Chapter 9: Nightmare
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I did not dare to look up from the floor because of the two pairs of eyes that stared right through me.

"Papa, Mama, what are you looking at?" Charlotte asked."Oh, it's Myra!"

I flinched.

The marquess cleared his throat. "Tell me, since when was that maid with you?"

"It has been about five years, Papa."

"It would be better if the two of you ate without speaking." The marchioness interjected.

The meal continued in silence again.

What happened? Why are they staring? Did they find out about Lily? No, but that isn't possible.

Am I going to be fired? Is that it?

A chill ran down my spine and my folded hands tensed.  It didn't make sense. How could they possibly know about Lily, and why would anyone think I had something to do with it?

No. This is a coincidence. There is no way this can happen.

 Cold sweat started forming on my face.

"I'm tired," Charlotte yawned and excused herself.

I sighed inwardly and followed her. Finally, I'm out of that room.

Charlotte hummed a little song as she walked towards her chamber. She entered her room and spread her arms, signalling me to undress her. 

I closed the door and stalked toward her. I undid her dress and let it fall to the ground. After removing layers of petticoats, I untied the lace of her corset and slowly removed it from her body. Moonlight filtered into the room from the window, bathing Charlotte.

Her skin was flawless. I brought the nightgown and began dressing her. My hands traced her soft skin, like touching delicate flowers.

She went to her bed and lay down, without turning back. I looked down at the clothes and gathered them.

"Good night, milady," I said. I blew the candles shrouding the room in darkness.

When I exited the room, I locked the door behind me, not before glancing back at the young girl who was already asleep.


Fire raged in the large property. Smoke engulfed everything and made it difficult to breathe. Screams resonated, accompanied by a crackling fire. Flames consumed the entire building. 

I looked around but saw nothing but a sea of red. 

What is happening?

 Where is everyone?

The wind began to pick up and raindrops began pouring from the heavens, drowning me. I covered my face trying to shield myself from the heavy droplets. But the fire grew bigger and bigger, threatening to swallow me whole.

A sound caught my attention, but I couldn't hear anything anymore. Suddenly, a loud boom boomed. I felt myself falling. Then there were flashes of red and blue, blinding and suffocating me. A scream escaped my mouth, but I didn't have time to utter another word. 

I opened my eyes, and I was still surrounded by flames. I felt a presence beside me and I instinctively turned around, my heart thumping wildly against my chest.

A small child, about nine years old, stood in tattered clothes, holding a book covering half her face. 

I dropped to her height, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

She blinked her big brown eyes but said nothing. 

I reached out towards her but froze as the book that covered her mouth lowered. 

Grey threads sewed her mouth shut. It looked so realistic that it almost scared me, but I held back the fear.

She slowly opened her mouth, the stitches coming apart, tearing her flesh and black blood dripped from the gaping wound. Her lower lip fell off, exposing complete darkness.

My eyes widened, and I felt a weird sensation on my lips, as though it were happening to me. 

Strange noises came out of her mouth, I concentrated and deciphered the noise.

"Mercy..." she seemed to hiss. She reached out her hand towards me, which was bloodied, and her fingers were broken.

What caught my attention was the extra finger in her hand.

"Lu-Lucia...?" I asked, my voice quivering.

Her face morphed into something resembling a smile. It was grotesque.

Tears streamed down my face and I laughed. "You look hideous."

A noise sounded louder than the crackling of the fire. It seemed to be giggling.

She moved forward and touched my outstretched hand. I felt a burning sensation spread in the place and I reflexively pulled away.

She looked heartbroken. 

"No, no, no, I'm sorry." I moved forward and wrapped her in a hug, only for her to fade away into nothing.

"Lucia! Lucia! Where are you?" I screamed and ran around. But all I could see was the burning building fueled by rain.

A body dropped in front of me with a thud, making me stiffen.  I examined the body. It was completely black, wearing tattered clothes.

It was a boy. 

The boy mechanically stood up. But his neck was twisted. He quickly fixed his head position, producing a noticeable cracking noise. My heart jumped when I looked into his face. 

It was terribly burnt and parts of his skull were visible.  His eyes, once blue, were now red.  They glared at me, filled with an unearthly hatred.

He grabbed me with both hands and lifted me high above him, his teeth exposed, saliva dripping from them. A low growl came from his throat. Blood trickled from his eyes, ears and nose.

His eyes became darker and brighter until they transformed into pure white. I shuddered.

More and more such creatures appeared. All kids below the age of thirteen. 

I turned and ran, in the direction of fire. Maniacal laughter sounded behind me. 

A figure was running towards me from the distance. I knew I couldn't run away forever. And even if I did, I wouldn't last more than a few seconds. 

A loud cracking sound erupted as the creature slammed me to the ground and its claw pierced through my arm.

Blood oozed out of the wound.

I looked at the creature whose face was unrecognizable. I tried to pull it out but failed. Its claws dug deeper into my arm.

A thunderous noise echoed as the creature's second hand plunged into me.

I screamed and collapsed onto the ground.

Darkness overtook me.



I woke with a start. Pain coursed through my body. The sheets were soaking wet with what I assumed was my sweat. 

What was that?

My eyes widened. I pinched myself. Pain shot through my arm making me wince. 

Wasn't it just a nightmare? That was it wasn't it?

I rubbed my temples and took deep breaths.

But it never left my mind. Every time I closed my eyes, the scene replayed in my mind. I tried to shake it from my head but it kept on haunting me.

"Good morning, Myra." Bessie's voice brought me back to reality.

"Morn-" my sentence broke off as a wave of nausea hit me. I covered my mouth and stumbled away, hoping that the sickness would disappear.

There was nothing left to come up except bile.

Bessie rushed after me and handed me some water.

After drinking the cool liquid, I was finally able to speak properly again. "Thanks, Bessie."

She smiled softly at me.

"How was your sleep?" She sat down next to me.

"Not well."

She nodded understandingly.  "I figured. You were tossing and turning."

I raised an eyebrow. "Was I?" I paused before adding, "Thank you for checking on me yesterday."

"No problem."

We remained silent for a few minutes before she break the ice. 

"I think you should rest," she said. "I will inform Mrs Jones."

I frowned. "But Milady..."

"Don't worry dear, I will find someone suitable."

"Thank you, Bessie."