009 The Entrance Exam
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The day of the entrance exam has come.

Fenris had been studying strenuously in preparation for this moment. He woke up early in the morning when everyone else was still asleep, still feeling groggy from staying up late last night.

After using magic to splash water on his face, he fully woke up. Fastening on his clothes, he stepped out of his bedroom into the hallway. 

Fenris began walking downstairs to where the maids and servants rested, heading towards Sophia's room to wake her up. But just before he turned the doorknob, he suddenly had second thoughts.

"Should I...?" Fenris said. But soon afterwards, he shook off his doubts and entered her room anyway.

Watching the beautiful albino-haired half-elf sleep was such a mesmerizing sight that Fenris could watch it forever. But he couldn't, so he approached Sophia's unconscious body and gave her a nudge.

Her eyes fluttered as Fenris's silhouette slowly came into view. When she fully opened her eyes, Sophia shrieked in embarrassment as she quickly sat up and hid herself with the bed covers.

"W-What are you doing here?!" Sophia exclaimed, her eyes widening in both surprise and fear.

"I came to wake you up, the entrance exam is today," Fenris replied. 

"It's today?!" Sophia yelped as panic overwhelmed her, prompting her to hastily gather her belongings together.

"I'll be waiting outside," Fenris said with a soft smile, stepping out of her room.

After a few minutes of waiting, Sophia was ready. However, logic finally caught up with her as she started calming down. A thought popped up in her mind.

"Fenris? Why did I have to get ready, as well? Aren't you going by yourself?" she said.

"Because servants of nobles are allowed to attend too. Although in the academy they are counted as individual students, regardless of whether they are free or not," Fenris explained.

"Oh, I see—wait, does that mean I get to go with you?!" Sophia's face shines with hope as the prospect of being beside Fenris puts a big smile on her face.

"Mm-hmm," Fenris nodded.

Sophia squealed with excitement, her resolve strengthened knowing that she'll be attending alongside Fenris. Her doubts seemed to wash away, feeling almost certain that she'll pass with flying colors.

Only one question remained on her mind, "How will we get there, though?"

"We'll just teleport there," Fenris replied at once.

"Wait, really?! You can do that?" Sophia asked, stricken with curiosity.

"Mm-hmm," Fenris nodded. He pushed off from the wall he was leaning against, looking down at Sophia with confident eyes. In the face of that, Sophia felt—no, knew he could do anything.

"Alright, if you say so," Sophia said.

The two headed back upstairs, where Fenris made a detour to his parents' room, slipping a letter of departure underneath. After that, he and Sophia headed outside of the mansion, where the two held hands as Fenris casted teleportation magic, transporting them near the entrance to Lodonea.

"Wow, I can't believe it was that quick and easy!" Sophia remarked, amazed by how quickly they arrived at their destination.

"Yup. Teleportation magic is useful for getting around places, though the only downside is that you have to know the coordinates of where you're going," Fenris explained.

"Oh, well....that's very convenient still!" she said. 

As they faced Lodonea Academy, the two couldn't help but admire its splendor, especially seeing it in-person for themselves.

Lodonea's campus consists of a magnificent castle-like structure that towers over the surrounding landscape. It is made of weathered gray stone and red bricks, with intricate carvings and gargoyles adorning its façade. It is surrounded by a lush forest and a moat, adding to its sense of grandeur. The most striking feature of the castle is its central tower, which is taller than all the others. The tower is topped with a golden spire that can be seen from miles away. The castle's main entrance is located at the base of the central tower, and it is flanked by two large statues of lions. The other towers are also very impressive. Some of the towers are used for classrooms, while others house the academy's library, laboratories, and other facilities. The castle also has a number of large courtyards, which are used for gatherings and events.

"Looks like this is it," Fenris said with a heavy breath. He looked aside to Sophia before walking in. The interior was filled with students who were walking between hallways presumably to take their exams, just like Fenris and Sophia. They arrived at a receptionist counter where an auburn-haired lady examined both of them with squinted eyes, before greeting them.

"Welcome to Lodonea. Please state your name." 

Fenris willfully ignored the receptionist's squinting, and proceeded to introduce himself. "My name is Fenris, madam."

"Last name?" she replied.

"Tonelico," he said.

"Ah, so you hail from the esteemed Tonelico family. I'm sure you'll fit in here just fine, then," the receptionist replied in a positive tone. "Now what about you?" she turned to Sophia.

"Sophia," she said.

"Last name?" 

"Erm, I don't have one," Sophia replied.

"Ah, then perhaps you're a commoner?" the receptionist asked.

"Not exactly, I'm actually Fenris's servant," Sophia said.

"Okay, then. Now please place your hand here so I can assess what elemental attributes you have," the lady pointed to a crystal ball which acted as a tool for measuring mana.

Fenris went first, placing his hand over-top the ball, which shone a bright white light, illuminating the main lobby. This result wasn't surprising to him, as he was well-aware of his outstanding capabilities by now.

"Wow, that's amazing! You possess all six elements?" the receptionist asked, her eyes widening with surprise.

"Mm-hmm," Fenris replied. Without indulging in conversation any further, he steps aside, as it was now Sophia's turn.

She placed her hand over the ball, displaying three colors of mana circulating inside it - red, green, and blue, representing Fire, Earth and Water. For someone without a noble background, her magic affinity was quite impressive.

"Alright, you two may go now," the receptionist said with a soft smile. She handed Fenris and Sophia a slip of paper indicating which room they were supposed to be in. Coincidentally, they were in the same classroom together.

When they arrived at their classroom, Fenris and Sophia exchanged expressions hoping for good luck, as they sat down in their seats.

The side-chatter exchanged between students halted as a woman, presumably middle-aged, entered the room. Her tight posture and facial features gave her a strict demeanor. It was generally assumed that she was their teacher.

"We're going to start the written portion of the entrance exam now. If you are caught cheating, you will be dismissed on the spot, so be careful," the woman spoke with a commanding tone of voice as another, younger girl handed out the papers to the students. "The exam will last two hours. Now...begin!" she added.

Fenris let out a heavy sigh as he looked face down into his paper, channeling all of his brain power into acing this exam.

Two hours have elapsed, and the written exam portion is now over.

"Okay, stop," The teacher clapped her hands, signifying that time was up. "Please take your hands off and put down your answer sheets."

Everyone did so promptly. Fenris had finished the exam early, but he waited patiently for everyone else to finish.

"We'll now move on to the practical exam, where you will test your magic and swordsmanship," the woman said.

This was it. The exciting part Fenris was waiting for. He felt that he would excel here given all of the training he has done up to this point. His smile widened into a grin as confidence flowed throughout his body.

The students headed out to one of the school courtyards, which resembled a barracks and was familiar to Fenris. Their female instructor stood firmly as she began explaining the directions for their practical exam.

"We will now start our practical exam," the instructor said, raising her right arm and pointing to the right, directing the students' attention in that same direction.

"Please use your magic on the targets. They are lined up in the following order: fire, water, earth, wind, light, and dark, from left to right," she explained. "Try as many as you can handle. Grading is based on total points, so the more you do, the better your advantage." 

The targets were made of reinforced granite and enchanted with defensive spells to ensure they wouldn't easily char or be destroyed.

Several students proceeded to cast their spells, achieving varying results. Fenris observed each student's performance with crossed arms, his expression apathetic.

"Mr. Tonelico, please come up," the female instructor called out the next student, who happened to be Fenris. Sophia's eyes immediately dimmed as she wanted to go next. Observing her disappointment, Fenris turned to the instructor and politely said, "Madam, I believe she would like to go instead. I can wait."

I want to observe how Sophia's growth has been coming along. I haven't seen much of it since Rifa's departure, so I can't wait to see what she has in store! Fenris's previous apathetic expression transformed into one of excitement. He eagerly looked forward to witnessing his disciple's capabilities.

Sophia's dimmed expression immediately vanished as she approached her first target designated with the "Fire" element, radiating happiness. Her face transformed into one of focus and determination as she conjured a small, concentrated fireball in the palm of her hand. With precision, she launched it at the target. The impact caused the minuscule fireball to erupt into a massive explosion, sending debris flying towards the students. However, the instructor quickly created a defensive wind spell, shielding the students from the incoming debris.

After the smoke cleared, it became evident that the supposedly sturdy granite target, designed to withstand student attacks, had been utterly demolished. Wide-eyed astonishment spread among the students, including Fenris, who was taken aback by the sheer firepower unleashed by that single spell.

Realizing that she had startled the other students, Sophia quickly became apologetic. "S-Sorry! Is anyone hurt?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. Everyone shook their heads, providing her with a sense of relief.

"Okay, I'll move on to the next target then!" she exclaimed. Stepping towards the target designated for the "Earth" element, Sophia called upon lesser spirits, which manifested as numerous small green orbs surrounding her. With their assistance, she conjured multiple rock spears and sent them hurtling towards the target.

Each spear landed with force, piercing the target and leaving behind noticeable holes before the remains ultimately crumbled. The students responded with a round of applause, showing their appreciation for Sophia's skill. She turned to face them, bowing in gratitude.

Way to go, Sophia! Fenris felt a surge of emotion, and tears welled up in his eyes as he joined the enthusiastic applause for his disciple.

Sophia's smile brightened as she approached the target designated for the "Water" element. Once again, she summoned her spirits, causing numerous small blue orbs to encircle her. With their assistance, she unleashed a powerful stream of water that rapidly froze, forming a large, solid ice sheet that enveloped the target, effectively freezing it in place.

Once again, the audience erupted in cheers as Sophia returned to join the others, beaming with pride. She felt a deep sense of gratitude toward Fenris for allowing her to take his place, and as she approached him, she embraced him affectionately.

"Thank you, Fenris," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I'm so glad you did that for me." Pulling away slightly, her face still radiant, she couldn't help but blush ever so slightly.

"Hey, you were amazing, Sophia! I was cheering for you the whole time!" Fenris exclaimed, placing his hands on her shoulders, causing her to jump slightly. Sophia giggled, taking his praise to heart. Fenris glanced up at the sky, as if silently expressing his gratitude, before turning his gaze back to her.

Meanwhile, the instructor composed herself and addressed the group once more. "Alright, Mr. Tonelico, please step forward."

"And that's me," Fenris replied with a nod. He approached the first target, which seemed to have magically regenerated.

"Good luck!" Sophia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. She was wholeheartedly rooting for Fenris, confident that he would perform admirably.

Fenris stood before the granite target marked with the "Fire" element, raising two fingers as he conjured a medium-sized fireball. Infusing it with dark magic, he unleashed the spell, launching the fireball towards the target. Upon impact, the fireball engulfed the target in vibrant blue flames that seemed to burn endlessly, defying any attempts to extinguish them.

The display left the students, including the instructor, astounded. A sense of caution washed over the instructor as she observed the perpetually burning flames. "Uhm... it's not going out," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of unease.

Moving on to the next target marked with the "Earth" element, Fenris grinned as he raised his hand, clearly indicating that he had something special planned for this challenge.

Time for the afternoon special: crystallizing the target! Fenris manipulate the mana within the granite, purifying its color and harnessing its energy to solidify into a physical form. It was a display of raw mana manipulation rather than traditional Earth magic. The target began to crack, as if undergoing a transformative process, before dramatically shattering into a mass of colorless luminite.

"D...Did you just create luminite?!" the instructor asked, her voice filled with astonishment and disbelief at the incredible feat she had just witnessed.

"Eheh... I'll just move on to the next target," Fenris nervously chuckled, attempting to downplay the significance of his accomplishment. With a hint of mystery and a touch of nervousness, he proceeded towards the next target, marked with the "Water" element. Choosing not to elaborate on his previous display, he left it to the audience's interpretation.

After completing all the targets, Fenris joined the rest of the students, who were mostly in a state of shock, their faces reflecting his outstanding display. However, Sophia and a few others couldn't contain their excitement and erupted into applause and cheers, which brought a soft smile to Fenris's face.

"I'm done now," Fenris announced, a sense of accomplishment evident in his voice.

"A-Are you sure?" the instructor asked, her question intended to be rhetorical, as the awe-inspiring demonstration had clearly surpassed all expectations.

Fenris chuckled, his attention shifting to Sophia, who embraced him once again, congratulating him on his remarkable performance. "You did an amazing job, Fenris! You've truly captivated everyone with your magical abilities up there. You're like a celebrity!"

Feeling as though she might be exaggerating, Fenris simply laughed it off. Meanwhile, the instructor directed Fenris's attention to the target that was still engulfed in flames. "Could you extinguish that, please? We still have other students to proceed with."

"Oh, sure," Fenris replied. With a snap of his fingers, he swiftly extinguished the flames on the target, leaving it charred and marked by the intensity of the fire.

"Ahem," the instructor cleared her throat, capturing everyone's attention. "For those who have completed the magical portion of the practical, please proceed to the swordsmanship segment. While the grading for this part may not carry as much weight as magical ability, it still contributes to your overall score," she elaborated. The students promptly followed her instructions, guided by small flames that ignited in the air every few paces, leading them to their next destination.

The students gathered in another courtyard, where they were greeted by a group of knights who approached them, shaking hands in a welcoming gesture. The atmosphere grew quiet as the sound of approaching footsteps filled the air. As the figure came into view, a wave of shock rippled through the students, including Fenris.

"Hey there, kids! You may know me as Kurgan, or 'the War God', but today I'll be your instructor, or rather, your sparring partner," Kurgan introduced himself with a boisterous laugh, displaying a grin that spoke of his love for battle. His enthusiastic tone gave the impression of a seasoned warrior eager to witness the skills of the students.

Kurgan was a blue-haired, blue-eyed young man who appeared to be in his mid to late twenties. His face bore two distinct facial scars in the shape of an 'X' on the left side, adding to his rugged and battle-worn appearance. The armor he wore reflected his years of experience and countless battles, showing signs of wear and tear.

Sophia furrowed her eyebrows, feeling lost and intrigued. She gently poked Fenris's shoulder, prompting him to turn his gaze towards her. "Uhm... Fenris? Who's Kurgan?" she inquired, seeking clarification.

"You haven't heard of him? He's one of the five Platinum-rank adventurers and is considered a pinnacle of swordsmanship," Fenris explained, drawing from the stories Rifa had shared during her time as an adventurer.

"Oh, I see," Sophia nodded. However, a tinge of concern crept into her thoughts as she realized she had never wielded a sword before. Disappointed, she cast her gaze downward, anticipating her potential failure in the upcoming training.

Unaware of Sophia's sudden change in mood, Fenris remained focused on Kurgan. Excitement bubbled up within him at the prospect of battling one of the strongest adventurers in the kingdom, if not the entire world. Though he knew he wouldn't be going all-out serious, the opportunity to test his skills against such a formidable opponent stirred his enthusiasm.

"Alright then! Who's up for the first round?" Kurgan exclaimed, placing his hand on his chin as he scanned the eager faces of the students. In response, Fenris's hand shot up enthusiastically.

"I'd like to fight you, sir!" Fenris declared with excitement.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! Well, well! I like your spirit, youngster! What's your name?" Kurgan laughed heartily as he asked Fenris to introduce himself.

"Fenris Tonelico," Fenris replied, his voice filled with determination.

"A fine name, Fenris! You look like you've got that wild side in you, but I wonder, how well does it hold up in combat?" Kurgan's grin widened as he tossed Fenris a spare sword, which Fenris deftly caught.

"By the way, no spellcasting allowed. But you can still enhance yourself!" Kurgan explained. Fenris nodded in understanding as he unsheathed his own sword, prepared for the battle ahead.

"Before we begin, may I cast a barrier around us? I don't want anyone to get hurt," Fenris respectfully requested.

"Sure thing! This is just a spar after all, not for realsies'," Kurgan warmly replied. He unsheathed his own blade, gripping it tightly as he assumed a confident stance. His feet were planted wide apart, and his grin returned, exuding an air of confidence. Fenris was already earning Kurgan's respect for his willingness to dive head-first into the challenge.

Fenris raised his left hand, casting a barrier using dark magic to prevent interference from the outside. Gripping his blade tightly, he awaited Kurgan's first move.

In a flash, Kurgan seemingly vanished, leaving the spectators in shock. Sensing an attack from the right, Fenris swiftly moved his sword in that direction, parrying Kurgan's strike as he reappeared.

"You've got sharp reflexes there, kid," Kurgan remarked. "But don't think you can block my attacks forever!" he added before disappearing once more. Fenris infused his body with mana, enhancing his physical attributes to superhuman levels. Kurgan reappeared, launching a downward strike towards Fenris' head, only to find it pass through an afterimage left behind.

The two engaged in fierce, fast-paced combat, appearing evenly matched to the untrained eye. Spectators were left speechless as their eyes struggled to follow the swift movements of the two combatants. However, unbeknownst to them, Fenris was actually at a disadvantage due to Kurgan's raw power. The only reason he held his ground was because Kurgan was restraining himself, knowing that in a real fight, he could have easily defeated Fenris.

Realizing he was on the defensive, Fenris continuously parried and blocked Kurgan's relentless attacks. Sensing Kurgan's growing excitement and overconfidence, Fenris knew he had to end the fight before he got seriously injured.

"I like you, Fenris! So much so that I'll give you a little more!" Kurgan exclaimed, striking down on Fenris's sword with tremendous force, creating a small crater in the ground. Fenris barely managed to withstand the attack.

Damn, he's too strong! And he's getting carried away! I need to finish this before I get killed. Fenris thought to himself. With all his strength, he pushed back Kurgan's assault, throwing him off balance. Seizing the opportunity, Fenris aimed for Kurgan's neck, managing to slice a small portion before the fight came to an end.

"Hmph, it seems you've bested me," Kurgan admitted, dropping his weapon and formally surrendering to Fenris. Fenris sheathed his blade as he dispelled the barrier, returning to join his classmates. A wave of applause greeted him, accompanied by congratulatory comments from his peers, such as "You're amazing!" and "Great job, Fenris! You defeated Kurgan!"

Fenris basked in the warmth of the applause and encouragement, feeling a sense of pride in his accomplishment. As he rejoined the group, he couldn't help but observe the ongoing battles between Kurgan and the other students. One by one, they were being overpowered and outmatched by the seasoned warrior. Among them was Sophia, who was swiftly defeated by Kurgan's first strike.

"Oww..." Sophia groaned, her face downturned in disappointment. She knew the outcome was inevitable, but it still stung.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up, Sophia. It could've been much worse," Fenris comforted her, gently patting her shoulder and offering a kind, reassuring smile. His words brought a flicker of a smile to Sophia's face, although she still felt a sense of shame for her lackluster swordsmanship.

The following day, the much-anticipated results of the entrance exam were finally posted. Excitement filled the air as students gathered around the announcement board, eager to see how they had fared. Fenris and Sophia stood side by side, their eyes fixed on the list of scores. Sophia squinted her eyes slightly, a telltale sign of her less-than-perfect eyesight.



1st Place - Tristan von Marwitz (1000 Points)

2nd Place - Élise Crane (950 Points)

3rd Place - Fenris Tonelico (890 Points)

. . . . .

8th Place - Sophia (380 Points)


How the hell...? As Fenris scanned the results, his gaze halted on two unfamiliar names that were positioned above his own score. A mix of curiosity and a tinge of bitterness welled up within him. Who were these two individuals who had managed to surpass his own performance?

Fenris's gaze shifted to the right, where a group of female students had surrounded a tall and charismatic blonde male. Their adoration for him was evident as they swooned and showered him with compliments. Fenris strained his ears, catching snippets of their conversations. "Tristan, my darling!" "I hope I get to be in your class!" "Could you please tutor me?"

It didn't take long for Fenris to piece together that the blonde male was Tristan, the student who had secured the top spot in the entrance exam. A pang of jealousy surged within him as he observed Tristan's popularity, realizing that he could have garnered such attention if he had truly applied himself. Sophia, perceptive as ever, noticed Fenris's tense expression and gently tapped his shoulder.

"Fenris, I understand that you might feel jealous, but dwelling on it won't lead to anything positive," she said, her voice laced with concern. "Regardless of your score, I thought you were amazing!" she added, offering him a supportive smile.

"You're right, Sophia," Fenris replied, letting out a sigh. Taking her advice to heart, he decided to set aside his jealousy for the time being. However, he made a mental note to keep an eye on Tristan, curious about the person who had outperformed him.

But who is this Élise? Fenris wondered, his mind racing with possibilities. He scanned the area, searching for any sign of her presence, but there was no trace to be found. The crowd gathered in the center obstructed his view, making it impossible to catch a glimpse of her. Her identity remained a tantalizing mystery for the time being.

Several days after the announcement, Fenris and Sophia received formal letters of invitation, officially enrolling them into Lodonea Academy. Donning their new uniforms, they joined a group of fellow students entering the castle-like structure at nighttime. With each step, Fenris felt a sense of fulfillment and purpose as everything fell into place, marking the beginning of his journey towards his aspirations.

Male students wear a blazer-style uniform, characterized by a deep red color and a tailored fit. It features a white long-sleeved jacket with a red stripe running down the center, both on the front and back. The jacket has a black lapel at a standard length, reaching the waist. The pants were black and also have a red stripe running down the center of both legs.

For females, it consisted of a single-breasted design with prominent brass buttons adorning the front. The blazer is paired with a simple white collared shirt, tucked neatly into a red pleated skirt. The rest of the uniform remained consistent with the male attire.

"Hmm, it's a bit snug," Fenris remarked, feeling somewhat uncomfortable in his uniform, which happened to be one size smaller than his actual body size. He mentally noted to himself that he would need to address this issue and get a properly fitting uniform later on.

Fenris and Sophia stepped into the expansive dining area, greeted by the sight of a large, spacious room bustling with hundreds of students around their age. The tables stretched across the room, adorned with a wide array of dishes from both foreign and native cuisines. From olives and pasta to deviled eggs and more, the selection was diverse and enticing.

Driven by hunger, Fenris wasted no time in finding a plate and hurriedly filling it with delectable food. Meanwhile, Sophia stood captivated, her eyes widening at the sheer abundance of food and the sheer scale of the dining area. It dwarfed even the impressive size of the Tonelico dining room, for comparison.

"There's so much food! I can't wait to get a bi— wait, Fenris, you're already eating?!" Sophia exclaimed, surprised by Fenris's sudden voracious appetite. Fenris glanced at her sideways, fork in hand, and gestured with it, indicating for her to join him quickly before the food ran out.

Taking his suggestion to heart, Sophia hurriedly made her way to the tables, scanning the variety of options available. Meanwhile, Fenris, having hastily devoured his plate, found himself alone for a moment. Seizing the opportunity, he decided to engage in some socializing, eager to connect with his fellow students.

A female student approached Fenris with a starstruck expression, exclaiming, "Wow, so you're the Tonelico boy who scored 3rd!" Their eyes met, and Fenris responded with a modest smile and a nod.

"Yeah, that's me," he replied. "There were many talented students in the exam. I'm just grateful to be here."

The girl's excitement was palpable as she continued, "You must be really smart. I hope I can learn a lot from you!"

Fenris's smile widened. "I'm still learning myself, but I'll be more than happy to help if you ever need it."

As conversations flowed, Fenris found himself surrounded by a group of students eager to hear about his experiences and seek his advice. In that moment, he realized that despite his initial disappointment, he had a unique opportunity to make a positive impact and forge meaningful connections at Lodonea Academy.

In the distance, Fenris caught sight of a tall, blonde male making his way onto the stage and eventually reaching the podium. It didn't take long for him to recognize the figure as Tristan, piquing his curiosity. Sophia, joining Fenris with a plate brimming with food, also noticed Tristan on the podium. Unlike Fenris, she vocalized her thoughts.

"Hey, did you know that Tristan was giving a speech today?" she inquired curiously, directing her question to Fenris. He shook his head in response.

"I'm Tristan von Marwitz, your new student representative. Let me extend a warm welcome to all of you as fellow newcomers to this prestigious academy. While we each have our own reasons for being here, I came with a single purpose - to become stronger. I seek the strength of a daring adventurer, to face down monsters and protect my friends. We all have different ways of pursuing strength, but our goals are the same: to grow and become formidable. In this pursuit, we are comrades in arms, standing together. Let's give it our all as a team!"

Tristan's authoritative voice resonated throughout the dining area, captivating a multitude of students who responded with resounding applause, acknowledging the power of his speech. From his vantage point on the sidelines, Fenris clenched his jaw, a tinge of jealousy flickering within him as he observed his group swayed by Tristan's compelling words. However, he wisely chose to keep his emotions in check, understanding the importance of maintaining decorum during the ceremony.

As Tristan's speech carried on, he announced with enthusiasm, "And now, it is my great pleasure to introduce a special guest joining us today, none other than the Saintess Aisha Tziporah, hailing from the Rubia Kingdom's revered city of Mechon!" With a grand gesture, Tristan raised his arm and gracefully stepped aside, making way for the esteemed guest's entrance.

A petite woman with striking pink hair, adorned in exquisite blue robes, gracefully stepped onto the stage, accompanied by a retinue of priests dressed in white. Her mere presence commanded a regal air, capturing the full attention of every student in the room. Even Fenris himself was taken aback by this unexpected turn of events. As he scanned the crowd, he couldn't help but notice the unmistakable expressions of awe and admiration on the faces of his peers. It was clear that their reverence was due to her status as a holy figure.

"Hello everyone! I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Lodonea Academy for inviting me here tonight. It is truly an honor to stand before all of you. I wish to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you for a remarkable year ahead, filled with countless opportunities and joyous moments." Aisha's voice carried a touch of regal elegance, accompanied by a hint of endearing charm. The room erupted in applause, acknowledging her presence. With a graceful curtsy, Aisha stepped aside, her watchful gaze encompassing the entire room. Fenris couldn't help but squint as he noticed her observing the crowd.

Aisha's gaze abruptly fixated on Fenris, causing his eyes to widen in surprise. Seeking solace, he tapped Sophia's shoulder, instinctively falling back on her for comfort.

"Hey, Sophia, do you see what I see? She's watching me," Fenris whispered to Sophia, his voice filled with unease.

Sophia's concern for Fenris grew as she nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, I see it too. Aisha is looking directly at you, but what could you have possibly done wrong?" she questioned, her voice tinged with confusion.

"I have no idea, but I can't shake off the feeling that it's some sort of mistake," Fenris replied, his tone filled with uncertainty.

Sophia trusted Fenris's instincts, yet worry continued to linger in her thoughts. Meanwhile, on the stage, Aisha turned to face one of the priests, her gaze unwavering as she pointed her index finger towards Fenris.

"I believe that young boy over there is the one I'm looking for," she stated calmly. "I shall make regular visits to this school to keep a close eye on him. In the meantime, ensure that he doesn't cause any trouble," she instructed with a touch of authority.

The priest dutifully nodded in response, stepping off the stage to assume a discreet position, ready to stand guard. Aisha's unwavering gaze returned to Fenris, who had by now taken notice of her presence, giving her further reason to continue observing him closely.

Meanwhile, Tristan confidently stepped back onto the stage, effectively silencing the side chatter. With authority and conviction, he resumed his address. "I have the pleasure of introducing another distinguished individual who wishes to grace us with their presence tonight. In light of our former headmaster's resignation, it is my honor to present to you our new headmaster - a figure known as Hoshikawa!" Tristan gracefully raised his arm and elegantly stepped aside, clearing the way for the anticipated entrance of the new headmaster.

A woman with flowing black hair, reminiscent of Fenris, gracefully stepped onto the stage. Clad in a sleek black suit that starkly contrasted with the pristine white and red uniforms of the students, she instantly sparked a wave of curiosity among the onlookers. Their hushed whispers ceased as she began to address them.

"Hem, Hem. Attention, everyone. I sense your curiosity about my identity, and I am more than willing to shed light on it," Hoshikawa declared with unwavering conviction. What captivated the students most was her youthful appearance, barely in her twenties at best. "The previous headmaster and I share a deep connection, which led him to choose me as his successor. Recognizing his advancing age, he deemed me qualified for this position. For those of you who are new, I apologize if you never had the chance to know him. He was a remarkable individual and a dear friend of mine. If time permits, I would love to share stories about our bond."

"By the way, have you noticed the exotic dishes adorning the tables? I have incorporated them into Lodonea's culinary offerings, so you will find these delectable treats on the lunch menu," she smoothly shifted the topic, redirecting the students' attention to the tantalizing food before them. The realization that she was the mastermind behind the culinary delights brought smiles to their faces.

So this is why we have mouthwatering dishes like pasta and olives? This woman is truly amazing! Fenris thought to himself, his worries about Aisha fading into the background as his mind became consumed by thoughts of food. A bright smile graced his face, and his admiration for Hoshikawa grew steadily.

"And there are more changes to come during my tenure as headmaster, which I will not disclose at this moment. In the meantime, enjoy the feasts! Have a delightful evening, and I wish you all a fantastic year! Good night, everyone," Hoshikawa concluded her speech, gracefully bowing before the audience, who erupted in applause. In just one speech, their perception of her had swiftly transformed. With a snap of her fingers, several maids and butlers emerged into the dining room, replenishing the food. She then made her exit, allowing the festivities to continue uninterrupted.

That name....it reminds me of when Rifa told me about Asura's history, how its first king was someone from another world originally named Yamazaki before changing his name to Garm. Perhaps she's an otherworlder too? Fenris placed a hand on his chin as questions arose about Hoshikawa and her identity. It was evident that despite her youth, she possessed a depth of experience that surpassed her apparent age. Her name alone hinted at the possibility of her being from a different world, but jumping to conclusions without evidence would be unwise. Fenris knew he would need to gather more information himself. However, at the moment, his top priority was refocusing his attention on Aisha, who continued to watch him intently.