Chapter 034 – New possibilities
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Enjoy the illustration at the end~

(And maybe be cautious when looking at it xD)



Sophia and Mira were hating a little too much over Canir’s shrines, which made him a little upset. To pay them back for all the sass they gave him, he decided to gift each an extra fancy shrine that couldn't be removed from their domains. Naturally, the two girls weren’t the slightest bit happy about that.

“Would you look at that, a wild Canir.” Aura, Steph, and Chloe had returned to the mansion, and the wolf was the first to greet him. “What brings you here?”

“Long time, no see!” The other two followed right after her.

“It’s good to see you again, too.” Canir simply smiled at them. Afterward, as the female wolf had asked, he briefly explained to her how he ended up here.

“Oh!” Aura seemed to like the story. “It seems like everyone had a lot of fun today, huh?”

“Debatable.” Sophia, Maya, Fen, and Mira had mixed feelings on the matter. After all, the trio went through a lot, and the teal fox didn't end up being scot-free, either.

“I’m super envious that you all went on an adventure without us!” Steph didn’t like that so much happened without her being there, too.

“To be fair, we had our own adventure.” Chloe wasn’t upset about it.

“That’s true!” The dog quickly cheered up again. “Oh, speaking of! Sophia!”

“That’s my name, yes.” The blonde looked at her little sister. “What can I do for you?”

“Your domain is broken!”

“My domain is broken?” She looked quite confused after hearing that.

“Right!” Chloe joined in on Steph's complaint. “While we were designing the eternal kingdom of ice and coldness, a ton of half-burned leaves and sticks suddenly appeared out of nowhere! It was so much that it completely buried us!”

“You have no idea how much that surprised me!”

“Ahhh.” Sophia scratched her cheek. “My domain’s fine then. Maya did that.”

“Huh?!” The duo then stared at the cat-girl.

“Don’t believe her! She’s the one who sent it to your location!”

“Ah, that makes more sense.” Steph and Chloe could believe that much more.

“Oi!” The blonde glared at the cat-girl. “You’re the one who burned down half of my jungle, cleaned it up with air magic, and then made me teleport everything to where the two were. I may have done it, but you made me do it. I even only realized halfway through when you were guiding me!"

“It’s hard to come up with anything to refute that.”

“Because it’s the truth!” She just glared harder at the cat-girl.

“You weren’t against it, though.”

“I never said I was!” Sophia also had fun doing it, after all.

“I’m confused, but I seriously hope to see more of this Maya!” Steph wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but she was a fan of the playful cat-girl.

"Wait up just a moment!" It seemed like Sophia had just noticed something else. Something of utmost importance. Eternal kingdom of ice and coldness?!" She remembered Chloe's earlier description. "Is it just me, or is that horrible project sounding increasingly grand with each mention?!"

“Because it is becoming grander with each passing moment~.”

“Exactly~!” The duo seemed to be having a great time with their project.

"I need to make sure to fence off their area so that it doesn't spread too much.”

“Where’s the fun in that?!” Steph didn’t like her sister’s idea.

“Where’s the fun in an ice kingdom in the first place?!”

“Where do you want me to start?”

“The part where you stop!” The sisters very much disagreed on the topic.


“Aura, how is your project coming along?” Sophia decided that it was best to simply ignore Steph for the sake of her own sanity. “I like your idea a little better, after all.”

“Well, the pines haven’t grown yet, but I have a great feeling about it!” The wolf seemed to be in a good mood. “I spaced the saplings out and gave each of the three a third of my raw magic! I’m totally empty right now. I can’t wait to see them all grown up~.”

“You used your entire internal magic on three saplings…?” Mira’s eyes grew wide.

“I sure did!” Aura just reacted with a big nod.

“Oh.” The teal fox awkwardly scratched her cheek.

“I love this group!” The other overseer was enjoying himself, though.

“What’s up with those reactions?!” Sophia immediately got concerned about her domain again.

“Don’t worry, it’s fine~.” Canir smiled at her.

“I’ve never been this worried in my life!” It was a big red flag to her.


“Aura, my dear, how far away from each other are those saplings?” Mira faced the wolf instead.

“A couple hundred kilometers, I guess?” She tilted her head. “I had quite the workout to space them out. I didn't want a massive center that gets gradually lighter, like the jungle here. I want a forest that’s the same density everywhere~.”

“Phew!” The female overseer looked visibly relieved.

“Oi!” Sophia then glared at her. “What’s going on?!”

“There’s a limit on how much raw magic plants can absorb.” Mira finally answered her. “Knowing our Aura here, she definitely would’ve tried to brute force more into them.”

“I absolutely would’ve!” The wolf in question nodded a few times.

“Which could’ve led to some unforeseeable results." The female overseer continued. “Plants happily accept more than the limit because they don't know better for obvious reasons, but it comes with some side effects. All sorts of mutations can or will happen. The final product might have nothing in common with the original once fully grown. This will also happen if there's too much in close proximity.”

“Mutations?” Steph’s ears perked up while her tail started wagging. “Details, please!”

“Well, it’s relatively random.” Mira wasn’t sure what to tell her. “Pretty much anything can happen. It can fuse with other plants and create some sort of impossible hybrid, for example. Occasionally, it can even happen that the plants stop being plants.”

“Huh?” The dog-girl tilted her head in confusion. “You don't mean it becomes alive now, do you?"

“That’s not what I meant.” She shook her head. “There’s a high chance it mineralizes instead. Too much raw magic can cause the plants to crystalize during their growth. To be fair, it’s very pretty, though.”

“WAIT!” The voices of Chloe and the sisters overlapped. "Are you telling me that creating a crystal forest is possible?!" Their dreams were one and the same.

“Yes.” The teal fox nodded. “Judging by those sparkling eyes, I said too much, huh?”

“LET’S GO!” The trio got very loud.

“Why are you three so giddy?” Ari didn’t understand their excitement.

“Why aren’t you?!” The trio stared at her. “Didn’t you hear what she just said?!”

"Yeah, something about crystallized plants?" She tilted her head.

“Why aren’t you excited, then?!” Chloe and the sisters were still completely unionizing. "The possibilities are endless!"

“Again, why are you?!” The jaguar also decided to raise her voice.

“Crystal forests are amazing! Beautiful, too!”

“You’ve been to one before?” Ari still looked confused. “I didn’t even know they were a thing a few minutes ago!”

“Never been to one!” All three shook their heads.

“Then again, WHY?!” She was losing her patience.

“Movies~.” Sophia took over the explaining. "There are many movies from our old world that feature them. Even from a long time ago~."

“Exactly!” Chloe, who had left their world over twenty years ago, nodded. “They were common for me, too!”

“So, why exactly should I get excited over something you lot experienced in a DIFFERENT world?!” Ari slowly shook their head while looking right at the blonde.

“Movie night later!” Sophia had an easy solution for the issue. “Oh, now that I think about it, the TV we bought back when Maya and I visited Earth and all the other stuff is still in the mansion in the capital.”

"Not everything." The cat-girl shook her head. "The toys are already here.”

“I know…” The tiger rolled her eyes before continuing. “Anyway, let’s put a TV here to deal with emergencies like the current one!”

“I wouldn’t call it an emergency, but whatever…” Ari gave up.

“Speaking of your old world,” Canir seemed to have gotten curious about something and faced the blonde. “I heard that you offered your family to come over here, too.”

“Ahh.” She scratched her cheek in return. “I did do that, yeah. Well, I advertised the new world quite strongly, I guess. They still haven’t decided, though. It’s quite the decision, after all. Something like that usually takes some time, after all.”

“No, it doesn’t.” Steph shook her head while she looked at her sister after she noticed her glance and pronunciation of the word usually. “Easiest decision of my life!”

“I was talking about normal people.”

“Ah, I see.” The dog-girl was surprisingly okay with that response.

“Why are those sisters so self-aware yet ridiculous?” Ari could only roll her eyes once more.

“Anyway, back to the family!” Sophia ignored her. “I’m sure it’s a hard decision for them. Lots to consider and all that. Sari aside, mom and dad were useful members of the society and all that, after all.”

“True, didn’t really apply to us.” Steph could see why they would hesitate.

“Exactly.” The blonde nodded before continuing. “All of this is hard to comprehend, too.” She simply gestured at everything around her. “It’s not something I can or will push them into, either. Oh! I just had an idea.”

“Oh, no.” Ari had a bad feeling.

“Shush!” She lightly glared at her before continuing. “I could show them my domain! Around the cottage, it’s already quite presentable. Absolutely no dangers, either. Except maybe Maya going on another rampage.”

“Hey!” The cat-girl didn’t like the last part.

“That way, we wouldn’t have to deal with the whole them being regular humans thingy, which would complicate things if anyone sees them.”

“And people say my family background is wild because I’m the princess of a nation.” Anna rolled her eyes. “I’m the most normal girl in existence compared to those sisters.”

“Ahaha…” The two just scratched their cheeks in response. There was nothing they could say in their defense, after all.

“What do you think, Canir?” The blonde then faced him.

“Well, as long as you don’t think about getting their friends, and the family of them, and their friends, and so on, it shouldn’t do any damage.”

“No, only those three. I have no attachment to anyone besides that.”

“Same.” The sisters were on the same page. “Well, none that’s strong enough that I want them to be here.” Steph was a little more specific.

“Good.” He nodded. “Also, I’m okay with giving them the language blessing, but other than that, you’re on your own with them this time. In terms of magic and the like. I’d say Mira also pampered Steph more than enough.”

“Fair enough.” The duo seemed okay with those terms.

Afterward, as the sisters had gotten into it, they discussed some more ideas about their parents for quite a while. Once they came up with something loosely resembling a plan, Sophia made a quick trip to their mansion in the capital to fetch a TV and other necessities to watch a movie or three to teach Ari the amazingness of crystal forests.





Enjoy the view~ 

Sexy schoolgirl (clothes) Maya!


More variants (mostly more revealing~ Oh, and glasses for some reason xD) can be found here:


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If you're interested in seeing some of the many NSFW versions of this illustration, consider joining the Patreon!

Almost every variant here has an NSFW option, together with an entirely different set where her hand is "busy" in a different position~

Many other spicy illustrations and animations can be found there, too! (Over 50 of them at the moment!)

Speaking of, a big thanks to:

- Luca Askamp -

- YulaYulna -

who recently joined the Patreon and became able to see the other versions~