "Wait a minute, I became the strongest blacksmith without a sponsor! Why would I need one now?"

Cara's eyes sparkled with conviction. "Because there's always room for growth and improvement. Having a sponsor will accelerate your progress," she explained, trying to convince him.

Alan crossed his arms, voicing his doubts. "Okay, fine. But you can't simply 'give' someone a sponsor. It's not something you can force or manipulate."

A mischievous grin appeared on Cara's face as she confidently waved her hand. "Leave that to me," she replied cryptically.

With that, Cara began walking away, leaving Alan and Lotus intrigued and curious about the path that lay ahead.


Alan stood in the center of the room, surrounded by four short pillars. Cara moved around in a circle, igniting the tops of each pillar with her Aspect. Once satisfied with the flames, she grabbed a plate of sumptuous food, piled high and tempting.

Alan couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "What exactly are we doing here?" he asked, his gaze shifting between Cara and the flickering flames.

"I told you I would get you a sponsor," Cara replied, her voice filled with determination. With deliberate motions, she scraped a portion of food into the fire of the first pillar. "Hephaestus," she murmured. Moving to the next pillar, she repeated the action. "Vulcan." She continued the ritual with the third pillar, whispering, "TheVolcanicBlacksmith." Finally, she approached the last pillar and added a portion of food to the fire. "We seek your counsel," she declared.

As if in response to her call, the fires flared up, casting a warm glow throughout the room. A notification popped up on Cara's screen, indicating the intense scrutiny of TheVolcanicBlacksmith.

"Good," Cara stated, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "I would like you to sponsor Alan Turing and help him become the strongest blacksmith in this world."

TheVolcanicBlacksmith sought clarification. <User: TheVolcanicBlacksmith would like to know what he gains from this arrangement.>

Cara's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with ambition. "It's quite simple," she explained. "You will have the honor of nurturing and guiding the creation of this world's greatest blacksmith. Imagine the possibilities. While most people rely on sponsors to create rare-tier items, Alan accomplishes it without one. Just envision what he could achieve with your guidance and support."

Alan turned his attention to Cara, a mix of surprise and excitement in his eyes. "He just sent me a sponsorship offer," he exclaimed, hardly able to contain his enthusiasm. Without hesitation, he made his decision. "I'll accept."

Cara's smile widened at Alan's swift acceptance. "Good," she said, her voice brimming with satisfaction. "Your first task is to diligently follow your sponsor's instructions. This will enable you to craft an item that surpasses the rare tier. The specific type of item doesn't matter at this stage. If you require any special materials for your endeavor, don't hesitate to come to me. I'll ensure you have everything you need to succeed."