Chapter 6
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Acel was cumming buckets inside Amelia and Amelia’s muscles convulsed, for about the third time since Acel had put his penis inside Amelia.

However, Acel’s brain was overflowing in the pleasure from the fact that Avery’s cock was ramming into Acel’s backside repeatedly without rest.

And Sofia’s cock filling up Acel’s stomach like a water tank.

Then separated after a bit.

Acel, Nova, and Sofia were on one side of the bed.

While Amelia was getting stuffed with Avery and Zoey’s dicks on the other side of the bed.

“Beg for our cum like the slut you are.” Nova said.

Without hesitation, Acel prostrated himself be them shaking his hips seductively and put on his sluttiest face, “Please use me as your personal cum dump to do with as you please.” Acel said.

Coupled with the Acel’s hormonal force emitting from Acel, the sister could not resist Acel at all.

They Attacked him Violently with their cocks.

Ravaging his mouth and ass pussy with no regard for Acel at all.

This continued till they switched with Zoey, and Avery.

They kept going till it was the end of the day.

“Well, I think everyone had a nice time today. And we will do it again next week since we did it today instead of Friday.” Avery said.

Even though Avery said that only Acel and Nova heard it, everyone else was knocked out sleep.

Acel moved towards Avery, “I’m still hungry.” He said.

“It isn’t good to eat before bed.

I will still give you some, but just this time.”

Acel nods, then let us Avery stuff her hose into his throat.

Since they beginning Acel as already ingesting semen, his body was extremely polished for sex.

Avery began moving her hips.

Her dick was already Harding inside Acel’s throat.

“Mmmm…. Acel I don’t know what it is but your throat feels so…”

Before Avery could even finish that sentence, she was already emptying her balls into his throat.

“You have to go to school tomorrow so that’s enough for tonight.” Avery said.

 Acel nodded then went back to his room to sleep.

The Next Day…

Acel woke up but felt something long and hard prodded up against the back of his legs.

He turned only to find Sofia sleeping behind him.

He nudges her awake.


Why is it you?”

Sofia looks down toward her hard cock rubbing Acel’s legs.

She wraps he arms around Acel and locks him in.

“Acel, you really have some nice legs.”

Then Sofia starts to move her hips.

Acel was trying to break free,” Damn who ever made me like this.”

He had no strength to resist and could only allow Sofia to use his legs to masturbate.

Acel was starting to feel a little horny himself, but he knew he had to stop because he had to go to school today.

“Sofia, I need to get ready to go to school.” He said.

“Yeah, I know just give me a minute.” Sofia said.

Her movements get faster and faster until her rod explodes semen like a volcano.

“Come on Sofia, you ruined my sheets and got cum all over me. Now I have to wash these before it…”

Sofia jumps up out of bed and leaves the room.

“Get back here and clean this up!” He yelled.

But of course, there was no response.

Acel went and got washed and dressed for school, then took his bedding downstairs to wash.

He went to the kitchen to find something to eat before he left.

Avery was in the kitchen and handed him a bowl of cereal.

“Eat before you leave, breakfast is one of the most important parts of the day you can’t skip out on it.” She said.

Acel looked into the bowl of cereal or should he say bowl of semen.

He saw there were probably like a couple of honey nut cheerios in the bowl and the rest was just strait semen.

Acel was too used to this scene of where the food was scarce, and the semen was plentiful.

He put the bowl up to his mouth.

“And me and your mother agreed to stop paying for the school’s protection. It is truly too expensive, and you don’t need it since you have already lost your virginity.”

He almost chocked on the semen he was drinking.

“I know it is going to be hard for you, but we know you will survive.” Avery said.

“All gone see, now I have to leave, or I’ll miss the bus.” Acel said.

With that in mind, he handed her the bowl kissed Avery on the cheek and left out the door to walk to his bus stop.

Acel’s mind was in peril, but he was sure of a few things.

One was that he as slowly but surely getting settled into this new world of his, and that he was okay with fucking his family. Every time Acel thought about how strange he and his family had, it would be washed away by the fact that he could spend quality time with them.

That engulfed him with a bunch of warm fuzzy feelings.

Because Acel retained knowledge from his past life, and he did not want to spend his years in school he decided to show off a bit of his knowledge. This is the reason he started school earlier than other kids.

This also made his family think he was some type of genius, but his knowledge was only as good as an average twelfth grader.

None the less this was still a different world than the one he grew up in, so it was still somewhat different.

Like the teachers would reward the students who got questions right with “snacks” and these snacks would obviously be semen.

Due to rules being put in place since they were so young they allowed you to choose where you would receive the snack. This gave Acel a bit of room to ask for it in his mouth so he could avoid the other option.

This is also the reason Acel is renowned as (Giving Tree).

Acel goes to high school and has to take the bus to school since his school is a bit far from where he lives. But there’s always a little trouble on his way.

Since he gets on the bus it’s always packed, and someone is behind him using the cleavage in his cheeks to get off. While the person in front of him sucks his dick while also jacking off. This is the reason why when he gets to school, he is always covered in semen.

He always brings a change of clothes but doesn’t use them till the school day is done.

They wouldn’t go any further than that because they had seen Acel was wearing a badge that showed he was protected.

To Acel this as his good luck charm that shewed away all the bad people perverted intentions.

Acel was very nervous while walking into the school. The thought of him having to survive without the school’s protection was scary.

“Why would they tell they school that I lost my v-card. Now I must think of another way to survive, but where would I even start.

It does not matter anyway, if not thing is said to anyone I won’t have to worry while also giving me time to figure it out.

All I have to do now is withstand the regular amount of sexual harassment.”

Thinking of this Acel was not as nervous as he was when he walked into school.

Acel routinely walks into his classroom and goes to sit in his seat.

His classmates gathered around and release a fresh round of semen on him. He would have to sit there while the girls in the class would lick it off him.

It could not be considered bullying since they allowed such things in most schools.

And he would let it happen since it happened to him in grade school and middle school.

People would never go overboard like forcibly try to rape him since he had the school’s protection and whoever did would be severely punished, however there was nothing he could do about the normal amount of sexual harassment since the school’s protection can only prevent others from forcibly raping him.

Acel only had a few friends in the whole school, and they were all lesbians who were only interested in other girls. But since Acel was extremely feminine, they would always tease Acel.

They were good friends to have around who Acel could talk to and have fun with, so he wasn’t entirely alone at school.

The teacher walks in the classroom.

She asks the students to go to their seat’s ad be quiet for morning announcements.

The person on the loudspeaker starts to speak, “Please stand for the pledge of allegiance, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…, today’s weather is…, today… and by the way Acel Cristobal’s parents notified the school that he has lost his virginity.”

And then it cut off.

It should be known that Acel is on everyone's list of people they want to fuck the most. So, when the loudspeaker said he lost he virginity, everyone was overjoyed to hear that.

“Damn it! Now I have got to run.”

Acel yelled at he ran for the classroom entrance, “It’s an emergency I have to go!!”

The hallways were filled with mayhem.

Students and school staff alike were chasing after Acel.

He ran to the stairwell and tried to get to the exit from there, but the chasing him were blocking the exit.

“Damn, I was too late. The closest on now it the one through the gym. I have got to get there before anyone else.” Acel thought.

Acel flew through the gym doors only for a crowd of people to welcome him.

They started to surround Acel to block off his escape routes.

“You can escape!” Someone shouts.

A teacher yells, “Give up Acel, we’ve waited far too long for this day to come.”

The they pounced on him like how predators catch their pray.

Acel’s clothes were shredded, and his limbs retrained.

All the sudden his body started to emit pheromones in a field like manner.

His field had increased a couple feet since yesterday because he was constantly consuming semen.

But it meant nothing, it only increased they arousal of the animals around him.

They savagely, ravaged every part of his body.

They shoved their cocks inside Acel’s mouth and ass, used his hands to jack them off, and rubbed their dicks up against Acel’s body.

They kept raping him, soon as someone was done, another instantly replaced it.

Everything was a mess, people randomly fucking anyone.

Semen was flying everywhere.

The massive gym orgy went on till they end of the day.

The students eventually left, but the school staff stayed behind.

A teacher said, “Acel, you have detention for skipping all your classes today. Your punishment is for you to let us fuck your brains out till we feel satisfied.”

It wasn’t till the clock reached five P.M., that he was let go.

Zoey, ho was tasked with picking him up from school found him in a random pool of semen quivering with an extremely lewd and broken smile on his face.

“Looks like you had a lot of fun today” Zoey grinned.

“Just get me out of here.” Acel retorted.

Zoey pointed at Acel’s bloated stomach, “You look kind of pregnant.”

Acel stomped off splashing semen every.

Acel asked where her car was and got in.

“Lemme have a turn.” Zoey said.

“No way, Drive!” Acel said.


“I’ll take you to

 the store to get some birth control.” Zoey said.

As weird as that sounded Acel knew he needed it.

“Alright, I’ll do it.”