My Movie Queen: Chapter 45
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The two got into the car, with Vanessa taking charge of driving since Yanna didn't have a license or much experience. During the drive, Vanessa shared information about some of the other people who would be attending the party.

"So, Alice will be there too?" Yanna asked.

"Yeah, she's on the guest list," Vanessa confirmed.

"It's been a while since I saw her," Yanna remarked.

"Do you miss her?" Vanessa inquired with a curious tone, aware of the friendship Yanna had with Alice but also apprehensive about any ulterior motives on Alice's part.

Yanna, oblivious to Vanessa's thoughts, suddenly found herself reflecting on her relationship with Alice, who now lived on Earth.

'If I hadn't met you, Vanessa, would I have ended up with Alice too, like her?' Yanna pondered to herself. Shaking off those thoughts, Yanna laughed.

Vanessa, confused by Yanna's laughter, asked, "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I don't really miss her, but she is our friend now, right? It wouldn't hurt to say hello later," Yanna reassured.

"Just remember, you can't be recognized by anyone, including her, if you still want to keep our relationship a secret," Vanessa reminded.

"Oh, right! I completely forgot about that. I guess we'll have to catch up another time," Yanna replied, realizing the importance of staying hidden.

"By the way, don't smile, okay? Just be stern and indifferent," Vanessa said.

"Hmm? Is that alright?" Yanna questioned.

"Of course," Vanessa replied.

"If I perform well, will I get a reward?" Yanna inquired.

"A reward?" Vanessa questioned in response.

"Yes," Yanna confirmed.

Although she couldn't read Vanessa's mind, Yanna could sense that Vanessa deliberately didn't want her to get close to anyone.

' Her possessiveness kicks in again haha, how cute, she didn't change at all ' Yanna thought to herself.

Vanessa thought about a reward but didn't have any specific ideas in mind.

"Then, if you perform well tonight, you can ask me anything," Vanessa offered.

"Anything?" Yanna smiled sweetly and raised her brow.

Vanessa felt nervous agreeing to Yanna but still nodded and decided to think about it later.

As they entered the party, all eyes turned towards Yanna and Vanessa.

Vanessa, dressed in red, stood out like a star of the night, capturing everyone's attention. Cameras flashed as she walked with indifference.

Yanna, standing beside Vanessa, didn't feel any pressure. Instead, she felt like she had returned to a time when everything revolved around her. She acted like a proud man, maintaining a stern look, but it only attracted more attention.

Some people speculated that she came from a wealthy family, while others thought she was Vanessa's fiancé. There were also those who simply felt jealous and dismissed her as insignificant.

Many onlookers smiled at the speculations, but their smiles faded as they noticed the man next to Vanessa whispering. Oliver, surrounded by wealthy people and beauties, frowned as he looked at the man. He had a sense of familiarity but was certain he had never met him before. Taking a sip of his wine, he left the group of people and made his way towards Vanessa.

Everyone became even more intrigued as they knew how much Oliver admired Vanessa. In their eyes, no one was more suitable for Vanessa than Oliver.

Yanna noticed Oliver approaching and whispered to Vanessa once again.

"Mr. Oliver appears to want to speak with you," Yanna informed 

 "What? Are you afraid of him?"

"No, I just want to give you a heads up that I dislike him," Yanna clarified.

"I understand. If you want to offend him, just make sure not to go too far. After all, it's still his parents' party," Vanessa advised.

Yanna gave Vanessa an assuring smile, captivating those around them.

Vanessa noticed the reactions of the people as they looked at Yanna smiling towards her and couldn't help but smirk. She bowed her head to conceal her amusement, but in the eyes of the onlookers, she appeared shy.

"I'm glad you came, Vanessa," Oliver greeted with a charming smile as he came closer

Vanessa nodded at him without uttering a word. Oliver, who was accustomed to her silence, did not take it personally and turned his attention to the man standing next to her.

"You look familiar, have we met before?" Oliver inquired.

Yanna looked at him coldly and adjusted her glasses.

"No," she replied curtly.

Oliver felt awkward and somewhat irritated by the cold treatment. He could tolerate Vanessa's coldness, but not from anyone else.

' Maybe he doesn't know who I am. Let's see how he reacts when he finds out ' Oliver thought to himself as he introduced himself.

"Haha, I apologize for my rudeness. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Oliver Marvin, the Vice President and Heir of Blue Sky Entertainment," Oliver proudly said, offering his hand for a handshake.

Yanna glanced at his hand before shaking it briefly and retracting her hand immediately.

"I'm Clarence, Vanessa's date tonight," Yanna introduced herself as Clarence, not reacting in the way Oliver expected.

"Her date? Haha, Mr. Clarence, I don't want to disappoint you, but I am her date tonight, right Nessa?" 

Oliver laughed as he thought that Clarence was joking, he looked at Vanessa confidently, expecting her support. However, to his surprise, Vanessa held Clarence's arm instead.

"I clearly declined your invitation before. Please don't embarrass yourself," Vanessa retorted.

"Haha, please, stop joking around," Oliver insisted.

"I'm not," Vanessa stated firmly.

Oliver and Vanessa locked eyes while everyone around them enjoyed the spectacle.

Yanna observe around and noticed a woman with blond curly hair dressed in white, who appeared to be inattentive to the interactions between Vanessa and Oliver.

If you look at the woman, you might perceive her as fragile and easily prone to tears, someone who elicits a protective instinct like that of a delicate flower. 

However that's only outside, inside she has a strong will, to have a better life she accepted the fact the Oliver has other women.

Yanna remembers that she is one of Oliver's women in the book. Unlike Vanessa, who was unaware of Oliver having multiple partners, this girl knew about it. However, she is poor, and Oliver takes care of her by providing money and a house. 

Unfortunately, Oliver also physically abuses her whenever he is in a bad mood, showing no concern even when she is suffering. This has become a form of torture for her, as she simply wants to live a normal life.

Yanna gazes at the girl for a while until their eyes meet. The girl is shocked by their eye contact and quickly diverts her gaze.

Vanessa no longer wants to have anything to do with Oliver, so she tightly grasps Yanna's hand to support her. Yanna shifts her attention back to Vanessa and already has a plan on how to deal with Oliver later.

She smiles at Oliver before hiding Vanessa behind her.

"Mr. Marvin, you're not the type of person who would try to steal someone's date, right? Oh, and by the way, she has already rejected you before. I hope you understand what that means."

Oliver clenches his teeth in anger but maintains his composure in front of everyone.

"Please don't misunderstand me. It was her parents who asked me to accompany their daughter as her escort. However, we had a disagreement which led to her rejecting me. Of course, I couldn't foresee her bringing along an unfamiliar companion."

"That's it then. Let's end it here. I'm sure you have other obligations, and so do we."

Yanna adjusts her glasses and leads the way to an empty table with Vanessa.

Unbeknowst to Yanna, someone is observing her from above.

A woman dressed in black, with phoenix-like eyes and red hair, smirks as she observes everything.

"Ronald, I want you to gather information about him."

"Yes, My Lady," Ronald replies as he leaves.

Fiona, still smirking, sits with her legs crossed, revealing her fair skin. She supports her head with her right hand while holding a glass of wine in her left. All those around her are captivated by her presence.

' He appears to be more intriguing than Oliver. Clarence, was it? Fufufu~ '