Chapter 6
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"We have arrived, Mr. Tremblay." The chauffeur informed Alex of their arrival to wake him from sleeping inside the limousine.

Alex's eyes slowly opened as he removed the notebook covering his face that he used as an eyeshield to protect it from light. He slowly got up and looked outside to see that they were outside a hospital.

"Thanks," Alex said coldly to his chauffeur, accidentally revealing his more apathetic side since he was still groggy from waking up.

"I will be waiting for your return." The chauffeur didn't mind this response from Alex as he turned off the limousine's engine.

Alex exited his limousine and approached the hospital. A month had passed since the green sludge incident, and Alex had already familiarized himself with Musutafu City. It was time to enact his second plan after he felt comfortable staying in Musutafu City.

Alex wasn't in Musutafu City at the moment, but in Jaku City. The city that Tomura Shigaraki reduced to rubble by enhancing his quirk. And the hospital Alex was entering was Jaku General Hospital, the origin place of Nomus. He needed to meet a certain someone in this hospital—someone who could be instrumental in achieving his goal.

Alex reached the inside of the hospital and scanned his surroundings. At first glance, there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. It had plenty of people, and the staff looked qualified enough for their jobs working for the hospital. But he knew this place was hiding a dark secret beneath its floors.

Alex straightened his posture and wore sunglasses to look as charming as possible. He walked confidently towards the hospital receptionist as people around him stared at him. It wasn't every day they'd be able to see a foreigner as pleasing to the eyes as him. He stopped before a receptionist glued to her computer screen, unaware of her surroundings. The receptionist looked up and was surprised to see a tall man behind the desk smiling at her.

"Hello miss. I'm here for an appointment with Doctor Kyudai Garaki. Is he present at the moment?" Alex said softly with a small but charming smile on his face.

"Oh, uh. And what's your name?" The receptionist then started to search her computer for any recent appointments with Doctor Kyudai Garaki.

"Hahaha, you don't have to worry about that, darling. And please, you know how he operates." Alex suddenly touched the receptionist on her arm as he subtly activated his quirk, implanting false memories into her head.

The receptionist's body quivered as she was creeped out by the man's hand suddenly on her body. Her fingers stopped moving, and she looked up to see the man's smile turn into a cold dead stare. Then her mind began racing as she soon realized who this person was. He was one of those weird clients that Kyudai Garaki told them never to question. Her body shook in fear as she realized what she had done.

Oh, dear Lord. How could she have forgotten?

What was Doctor Garaki going to do with her now? Her whole family depended on this job of hers. If he were to fire her, she and her entire family would lose their only source of income.

"Oh! U-uh, yes! Doctor Garaki is over by the medical ward, room 38 on the right!"

Alex smiled as she removed his hand from her arm and casually walked away. Everyone in the hospital who watched what was happening was left confused about what had just happened.


Alex stayed on guard while walking through the hospital. This place was so loaded with cameras that you couldn't walk for 5 meters without seeing one camera after another. But that was to be expected. After all, this hospital was the secret lair of Kyudai Garaki and all his experiments. Kyudai Garaki was the only person he could freely approach among all of All For One's henchmen. And he also held the key to getting close to Shigaraki as well. That key was the Nomu "Kurogiri." Alex was 99% sure Kurogiri was still held up inside one of  Garaki's Nomu tanks.

Alex soon reached a door with the number "38" above it. He opened the door and was met by a bald old man that looked friendly and harmless. He sat on an office chair behind an office desk with chairs on the other side.

"Hmm? And what brings you here, young man?" Even though Garaki asked a straightforward question, his voice radiated a sort of warmth to it.

"Doctor Kyudai Garaki, I'm here to discuss your future plans with you." Alex disrespectfully entered the room and sat on one of the chairs before Giraki's desk.

"Who are you? Who let you in here?" Doctor Garaki dropped his mask and went straight to the point.

"I know about your so-called "Nomus", And I won't hesitate to act in any second." Alex noticed his change of tone and acted the same way.

Garaki didn't respond for a few seconds as his face remained stoic.

"Normally, I'd say you're crazy. But since you know even the name "Nomu," That must mean you know something more than I think." Garaki twisted his body so it fully faced Alex. He put his hands on his desk and clasped them.

"Now, young man, do you honestly expect anyone would take you seriously if you leaked this Nomu thing to the public?"

Alex scoffed as he pulled something out of his breast pocket and displayed it to Garaki. It was a badge with the crest of the EverCreed, a massive hero association in America that the United Nations even backed. The My Hero Academia anime never mentioned this association in the anime. Still, everyone in the world knew the symbol of the EverCreed as one that showed absolute power, with members considered to be one of the most powerful quirk users globally.

EverCreed was a private association, and even still, they had the authority to have a say in country-wide decisions regarding quirk regulations. The CEO was such a secretive man that not even the CIA has a record of him.

Garaki's jaw dropped as he saw the symbol. He could feel that it was real. EverCreed made these badges with some sort of  material from a quirk user that radiated a distinct aura.

"You can check its authenticity if you want." Alex threw the badge at Garaki. Garaki clumsily caught it as it almost slipped from his hands several times. He then looked at the badge closely. It was a symbol of a hand grasping a circle as if trying to squeeze the life out of it—the EverCreed's crest.

"Wh- where did you get this? Who truly are you?" Garaki's stoic face crumbled as he peered into Alex's eyes under his sunglasses.

"Let's just say I come from high places."

The truth was that his parents gave Alex this badge for him to show everyone who he was. America's society differs significantly from Japan's, where powerful quirk families and private companies rule the country along with the actual government. Alex came from a secretive part of EverCreed's branches, specializing in intelligence and reconnaissance. He and the rest of his family's quirks were perfect for this stuff.

Garaki's shaking body started to calm down as he took deep breaths to slow his heart rate.

"It seems like I have a bigger fish to work on besides the Tomura kid," Garaki whispered under his breath.

Then Garaki's face distorted into a grotesque smile.

"It was your mistake for coming here, fool."

Alex's eyes widened as he heard those words. Then he heard a sound from the roof, and he jerked his head up to see what it was. It was a giant Nomu with an invisibility quirk hiding inside the room all this time.

Before Alex could react, it dropped and slammed his head to the ground, knocking him out instantly.

"Easy there. We don't want to kill him." Garaki was frightened, thinking the young man might've gotten his skull crushed in.

Garaki approached Alex, saw that he was still breathing, and sighed in relief.

"Hehehe, I know all about you and your family's mind-reading quirk. Anyone could tell from that navy blue hair who you were."

Garaki looked back at the golden badge as he smiled widely.

"Alexander Tremblay."