006 Rifa’s Final Lesson
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Four years prior, when Fenris intervened against Damian for brutalizing Sophia, the repercussions for Damian were severe. He was stripped of numerous noble privileges, including his ownership rights over Sophia. Consequently, she was transferred to Fenris's care. Relieved and reassured by this development, Sophia found solace in her new guardian's compassionate nature and empathetic demeanor.

Although legally considered Fenris's property, their relationship quickly blossomed into a profound friendship that bore resemblance to familial bonds rather than master-servant dynamics. They engaged with each other warmly and supportively; Sophia felt immensely grateful for Fenris's benevolence and protection during their shared experiences—both joyful moments and challenging times alike.

By the age of 11, under Rifa's tutelage, Fenris had absorbed an extensive range of magical knowledge—from fundamental theories to advanced spellcasting techniques—and emerged as a proficient mage in his own right. Concurrently, Sophia had also demonstrated remarkable progress since embarking on her training journey with Rifa not long after Fenris began his own path toward mastery.

Undergoing the same magic aptitude examination as Fenris, Sophia discovered her elemental affinities to be Fire, Earth, and Water—Fire being her dominant element. Additionally, she displayed a potent spiritual connection; lesser spirits from the nearby forests seemed inexplicably drawn to her presence.

Fenris theorized that Sophia's innate magical prowess could be attributed to her elven lineage. This heritage granted her an intrinsic bond with both natural elements and ethereal spirits. Rifa expounded on this notion, explaining that elves like herself possessed deep-rooted connections with the natural world. As the progenitors of magic in their realm, they harnessed the raw elemental forces coursing through nature itself.

Alas, the culmination of Rifa's mentorship was drawing near—a reality that Fenris had been aware of since their journey began. Despite his initial understanding, he now grappled with the notion that these precious days together were nearing their end. With a heavy heart and unwavering resolve, he suppressed his sorrow and pressed on, curious about what challenges Rifa had prepared for him in this final lesson.

Fenris stood solitary in the expansive open field, encircled by undulating hills and sporadic trees. Far on the horizon, he could discern the Tonelico mansion; however, he was cautious not to practice magic anywhere near it. The last thing he desired was to inflict harm upon its structure or occupants.

A few feet away, Rifa observed him with a blend of pride and sadness in her gaze. She recognized that their time together would soon reach its conclusion – an inevitable truth that stirred a twinge of regret within her heart. Over four years, she had educated Fenris in magical arts while nurturing a bond akin to parent and child.

Now, as this chapter drew to a close, it was essential for Fenris to embark on new adventures and uncover his true purpose in life. Consequently, Rifa had devised one final examination—a challenge that would gauge whether he was prepared to graduate as her most distinguished protégé.

"Alright then," Rifa began somberly; "Fenris—your task is to summon forth a lightning storm and sustain it for at least one hour's duration." Her voice carried an undertone of sorrow as she continued: "This shall serve as your ultimate test before you officially complete my tutelage."

"Alright," Fenris said, taking a deep breath as he thought about what Rifa had just told him. This was going to be the big test that showed how much he'd learned over the past four years. He closed his eyes and focused on gathering magical energy inside himself. As he did this, he could feel power building up for the spell.

But since this spell would affect a large area, trying to cast it silently would be too hard for him right now. So instead, Fenris decided to use an incantation out loud, which felt okay in this situation.

As wind blew through the trees and clouds started coming together overhead, Fenris began saying his incantation. He used his connection with nature to help make powerful words echo around him:

"By elements entwined, their forces I beseech, a symphony of thunder and rain now within reach. From distant skies above to earth's embrace below, the currents of energy shall ebb and flow."

"Mighty gusts arise on my command, wind spirits heed my call as they dance across this land. Water from celestial heights descend in torrents fierce, unleashing deluge unrelenting till all boundaries pierce."

"Electrified by primal energies unseen, I summon forth a spectacle both wild and serene. A maelstrom born amidst chaos divine, tempestuous harmony in perfect design."

"With resolute conviction, my will unfaltering, Nature's raw fury I invoke for unleashing. Now gather your forces; heed my plea— Awaken! Converge! Unite with me!"

"In culmination, let the world tremble before thee: Tempestate Fulminea!"

As Fenris channeled his magical energy into the spell, a significant amount of mana was drawn from the surroundings. This sudden depletion caused an unexpected drop in the area's temperature, resulting in a crisp chill that permeated the atmosphere.

The initial stages of the spell seemed unassuming—a subtle shift in air currents and gentle rumblings overhead. Gradually, however, it began to manifest more vividly as Fenris poured his power into its formation. Wisps of wind swirled around him; they intensified into powerful gusts that swept across the landscape, bending trees and rustling leaves with fervor.

Dark clouds converged above at an alarming pace—thicker and darker than anyone could have predicted—casting ominous shadows on everything below. Flashes of lightning streaked through these towering formations while thunderous roars echoed across vast expanses.

Fenris's unwavering focus enabled him to tap deeper into nature's essence than anticipated; he forged a connection far beyond Rifa's expectations for this exercise. As a result, instead of merely conjuring an artificial storm as she had intended for him to do so, he managed to create something much more potent—an authentic tempest fueled by nature itself.

This natural storm surged with unrestrained might: torrential rain cascaded from thick cloud cover while violent winds whipped up swirling debris in their wake. Despite being caught off-guard by this unforeseen turn of events, Rifa couldn't help but marvel at Fenris's remarkable achievement—one which demonstrated not only his growth as a mage but also his innate affinity for harnessing elemental forces.

Realizing the sheer intensity of the storm Fenris had summoned, Rifa recognized that she needed to take immediate action to shield herself from its unbridled power. With swift precision, she drew upon her own mastery over elemental magic and conjured a protective barrier.

An earth dome began to rise around her—clay, soil, and rock melded together in response to her incantation. The structure solidified into a sturdy refuge capable of withstanding the relentless onslaught of rain, wind, and lightning outside.

Rifa left only a small fissure within the dome's outer surface; just enough for her keen eyes to peer through as she observed Fenris amidst his mighty tempest. Safely ensconced within this earthen sanctuary yet still vigilant in monitoring her pupil's progress, Rifa maintained an unwavering watch on Fenris even as nature roared all around them.

The storm's reach expanded with astonishing speed, stretching across an impressive distance of approximately six miles. Within mere minutes, the tempest had engulfed the surrounding landscape—including the distant Tonelico mansion.

As Fenris stood amidst this chaotic maelstrom, he began to realize that he may have inadvertently poured too much power into his incantation. The storm's ferocity now posed a genuine risk to his own safety—remaining exposed in such conditions was becoming increasingly perilous.

Fearing for himself amidst crackling lightning and howling winds, Fenris decided it was time to seek refuge from the very tempest he had created. He sprinted through torrential rain and gusts strong enough to nearly knock him off balance as he searched desperately for cover.

In one heart-stopping moment, a searing bolt of lightning struck dangerously close by—illuminating both fear in Fenris' eyes and determination in every step forward. With adrenaline surging through his veins, he hastened towards any semblance of shelter available within this turbulent environment.

As the storm's ferocity escalated and Fenris sprinted through torrential rain in search of shelter, he realized that his best chance for safety lay within his own magical abilities. Recalling Rifa's swift construction of an earth dome earlier, he made a split-second decision to replicate her strategy.

Breathing heavily and drenched from head to toe, Fenris focused his thoughts on the earthen elements beneath him. Given that this was a low-tier spell compared to the immense storm he had unleashed, casting it silently felt manageable even under such intense circumstances.

With unwavering concentration, Fenris channeled some of his vast mana reserves towards shaping soil and rock into a protective haven. Just as Rifa had done moments before, he manipulated the elements around him without uttering any incantations—forming a sturdy earth dome capable of shielding him from lightning strikes and punishing winds outside.

Exhausted but safe inside this newly-constructed refuge, Fenris caught his breath while listening intently to the relentless storm raging beyond its walls. He couldn't help but reflect on how much power he had unleashed—and what it meant for both himself and those who would be affected by such an extraordinary display of elemental magic.

The storm continued to grow in intensity, expanding even further beyond the reaches of the Tonelico territory. Fenris couldn't shake the feeling that it might last forever. With no other viable option, both he and Rifa decided to wait out the tempest within their respective shelters.

Hours passed unbeknownst to them; eventually, the fierce storm began to dissipate. As they emerged from their earthen domes, they noticed a transformed landscape—soaked grounds and minor lakes formed in lower-lying areas of the field as remnants of nature's fury.

Fenris and Rifa found an uprooted log—a casualty of lightning—and sat down together for a heart-to-heart conversation.

"I must admit," Rifa said with a chuckle, "I'm quite amazed at how you managed to create such a powerful natural storm."

"Really?" Fenris replied bashfully. "Well... I guess you should have expected nothing less from your star pupil."

Rifa laughed warmly at his response before growing serious again. "Yes indeed! You've surpassed my expectations so thoroughly that there's now nothing left for me to teach you."

Eagerly anticipating an affirmative response, Fenris asked if he had passed his final test: "So... did I pass?"

Rifa confirmed what he already knew—that not only did he pass but also exceeded her initial expectations so thoroughly that there was now nothing left for her to teach him. She gently broke the news: today would be their last day together as mentor and student.

Fenris blinked back tears as emotions swelled within them both. He embraced Rifa warmly—she reciprocated while shedding a tear or two upon realizing this chapter in his life was coming to an end.

"Thank you for everything," Fenris whispered into her shoulder.

Grateful for all she had taught him thus far, Fenris vowed that he would continue honing his skills until they could meet again someday. "I promise I'll grow stronger for you, Rifa. We will see each other again one day."

Rifa shared similar sentiments—she lamented having to part ways but understood it was necessary for both herself and Fenris's growth; she didn't want to hinder his progress nor forsake her own self-improvement journey by remaining complacent.

"You've been like a son to me," Rifa said sincerely. "But now it's time for you to explore the world and find your true purpose. And don't worry about me—I'll be out there training as well."

In honor of Rifa's departure, the Tonelico family arranged a lavish farewell dinner. Throughout the meal, Marcos expressed his sadness at her impending leave: "We're really going to miss you around here, Rifa."

Favian chimed in with agreement: "Yes, it won't be the same without you."

Meanwhile, Damian regarded her in a somewhat unsettling manner before saying: "You have certainly made an impression on us all." Despite his odd gaze and ambiguous words, Rifa did her best to ignore him and enjoy the evening.

Afterward, Rifa retreated to her guest room where she began packing up her belongings with Fenris assisting every step of the way.

"It feels strange knowing this is our last night together," Fenris admitted as he carefully folded each piece of clothing.

"I know," replied Rifa softly. "It has been such an incredible journey teaching you these past four years."

As they continued packing, Rifa shared a thought with Fenris that she believed would help guide him on his journey. "Fenris, I think it would be an excellent idea for you to attend the most esteemed magic academy in the kingdom—Lodonea."

Fenris's eyes lit up at her suggestion, but he was also curious about how this particular academy could benefit him further.

Rifa elaborated: "What makes Lodonea unique is that aside from exceptional magical education, they also offer swordsmanship classes in their curriculum. Since I'm well aware of your training with the knights and your passion for honing your combat skills alongside magic, I believe this academy will provide a perfect balance for your growth."

The prospect of attending such a prestigious institution excited Fenris while reinforcing his determination to become stronger. He envisioned himself mastering advanced spells and refining his sword techniques—all under the guidance of skilled instructors within Lodonea's hallowed halls.

"Thank you for suggesting it," Fenris said sincerely. "I'll definitely consider applying there once we part ways."

Rifa smiled warmly at him as they finished packing her belongings together. The knowledge that Fenris had such promising prospects ahead eased some of her sadness over their imminent separation; she knew he was destined for greatness.