Ch. 6 – Proposals and Propositions
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A Meeting of Lovers

While Bar was currently in class, his dorm was acting as a meeting location for several people.

One, sitting at his tea table, was Joan. A maid whom Bar had fallen in love with, and decided to marry. For now, she was technically still his servant, but they were busy working towards a life together in the future.

On the other side of the table was Claire. The academy's dorm mistress, who, after hearing the story of Bar and Joan, had decided she wanted to be one of his wives as well. Bar had agreed, after some...persuasion.

These two were busy sipping tea, with their eyes connected, electricity shooting out as they stared at each other.

The third occupant, Belle, a maid Bar had won in a duel, was standing in the corner, doing her best not to be noticed.

“I'm surprised to see you visiting during the day, don't you have work to do?” Joan asked, taking a sip.

“Not at the moment,” Claire responded. “My work comes before and after classes are over, since right now the dorms are empty,” she explained before taking her own sip.

“Are you really going to move another bed in here? It's already quite crowded,” Joan asked.

“Yes. I won't be able to stay every night due to work, but I can't allow myself to fall too far behind you.”

Joan smirked. “Do you think you even have a chance of keeping up with me?” she asked, puffing out her ample breasts.

Claire blushed but laughed, “Hehe, are you sure? He was quite...intense with me last night. I don't think I have anything to worry about there.”

Joan blushed back, before putting an elbow on the table and leaning over, narrowing her eyes. “What is your goal here? Are you going to report us to the school? Or Bar's parents?”

Claire seemed incredulous, “No! Didn't Bar tell you? I want in on your plan. I can help you. I have money, and I can make sure no one finds out what you're doing.”

Joan crossed her arms. “Really? How do I know you won't betray us?”

Claire shook her head. “What would I have to gain? I already had sex with Bar. I...” she trailed off, before hanging her head. “Do you distrust nobles that much? Even a lowly one like me that was left forgotten by noble society?”

Joan winced, before looking down herself. “Sorry, I...”

“No, I understand how it is for servants...”

After a few moments of silence, Joan asked, “Did he...treat you well?”

Claire blushed again, “ was my first time, but it was so amazing...”

Joan blushed as well and nodded. “I had prior experience, but he's so gentle with me...”

“Gentle!? I enjoyed it, but I thought he was being too rough with me,” Claire responded, shaking her head.

“Errr, he's only used to me, so he probably wasn't taking your...size into account. I'll have a talk with him.”

Claire nodded. “How much gold do we need? I have a couple hundred saved up.”

Joan looked thoughtful. “I'm not sure. Maybe just a thousand if it were just you and me, but we're probably gonna need a much larger house at the rate Bar is going...”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he's gotten two future wives in a matter of weeks. At the rate he's going, there's gonna be...a lot.”

Claire looked thoughtful. “Well, if we occupy his attention, we can keep the number down,” she said with a knowing smile.

Joan smiled back, before holding out her arm.

Claire held out hers, clasping Joan's hand.

Belle looked on, astonished. Does Bar just have this kind of power to win woman's hearts!?

'Achoo' Bar sneezed, while sitting in class.

“Bless you,” Alice whispered, looking up at him from her own notes and smiling. “By the way...are you busy after class again today?”

Bar winced. “Yes, sorry...”

Alice shook her head. “It's okay. As long as you come once a week to club.”

Bar nodded. He was planning on going to chop wood again today. Since the job was only seasonal, he wanted to make as much as he could from it while the opportunity was there.

Getting Rejected

Getting through class, he headed out to town again, trekking his way towards the house on the outskirts where the woodcutter lived.

Hmm...I didn't get his name, did I?

As he approached, he saw the old man was out chopping again. When he saw Bar coming through his gate, he waved.

“Hello there! I was hoping you'd stop by again, I was getting a bit winded.”

Bar nodded as the old man handed over the ax, heading over to his house. Bar silently began chopping wood again, methodically chopping one log at a time, trying to keep a good pace. He was a bit sore still, but as long as he didn't overexert, he felt like he would be fine.

Joan was sweeping at Dolly's tavern, helping her ready before opening.

“I really appreciate you coming in, I usually just clean up by myself,” Dolly explained, scratching her cheek.

Joan smiled and shook her head. “It's no problem, I...don't have much to do while my fiance is away, anyways.”

“Haha, I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem if he was there, would it?” she said, and laughing playfully.

Joan blushed, before returning to sweeping.

After a few hours of chopping, Bar was starting to feel his shoulders burn.

The old man chuckled, walking over with some water. “Haha, you look like you're slowing down, ready to call it?”

Bar, breathing heavily, looked between him and the stump, before nodding.

“Alright, here” he said, giving Bar the water. “I'll go get your pay.”

Bar nodded, sitting on the stump as he caught his breath, downing the water in a few gulps.

After a few moments, the old man returned. He dropped a large amount of silver in Bar's hand.

“Uhh...I didn't do this much, did I?”

The old man laughed again. “Haha, well, you ran off like a demon yesterday without your pay, so this is two day's worth.”

“Oh...sorry about that.”

“Haha, don't worry about it,” the old man replied, clapping Bar's shoulder.

Standing up and grabbing his bag (and depositing the money) he started to head off, before stopping and turning back. “By the way, I forgot to ask your name.”

The old man grinned. “It's Ander, for what it's worth.”

Bar nodded. “Seeya, Ander.”

Ander waved bye as Bar turned back around and headed towards town.

As he was walking back, Bar was smiling at the money. I've gotten way more given to me by my parents, but it feels different earning it myself. I feel like I should celebrate... As he thought about what he should do, a look of a disappointed Joan came to mind. Yeah, I probably shouldn't go wasting it.

Looking up at the sky, it was getting close to dark, but he thought he still had some time left. Of course, I shouldn't get in trouble now that Claire is on our side. He blushed a bit, remembering the time he had spent with Claire the previous night.

Shaking his head, he continued walking. Oh, I know, I'll visit Joan at her job. Smiling at the thought, he headed to the area of town the tavern she worked at was. After walking around a bit, knowing only the general area, he eventually found it.

Walking inside, the tavern was bustling, with probably two-third's of the tables full. As he entered, he was greeted by a woman in low-cut tavern clothes, probably a few years older than Joan. “Welcome! Oh, we don't get many academy students. Have a seat over here.”

Bar looked down at his outfit. Uh...didn't think about that. Oh well... Following her over to a high-top table, he sat down at a stool.

“What'll you have?” she asked, giving him a big grin.

“Um...just any ale is fine.”

“Alright, coming right up!”

After she left, Bar looked around. A couple of the clientele were giving him looks, but most were chatting amongst themselves. There were several girls walking around taking orders, but he didn't see Joan anywhere. Hmm...I wonder if she's in the back right now?

After a minute, the woman returned, sliding a mug of ale in front of him.

As Bar took a swig, the woman put her arms down at on the high-top across from him, holding up her head while staring at him with a grin. Bar tried not to stare as her cleavage hanging out at this angle.

“Errmm, is something wrong?”

The woman giggled, “Haha, no. I'm just wondering what an academy student is doing here.”

Bar blushed, “Um...”

The woman raised her eyebrows. “Are you here for a girl? Sometimes you types come here because you want to avoid being seen at the brothel.”

Well, that's not entirely wrong. “Ye-yeah. I'm here to see Joan.”

The woman seemed taken aback. “Really? Surprised you heard about her already. I'm sorry to say, but she doesn't accept 'special' orders. Of course, if you are...” she trailed off, pulling down on her blouse to expose even more cleavage.

Bar blushed, “No, I mean...I just wanted to see her. I wasn't going to, er, order her.”

The woman paused for a moment, before laughing, “Haha, sorry, I guess I shouldn't have assumed. She's cooking an order right now, but I'll send her out once she's done.”

Bar nodded, continuing to drink and look over the patrons. This is a new experience. Besides a few trips, I've never really hung out with commoners before. Especially this seedy of a place, where the barmaids are trying to proposition you.

As he was looking, he saw someone in the corner he thought he recognized. Actually, considering he sat next to him every day, he was sure he recognized them. It was Gerard, with a woman. One he didn't recognize, but was most definitely not his fiance Carlotta. Maybe it's a different woman he's courting? I wouldn't be surprised if someone like Gerard had multiple fiance's.

Bar tried to lean down so they wouldn't see him watching them. I feel a bit bad, but I am curious. After a couple minutes, Gerard and the woman stood up. As the woman turned, Bar saw her face as she glanced at him. Bar ducked quickly, but he was sure he recognized her from somewhere. I think she's one of the woman in class, right? I don't remember seeing him with anyone besides Carlotta though. Hopefully she didn't recognize me. Actually, it's not like she could say anything, since I saw her here too, right?

Deciding not to worry about it, Bar continued drinking.

After another few minutes, Bar saw Joan exit the kitchen. Joan looked around for a moment, before making eye contact, blushing and coming over.

“Bar! Why are you here?” she whispered.

“I wanted to come see you!” he responded, giving her a smile and holding out his drink. “I got paid a bunch today.”

Joan smiled, “I'm glad to hear that, but you shouldn't be coming here. At least not in uniform.”

Bar grimaced. “Sorry, I wasn't really thinking, next time I'll wear a town outfit. I saw a couple of my classmates here wearing them.”

“Well, I'd prefer you didn't come at all, but I doubt I could stop you,” she sighed. “Don't stay too long. I need to go make some more orders,” she said, before bowing like he was just a normal customer.

Bar nodded back, “Of course, I really just wanted to say hi.”

Smiling, she walked back to the kitchen again.

After a couple more minutes, the woman from earlier came over with another mug of ale. “Figured you'd need another after Joan rejected you,” she said with a smile.

Bar, deciding not to correct her, smiled and took the mug.

The woman sat her elbows on the high-top again, exposing her cleavage and looking over at him again. “Well, I hope it didn't put a damper on your mood at all.” She put a finger in her outfit, pulling it down to reveal even more cleavage than the previous time.

Bar felt himself getting slightly aroused. Those are probably even larger than Joan's... before shaking his head.

The woman giggled, “I can see you staring. So, whaddaya say? I got a room upstairs, we could go right now...”

Bar blushed, before protesting. “Err, sorry, I...”

The woman sighed. “Ah, shoot. I figured if you were into Joan, you might be okay with someone a bit older like me. Poor Dolly ain't got no takers anymore with all these young girls around.”

Bar gave a nervous smile, until having a realization. Wait...Dolly? As in, the owner?

Dolly seemed depressed, “Maybe I should just close the bar. Barely making enough to meet rent anyways...”

No! Not when Joan just got a reliable job... Thinking for a moment, Bar realized what he needed to do. He grabbed his mug and quickly chugged the rest of it, causing Dolly to be taken aback.


“Sorry, I just wanted to finish my drink, let's go.”

After a moment of confusion, a seductive look went back on Dolly's face. “Ohhhh, alright! Come on!”

Dolly grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs, going into what looked like a bedroom. As she started to untie her tavern outfit, she said, “It's ten silver. You can pay me after, I don't think you're gonna flake on me.”

Bar took off his shirt. Well, there goes the money I made... He felt a bit weird going through with this, but it seemed like the best option right now, and he was also formulating a plan in his head.

Dolly turned around, taking her bra off. Her breasts sagged a bit, even more than Joan's, and she was a bit thick in the midsection. Actually, she reminds me of Joan on our first night together.

Whether due to this thought, or just because he had a mostly naked woman in front of him, he instantly grew even harder than he already was.

Dolly giggled, “I can see it poking out.” Kneeling down, she pulled down his pants, and his member came flipping out. Dolly instantly inserted it into her mouth and started moving her head back and forth, and using her tongue to lick.

This is insane. I'm already about to... after a few moments, he came in her mouth.

Dolly sucked hard, swallowing everything he had released.

“Aha, guess I still got it, making you squirt that quick,” Dolly said, wiping her mouth. She pushed Bar onto the bed, before taking off her panties and crawling up on his lap.

Bar held her, reaching in for a kiss.

Dolly did a double-take. “You wanna kiss me?”

Bar raised an eyebrow. “ you not want to?”

Dolly blushed a bit, “That's not it, I-” but was interrupted as Bar pushed his lips against her. Squeezing her tightly to him, squishing her breasts into him, he instantly got hard again. Sticking it in her, he started thrusting rapidly. Dolly started moaning loudly, as Bar kept thrusting faster and faster, before releasing inside her.

Dolly was extremely red. “Slow down! It's been a couple years for me. I ain't got the stamina...”

Bar kissed her again.

“'re treating me a little too well. I'm gonna be a bit jealous of your future wife. Or wives, I guess you're a noble, right?” Dolly laughed.

Bar, maybe because of holding her in her arms, member still inside her, or maybe because of the drinks he'd had, or maybe because of the plan he had formulated on the walk up, or, most likely, some combination of all three, decided to ask the question. “Do you wanna be one of my wives too?”

Dolly held his shoulders for a moment, before laughing. “Haha, you can't just marry every woman you have sex with.”

Is that what I'm doing? I mean...she's attractive, and having a business in our family would give us a good foundation, right? Honestly, I think she would be a good addition. “Are you sure? I think you'd be a big get.”

Dolly blushed a bit, before playfully punching him. “Yur a funny one. Besides, who wants to marry an old woman like me? You know I'm thirty, right?”

Bar thought for a moment. “I'm actually into older woman...I think?”

Dolly blushed further. “No, you don't want me...”

Bar shrugged. It's unfortunate, but I guess I'll let it go.

Dolly stood up, smirking and going to get dressed. “I appreciate the good time, but I need to get back to work.”

Bar went to his bag, grabbing some money.

Dolly shook her head as she tied her outfit. “You don't need to pay me. I enjoyed it too much to accept it.”

Bar went to protest, but Dolly had already opened the door to go back downstairs. However, before she closed it, she leaned her head back in. “By the way, if you ever want to stop by again...” she trailed off with a seductive smile, blowing him a kiss before closing the door.

After leaving Bar, Dolly headed back downstairs. Not able to keep her thoughts straight, she went to the kitchen, grabbing herself a drink.

Joan, who was cooking a stew, looked up. “Dolly? Is something wrong?”

Dolly shook her head, “No...”

Joan stopped stirring. “Are you sure? You seem a little out of it...”

Dolly gave a wry smile. “Actually, I... took a customer upstairs just now.”

Knowing what she meant, Joan smiled. “I'm assuming it went well?” she asked as she went back to stirring.

Dolly nodded. “I guess I must have really impressed him, 'cause he asked me to marry him after.”

There was a 'plop' as Joan dropped the ladle in the soup.

“What's wrong?” Dolly asked.

Joan reached in and grabbed the ladle out. “He...he did? You're quite sure he was serious about it?”

Dolly laughed, “Haha, yeah, he kept trying to convince me but I kept letting him down.”

“Was this customer you took upstairs...the same one that wanted to talk to me?” Joan asked tentatively.

Dolly raised an eyebrow. “Ye-yeah, how'd ya know?”

Joan shook her head, smacking the ladle on her hand. “Just a hunch...”

As Bar made it back to the gate, it was already dark, and well past curfew.

“Bar!” came an all-too-familiar voice.

“Claire!?” he asked, turning around. “I thought...”

She laughed deviously, “Hehehe, I caught you out late, so I guess I need to escort you back to your room.”

“Oh...” Bar chuckled, understanding her intention.

Claire wrapped her arm around his, and rubbed her cheek on his arm, practically dragging him onward.

“What if someone sees us?” Bar asked, looking around nervously.

“Then they'll be in trouble for being out late,” Claire asserted.

Luckily, they met no one before ending up in front of his dorm.

Upon entering, Belle greeted them. “Hello Bar. Hello...Claire,” she said after a pause, not expecting Claire to be with him.

Claire smiled at Belle, before ushering Bar over to the table.

Bar noticed there was another bed pushed up against the wall. “Are you sleeping here tonight?”

Claire smiled, “Yes...but I wanted to talk a bit first. We kinda just...barreled through everything last night, so I wanted to make clear a few things first.”

Bar nodded, “Of course.”

Claire blushed a bit at his tone. “'re serious about me, right? You're not just using me?”

Bar was taken aback. “What do you mean? Wasn't it your idea in the first place?”

“Well, yes, but...” Claire coughed. “Fine, moving on. Where are you planning on living once you graduate?”

“In a house.”

Claire shook her head, “Obviously, but where? As in, a town, a city, an estate...”

Bar stared, blank expression on his face. “I didn't think of that.”

Claire put her hand on her head, shaking it again. “You've got this master plan but you don't even know that?”

“We've just kinda been, you know, winging it...”

Claire gave a wry smile, “Yeah, after last night and today, I've gathered that. Well, you should think about staying here in the city. I can help support us with my job here, and I might even be able to get you one too. Well, assuming you manage to graduate,” she said, giving him a concerned look.

“What? I'm paying attention in classes!” Bar protested.

“That's fine. But are you really going to be able to study well going out for jobs all the time?” Claire asked, looking up at him.

Bar started to respond, but bit his lip. I can't really argue with that.

“I'm not saying to not work at all, but you really need to focus on your studies. The best way for this plan to work out is you getting a solid job after you graduate. None of us are going to be able to rely on our houses for support, so we're going to need to make it work ourselves.

Bar looked down at the table. She's right. I didn't really do a good job planning this out, did I?

Claire, seeing he was getting down, reached over to grab his shoulder. As she was unable too, she got down and walked around the table, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Leave the working to me. And Joan. Even if we have to live out of an apartment for a few years, we'll get that big house eventually, and be set up for the long haul.”

Bar felt a well of emotion as Claire stood there. She, on the other hand, has really thought this through. I guess she's just as invested as me and Joan, now. Giving her a smile, which she reciprocated, he then pulled her in and gave her a kiss.

Belle, who had been paying attention, hurriedly went into the bedroom to hide.

After a few moments of passionate making out, Claire pulled away, breathing heavily. “It looks like Belle left, so do you wanna-”

Bar swept Claire off her feet, holding her princess-style and carrying her to the bed.

Claire giggled as Bar voraciously tugged off her pajamas until she was completely naked. “I guess last night wasn't a fluke.”

Bar merely shook his head, before leaning over to kiss her again.

Claire wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly as they intertwined tongues. Unlatching herself, she whispered, “Stick it in...”

Bar did as asked, slowly sliding his shaft into her as she squirmed in joy.

After pounding on her for a couple of minutes, Claire was spasming over and over. “Bar, please...” she barely got out.

Bar nodded, grabbing her waist and holding her towards him as he came inside her, reaching as deep as he could.

Claire was grinning, pulling him down to make out with him once more. “This is so amazing. A week ago, I thought I was going to be alone forever...”

Before Bar could respond, the door opened, with Joan coming in.

“Joan!” Claire shouted, grabbing the blanket and wrapping herself in it (Bar made no motion to bother covering himself). “I thought you said I could have tonight!?”

“I did. Why are you out here, though?” Joan asked, confused.

Claire blushed heavily, “Sorry, Belle went into the bedroom, so when we started...”

Joan shook her head. “Nevermind, I'm not upset at you. Someone else though...” she turned to Bar, who looked confused. For some reason, she had a ladle in her hand. “Why are you hiring tavern wenches, and then proposing to them, when you already have two fiances?”

Bar grew red. “Hold on, hold on, I can explain...

Joan cracked her knuckles. “You better...” Claire, who was now also upset, wrapped the blanket around herself and stood up as well.

Bar explained the sequence of events that had occurred. From Dolly propositioning him, to worrying about Joan's job, to proposing to Dolly.

When he finished, Joan seemed exasperated, while Claire seemed thoughtful.

“I realize now you were doing it for me, but there had to be a better way...” Joan said.

“Hmm...I see your train of thought, but if the business isn't doing that great, it could actually be more of a liability than an asset,” Claire suggested.

Joan looked at her, “You're not concerned that he's proposing to someone else the day after you joined us? I wouldn't even mind Dolly, but the principle of it...”

Claire looked side-eyed, “Well, I feel like it'd be a bit hypocritical coming from me...”

Joan shook her head and looked back at Bar (who was still naked, kneeling in front of them). “No more proposing to woman without our permission first. Or accepting proposals, either,” she added, glancing at Claire. “And obviously that means having sex with them too.”

Claire nodded, “I'm probably going to agree most of the time, but I'd still like to be included.”

Joan nodded back. “Good. Now that's settled...” she coughed. “Um, Claire, would you mind...”

Claire looked confused for a moment, before her eyes going wide. “'s my night! You even said....”

Joan blushed. “When I get angry, I get...”

Claire paused for a moment, before nodding. “Okay, but I get him back afterwards, and you owe me one.”

Joan nodded, before starting to undress.

Bar felt like he was being traded like a commodity, but decided he was in no position to complain (nor did he particularly want to) since he was at fault.

Joan pushed Bar onto the bed, jumping on top of him and immediately sticking his member in, pushing herself up and down and moaning loudly as she slapped herself against him.

Claire blushed as she watched this display, before going to pour herself some tea and sitting down at the table.

After a couple minutes, he came as Joan smashed down into him, before falling over on his chest.

Bar whispered, “I'm sorry.”

Joan smiled, “Considering the circumstances, you're forgiven.” She gave him a kiss, before rolling off the bed.

Claire eagerly jumped back onto him, embracing him tightly. “I'm gonna hold you while we sleep.”

Bar smiled awkwardly as his member rose again.

Claire blushed as she felt it rise. “Really? After all that?”

“You're chest was rubbing against me...” Bar explained, before slipping his member into her as they lay facing each other. He started pivoting his pelvis, knocking her up into him.

Claire blushed heavily, burying her face in his chest, holding onto him as he went quicker and quicker.

After a minute of this, Claire was moaning heavily, causing Bar to increase his speed, before finally releasing.

Claire smiled at him again, kissing him gently as he pulled himself out. “Are you satisfied now?” she giggled.

“I think so,” he replied, holding her against him.

As they closed their eyes, they heard a voice. “Errr....”

They turned to see Joan, who was sitting on the other bed.

“If you're it okay if I get in the bed? You two can still cuddle, I just...”

Claire sighed, but had a smile on her face. “I guess that's fine.”

Joan smiled back, before sliding under the covers, gently holding Bar from behind.

And in this configuration, they fell asleep.