Chapter 1
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The melodious chimes of the Bell of Bestowal resounded through the expansive city square, their reverberations mixing with the very essence of the bustling crowd that had eagerly congregated to partake in New Year’s Blessing. Every single eye was focused upon the magnificent structure, anticipation and hope intertwining in the air. The murmurs of the people intermixed with the fading echoes of the chimes, creating a symphony of anticipation that swelled within their hearts. 

Near the Bell of Bestowal, a group of nobles and dignitaries stood, their gazes fixed on the towering structure. Alistar Gadaran, the young master of House Gadaran, wore a self-assured smile, convinced that this would be his moment of glory. He had spent years cultivating an image of leadership and skill, believing himself to be the natural choice to become the new Chosen. Next to him, Lady Seraphina, a prominent noblewoman, whispered excitedly to her companion. "Do you think it will be Alistar?"

Her companion, Lord Thaddeus, shrugged nonchalantly. "Who knows? These matters are fickle, my dear. Augustus works in mysterious ways."

As the echoes of the chimes subsided, an atmosphere of collective breath-holding pervaded the expectant crowd, their senses attuned to every tremor, eagerly awaiting. Wide-eyed and with hearts pounding in their chests, they yearned for a sign, a revelation that would usher in an era of transformation. However, much to the bewilderment of the onlookers, an unsettling silence descended upon the square.

Confusion seized the masses as they grappled with the turn of events, their minds entangled in a web of uncertainty. Whispers of doubt and unease intermingled with the lingering embers of hope that flickered within their hearts. And just as the confusion seemed to reach its peak, an awe-inspiring burst of radiance, as resplendent as the rays of dawn, emanated from the heart of the Bell of Bestowal, illuminating the plaza in a breathtaking display of celestial radiance.

Gasps of astonishment escaped the lips of the onlookers as they instinctively shielded their eyes, their vision overpowered by the brilliance that bathed the surroundings. The luminescent spectacle danced and swirled, as if choreographed by divine hands, imbuing the air with an ethereal quality that spoke of otherworldly communication. The crowd stood frozen, their gazes locked onto the phenomenon unfolding before them, unable to break free from its enchanting grip.

The light enveloped the entire plaza, casting a glow that bathed the faces of the bewildered onlookers, highlighting their astonishment and awe. Eyes darted from one another to the magnificent bell, their minds racing to decipher the significance behind this event. They knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a Chosen had indeed been anointed on this fateful day, yet the identity of the Chosen remained elusive, obscured amidst the radiant light.

Whispers of awe and speculation reverberated throughout the plaza. The significance of the resplendent light remained a mystery, its purpose hidden. Some amongst the crowd interpreted it as a sign of imminent greatness, a celestial proclamation that heralded extraordinary futures. Others, more cautious in their interpretations, perceived it as a symbol of profound responsibility.

As the luminescent beam gradually faded, gently receding until the plaza was bathed in a soft glow, the crowd remained in a state of wonder. Their gazes met in a shared exchange of perplexed glances, their expressions mirroring the lingering traces of confusion that clung to their minds. Yet, amidst the pervasive uncertainty, a collective spark of hope stirred within each individual, an ember of belief that the path ahead held untold promises, waiting to be revealed.  






Aurelius, still struggling to rise from the alleyway, froze as the resonating chimes of the Bell of Bestowal reached his ears. The sound seemed to cut through the chaos of the city, commanding attention from all who heard it. Confusion and anticipation washed over him, mingling with the pain that still throbbed in his body.

However, his attention quickly shifted when a new wave of excruciating pain surged through him, causing him to clutch his side. Aurelius frantically looked around, trying to identify the source of this sudden torment. For better or worse, he found himself still alone in the desolate alleyway. The thought of screaming for help crossed his mind, but he knew that if the guards came looking and found him, they would beat him up for wasting their time.

As the seconds ticked on, the pain only intensified, engulfing his body like an unrelenting inferno. Every breath became a struggle, and the agony threatened to consume him. Unable to bear the torment any longer, Aurelius succumbed to the overwhelming darkness, slipping once again into unconsciousness.

When Aurelius regained consciousness, he found himself lying in the same alleyway. The dim light cast a gloomy ambiance, amplifying his confusion and disorientation. As he groaned in frustration, the searing pain still lingered, albeit slightly subdued. The gradual relief brought him a glimmer of hope, despite the persistent discomfort.

Ten agonizing minutes passed before the pain subsided enough for Aurelius to register a noticeable improvement. Slowly, he gathered his strength, pushing himself up from the ground. A sense of wonder washed over him as he realized something extraordinary – he was free from pain. In fact, he felt better than ever before.

With growing excitement, Aurelius gingerly touched his ribs, his fingers tracing the contours of his chest. To his utter amazement, he discovered that all of his ribs were perfectly healed, as if the beating he had endured never transpired. The astonishment lingered, mingled with a tinge of disbelief. The three chimes seemed to have inexplicably healed his injuries. The nature of this phenomenon left Aurelius searching for answers, as he had never encountered anything like it before.

Intrigued, Aurelius turned his attention to his body, examining himself more closely. The most striking change was the newfound substance and strength that now filled his once emaciated frame. Gone were the visibly protruding ribs that had plagued him with the nickname “Skeleton.” Instead, he beheld a body that exuded vitality, with a perceptible weight gain.

Still grappling with the marvel of his transformation, Aurelius was startled when a block of text materialized directly in front of him. 

You have been Chosen.