002 Destined Paths: A Magical Beginning (2)
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After mastering silent casting, Rifa decided it was time for them to work on a cooperative exercise that would test their teamwork and communication skills using this newfound technique. She set up a challenge where they had to move several floating orbs across the field by combining their magical powers without verbal cues.

Rifa began by explaining the task at hand: "We'll use our magic in tandem to control these orbs without speaking aloud. Focus on visualizing your spell and silently cast it while keeping an eye on my actions so we can synchronize our efforts."

Fenris nodded attentively, excited about applying his recently learned skill in cooperation with his mentor.

As they started the exercise, Rifa initiated her magic first—creating a gust of wind that gently lifted one of the orbs off the ground. Following her lead, Fenris silently casted his own spell—a telekinetic force—to guide its trajectory towards its designated target.

Coordinating movements solely through nonverbal cues was challenging at first. As trust grew, they seamlessly blended spells, creating a harmonious symphony of energy. They completed the task with pride, knowing greatness was yet to come. They embraced the journey, guided by hope, longing to witness the miracle born out of love, knowledge, and courage.

Through this exercise, Fenris and Rifa not only honed their magical abilities but also strengthened the bond between them as master and student. It served as a reminder of how important trust, understanding, and teamwork are in achieving success—lessons that would resonate with them throughout their journey together.

After completing their team efforts, Rifa suggests taking a break to rest and reflect on what they've learned. As they sit under a nearby tree, she encourages Fenris to share his thoughts about how he feels regarding his magical training thus far.

Fenris sat under the shade of a nearby tree, but instead of sharing his thoughts on training, his mind was racing with questions about Asura's history. He turned to Rifa, feeling an urge to learn more.

"Hey Rifa," he began tentatively. "Could you tell me about the history of this nation? How did it come to be?"

Rifa smiled at Fenris' curiosity and nodded in response: "Of course! There's so much to talk about when it comes to Asura's past - where do I even begin?" she said playfully.

"Well, let's start with Garm - one of the Seven Heroes who founded our kingdom. His original name was Yamazaki; but upon arriving in this new world, he changed his name as a way of embracing his new home." She explained.

"The Seven Legendary Heroes were summoned from another world by multiple gods- each associated with different aspects such as love, war or nature- and blessed by them in heaven to defeat Diablos; an infamous demon god who threatened all existence."

"After defeating Diablos and sealing him away; however, the heroes found themselves stranded here without any means back home. The gods had already left for their own reasons." Rifa added thoughtfully.

Fenris listened intently- fascinated by these stories from ancient times. But then he spoke up again:

"Wait...multiple gods? I thought there was only one God?" Fenris asked curiously.

Rifa paused for a moment before continuing: "Ah yes, well that is because your family follows Asura Catholic Church which believes in monotheism - One God."

"But long ago before its establishment, people worshipped many deities associated with different beliefs and practices across various regions within our land!" She explained further.

"As time went on though," she continued after taking a deep breath," people started gravitating towards certain religions that resonated most strongly with them until eventually one - Asura Catholicism- came to dominate. But for many centuries before it did, our people believed in multiple gods."

Fenris listened intently as she spoke- fascinated by all these tales of bravery and conflict. But then he spoke up again:

Fenris nodded thoughtfully before asking another question. "So what happened after Garm founded Asura? How did it become the nation we know today?"

"Well," Rifa began, settling into her storytelling mode, "it wasn't an easy process by any means. There were wars fought and alliances forged between different groups of people who all had their own ideas about how Asura should be governed."

She went on to describe some of the key events that shaped Asura's history: battles won through powerful mages like Arcturus Blackwood; political maneuverings that led to sweeping changes in laws; even natural disasters that threatened to tear apart everything they had built.

"After Garm founded our kingdom," she continued, answering Fenris' earlier question, "he became its first king under the name 'Arcturus'. Under his leadership, Asura began to flourish. He was not only a skilled warrior but also an astute diplomat who knew how to forge alliances with neighboring kingdoms."

"Arcturus also invested heavily in infrastructure and education- building roads that connected different regions of our land together; as well as founding schools where young people could learn important skills such as reading and writing." she added proudly.

Fenris listened intently, fascinated by all these tales from ancient times. "But what about conflicts?" he asked curiously. "Surely there must have been battles fought along the way?"

Rifa nodded: "Indeed there were many battles fought throughout Asura's history - both against other kingdoms seeking to expand their territories; as well as internal struggles between different factions vying for power within our own borders."

"But despite these challenges," she continued optimistically," we always managed to overcome them thanks to strong leaders like Arcturus who knew how to navigate through difficult situations while keeping our nation safe and prosperous."

She paused for a moment before adding, "Of course, there were times when our people suffered great losses. One of the most significant events in Asura's history was the Great War against the neighboring kingdom of Ouroboros. It lasted for over a decade and resulted in countless casualties on both sides."

"But even during those dark times," Rifa said with conviction, "our people never lost hope. We came together to rebuild what had been destroyed and honor those who had given their lives for our nation."

Fenris nodded solemnly, realizing just how much sacrifice and dedication went into building his homeland. But he also felt inspired- knowing that he too could contribute to Asura's legacy in his own way.

"And so," Rifa concluded with a smile," Asura grew into one of the most powerful nations in all of our world; full of magic, wonder, and endless possibilities."

Fenris took all this information in- feeling grateful for having someone like Rifa around who could teach him so much about his homeland's past. But then something occurred to him:

"Wait...if there were multiple gods worshipped long ago, then why do we follow the teachings of one God now?" Fenris asked curiously.

Rifa smiled and took a deep breath before answering. "Well, it was founded by a man named Father Francis who came from another world many years after Garm's time."

"Father Francis?" Fenris repeated curiously.

"Yes," Rifa nodded. "He believed that there was only one God and sought to spread this message throughout Asura as well."

"At first, he faced resistance from those who still worshipped multiple gods - seeing his teachings as an attack on their beliefs and way of life," she continued. "But over time, more people began to convert to this new faith through Father Francis' persuasive speeches and charismatic personality."

Fenris listened intently- fascinated by the idea of someone coming from another world with such radical ideas about religion.

"But what made his teachings so different than what we had already believed in for centuries?" Fenris asked curiously.

Rifa paused for a moment before continuing: "Well, I think part of it had to do with how he framed the concept of faith itself- emphasizing personal relationship with God rather than just following rituals or traditions blindly without any personal connection or understanding behind them."

"He also preached about forgiveness, redemption, and love- things that resonated deeply within people's hearts regardless of their background or religious affiliation." She added thoughtfully.

"As word of his teachings spread across the land; these followers grew large enough in number that they established a formal institution: The Catholic Church," Rifa explained further.

"The church would become one of the most powerful forces in all of Asura - shaping its culture, politics; even economy for centuries to come." She finished her explanation.

Fenris felt like he had learned something valuable today. It made him realize just how much history could shape not only individuals but entire nations themselves...and maybe even decide their fate if left unchecked!

"So what happened next? Why did some groups view the Church with hostility?" Fenris asked, sensing there was more to the story than what Rifa had told him so far.

Rifa's expression turned serious: "Well, as with any institution that holds a great deal of power; there were bound to be those who disagreed or felt threatened by its influence."

"I see..." Fenris murmured, lost in thought. "It's amazing to think that one man's teachings could have such a powerful impact on our world."

"Yes," Rifa nodded with a small smile. "It just goes to show you how much influence and change can come from even the smallest of actions or ideas."

As Fenris listened to Rifa's stories about Asura's past, he found himself completely engrossed in their conversation. Hours passed as they talked and laughed together- building up what was already a close bond gradually into something akin to a familial relationship; with Rifa acting like a big sister to Fenris.

◇ ◇ ◇

Several months have passed since Fenris began his magical training with Rifa. During this time, he has made significant progress in mastering various spells and techniques.

He has become proficient in silent casting, allowing him to cast spells without the need for verbal cues. He has also learned how to combine his magic with others through teamwork exercises similar to the one described earlier.

Fenris has displayed natural talent in combat magic by showing great potential with offensive spells such as fireballs and lightning bolts; however, he needs more practice when it comes to defensive or support spells like shields or healing.

Rifa is pleased with Fenris's progress so far but knows that there is still much left for him to learn before graduating as a full-fledged mage. She decides that it is time for them to put their skills to the test by having a mock battle against each other.

The two face off against each other on an open field surrounded by trees. They take their positions at opposite ends of the field, creating a distance between them like traditional ranged fighters. The sun beats down upon them as they prepare themselves mentally for what is about to come next.

"Remember," Rifa reminds Fenris before they begin," this isn't just about winning or losing- it's about testing our abilities and pushing ourselves beyond our limits."

"As ready as I'll ever be," replies Fenris confidently.

With those words spoken aloud between them, both Fenris and Rifa raise their hands towards each other, signaling the start of their duel.

Fenris stands at one end of the field, his heart racing with anticipation. He knows that this mock battle will test everything he has learned from Rifa over the past few months. At the opposite end of the clearing, Rifa stands tall and poised - her eyes focused on Fenris as she prepares herself for whatever he might throw her way.

As soon as both of them give each other a nod of readiness, they begin casting spells back and forth at lightning speed.

Rifa starts things off by casting a series of defensive shield spells to protect herself from Fenris's initial attacks. Despite his best efforts and an array of fireballs launched at her, Rifa effortlessly deflects them with ease using her defensive spells.

"You're doing well so far," comments Rifa encouragingly while blocking another attack from him.

"But don't forget that your opponent can always anticipate your moves and switch tactics accordingly."

"I understand," says Fenris determinedly before creating gusts using his wind magic that throw Rifa off balance before launching bolts of lightning at her; however, she manages to dodge most but is hit by one that throws her back several feet.

Impressed by his display of skill and power, Rifa retaliates with water magic and creates waves that surge towards him while he attempts to dodge them using earth magic - creating small barriers for him to hide behind.

"That was clever thinking!" praises Rifa after seeing how effectively he used his earth magic during the attack. "But don't forget about your other elements; they can be just as useful in combat situations."

Fenris nods in agreement and decides it's time to take things up a notch by unleashing his dark magic. His eyes glow red as he casts shadows around himself like tendrils before sending them hurtling towards Rifa...

The two continue exchanging blows until finally, they are both exhausted and panting heavily. They call for a truce after realizing how far they have pushed themselves beyond what was expected during this practice session.

"You've come a long way," says Rifa as she walks over to Fenris and gives him a pat on the back.

"Keep up the good work, but remember there's still much left for you to learn."

"I will," replies Fenris while catching his breath between words.

As Fenris and Rifa walk away from each other, they both take a moment to catch their breaths and reflect on the mock battle. Fenris feels proud that he was able to hold his own against Rifa - someone who he considers an expert in magic.

Rifa watches him go with pride swelling inside her chest. She knows that with hard work and dedication, Fenris will become an exceptional mage one day - perhaps even surpassing her in skill someday soon.

For now though, it's time for them both to rest and recover from their intense practice session. As they make their way back home through the lush green forest surrounding them- both know deep down inside themselves that this was just the beginning of something truly special...

"Great job today," says Rifa as she walks alongside Fenris. "You're making excellent progress."

"Thanks," replies Fenris with a smile on his face. "I couldn't have done it without your help."

"I'm happy to assist you in any way I can," responds Rifa kindly before continuing: "But don't forget there is still much more left for you to learn if you want ever become a full-fledged mage someday soon."

Fenris nods solemnly knowing that he has only scratched the surface of what magic can do but also feeling excited about all the possibilities ahead of him.

And with those words ringing between them like an unspoken promise, they continue walking towards home; each lost in thought about what lies ahead...