Chapter 1
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(Tanya’s POV)

Damn him, being X was nothing but a nuisance and his control over the state of the world was apparent. The Empire's defeat was set in stone; humans and gods made sure of it.

No country wanted the Empire to grow to be a powerhouse that could dominate them all so they cooperated to have them destroyed and X wanted her submission.

In her very first life before she was reincarnated as Tanya von Degurechaff he tried to make her submit to him, claiming himself to be god.

At the moment of her death, he revealed himself and she refused to acknowledge him, even at her death as Tanya von Degurechaff, she never submitted.

But now where was she, she should be dead but is in a void-like state, could it be being X’s doing once more?

“I’m afraid it's not him now.” a voice called out from the darkness.

“Who are you? Show yourself” Tanya replied.

A woman with a glowing complexion showed, ‘Is she like that cursed being X’

“In a way, I suppose I am, in any case, whether you believe it or not I'm a goddess”

“I don't believe in false gods like you”

“I don’t desire worship from you, instead I'll make you an offer you can’t refuse.”

“Like what..?”

“I shall reincarnate you into my world where I will give you the freedom to decide your fate without any interventions like being X as you called him during the war. In return you only have one task, kill the hero”

In Tanya’s opinion, this wasn’t a bad deal, if she complied she could get the life she longed for however there still was too much unknown info.

“Why do you want the hero dead”

“The demon lord is the parasite of the and creates large armies of generals and minions to fight with it. The hero has a special type of mana that allows only them to kill the demon king, however, two years after the demon lord's defeat the hero will be unable to contain their mana and go berserk.”

“And you want me to kill that monster before it goes crazy.”

“Indeed, kill the hero and you can do whatever you want within reason. Oh, and I will import basic knowledge of this world to you.”

Just then a pounding headache reverberated throughout Tanya as she groaned in the aftershock of the information overload.

It seems the world she was about to arrive in was medieval in a sense. It had magic just like in the second world she was a part of but instead of it being rooted in sciences it leaned more into a programming of literature.

Mana in this world was somewhat sentient and by using words in ancient languages people were able to control it to do many things.

Skills are something “divine” that allows people to use mana in specific ways, like Quick-chant which allows the user to say the spell in a way that takes up no time.

“You can choose 5 skills one from each category, S, A, B, C, and D (S is the strongest and F is weakest)

“Will my type 95 and 97 be here as well?”

“That would be categorized as a divine weapon and something you would need to find on your own. I will give you a hint, at the base of the world tree, located in the Elvenar kingdom there's a dungeon where you might find something interesting.”

“I see, I’m ready to choose my skills now.”