Chapter 83: Ancient Spirit Beast Pagoda: Part 1
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As she entered the pagoda, Meng Lin felt a shift in focus before her surroundings changed.

The inside was much larger than she had expected, the size of this single floor was at least 20 meters high and wide enough to fit her entire courtyard, more over the entire scenery was different, there was a small sun up above with walls on the side.

She felt a faint spiritual qi surrounding her. It was a different feeling from the usual Qi energy she was used to but she felt that it was more pure and refined, as if it had been filtered through layers of purification.

She wanted to look at all the different changes around the tower but was interrupted by a growl.


Meng Lin turned her attention to the source of the sound and saw a spirit beast standing in front of her. It was a giant wolf with silver fur and blue eyes, its fangs bared in a snarl.

Information about the creature instantly appeared in her mind, it was a Silver Fur Wolf, a normal yet powerful Rank 2 spirit beast known for its strength and speed.

Gazing at the early rank 2 creature Meng Lin was able to know the weaknesses of the creature at once.

She couldn’t help but smile a little, marveling at the inherent memories of the Ancestral Symbol, which was already making itself useful.

The Silver Wolf growed once again before charging at her with its body turning into a blue blur.


Meng Lin only looked at it once before releasing her aura.

The whole surroundings turned a shade of blue as Meng Lin released her aura of the Late stage.


The Silver Fur Wolf was thrown backwards by the force of her aura, crashing into the Pagoda wall before falling to the ground with a thud.

Meng Lin calmly walked towards the wolf, her eyes cold and calm, with a wave of her hand, a beam of spiritual qi shot out and struck the wolf's forehead.


The Silver Fur Wolf let out a final whimper before collapsing onto the ground, its body dissolving into a cloud of mist.

Meng Lin looked at the disappearing mist before bringing a hand up to her chin and speculating, "This pagoda must be creating these creatures, the higher one goes, the higher the strength and skill of these spirit beasts will be, I have to be careful and keep my guard up."

She looked around before noticing a glowing door on the side, leading to the next level of the pagoda.

Without hesitation, Meng Lin walked towards it and pushed it open before stepping through.

As she stepped through the gate, the surroundings changed once again. This time, she found herself in a dense forest, with tall trees and thick undergrowth.

She could hear the sounds of birds and animals in the distance, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and plants.

Meng Lin knew that this was not a real forest, but a creation of the pagoda. She walked steady yet cautiously, her senses alert for any danger.

Suddenly, she heard a rustling sound in the bushes ahead of her. She quickly looked over, ready for whatever might come her way.

Out of the bushes emerged a creature she had never seen before. It was a large, six-legged beast with green scales and sharp claws, its eyes fixed on her.

Meng Lin quickly analyzed the creature and realized that it was a Rank 2 spirit beast, known as a Six Legged Wolf. It was a creature with the bloodline of a six legged beast called Enmu, which were once regarded as extremely dangerous.

It once held its own against one of the venerable tier mythical beasts of the legend, however because of a realm war their species were all but extinct.

She didn’t think that she would see this here, it seems that the cultivator that cunstructed this tower has some way of creating this sort of ancient creature.


With a powerful jaw and a tough hide it released the aura of an early stage Rank 2 beast and pounced towards Meng Lin with it’s mouth open.

Without wasting any time, Meng Lin did the same thing as before, releasing her own aura in response.

This time releasing an arc of lighting that instantly penetrated the head of the creature, killing it instantly.

The Six Legged Wolf's body fell to the ground, its green scales fading into mist.

Meng Lin looked at the now empty clearing, feeling a sense of deep melancholy and curiosity.

Six Legged Wolfs were vulnerable to lightning so it was no surprise that she easily killed it, even though it had the blood of an enmu, which is naturally more powerful than a regular spirit beast.

She looked around before noticing the gate to the next floor. Which appeared right after she killed the beast.

She walked towards it, her steps steady and cautious, she pushed open the gate and the surroundings changed once again.

This time, she found herself in a rocky landscape, with steep cliffs and jagged rocks.

She could feel the spiritual qi of the earth pulsing through the ground beneath her feet, and the air was filled with the scent of minerals and rocks.

Meng Lin walked forward, her eyes scanning the rocky terrain for any signs of a spirit beast. Suddenly, she heard a rumbling sound from above.

Looking up, she saw a massive boulder rolling and hurtling towards her at breakneck speed.

She quickly scan the boulder and realized that it was a middle Rank 2 spirit beast known as a Rock Toad.


It arrived before her within seconds, just as Meng Lin was done with her analysis.

However with lightning-fast reflexes, Meng Lin dodged the boulder, easily avoiding being hit.


The Rock Toad let out an angry roar turning and charging at her again, this time with even more ferocity.

Meng Lin stood her ground, her aura not flashing out again. She didn’ dodge like last time but rather went on the offensive, raising her fair arm before punching the incoming spirit beast.


a powerful blast of raw power traced the air as she shattered the boulder into countless pieces, sending the Rock Toad flying backwards.

The Rock Toad crashed into the ground before its rocky body crumbled into dust.

Meng Lin looked at the spirit beast disappearing with a slight nod, she was able to deal with it with just her physical body and that naturally made her happy.

She realized that she should look for a physical cultivation manual, otherwise it would waste the incredible raw strength held within her body.

She looked at the empty landscape before she walked towards the glowing door leading to the next level, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her.