Episode 3 (Part 2) [Re-Upload]
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The girl with pink hair almost left with the crystal sphere still in her bag, but Benjamin called out to her again, impeding her process.

“Hey, wait just a moment! Come back!” Benjamin exclaimed, running after her.

“Yeah, what is it, sir? I need to go back home quickly, so can you make this quick?” She turned and gripped her bag a little tighter against her side.

“Uh, it’s that shiny thing in your backpack. Where exactly did you get that?” Benjamin pointed toward the glass orb that was barely perceivable in her purse opening.

“Oh, you mean this? It fell out of the sky not too long ago. I have no idea what this is, but doesn’t it look so cool?” She tried to play it off as if it wasn’t that important. It was just a trinket; after all, there was nothing more to this thing, right?

“Yea, it is. And it’s also mine.” Benjamin said, “I... dropped it. I need to fuse it with this wand to make it powerful.”

Harry slapped his forehead when his Master revealed his plan. What was he thinking!?

“You... dropped it from the sky?” The girl looked at Benjamin, puzzled by the change in the story.

“Yeah, I was, uh, skydiving.” Harry and Chi-Chi now bowed heads in disbelief. This plan was not going well, and there was nothing they could do about it now.

“Skydiving? In that weird outfit?”

“Uh-huh, and—” Her taunting on his clothing choices and her disbelief of his story became apparent to him. “Hey, that’s not funny! Why do you not believe me? And what are you even going to do with it anyhow?” Benjamin started growing impatient with this Earth girl.

“Why study it, of course!” She chirped.

“Don’t interrupt me! Just hand me the ball of power already; it’s dangerous!” Benjamin yelled at the girl while holding out his hands for the sphere.

“Well, I still don’t know if I should trust you...” She smiled, “...though I admit you have a weird sense of humor.”

“I’m not trying to be funny!” Benjamin could feel the rage and heat on his face. This day was taking too long.

“But, if you are trying to rule the world as you say, then it's a good thing I took this from you... Sorry but finders keepers, I suppose.”

“Oh, that does it!” Benjamin thundered and grabbed the purse straps in a futile attempt to free the bag from her hands.

“Hey, what are you-?” She desperately gripped the bag with both hands and struggled to rip it out of Benjamin’s hands.

“Taking back what’s rightfully mine, that’s what I’m doing!”

Tired of her nonsense, Benjamin grew determined to snatch the bag from the girl by force. Chi-Chi and Harry tried to help their Master by pulling his coat. The pink-haired Earth girl struggled with all her might to hold on to it as best as she could. They fought over it for a while; time seemed to pass slowly. The young girl then let go of the bag, sending Benjamin flying and falling onto the floor.

As he and the critters tried to get up, the pink-haired girl ran for it before they could get their composure and tried to stop her yet again.

“Nice one, Master!” Harry patted his Master on the leg.

Now realizing that he had her purse in his lap, Benjamin checked and searched through it in hopes of finding and getting his sphere back. Unfortunately for them, it had only contained simple things such as money and candy; the orb wasn't there.

“Aw man, I could have sworn the crystal sphere was in there.” Benjamin threw the purse to the ground in disgust. “What the devil is all this useless junk? Where’d the device go?!” He got up onto his feet and looked around the area. “Fang, she must have gotten it while I was distracted. There’s no way I’m letting that son of a banshee get away with that sphere!”

Having no time to waste, Benjamin tossed the purse aside and went after her, not realizing that he had left Harry and Chi-Chi behind.


Benjamin gave chase and tried to catch her and the sphere, but got stopped by a passing car, throwing his concentration off course. As more cars passed by, he lost sight of the girl in a crowd of people waiting to cross the intersection. Harry had plenty of time to catch up to his Master and see if he could be of any help in the whole fiasco.

“Hey, Master, how’s it going?” Harry panted as he approached his side.

“Not so great. I lost the girl and couldn’t get through this crowd.” He pointed at the massive wall of humans waiting to cross the road, blocking his view of the sidewalk behind them.

“Oh, well, my sister went on ahead using her ‘special power’, and I couldn’t keep up with her.”

“What? How come she can use her powers in this world but I...” Benjamin spun toward Harry as he realized his mistake.

“Uh, she didn’t. That’s why I added sar—”

“Hey, maybe that’ll help us find them easier!” Benjamin stopped listening to Harry as he focused on a nearby building. Harry breathed a sigh of relief. His Master’s short attention span was a blessing at times. “That ladder, how do we reach it?” Benjamin pointed.

“I dunno, with magic, maybe?” Harry contemplated the height they would have to reach the fire escape ladder and wondered how they would create a diversion to avoid being seen floating up to the ladder. “But how will-?”

“That’s it! I’ll create a distraction with my wand!” Benjamin instinctively picked up on the messages sent by his sidekick without even realizing it. “And when everyone is distracted by that, we’ll jump up and grab the ladder. Since the monster world and the human world are different, maybe the wand will work when you’re specific and talk in their language!”

“Sounds brilliant, but also confusing,” Harry smiled in agreement. He thought Benjamin was so easy to influence.

Benjamin said the words ‘smoke bomb’ in his head multiple times to ensure the wand would register and that no one else heard him. A smoke bomb then appeared and landed on his hand's palm. He looked around and prepared to throw it.

When he confirmed that no one else was looking their way, he threw the smoke bomb on the ground. The two then jumped toward the ladder and climbed it once they grasped it. Benjamin and Harry reached the top and searched for Chi-Chi and the girl with the crystal sphere from their view.

“So, any sign of them at all, Harry?” Benjamin looked in all directions while shielding his eyes from the sun.

“Hmm, no, not really,” Harry replied. “Oh, wait, there’s Chi-Chi. She’s over at the cheese shop! She’s probably waiting for that girl to leave the store.”

“Come on, Harry!” Benjamin exclaimed as he ran toward the ladder to return to the streets below.

Benjamin and Harry hurried over to the cheese shop as fast as possible. When they arrived, they found that Chi-Chi had lost sight of the girl. Truthfully, she had gotten distracted by the shop with all the cheeses in the world. Imagine all that cheese inside this one little shop. Benjamin did not take the news very well and growled as if possessed by a giant bear.

Benjamin was about to scold her for losing sight of the girl, but Chi-Chi reassured him they’d probably find her soon. The guinea pig reached out with an envelope and said she had found it inside the girl’s bag. It supposedly contained the girl’s home address. Benjamin took it and tore it open, but not before patting Chi-Chi on the head, complimenting her on a good job well done.

He took a good while reading it, then rushed off to find the address, with the talking animals following close behind him.