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There was no doubt that Gluttony was the thickest of the primal sins. Her body was soft and round, with massive breasts even for her stature. She looked like an ancient fertility goddess, and in fact, many speculated that it was secretly the other way around. She was also around six metres in height when fully standing, which resulted in a rather imposing stature and plenty of body to go around.

“Honestly Pride, you can be such a silly girl sometimes. Always trying to be the best at everything, no matter what it takes.” She cradled Pride in her massive arms, rocking her gently like a baby. Did Wrath hurt you too bad? Let me see your bum.”

“No, you don’t- HEY!” Pride did her best to squirm out of Gluttony’s grasp, but she simply didn’t have the strength. Being carried around like that was extra infuriating given her current attire. This time, Pride was wearing a pink nightie, made of a thin lace that left nothing to the imagination. Alongside this was a pair of pink satin gloves and a tiara. Which sounded fine on its own, except the “gloves” were actually mittens that kept her hands balled up in fists. Like a child throwing a temper tantrum. And although she usually wore her own crown, this one was tacky and looked deliberately fake. 

And of course she had the same enchanted buttplug. She got the feeling nobody was planning to take that out.

Gluttony had no trouble in turning her over and lifting up the nightie. Pride knew that her infernal powers were totally sapped, and in her current state there was no chance at properly fighting any of them. “Aww, look at you, you poor thing.” Gluttony cooed over the series of red welts that marked Pride’s ass. “She really didn’t hold back, did she? Here, let me kiss it all better.”

Pride felt her entire body tensing up. She knew what would happen if Gluttony got too close. “Wait, no, you don’t have to- oooohh.” Her voice relaxed as Gluttony’s oversized lips smacked against her bottom. She felt a massive tongue slopping around her nether regions and drool soaking the lower half of her body. And at the same time, her mind started to relax. There was no need to worry, no need to stress. She was being taken care of. Pride felt her eyelids starting to close as a sense of contentment washed over her.

Only, there was one thing still missing. One part of her that was left unsatisfied. Her mouth hung open, craving something, although she didn’t really know what. Thankfully, Gluttony was able to help with that. “Come here, sweet baby. Let me give you what you need.” She lifted Pride to her teat, gently letting the nipple inter her mouth.

In her right state of mind, Pride would have been furiously kicking and screaming at the thought of such an indignity. But Gluttony had a strange way of making others hungry. And she was more than happy to provide. Pride started to suck, and in almost no time, Gluttony’s warm creamy milk started to fill her up. It was the most delicious thing Pride had ever tasted. She couldn’t fathom the thought of stopping, and the more she drank the more she craved it further. At the same time, there was a strong arousal building up inside of her. Not enough to break through her focus, but enough that she started absentmindedly rubbing herself. At least, rubbing as best as she could without the use of her fingers.

“Aww, look at you. Does that feel good? You’re being such a well behaved good girl.” Gluttony began gently stroking her hair as she continued to nurse Pride. You can have as much as you like, babygirl. No need to feel ashamed. Just continue to drink, drink for Mommy, okay?”

Pride was happy to do exactly that. However, as much as she tried, Gluttony was lactating so much that it was impossible to keep up. A mouthful of milk spilled out of her mouth and down onto her pink nightie dress.”

“Oopsie! Looks like someone made a little mess. Here, let me clean that up for you.” Gluttony pulled Pride away from her tit and started wiping her face off, cleaning around her mouth and where it had spilled on her dress.

However, as she did so, Pride felt her mind return to its full clarity. She realised what she had been doing. And she wasn’t happy about it.

“Gluttony, what the fuck? How dare you treat me like some sort of petulant child!” She was absolutely seething at this point. “What is wrong with you and that empty cunt you call a brain?”

There was a brief flash of anger on Gluttony’s face, but it was quickly replaced with the same kindness as before. “Now now sweetie, you know that’s not the kind of language we use. If you’re feeling upset, you can use your proper words. No need to throw a tantrum.”

“I AM NOT THROWING A TANTRUM!” Pride slammed her balled up fists into Gluttony’s hand. “I am a primal sin, the same as you, feared and respected by all across multiple planes. I am the embodiment of perfection. And you and that bitch Envy think you can treat me like… like…” Her voice trailed off as Gluttony once again covered her body in warm sloppy kisses.

“Calm down, it’s alright, Mommy’s here for you.” Pride had once again been pacified, her mouth open and lips twitching, craving something to munch on. “However, you’ve been a very naughty girl. You don’t deserve the special treat anymore.” Gluttony lowered her to the ground, until Pride was on the floor between her enormous thighs. “I, on the other hand, deserve an excellent treat. Why don’t you go ahead and snack on that, dearie? You know that you want to.”

With Gluttony’s fluids once again warping her mind, Pride swiftly gave into her desire. She stuck her face all the way inside of Gluttony’s loose and steamy cunt, lapping up everything she could with her tongue. It didn’t take long for her to find the clit, and it filled her entire mouth as she started to suck on it. One hand was down between her legs, playing with herself, while the other was trying to pleasure Gluttony as well.

“That’s it, enough misbehaving for you. You’re going to stay down there until you learn your lesson and you think you can behave.”

There was no response from Pride. She was too busy feasting on the delicious pussy in front of her and drinking in all the juices.


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