Chapter 136: Final Trial part 1
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Looking at the words Gold Core on her system menu Meng Lin smiled and looked towards the Taoist gacha wheel.

As she entered the Taoist Gacha Wheel she wasn’t surprised to see rows of items that she hadn’t seen before, the original 10 had increased to 15 and almost all of them were replaced by new items.

1. >Celestial Thunder Blade

2. Soul wondering pills x5

3. >Void Spirit Mirror

4. >Shapeshifter's Mask

5. >High Grade Rootless Fire x1

6. >[system mission]

7. >High grade system pack

8. Superior Booze gift bag

9. Holy Brute Qi cultivation technique

10. Immortal jades x9

11. Spiritual Healing Pillx3

12. Soulbound Amulet of Resurrection

13. Everlasting Lotus Seed

14. Chaos Mountain

15. Essence Absorbing lnsectx30

She recognized a few new items but the majority were items that she had not heard of before.

She withheld the temptation of spinning the wheel and left the Gacha wheel to go look at the system market, afterall they both had an upgrade.

Meng Lin clicked on the system market icon and was immediately greeted with a plethora of options.

The interface had undergone a significant improvement, with vibrant colors and detailed descriptions for each item. It was like stepping into a virtual marketplace filled with endless possibilities.

The number of slots had increased from 30 to 50 and she saw a huge amount of spiritual herbs for alchemy and weapon and item ingredients for blacksmith.

She wondered if the system noticed how she was leaning towards those two areas and had done this because of that.

She scrolled through the various categories, ranging from cultivation techniques to rare artifacts and mystical potions. The system market seemed to have everything a cultivator like her could ever desire.

However she could not get all she wanted as she noticed the price of some of the items, she had even stumbled upon middle grade rootless fires only to almost split blood looking at the prices of them.

While she pondered on what to do with her newfound money the rising sun suddenly turned gray and the whole sky lost color.

Meng Lin snapped out of her thoughts and stood up while looking at the sky, ‘is this trial ending’ she thought.

A few meters away from her, a distorted space came into view and a blinding light burst out to form two swirling different colored gates that glowed with heavenly light.

Below each gate were letters that began to appear one after another until they formed complete words.

Below the green gate was the word, *Exit* and below the gate with the red swirl was the words *Final Trial *.

Meng Lin couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation, the appearance of these gates meant that they had reached the final level of trial.

She knew that behind the green gate was the exit, where she could leave the trial and return to the Nether Cloud Domain.

On the other hand, behind the red gate was the final trial, a challenge that would test her to her limits.

She paused for a moment, contemplating her next move. Should she take the safe route and exit the trial? Or should she embrace the unknown and step into the final trial?

Was there even a need to contemplate Meng Lin thought, at the current moment she felt the need to challenge herself and see how she would fare against the others, again. She wanted to test her limits.

She had come so far, overcoming various trials and acquiring new skills and items along the way. She had grown stronger and more confident in her abilities. She couldn't let fear hold her back now.

Maybe if she hadn’t broken through she wouldn’t be thinking all this but that would not be known now.

Taking a deep breath she flicked her hand to store away the Soul Confusing Array as well as all her reward items, without the fog between them Meng Lin was able to see the gates in full view.

Stepping towards the gate with the red swirl, Meng Lin could feel a surge of energy coursing through her veins. It was as if the gate itself was inviting her to step into the unknown, to face whatever awaited her on the other side.

As she crossed the threshold, the surroundings changed once again. She found herself in a vast, otherworldly castle with a giant gate as well as towering pillars of fire surrounding the whole place.

There was no ceiling above and she could see stars just like when she had been in the trial with the different castles.

But she doubted if this was the same place because every star above was red, unlike the other trial space which had countless stars of different colors.

As she began to marvel at her new surroundings she felt sonething within her storage ring react.

Taking out a small talisman Meng Lin’s eyes raised as she recognized what it was, back before they had all entered the nether Could Domain they had been given this talisman.

It was supposed to locate the Sect Artifact when it gets close to it, but she had completely forgotten about it in the midst of the things that happened.


Looking at the small pusltating talisman pointing towards the giant gate in front of her Meng Lin held a hand under her chin as she began to think.

What could be waiting for her beyond the giant gate? Should she follow the talisman's guidance and venture further into the castle? Or should she explore her surroundings first to gather more information?

Meng Lin weighed her options carefully. On one hand, the talisman seemed to be leading her towards the gate, indicating that the sect artifact is on the other side.

On the other hand, she was curious about the castle itself. The pillars of fire and the ancient power emanating from the surroundings hinted at hidden secrets and valuable treasures. Exploring the area might provide her with additional resources and insights to aid her in the final trial.

After a moment of contemplation, Meng Lin decided to follow the talisman's guidance. She believed that anywhere that housed the sect artifact was a place that also held other side artifacts, she wondered what she would find there.

With determination in her eyes, she took a step towards the giant gate. As she approached, the gate began to shimmer with a vibrant red glow, as if responding to her presence. The energy coursing through her veins intensified, filling her with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

With a deep breath, Meng Lin pushed open the gate and stepped into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges awaited her in the final trial.