Chapter 86: Unruly Liang Chen
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**Few Minutes Earlier **

Outside the Ancient Spirit Beast Pagoda, Yue Feng watched as Meng Lin’s name finally appeared on the ranking board.

100. Meng Lin - 2th Floor

The crowd around her murmured in surprise, intrigued by Meng Lin's sudden rise in the rankings, it had only been a few seconds since she entered.

As they watched, the numbers on the board changed, and Meng Lin's name rose higher and higher.

86. Meng Lin - 3th Floor

56. Meng Lin - 4th Floor

Each time her name climbed a floor, the crowd grew more and more louder. They became increasingly vocal about Meng Lin.

“Do you think she would reach the 6th floor.”

“Impossible, she's just a new disciple”

“Yeah but she has a special physique, right”

“And we don’t even know her stage”

“she seems to be making good progress. Maybe she has some secret technique or powerful cultivation method.”

22. Meng Lin - 5th Floor

As Meng Lin's name reached the 5th floor, the crowd started to get concerned and startled.

“Wow, she's really moving up. Can she keep this pace up?”

15. Meng Lin - 6th Floor

“this new disciple is overshadowing Pan Wa. This is going to be interesting.”

As Meng Lin reached the 6th floor, Yue Feng who had been silently watching began to pay attention.

11. Meng Lin - 7th Floor

“She did it! She made it to the 7th floor!”

“This is incredible. I've never seen a new disciple climb so high in their first try.”

“I wonder what kind of spirit beast she's facing on the 7th floor. It must be incredibly powerful.”

“She’s not coming out, you don’t think that she can still continue to the next floor right.”


The atmosphere in the crowd suddenly became tense as everyone waited to see if Meng Lin could push even further.

“What do we have here” suddenly a young man in a sect robe, with a symbol on his forehead walked in between the crowd as disciples made way for him.

He arrived by the side of Yue Feng before speaking out loud.

“Hmph, I don’t see what’s so impressive about this. I bet she won’t even make it to the 8th floor.”

The crowd turned to look at the newcomer, some of them recognizing him as one of the top disciples in the Division, the unruly Liang Chen.

“if it isn’t Liang Chen. What brings you here?” Yue Feng asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“I came to see what all the fuss was about. Seems like everyone is making a big deal out of nothing,” Liang Chen replied with a smirk.

The crowd murmured amongst themselves, some of them keeping quiet as they knew the temperament of Liang Chen.

“Oh really? Then why don’t you try climbing the tower yourself and see how far you can go?” Yue Feng challenged, her blank eyes flashing with something.

Liang Chen laughed. “Why bother? I already know I can make it to the top. No need to waste my time.”

“You on the other hand are intentionally not showing your true colors, admit it, the reason you brought her here was to see how much of a threat she would be to your dear beloved” Liang Chen said with clear sarcasm in his voice.

Yue Feng's expression hardened, her deadpan eyes turned to Liang Chen before she spoke. “Your voice is very annoying.”

The crowd grew silent, uncomfortable with the tense atmosphere between the two top disciples.

Liang Chen's smirk didn’t faltered for a moment, and he continued to speak. “Is that all you have to say? I expected more from one of the top female disciples in the Division.”

Yue Feng didn't take the bait. “I have better things to do than argue with you, Liang Chen.”

“Like what? Train yourself to catch up to Lu Xuan's level?” Liang Chen retorted with a sneer.

Yue Feng's eyes narrowed. “I don't need to catch up to anyone. My cultivation is my own concern.”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that,” Liang Chen said dismissively as he smirked.

The crowd watched Yue Feng and Liang Chen argue, but their attention was still focused on the ranking board, waiting to see if Meng Lin would make it to the 8th floor.

And just as some were beginning to give up, Meng Lin’s name appeared once again.

8. Meng Lin - 8th Floor

The crowd erupted into and uproar and shock, amazed by what they were seeing.

“Wow, she did it! She made it to the 8th floor!”

“I can't even imagine how strong she must be to get this far.”

As the crowd continued to talk, one of the entrance to the pagoda shone before Meng Lin stepped out, her face flushed with both excitement and exhaustion.

Yue Feng watched as Meng Lin made her way towards the crowd, her eyes narrowing with something.

As Meng Lin approached the crowd, Yue Feng came forward with the lingering Liang Chen behind her.

“Congratulations on making it to the 8th floor,” Yue Feng said, a small hint of admiration in her voice.

Meng Lin smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Senior Yue.”

Liang Chen rolled his eyes. “It's not that impressive.”

Yue Feng glared at him. “You have no idea what it takes to climb the Ancient Spirit Beast Pagoda. Don't underestimate her achievements.”

Meng Lin looked between the two top disciples, sensing the tension between them.

“Hump” Liang Chen turned towards Meng Lin before sneering, “Don't get too comfortable with your position. It won't last long.”

Meng Lin's expression hardened and a purple hue appeared in her eyes. “I understand, senior brother.”

With that, Meng Lin turned towards Yue Feng, “i will be returning back to my courtyard to digest my experiences with the tower, excuse me”.

Yue Feng nodded, watching as Meng Lin walked away, she turned to face Liang Chen, her eyes blank as she uttered.

“I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself, Liang Chen. Your arrogance is not welcome here.”

Liang Chen shrugged, a smirk on his face. “Suit yourself, Yue Feng. But mark my words, that new disciple is nothing compared to me.”

Yue Feng didn't reply, instead turning on her heel and walking away. She had better things to do than argue with someone who couldn't see the potential in others.

‘how does someone like him have a special physique’. She sighed as she thought of the unfairness of the world.