Chapter 141: Sect Return
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Division Head Zheng didn't waste any time. With a swift wave of his hand, a golden light enveloped the remaining disciples of the Soul Shattering Sect, pulling them with force as it transformed into a streak of light that headed toward the distance.

Meng Lin felt a rush of adrenaline as the wind whipped past her, her eyes fixed on the rest of the disciples who seemed to be having trouble with the pressure placed upon them before turning to look at Division Head Zheng who held a serious expression.

They flew over the mountains and valleys, the landscape blurring beneath them as the streak of light traveled at an incredible speed.

Meng Lin marveled at the speed as she could already see their destination, it would have taken her at least an hour just to arrive at the teleportation platform even with her new realm.

As they touched down, Division Head Zheng turned to address the group. His voice was filled with urgency and concern.

"Immediately release your qi into the teleportation formation” he said, his eyes scanning the faces of the disciples.

The disciples quickly followed Division Head Zheng's instructions, releasing their qi into the teleportation formation. The air crackled with energy as the disciples channeled their power, their movements synchronized and focused.

Meng Lin could feel the surge of qi around her, the tingling sensation running through her veins. She could sense the power radiating from her fellow cultivators, their strength palpable in the air.

Once the teleportation formation was filled with their combined qi, a brilliant light enveloped them, blinding Meng Lin momentarily. She closed her eyes and held on tightly, feeling the familiar sensation of being transported.

When the light faded, Meng Lin slowly opened her eyes to find herself standing in a dense forest. The air was thick with the scent of earth and foliage, and the sound of rustling leaves filled her ears. The forgotten forest.

She looked around to see the rest of the disciples regaining their footing, their expressions a mix of confusion and determination. Division Head Zheng stood at the forefront, his gaze sweeping the surroundings.

"We are now in the forgotten forest," he said, his voice steady and commanding. "We must make our way back to the Soul Shattering Sect as quickly as possible and be on high alert."

The group nodded in agreement, their eyes scanning the forest for any potential threats.

Meng Lin could feel the tension in the air, but she also felt a sense of safety as she saw the urgency within the eyes of Division Head Zheng diminish.

Taking out a mat, he quickly made everyone get on before flying towards the sect.

The disciples were finally given time to take a breather and took their respective seats.

"Are you all okay?" Xu Ruan asked, concern evident in his voice.

Luang Chen as well as Lu Xuan didn’t seem interested in conversing as they shut their eyes, meditating or reflecting on their experiences.

It was Senior Sister Yue Feng who answered Xu Ruan with a nod. "Yes, just a bit overwhelmed. But we'll manage."

Lu Xuan nodded and turned to division head Zheng “ Division Head Zheng, what’s going on”

Division Head Zheng's voice cut through the wind, his tone filled with serenity. "The breach in the Nether Cloud Domain is a grave threat, if I am not mistaken then the person you mentioned is someone that has reached the threshold of the emperors”

“Furthermore, I sensed that it won't be long before whatever strong creatures within the dimension begin to emerge from the cracks to wreak havoc on our world."

Meng Lin’s eyes narrowed as a bad premonition grew in her thoughts, ‘I hope that monster chained up within the dead zone would remain suppressed and unable to escape, otherwise…’

Division Head Zheng's gaze shifted to her and paused for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. "You five have been able to reach the Gold Core Realm within only a week, you have done well, and the sect will reward you for that, it’s only a shame that you couldn’t get the sect artifact back, but from your explanation, I have a grasp on where it might be now”

“And where do you think it is” Meng Lin asked.

Division Head Zheng looked at Meng Lin with a thoughtful expression. "Based on what you've described, the sect artifact may be with the Seven Weapon’s Domain, a powerful force equivalent to a rank 4 sect, they have been known for their powerful weapons and have collected powerful artifacts from other sects before”

Division Head Zheng's voice was filled with determination. "The Seven Weapons Domain... if they have indeed acquired our sect artifact, we must retrieve it at all costs. They are a formidable force, but we cannot allow them to wield more power than they already do”

“Anyways, we will deal with that later, for now let’s return fast to the sect” Meng Lin nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation.

The flying mat traveled for a few more minutes before reaching a veil of fog.

Meng Lin squinted her eyes to look through and slowly the fog began to lift and mountainous terrain began to appear until a single big mountain became visible to all.

It was the Martial Arts Division, Meng Lin didn’t know how but it seems that the sect had a strong vail of entry around it.

The Division’s grand buildings and towering walls stood proudly, a testament to its strength and power.

As they landed near the entrance. Meng Lin could see disciples bustling about, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

Division Head Zheng approached a group of sect elders who were gathered near the entrance.

"Division Head Zheng," one of the sect elders greeted him with a respectful bow. "We received your message and have been waiting for your return. What are we to do?"

Division Head Zheng's voice was calm but firm as he addressed the elders. " notify the other Division Heads and tell them I will be asking the sect Master to hold a meeting”


Echoing throughout the cultivation grounds, the sect elders quickly turned to carry out Division Head Zheng's orders.

Division Head Zheng turned to the group with him and said "You five go to your disciples' courters and rest for now. We have a long few days ahead of us. I'll gather you all when it's time for the meeting."

The five disciples nodded in understanding and without another word, a flash of light enveloped Division Head Zheng and he flew away towards the inner parts of the sec.

The disciples turned and began heading towards their disciples' hall, each of them lost in their thoughts about what had transpired and what was yet to come.

As for Meng Lin, she took one last look at the streak of light that carried the division head and took a deep breath.

Her mind was filled with thoughts about the events that she had encountered and she couldn’t help but feel a looming threat over her.

With a deep breath, she turned and followed the others toward the disciples' courters.