Chapter 12: A Starry Encounter Shocks Awe
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Chapter 12: A Starry Encounter Shocks Awe 

"They're being chased by Beedrill." 

From between the trees, I can make out two figures running followed by about twenty other outlines each following in close pursuit of them. I know that they are aggressive, but they do not typically remain active at night, meaning that something either provoked them or it was someone instead. However, now’s not the time to mull over what’s happened whoever those two are, they’re clearly in danger. 

“Whatever happened those two are in danger and need help you saw the size of that horde they’ll easily get hurt with just two of them all alone out here.” Not wanting to waste too much time I state the obvious of what needs to be done. 

“Do you even have a plan for how to deal with a swarm that large? I know you’re strong and all Saya but not everyone here is capable of holding their own like that.” Shauna brings up the groups inexperience and she is correct but if we simply stand here doing nothing somebody will DIE! 

“Look I know you’re scared and to be honest I wouldn’t go looking for such a fight by myself either, but we can’t simply leave them out here and even if we try to run back to the ranger outpost in Aquacorde it would be far too late for them to do anything to help.” trying to appease the brunette who shows a vulnerable side for the first time to the others I admit that at my current ability even I wouldn’t seek such reckless actions but if we’re in a group we can at least watch each other's backs to make sure that we don’t get too in over our heads. 

“We don’t have time to argue every second we waste here is a second that could have been used to save them now let’s go already!” Iris not wanting to stand idle anymore, grabs my hand before rushing off in the direction that would intersect with the two individuals. 

“H-hey! Where are you- ARGH forget it come on we have to go after them!” Seeing us rush off Calem awkwardly gets the others into motion following after us. 

???’S Pov 

“We have to keep moving or they’ll catch us!” A girl with long blonde hair that cascades down her back with icy blue eyes and lightly tanned complexion wearing a blue hoodie and black jeans yells to her companion as they both are trying to outrun the encroaching swarm of Beedrill behind them. 

“I already know that you know! Why couldn’t you just let that Combee go and simply be on our way.” comes the reply of a girl wearing a kimono like dress with fair complexion and flowing black hair with sandals and thigh length black socks. ‘If we hadn’t of spent the time looking for that Pokémon, she saw earlier we wouldn’t of stumbled upon that group of Weedle.’ 

Sprinting through the woods the two dodge and weave between the trees to avoid the multitude of stingers being launched at them by the vicious bug types. For what seems like hours they’re constantly bombarded by their poisonous projectiles, having been chased for over thirty minutes, the two find their energy gradually beginning to run out as they continue their flee. 

Out of the corner of the black haired girls eyes she sees a few figures running towards a direction that’ll eventually meet up with them and for the first time feels a slight twinge of hope that their situation won't be so dire for much longer but does not at once bring it to the other girls attention not wanting to distract her from her running. 

“Come on just a bit more and- AHH!” Quickly looking over the ravenette sees that the blonde girl has tripped on the exposed root of a tree and stumbled right into her knocking them both through a thicket into a clearing where there is no cover to protect them from the onslaught of Poison Sting about to rain down on top of them. 

Seeing their prey fall the Beedrill slow their own pursuit as if cruelly extending their game of tag knowing that there’s no way for them to escape stopping a distance away, they make a show of aiming their stingers. 

“I'm sorry, Valerie.” The blonde apologizes to the now named black haired girl who puts on a small smile turning to her not with a look of resignation but one that speaks that their situation isn’t so dire for much longer. 

“No, I think we just barely made it Verity.” she states to the blonde who now is known as Verity eliciting a questioning stare from the girl before they both hear the Beedrill buzzing as if done waiting seeing how neither girl is as distraught as they wanted them to be anymore taking it as a sign of acceptance for their fate. 

Choosing to trust in her friend, both girls stare down at the oncoming attack however before it can make it past the halfway point a figure bursts through the tree line and stops a short distance in front of them before icily calling out a command. 

“Sand Tomb.” 

Giving her command a wall of sand is quickly erected blocking the swarms assault stunning them into silence at the spectacle in front of them not noticing the arrival of a purple haired girl and five others just behind the trees. 

Saya’s Pov 

‘Just barely managed to make it in time.’ not taking my eyes off the wall of sand that now separates us from the shocked Beedrill I partially turn my head towards to two girls behind me seeing how they looked to be exhausted after their earlier spill onto the floor but still show signs of an adrenaline high. 

“Are you two hurt?” for some reason, despite the situation that I've forced myself into I'm surprisingly calm and voice is level as if to dissuade any panic either girl may have been facing. Waiting for a response I reached, and grabbed Leena, perched on my shoulder and released Holly who I put in her pokeball before sprinting off after the two girls. 

“Y-yea. Thanks for the help.” the blonde girl answers. 

“Forgive me if I'm wrong but I believe your friend called you Verity right and you called her Valerie?” not wishing to waste more time than absolutely necessary I question if I'd heard their names correctly earning a slight stunned expression at how I got their names but truthfully, I didn’t hear it but rather Leena informed me. 

“Umm yes she’s Verity and my name is Valerie.” the black haired girl answers confirming their names. 

“Do either of you have Pokémon on you? If you do you should get ready to fight. I doubt that our guests here will be willing to let you go seeing how they seemed pretty set on killing the both of you a few seconds ago.” Bringing their attention back to the current situation, I tell them to release their Pokémon taking them out of their momentary awe. 

With a flash that is still obscured by the wall of sand both girls release their Pokémon that reveal themselves to be a Piplup and Sylveon who both while looking tired don’t seem to be in too bad of a shape considering the current situation. 

“So, you’re from Sinnoh meaning your name is take from Lake Verity near Twinleaf, right?” I inquired causing the blonde to be surprised that I knew of the three great lakes. “Well, we can dwell on that later right now focus. She can’t hold this wall up forever since she isn’t used to manipulating Sand Tomb into such specific forms. Can either of your Pokémon use ranged attacks?” 

Earning a nod from both girls they tell me whatever ranged moves that they may have. 

“Piplup knows both Bubblebeam and Whirlpool.” 

“Sylveon knows Swift and Disarming Voice.” 

Seeing the moves that they have I can think of some ways to make use of them, but it’ll take a bit of manipulation on my part. Well, nothing to be gained if you don’t try. After finishing my plan, I look towards Iris who has been standing a bit away from the others still hidden by the trees. Noticing my gaze, she looks at the rest of our group signaling for them to hold off on doing anything until I give the sign. 

“Well, it’s not much but I think I've an idea that will require the both of them to use Whirlpool and Swift. Is that okay with the both of them?” Looking at the tiny penguin and fairy I can notice a tiny bit of fear but also a mixture of determination to keep their trainers safe. “When I start the attack, I need Sylveon to use swift to try and pack them together by cutting off their sides and then Piplup will have to use the biggest Whirlpool it can manage okay?” 

After giving them their roles, I tap the ground twice with my foot earning a confused look from the girls behind me before their eyes widen when from behind them a hole opens up revealing Wis and Drilbur shocking both girls that the two had been tunneling underground the entire time. Before either girl can ask questions, I push both girls into the newly opened hole and tell them to follow it to the others hidden in the trees earning a reaction from them and their Pokémon. 

“Trust me, okay? I was serious about helping you but whatever you did has this bunch too aggravated to simply give up because we pulled a bit of sleight of hand so you’re going with the others while I play decoy for a tiny bit. Oh, and when you get to Iris tell everyone to aim for the wings okay?” 

Earning a reluctant stare from both girls they follow Drilbur back to the others while Wis pops out and covers the hole that they’d made leaving only me and my Pokémon where they once stood. 

“Now then shall we begin our hunt?” I ask not knowing the mischievous grin that has spread across my face as a wicked idea pops into my mind on how to deal with the hostile bugs on the other side of the wall wanting to put it to action, I look down to my little magician. 

“Leena, I know you aren’t used to using Hypnosis on so many targets at once, but I want you to try something for me. When this wall dissolves, I want you subtly use Hypnosis on as many Beedrill at once as possible. Don’t make them fall asleep though what I need is for you to make them see everything late or in other words an illusion. Think you can do it?” 

“Hmph who do you think I am? O-of course I can pull it off. Probably.” Leena not wanting to appear weak, puts up a strong front but grows slightly unsure towards the end. 

“You don’t need to hold it long when all of their eyes are on me, I want you to start putting them in your illusion okay?” I smiled down at her before earning a determined nod in return. 

“Wis while she does that I want you to silently build up a large amount of sand underneath them using Sand Tomb when I give the signal I want you to form it into a dome just like you did with that Litleo in Santalune but this time make it big enough to encapsulate all of them while leaving a hole big enough for us to attack through but small enough that they can’t escape got it?” 

“Right!” she gives a confident reply 

“Holly you’ll be doing a bit of sniping with Bubblebeam. I want you to aim for their wings and try to damage them so that they can’t fly. Beedrill are hard to deal with because they can fly but their legs aren’t particularly strong due to how little they get used so deprive them of their mobility and they’ll be easier to deal with.” 

“Okay~!” she replies in a singsong voice 

“Alright then. Wis go ahead and drop it.” on my command Wis releases the wall of sand she’d built up earlier putting us in view of the recovering swarm not wanting them to notice that both Valerie and Verity are gone I take a few steps in front of my Pokémon and begin to talk in a still cool and confident voice. ‘Truthfully I don’t want to have to kill them but if they refuse my offer...’ 

“A rather fine night out is it not? Sorry if my entrance was rather rude but do you children mind returning to the deeper parts of the forest? You and your kin have been causing a rather large disturbance within these woods as of late.” beginning my conversation I draw the swarms attention to me while Leena starts using Hypnosis which is working based on the delay between them registering my movements and when they’re actually being made. “I'm not sure what we’ve done to cause you such irritation, but can you please forgive us and leave without trouble?” 

Bowing slightly, I put on a gentle smile that shows none of the weariness that they have towards me but as I stand back up I at once have to tilt my head to the right as a purple dart soars past where my head previously was before embedding itself in an unfortunate tree. Looking at the offending projectile my bangs cover my eyes as my previously amicable smile all but vanishes to a neutral one. 

“How disappointing. I wanted to settle this in a more friendly way, but it appears that you brats are too arrogant to take the hand extended to you.” feeling my agitation rising at how easily they not only brushed off my offer but tried to kill me I put aside my earlier grievances. “Very well if that’s how you wish to take this then please prepare yourselves to be bewitched.” 

As if a sign to them the Beedrill begin another hail of stingers only none of them come close to me as most soar far past me or rather hit where I'd been earlier in the conversation with the only one that’d come close being the first one that been fired beforehand however judging by their lack of accuracy I'm certain that they’ve all been placed in Leena’s spell for now. 

“Clip their wings.” with my voice neutral I give the signal and a Bubblebeam from Holly begins to assault the offending wasps followed by a barrage of Swift that come from the trees cutting off their escape route as Razer Leaf and Water Gun also reveal themselves tearing into their wings before a funnel of water that has to only be Whirlpool swallows them knocking them down to the ground where they feebly attempt to stand on their legs. 

“Wis if you would please.” at my request she shapes the sand she’d silently gathered under them and raised a dome that ensnares them leaving only a spout at the top and small tunnel facing me where I can make out the still shocked Pokémon. “You had the perfect opportunity to flee and yet you decided that killing off two girls was a far more worthwhile investment of you time or perhaps I should say three as you single-mindedly attacked me too.” 

Walking up to the dome I feel nothing for the swarm that now show misgivings at having been fooled the way they were. 

“In the wild the law is kill or be killed, correct?” with more ice in my voice than the others have heard before I question the raging swarm. “Then don’t hold this against me for eliminating hostile entities who would kill others purely for some misguided ego.” 

Turning to my Pokémon I give a final command. 

“Holly, Wis use Dragonbreath. Leena Fire Spin don’t hold back.” receiving my command all three bombard the entrance to the dome with their respective flames where they mix and lap at the condemned before blasting out the top of the dome in a brilliant spiral of purples and pinks. Stunning the captivated audience in both wonder in its beauty and devastation. 

Without looking at the display I turn to the group and begin my approach unknown to me that one of them had been looking at me the entire time nor that the only other light shining in the night were my green and lilac eyes that had been illuminated by the fiery blossoms. Finally making my way back to their side everything grows dark as I collapse. 


Here we have it everyone a new chapter now i'm going to be honest here. i'd originally planned out like three different ways for that encounter to pan out but the end result was always the Beedrill being incinerated in the sand tomb. also looking back on my other chapters i don't think i ever brought up Saya's eyes or the Heterochromia but then again reading these descriptions i'm someone desctriptive or incredibly vague T_T i'll try to do better.


Dratini [Holly] (Female) ->holly flower symbolizing strength

ability: Marvel Scale


extreme speed, thunder wave, dragon breath, wrap, leer, bubble beam

Gible [Wis] (Female) -> Wisteria symbolizing steadfastness

ability: Rough Skin


dig, dragon breath, sand tomb, tackle, dragon claw, dragon rage

Fenniken [Leena] (Female) -> Taken from Merlin a fairytale magician

ability: Blaze


scratch, ember, howl, tail whip, hypnosis, psybeam


Also regarding the way Hypnosis was used here I originally always thought it was strange how it just put Pokémon or people to sleep but at the same time was used to make people think, see, or do things that the caster wanted them to do so I thought why wouldn't it be able to make you see a delay in what was being observed rather than make them see something completely different or even do something that'd alarm them like making them suddenly drowsy.

Also there's a slight issue I'm having in the story and that's with Shauna herself. I wanted to originally do the anime/game personality that had her being all bubbly and friendship is magic but...for my own sanity her Adventures counterpart is far easier to write since she's more snarky and cynical so I'm honestly thinking of easing that personality into the story rather than wrack my head over how to make a bubbly airhead. i'll leave that decision up to a poll.

Anyway thank you for reading!

Which personality should Shauna have?
  • Adventures (Cynical/snarky) Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anime/Game (bubbly slightly airheaded cutesy) Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Blend them Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I don't care. Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 4