1. Restarting life of a Monarch
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Amidst the eternal depths of darkness, I awakened.

I'm currently conscious, but I feel like I'm not awake. Hell, as if I'm in between.

Fighting those damn sovereigns to the death is something I wouldn't do again. Thus making me sleep in eternal darkness. Ugh.


I blinked my eyes. It did open up, but I couldn't form proper images, as if the world above was blurred and distorted.

Besides that, I couldn't feel my limbs. No, to be correct, I could only faintly feel them. Yet they don't listen to my commands.

Also, it's not only my limbs. My neck—my whole body—wouldn't listen or move.

Expectedly, thinking about my previous situation, it was a terrible one. But… My voice won't come out, and I can't move my limbs.

'Hey, What the hell happened?'

"Waaaah Uwaaah!"

I tried voicing out words in any form as the first Monarch to learn all types of languages. But only a strange scream escapes my mouth, like an infant's cry.

Eventually, My face was wiped with something warm and bouncing. Then something soft pressed against my mouth.

Instinctively, I began to suck from it and swallow something miraculously sweet.

In the entirety of my monarchy life, this is the first time in a century that I had something sweet…

Suddenly, I feel light and relaxed, as if my stomach were full. Hey… I just awakened. Why am I feeling sleepy? Those damn sovereigns, how dare you give me something sweet and make me sleep again? But they are dead. But how are they so alive?

I tried to stay awake, but as if my monarchy life was no longer mine, I fell asleep once more.

Just like that, in a flash, two weeks went by, and I was able to finally understand what exactly happened.

I was reborn as a baby.

This must be a trick—yes, a joke—rebirth skill. How is that possible? Only one has this skill: the thirteenth sovereigns. And I killed him. That damn snake

Put simply, rebirth is a costly skill to possess. And a taboo to have. Resurrecting someone costs half of the person's life force, no matter the species or entity.

Well, I guess starting a new life as a baby is somewhat acceptable.

But why will he do that to his enemy, who ended his life? Ugh. 

Shortly, something or someone came into my line of sight when my eyes were stable, disrupting my pondering.

"Good Morning, Alexis. You woke up early today."

A beautiful woman dressed in titanium-flowered illustrated robes, with dazzling emerald hair cascading down her back, golden eyes like those of a dragon, and cherry-red lips

So pretty. Also, I noticed that a beautiful woman brought my mouth close to her—Wait, why are you joking with me? Eh? Who is that beautiful woman again?

I urged myself to turn my face toward that woman's face and blink my eyes numerous times. To be sure of the reality in front of me.

An unbelievable sight. A sight I will kill for. A sight I wanted to see... Dark mage.

Currently, this woman has brought me closer to her boobs—ahahahahahaha, why am I freaking out?

Yes, because it was the boobs of my companion. Damn it


I think my mental health is falling apart.

My closest companion, the one I had a crush on, was once called Maradona, the dark mage.

And that very person called me Alexis.

That is to say, fusing two to two, it seems, No, I had been reborn as my former companion’s child, who should be dead but is not dead.

Ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-calm. Yes, I'm calm. I think I'm calm. So that time I thought I drank something sweet. That was the theoretical phenomenon of my crush's boobs—

Oh, fucking piece of sh*t. I drank my crush's boobs as something sweet. A whole first monarch, I should be embarrassed by myself. This is a violation of the highest order.

I could not help but rain curses at myself for that previous ponder.

A big denial of how sweet that was.

Reincarnation magic is the highest-ranking legendary magic and martial craft.

However, this magic and marital craft was something only the caster could confirm if it was a success or not, not to mention that they wouldn't be able to identify where the reincarnation would occur.

In other words, the thirteenth sovereign (that damn snake) is dead without knowing the obvious situation he put me in.

Also, Maradona will never know that I was the first Monarch, whom she's also had a crush on.

No wonder she pushes her vulnerable, bouncing juggernauts against me. If she knew I was the first monarch she fought alongside against the thirteen sovereigns,

Something like this would probably be impossible to do.

If I'm careless, I will get burned with dark magic and turn into an undead. Her sense of virtue, despite me being her crush, is very intense after all.

There was a time when I did try being a pervert; peeping in a hot ladies' bathroom with Jamie, when Maradona found out, she cast Dark Magicraft [Leviathan] on both of us. I seriously thought, despite being the one who taught her the Thaumaturgical Foundations of Formulae and Mysteries at that time, hand down, thought that I would die.

Moreover, Sarah, who knew Jamie, [the king of diversion] and route of a thousand escapees, was waiting for us, and we were easily beaten up by her.

Those days, we were kids doing youthful things only friends could do.

"Waaaaah Uwaaaah!"

But those fun days were long ago.

But recently, I raised a groan, refusing to eat.

Since now I know what I did was wrong, I better not do it.

Of course, I still don’t have enough muscle strength to move my neck.

After all, I'm not shameless enough to continue sucking those twins of hers, my dear crush.

Every man would understand my cause.

More so, I can't go on an empty stomach; I'm an infant after all. What awaits me will be—I might get sick.

Well, I will try being righteous for a bit longer.

"Fuaaaaa, Waaaah!"

"My cutie, is your stomach okay? Alexis didn't want to eat. I'm a little worried."

Well, since the time I was reborn, I hadn't taken a meal while I was awake, only when I was asleep.

Honestly, Maradona is an extremely attractive, evil woman, but I couldn't help but trouble her a bit before I let my baby ego take over.

Of course, if it was some random woman, I would 100% suck on it while feigning all my naughty imagination, which I failed to do as a kid. Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not a pervert.

But she was once my crush and is about to lose it. I think her energy is rising—is she trying to turn me into the undead?

Calm down, lady. I will have my meals.


My dear companion, whom I thought was dead and who had gone through thick and thin with me before I died against the thirteen sovereigns, is currently my mother.

I have to accept it and move on.

And while I was about to do what I don't want to do because if I don't, I will get turned into an undead—who in the world tries to turn their child into an undead?

Her husband is Elias.

Ah, that bastard married my crush.

Elias was a companion with the best martial craft as his talent who fought together with me against the sovereigns, the other kind side of me, and a man who embodied the figure of a hero who was to save the world without killing. A threshold I, the first monarch, couldn't reach.

I know, I know, he would react badly to the point where he would kill me if he knew I was sucking on his wife's boobs.

Yeah! He could probably lose it, I guess.

That’s why I voluntarily suck on it before he gets back inside. I don't want to get sick.

Although I have some trouble from time to time, I still drink her breast milk and do not fall sick, not because it is sweet. Huff Huff. It's not sweet; she was struggling with my childcare.

I know that it’s bad; I can't be like Arthur, but I wouldn't make that struggle too obvious.

In the end, She managed to calm her aura down and let out a sigh.

"What a good boy! I thought you weren't going to eat your delicious meal."

Of course, her voice was calm, and her expression was mischievous.

Damn, how did she end up like this?

Today as well, I wanted to make a fuss, but her dense, diluted look For some reason, made a weird feeling overwhelm me.

And instantly, I was being fed the sweet milk of the heavens in my mouth while Elias got up.

"Good morning, Maradona, and Alexis too."

After saying that, he embraced Maradona, who was holding me and exchanged a passionate kiss with her early in the morning.

I should be giving her a kiss. Oh, dear dream. You have been shattered. I have moved on.

And then a similar kiss—which was uncomfortable—was pinned on my forehead.

And that's a big offense.

"Waaaaaaaaa Uwahhhuuu!"

"Hey, little Alex, Are you angry? Perhaps Alexis dislikes Papa?"

Why would I not…?


I showed the intention of resistance. Madonna tells the cruel truth without any malice.

As a matter of fact, I didn’t like Elias anymore.

A man who was my right-hand man and who was supposed to be dead married my crush.

Receiving a kiss on the forehead from such a disloyal companion made me feel like chills would crawl up my spine.

After the shock he received, Elias went out to the garden with a dejected face and started swinging his sword performing his marital craft techniques. From the window, I could understand that this is a daily routine that he follows.

The moves were powerful, elegant, sharp, and soft, with Marital craft more refined than it once was.

It was the figure of a hero that I couldn't be.

In my other life, I was the more powerful, ruthless first monarch who held the burden of the powerful, so I couldn’t fight the same way as that.

But now, an electric current dashes over my body and makes me tremble.

That’s right, this body is Elias and Maradona's child.

In other words, I may inherit Elias’s martial arts talent and Madonna's Magic craft.

If it’s the current me, I may be able to surpass my legacy as the first monarch. A body will be an appropriate body for both talents, given my knowledge of both. Indeed, I could be a ruler.

I might be able to grow beyond that, a goal I’ve failed to reach.

No, if I also inherit Madonna's magic craft, then there’s also the possibility of becoming a Grand ruler with dark mana.


I raised my hand while expressing joy.

However, I don’t have the strength, so I was barely able to bring my short arms in front of my face.

"Oh, is Alexis fond of watching your father’s martial craft? You wanted to be spoiled, right?"

Misunderstanding my reaction, Maradona rubs my cheek with hers.

Now that I think about it, she was the type to misunderstand such things easily.

Yes. Maradona could be very friendly if she wanted to. And fierce if she gets pissed.

I hope I will be fine. I guess.