Chapter 10
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Alex was leaning back on the limousine seat, looking up at the car's roof. His eyes were closed as he took his time to process everything that had happened in the hospital. He raised his hand and tried to feel his quirk activation, but he still couldn't feel a thing.

'A week, huh? Hypothetically.' Alex hoped that Garaki was right and that he'd be able to retain his quirk. The deal he made with All For One had set the stakes even higher. He couldn't afford any further setbacks.

Alex tilted his head slightly to the side and was freaked out by the disgusting image of a little Nomu creepily staring at his soul.

"Uh, can you... Turn invisible or something?" Alex wasn't looking forward to this monster accompanying him 24/7.

The Nomu didn't respond to his question as it continued to stare at him. Alex sighed and took the notebook from his pocket to study its contents. For now, the next thing he should be doing is learning about the ins and outs of the U.A. Entrance exam. The preemptive meeting with All For One drastically changed his plans, but it wasn't all that bad.

Alex frowned a little as he thought about his conversation with All For One.

'Wasn't it a little... convenient?' 

The way that All For One didn't question him about why he would help Tomura, and also that he didn't even question him about how he'd gotten his hands on so much classified information. Something was up. And if Alex didn't find out what it was, it could be detrimental to him.

Then, he thought back about his conversation with Garaki, when the two of them were basically holding each other hostage.

'EverCreed. Garaki mentioned EverCreed. Does EverCreed have a connection to All For One? If they do, it seems like such a major plot point to be withheld from the show.'

Alex was on to something here. But he needed more information to make a solid case. He then made a new entry in his notebook detailing how All For One and EverCreed were connected.

'Was there ever an EverCreed in My Hero Academia?' Alex thought to himself until he closed his notebook and readied himself to face the next problem he had to settle.

Alex knew that his father had ordered Tristan to record everything Alex did in Japan. He was sure that the Tremblay family wouldn't actually care about the illegal human experiments happening in Japan, but he didn't want to take chances. He also felt that he shouldn't trust Tristan nor the Tremblay family if All For One had a connection to EverCreed.

"Tristan, what would it take for you to keep this away from Father?" Alex said as he turned his head over to Tristan.

Tristan looked at Alex through the rearview mirror before turning back to the road.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Mr. Tremblay," Tristan says as he tries to avoid the question.

Alex squinted his eyes in disappointment. Tristan had always avoided topics that he deemed too sensitive.

"Don't try to play dumb with me. Besides, it's not like my family cares about what happens to me."

Suddenly, Tristan hit the brake pedal hard, throwing Alex's body forward and onto the limousine floor. Alex got back up and saw they were in the middle of traffic, but he was still annoyed at Tristan for abruptly braking.

"Alex, I don't work for you. I work for the Tremblay family." Tristan coldly says as he drops all formality.

Alex didn't respond to this as he leaned back on the limousine seat and closed his eyes in frustration. Tristan stared at Alex sulking in anger, before getting himself lost in his thoughts. He thought about his master, Alex's father, and what he would have done for his son.

'If only that kid knew.'


Tristan snapped out of his daydream from a car honk. He noticed that the car in front of him was already gone. Tristan promptly accelerates, so he wouldn't cause a traffic jam. After a few minutes of thinking, Tristan let out a sigh.

"I'll omit the events that took place after I went into the hospital. but I'll still record your visit to Jaku General Hospital."

Alex's head jolted up from the seat when he heard Tristan's words. He definitely wanted this answer, but he never expected it to happen. Alex settled his excitement after realizing that there had to be a price to this. There always was.

"What's the catch?" Alex sternly said as he looked at Tristan's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"You'll follow the tasks given to you by the family." Tristan kept his eyes on the road.

Alex pondered over this for a few moments, rubbing his chin in thought. What Tristan proposed wasn't a big deal for him. It would just make his time in Japan busier. He chose not to do what his family asked of him because he thought the tasks were a big waste of time and didn't want the family to control him.

"Fine, I'll do it." It wasn't hard to come up with an answer. He'll just have to run small errands for the family.

Tristan nodded. "Great, I'll contact them about your cooperation. Expect the tasks two weeks from now."

Alex nodded in response before lying on the limousine seat and falling sound asleep.


"Ugh, what are we doing here again?" Kaneko, the white-haired girl that saved Bakugo, was annoyed that she and the weird kid Yuudai were venturing into a library. School was already over, and the two of them got somewhat close to each other after discovering that they were both reincarnators.

"I need help reading certain books." Yuudai says indifferently as he picks up book after book from the library shelves.

"Books about what? I'm not really the reading type." Kaneko checks out the books Yuudai had been carrying and notices that all of them are about American history. But before Kaneko could ask about why Yuudai had been collecting American history books, Yuudai suddenly dropped the books onto Kaneko's arms, surprising her.

"Hey! Could you at least warn me?" Kaneko barely managed to catch all of the books Yuudai gave her.

Yuudai didn't respond to Kaneko as he stood on the tips of his toes, trying to reach a book that was too tall for him to reach. He did a little hop to get the final inch in and successfully obtained the book. Kaneko chuckled a little, thinking that the hop Yuudai did was cute.

Yuudai opens the book and quickly scans it before putting the book along the stacks that Kaneko had been carrying. Kaneko was yet again confused about what kind of book he'd gotten this time. She read the cover of the book and saw the title "EverCreed" written in big, bold letters.

"What's this EverCreed thing? Is this a fantasy book?" Kaneko tilted her head in confusion.

"It's an American hero association. It's one of the most powerful hero companies in America and even has political power in Japan." Yuudai says as he scans the bookshelves for more books to read about.

"What about it? Why do you want to know so much about America anyway?" Yuudai's answer didn't satisfy her curiosity one bit.

"It's because America has much more power than it did in the manga. Maybe some other reincarnators long ago changed the timeline." Yuudai grabbed another book and threw it in the stack.

This got Kaneko thinking. It was an exciting yet scary thought that there were other reincarnators before the main timeline even happened.

After half an hour of book hunting, Yuudai was finally satisfied with the amount of books they got. Kaneko, on the other hand, wasn't all that enthusiastic about the amount of reading that they had to do. Both of them sat by a window seat in the library and spent a couple of hours reading and chatting about their findings. Kaneko would occasionally ask questions about certain things, and Yuudai would give her perfect answers regarding them.

This would go on for awhile until nighttime arrived and both of them said their goodbyes and went home.

While Yuudai was casually walking home under the night sky, he came across a foreigner that caught his attention. It wasn't his looks or his navy blue hair that stood out for Yuudai, but the foreigner's soul. This was related to his quirk, and the foreigner's soul seemed to emit the same aura as Kaneko's and even his own. A soul that doesn't fit in with this world.

"What are you looking at?"

The foreigner saw that Yuudai had been staring at him for awhile and chose to confront him. Then the foreigner saw Yuudai look down at his hands before looking him back in the face.

"Who are you?" Yuudai suddenly blurted out a random question.

The foreigner didn't respond as he looked back at Yuudai's emotionless eyes.

This would be the first interaction between the two that would wage an endless war hidden beneath the shadows.