Chapter 13: What Angel Wakes
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Okay so first off i know i've been radio silent but a lot of...awkward scenarios have been happening back to back the past two weeks with my family. we've had to go from doctor visits to baby showers to me having to go back and forth with insurance because a DEER RAN INTO THE ROAD AND I ACCIDENTLY HIT IT to going back and forth trying to find a rental car that wasn't at all shady (thanks Enterprise for showing me two cars that totally didn't have roaches climbing in the drivers seat. totes left and went somewhere else.) to now mandatory overtime from work so i've had no time for private affairs.

i know it seems like excuses but i'm exceedingly sorry for everything and if the chapter suffered for that then i can only say that i'll do better with future ones. anyway take care loves and enjoy or give critic on the chapter.

Chapter 13: What Angel Wakes 

Without looking at the display I turn to the group and begin my approach unknown to me that one of them had been looking at me the entire time nor that the only other light shining in the night were my green and lilac eyes that had been illuminated by the fiery blossoms. Finally making my way back to their side everything grows dark as I collapse. 


My vision dims as the last thing I hear is the concerned cries of my friends. Slowly feeling my consciousness slip I drift off into a sea of black. 

All around me are trees the sky a pitch black sparkling with stars accentuated by the new moon in the sky. Unsure of how long I've been here or how I even came about this place I begin my sojourn through the dimly lit woods blanketed by a veil of fog that rejects any attempt to see the canvas below.  

‘Just where am I?’ I question myself as I continue to drift through the ethereal woods. 

Devoid of any sound or rustling of leaves, I travel while continuing to try and get my bearings. Unknown to where I am I wander aimlessly only using the stars as a guide however before long I begin to feel as though something is amiss. 

‘Why does it feel as though I'm only walking in circles?’ While there are no obvious indications to prove my theory it feels as though the longer, I spend here the more I come to understand it a bit more. Several loops later I finally began to notice something strange. 

‘The fog seems shallower in some places. Are they the intended path?’ Seeing no reason to not see where it leads, I trace the thinner parts of the fog however also taking note that the more I trail it the more I'm finding myself less disturbed by the woods if not even finding the place to be welcoming a far cry from my first evaluation. 

The longer I stay on the path the more discoveries I make, from ethereal wisps of purples and blues to plants that cast of luminescence in these once bereft woods creating a mysterious and yet beautiful scenery. Being here I cannot help but to think of it being something out of a fairytale. 

“Pl---- w--t!” as if cutting through the haze of the calm night I hear a voice in the distance. Feeling myself drawn near it, I approach the location arriving at a clearing where I see two figures standing across from one another. One a girl with pitch black hair that cascades like eerie tendrils that contrast her pale complexion the other a girl with long white hair that darkens at the tips which shimmers and flows complemented by an equally pale complexion that gives her a ghostly appearance only contrasted by the black veil and dress that adorns her but what unnerves me of this situation is my inability to make out their voice or faces clearly as if its purposely being obscured.  

“Y-- W--- ---d t- f-r—ve me.” the wispish girl(?) speaks to her companion but while I cannot make out most of the words the emotions, I sense radiate immense reluctance but an overwhelming sense of purpose to them as if it's something out of need rather than one born of personal desire. 

“Ma-- s-r- y-u –om- b-ck" the black haired girl says masking worry and uncertainty in her tone but still showing a confident and trusting face as if to put her partner at ease. 

“But of course […] after all you are the one who-” for the first time since stumbling upon them I catch a sentence but still cannot hear a name nor make out the words that she conveys before watching as her partner heads off back into the forest vanishing as if she had not occupied the area previously. 

“You know it's rather rude to eavesdrop on someone correct.” catching me off guard at her sudden speech I glanced at where the other girl had been standing seeing only empty space before being forcefully turned around coming into view of the girl who is slightly taller than me. 

Unable to move or speak I'm at the mercy of this unknown...being(?) but even in my compromising position I neither sense hostility nor guardedness from them only thinly veiled mirth and familiarity. Perhaps picking up on my thoughts she cuts them off. 

“Both you and I shall be troubled if you continue that trail so I’m sorry, but you’ll have to make your exit here. However, I'll leave you with this. The future is ever changing, and no path stays the exact same your actions shape the world around you do not faulter for only you can make your own destiny.” 

With those words she lifts a finger to my head and pushes me back but rather than feeling the tree I'd been pushed against or finding ground I fall into an all-encompassing void that swallows all till not even the girl is visible before me. 

Finding my body reflexively jolting up what I notice is that I'm no longer within that forest or black void but on a bed in a white room that smells of disinfectant with blindingly bright lights looking around I make out the sheets and bed frame that look like they would belong in a nursery or hospital. 

‘Where am I?’ thinking to myself while trying to catch my bearings the door slides open to reveal a familiar bush of purple who notices that I'm awake. 

“Saya! How're you feeling?” Making her way over to my bedside, Iris asks me an odd question. 

“What do you mean? I'm fine if not a bit thirsty.” noticing how scratchy my throat feels after speaking for what feels like the first time in hours accepting a glass of water that had been placed by the bedside table prior to my awakening I assume I question Iris. 

“Where are we and what happened after I passed out?” 

As if taking a moment to consider which question to answer Iris goes quiet  

“Well, that’s a bit of an awkward story.” she begins before taking a tentative pause. “Shortly after you passed out in front of us, we noticed how you looked really pale like you hadn’t slept in days. We had to have Tierno carry you back to the campsite to rest although we didn’t have to wait very long. Thanks to the fight and you making that display of fire in the air coupled with the loud noise the ranger base near Santalune Town sent out a group to investigate fearing that some powerful Pokémon had roamed into the area.” 

Waiting for me to digest the information Iris pauses her explanation I give a silent nod for her to continue. 

“After they found us at camp, and we explained what happened along with seeing your condition they decided it was best to escort us back to town. You've been out for a day so far thanks to whatever happened back there. Everyone else is currently resting in their rooms at the Pokémon center but since you’re up all you need to do is get a checkup from the doctor to make sure that nothing else is wrong and you can be discharged. You had no outward injuries but suffered from severe exhaustion.” 

“How is everyone else? Did those two come out okay?” I asked her curiously if there were any more issues. 

“Everyone is fine, and you don’t need to worry about you Pokémon either. I have them resting in my room back at the Pokémon center with Axew and Drilbur they had been with you the entire time till around morning when I decided to have them rest up there took a bit of convincing but after I agreed to stay here with you, they eventually gave in.” with a chuckle at the end I can’t help but feel as though those three caused more problems than she is letting on. 

“I guess I made them pretty worried with how I passed out huh? I should make them some poffins as an apology I still haven’t figured out what type of berry Leena likes though since Aquacorde didn’t have any available facilities to cook but I'll make it up to them here.” Back in aquacorde they didn’t have any kitchens and due to the increased activity, it became dangerous for transporters to risk going through the forests or air, so they had to rely on local farms that weren’t the largest. 

“You really are going to spoil those girls rotten you know that right?” With a piercing look Iris chides me on how quickly I am to spoil my Pokémon. Not finding a way to refute her statement I can only embarrassedly scratch my cheek at having been called out so bluntly. Perhaps sensing how awkward I had felt now she merely sighs.  

“Anyway, to answer your second question Valerie and Verity are fine thanks to you although after we got to town, they were pretty crossed with how you pushed them into that dirt tunnel so you might be getting another scolding later since they’ll be in town to battle the gym leader after registering for the circuit.”  

Ah I'm going to be scolded again this time by two girls I don’t even know isn’t this a form of bullying???’ vexed at the absurdity of the situation I'll be put in I can’t help but let out an indignant huff. 

“Well, I guess I deserve that one, but I will not apologize for it. If saving them from becoming a pin cushion was rude then they’ll simply have to put up with it. Plus, the only one in any real danger at that point was me since their Pokémon were clearly worn out prior to us meeting them. Neither that Piplup nor Sylveon would have been able to hold off that many targets without sustaining damage, especially since Sylveon would of quickly been overwhelmed by the type disadvantage not even accounting for the numbers. It's not as though either of them are weak but they’d be highly out of their scope with their current moves, so I took a calculated risk so to speak.” 

“Yes, yes, you took the risk for them, but you acted out by putting yourself in danger instead. It's okay to want to save someone but who would receive help from you putting yourself in needless danger like that? That Poison Sting flew right past your head Saya. If that had hit its mark you wouldn’t be here right now you know that right? All you did was changing who was truly in danger at that moment while we had to watch from the safety of the trees don’t go off having a messiah complex and call it saving someone.” Iris rebuffs my argument showing the extent of her anxiety at what I'd done. 

I know what I did was reckless, but I think you’re underestimating how much trust I had in you...’ finding it better to leave it there I reflect on how I could of handled the situation better rather than assume that they would have been there to cover for me like they did. 

As if being timed a nurse opens the door to my room to check up on me to make sure I'm fit to move about on my own including a warning that if I experience anymore fatigue or dizziness to come back for another examination. Finally obtaining the green light to be discharged, we make our way to Iris's room to bear witness to a... thing. The room looks as though there’d been a battle in there prior to our arrival. Sheets and pillows strewn about haphazardly with feathers dusting the floor and dead center is none other than five Pokémon who look like a Teddiursa caught with its hand in the honey jar. Needless to say, neither of us are very amused at the state of the room. 


“Would anyone care to explain exactly what is going on here? I’d heard that Iris was gracious enough to watch over you three little ones while I was out but to think you repay that by trashing the room as soon as you’re unsupervised. Are you kids looking for a punishment I wonder?” Wearing a less than impressed face and neutral tone I question the now panicking quartet with Iris sporting a deadpan of her own at the trashed accommodation. 

How did you all even manage to get a pillow stuck in the ceiling fan? Also why is the corner of the wall wet did Holly fire off a Bubble Beam also why is a corner of one pillow singed a bit??? 

“You know what I don’t care anymore by the time I stop questioning everything it’ll be well into the night let's just get the room back to normal and forget about it for now.” Perhaps having expected this or not Iris makes the call to simply ignore the war torn room and begins to clean followed up by both Drilbur and Axew who seem eager to not be scolded. 

Having no reason to pursue the issue further I join in with my own troublemakers who try to act as if they hadn’t just been caught doing something they know was wrong but no matter how much I wish to be mad I can’t help the small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. 

“Honestly you kids are a group of troublemakers, but I can’t help but love you all dearly.” 


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