Prologue: Fading World
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When the world ends, when everything is gone. I thought I'll never see it again. 

Sitting here on a rooftop, watching the soothing glow of the moon and the soft cold breeze touching my skin. It sure is something I hope will last. Unfortunately, things don't last for long.

Turning my head to the side, she's there, leaning on my shoulder, wearing a long dress with floral embroidery and a pair of sandals. Looking away from her book, she turned her head and our eyes met. I smiled and she smiled back, raising her head and leaning close, her soft lips touching mine. We stayed like that for a short while before she pull away and lay on my lap, reading.

Caressing her soft hair, I look at the sky and said.

"So, it's coming..."

Feeling a soft warmth on my hand, I look down, she's holding mine. She looked at the sky, same as I was and gently replied.

"Regretting it?"

I nodded, then she replied.

"Even if we regret it, what will it do? It will never undone our faults, it will only satisfy our guilt."

"You're right, but..."

"But what?"

"But we could at least do something to help these people..."

"We do, that's why we're writing a book for free online "

"That's not enough..."

"But that's all we can do

"Try talking to someone and convince them that this world is ending, they'll only see us as crazy, and worse we can be at the police station right now"

"I see"

I sighed, feeling my lap getting lighter, she sat up and faced me, eye to eye.

"You feel like this world and its people are your responsibility.

"That's good, but we can't save everyone .

"If we do, then in the end or perhaps in the middle of it, we'll be the one needing help.

"But that doesn't mean we are doing nothing, we are helping as much as we can by spreading knowledge.

"Perhaps this knowledge won't mean much in that changing world, but it can be useful.

"So, I don't want you to blame yourself, it's going to be alright, we did what we can"

I felt her forehead touched mine, my hands wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer.

Giving in a sigh, I replied.

"I will"

"That's good, now, shall we continue enjoying our night?"

"Sure thing, My Highness"

"...Shut up!"

"Heh, I love you, My Highness"

"Wow, I comforted you and this is what I get?"

Then a soft, almost unhearable 'I love you too' escaped her mouth.

"What was that?"

"I said I hate you! Humph"


And the night went on as it always do. Such a pleasant night.

Days passed from that time, and with each that went, I feel the nagging inside me slowly intensify, almost like the sky will crash once I close my eyes. It's not only affecting me, it's affecting her too. Time by time I'll see her distracted and looking at the sky, sometimes she's also looking at her back, afraid that something might be watching her from behind. On one occasion, she nearly cut her finger while cooking. It's not looking good.

Then it happened.

Looking out of the window and enjoying breakfast with her, the sky darkens. She stopped eating, and so did I. We both looked outside, this nagging feeling spreading from my chest, almost compressing my lungs, each breath is a battle. 

I want to look away from the dark sky, but my body won't move, my eyes fixated to the sky. It wants me to look. My body feels like it's no longer mine anymore, I feel like trapped in a jar, watching from my eyes as if my body is a prison.

The nagging spreads and slowly turn into dread, my chest is heaving up and down, my lungs is squeezed. Each breath is a clawing struggle.

Then I felt it, a sudden shock from my shoulder, spreading like my body is electrified. By some force I was pulled back and into the floor, hitting my shoulder and sending waves of pain down my back and arm.

My body went back to my control, and looking to the side, she's unconscious. Standing up with all my strength, I suppressed this swelling feeling in my chest and picked her up, carrying her and waking upstairs. I opened the door to our bedroom and put her on the bed before locking the door and covering us with the blanket.

I hug her, she's shivering, and so do I. Slowly her eyes open and met mine, she stared at me before hugging without warning, as tight as I'm hugging her. Like that, we spend under each other's comfort, ragged by this feeling inside us.

I hear her whispers.

"I can feel it... I can feel everything is gone..."

I hugged her tighter, no words of comfort that I can think off because I'm feeling the same. I looked at her and our eyes locked. I leaned over and kissed her, trying to buried the dread under the intimacy we shared. She closed her eyes and so is mine, this kiss and the thought of each other being the light under with grasping darkness crushing us.

I don't know how, but I can feel everything disappearing outside, the people, cars, pets, trees, everything. All of them disappearing under the sound of a rain. Then, eventually, it reached us. 

I feel her arms hugging tighter, almost too tight. Our bed can no longer be felt anywhere, nor the blanket or our clothes. In the end there's only me, her, and the rain. And eventually my mind as well, slowly fading away. I forced my eyes open and looked at her slowly fading body.

With struggles, she said something that I can't hear, but that mouth movement says it.

With my last strength, I replied .

"I love you too"