Chapter 88: Mystic Lunar Sword
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A few minutes later Meng Lin arrived at the building with the help of her small map, she saw a disciples walking out of the building, carrying bags and boxes in his hand.

Meng Lin entered the building and was greeted by a receptionist. “Hello, how may I assist you?” the receptionist asked.

“I am a new disciple and I have come to receive my uniform and flying sword,” Meng Lin replied.

“Ah, I see. May I see your Sect Token?” the receptionist asked as she looked curiously at Meng Lin.

“Here” Meng Lin replied and took out her Gold Token, causing the receptionist to be pause for a moment.

“Ah, yes. Wait a minute, I’ll get your stuff for you right away” the receptionist said coming out of her daze as she quickly walked to a room behind her.

A few minutes later the receptionist returned with a box in her hands. “Here is your uniform and flying sword. Congratulations on becoming a disciple of the Soul Shattering Sect,” she knowingly said with a smile.

Meng Lin didn’t think much about it and thanked the receptionist before checking the box in her hand.

The uniform was the sect uniform with the emblem of the Martial Arts Division on the chest. Next to it, the flying sword was a simple silver sword with a red tassel glowing with the aura of a low grade weapon.

She noticed 20 low grade spirit stones in the side and she turned to the receptionist who quickly explained.

“All inner sect diciples get 20 low grade spirit stones every month, they can wait and let it pile up before coming to get it as well”

Meng Lin nooded before storing the box and turning around before suddenly stopping.

“Is it possible to bring a few servants from outside?”

Meng Lin asked the receptionist.

The receptionist looked surprised at the question but quickly composed herself. “It is possible, but they will have to go through a screening process here and be approved by the Sect before they can enter. You will also have to take responsibility for them and ensure that they follow the Sect’s rules and regulations,” she replied.

Meng Lin nodded “Thank you for your help,” she said before leaving the building with her new uniform and flying sword. As she left the building she began to think.

This time, she was given her disciple uniform and a low-grade sword. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

She decided to go and see what stuff she could buy with the spirit stones that she has.

Walking towards a small teleportation area, she passed through the formation before arriving at a new environment, she saw that it was bustling with activity.

‘So this is the Inner sect market’ Meng Lin thought as she remembered what was said about it.

‘A joint venue of all the divisions, it’s for both diciples and Sect elders to use and it holds all that one needed’

There were various stalls selling all sorts of items, from cultivation manuals to weapons and armor.

Meng Lin walked around, taking in all the sights and sounds. She couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of peoples as well as options available to her.

She passed a few diciples that shot glances at her but she didn’t mind it, and after some browsing, Meng Lin finally found a shop that caught her eye. It was a small shop that sold various types of unique weapons

As she looked around the shop, she noticed a beautiful sword on display. It was made of a rare metal called Mystic Lunar Stone and with the intricate designs etched into the blade, Meng Lin wouldn’t be surprised if it was sold in an auction.

She picked up the sword and felt its weight in her hands. It was perfectly balanced and felt like an extension of her body.

It was a High Grade Weapon with a heavy aura that felt as cold as ice, a Mystic Luner sword.

“How much for this sword?” Meng Lin asked the shopkeeper.

“That sword is a rare find, it will cost you 5000 low grade spirit stones or 50 middle grade spirit stones, Sect Points are fine as well” the shopkeeper replied.

Meng Lin paused for a moment, considering the price. It was a hefty sum, and she didn’t have the money.

She only had a little over 700 spirit stones and they were all low grade, she hasn’t even laid eyes on a single middle grade spirit stone not to mention a high grade one.

From her memory she knew that you would need 100 low grade spirit stones to get a single middle grade spirit stone and the same is for high grade spirit stones.

She thought about her options for a moment before putting the sword back down and asked the shopkeeper about any way of contacting him, in case she didn’t see him here the next day.

She didn’t forget to bring out her gold token as she had long noticed that it would probably make transactions with vendors a lot easier.

The shopkeeper looked at the token before looking at her to nod his head, giving her a small talisman.

“When you what to contact me, inject your spiritual qi into it and you can talk through it”

“However, I won’t give you this talisman for free, it’s 10 low grade stone” he said stretching out his hand.

Meng Lin took out her spirit stones and paid the shopkeeper for the talisman before leaving the shop.

She browsed through the market but couldn’t find anything that matched the sword, in the end she purchased two low grade swords for 60 spirit stones.

she knew that at the level that the Brute Qi was at, normal swords wouldn’t last even a mili- second in battle.

As she left the market and headed back to her courtyard, Meng Lin couldn’t help but think about the whole day, it was a bit exhausting.

As she arrived at her courtyard with the help of her little map, Meng Lin saw someone standing next to the courtyard barrier, seemingly waiting for something.

It was a tall man with a scar on his forehead, his eyes were stern and he had a fierce aura around him. Meng Lin felt a bit intimidated by him, but she didn’t let it show.

“Excuse me, may I ask who you are?” Meng Lin asked politely.

“I am Luo Su, I came to check out the diciple Liang Chen was talking about.” the man replied with a gruff voice.

Hearing his name Meng Lin was surprised, she didn’t expect to meet him so soon.

“Thank you for coming to see me, Senior Brother Luo Su. I am Meng Lin,” she introduced herself.

Luo Su looked at Meng Lin from head to toe, sizing her up. “Not bad, you look weak. But I can see that you have monstrous strength” he said, before suddenly disappearing from where he stood.

Meng Lin’s eyes widen as she quickly reacted, clenching her fist she turned before punching out.


The ground shook as a powerful shockwave was released from a collision punch, causing the entire courtyard to tremble.

Luo Su reappeared a few meters away, a look of surprise on his face. “Not bad, you really do have some power in that tiny body of yours,” he said.

“What’s the meaning of this Senior Brother” Meng Lin asked clearly shocked.

Luo Su chuckled. “I just wanted to test your strength, and I must say I am impressed”

Hearing him, Meng Lin’s eyes narrowed before she said back with an awkward smile “thank you for your praise senior brother”

Luo Su nodded. “as long as you don’t slack off like Liang Chen then our Division will definitely win this years divisions ranking, don’t disappoint”

With that, Luo Su gave her a deep look before disappearing into thin air, leaving Meng Lin standing there, with an awkward smile on her face.

She pursed her lip before shaking her head and turning before entering her courtyard.

She didn’t know what to say, because she clearly remembered the top 10 rankings for the Ancient Spirit Beast Pagoda.

And that man was way above her.

[Ancient Spirit Beast Pagoda Floor Rankings]

1. Xu Ruan 10th floor

2. Luo Su 10th floor

3. Lu Xuan - 10th floor

4. Xie Ru - 9th floor

5. Liam Mu - 9th floor

6. Yue Feng - 8th floor

7. Zu Zuan - 8th floor

8. Meng Lin - 8th floor

9. Xian Xian - 7th floor

10. Liang Ru - 7th floor