Chapter 3: The Male Lead Seems Different…
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 It’s been about four years since I recalled some memories of my previous life. I’m happy to say. My previous self grew up in a happy, loving family.

but there’s always a but… Isn’t there?  

 I don’t remember much more than that. I can sort of remember what I did, but not what people looked like, nor do I know their names. I sort of only got his knowledge and some memories.

—well, I don’t mind, actually.

 He liked to write, and so. Out of curiosity, I started writing as soon as I learned to read and write. I wouldn’t call myself a good storyteller.

—and I’m not.

 Even if the previous me managed to publish two books. It isn’t to say that ’I’ would have those skills. As I barely have life experience. Can I tell a proper story with knowledge alone? Heck…I even lack in that department.

 I do know one thing, that is—I want to finish the story.

 He must’ve had regrets. After all, he was unable to finish it and died before he could even start the third book in the series. And the name of the series was called “Cries & Echoes.

 It wasn’t an extraordinary story per se. And the premise was pretty simple too. An adopted girl named Celia attended a magic school for rich kids—like me. The heroine herself was innocent and pure-hearted.


 Perhaps the series' name should say a lot…? It’s a dark story about crying for help. The innocent heroine…became quite twisted, and her personality completely turned as she advanced grades.

 When she became fifteen, things got out of hand as she became the one to take advantage of others with her witty acts. She used her victims like toys and humiliated them, as they did her.

 But things started to change when she met a certain prince. He was sick at birth and couldn’t attend school. That was until he miraculously got cured. And transferring in, he’ll take an interest in her, falling madly in love.

 But when he came to realise what kind of person she was. He felt betrayed, or rather. He started to blame himself. Celia took advantage of this, and their relationship became twisted.

that was until they both got stuck in the labyrinth beneath the school.

 Celia’s cold mask fell off, and her true self came to light. Witnessing Celia’s soft and innocent self, Prince Vincent decided to shelter her.

 They bounded and got closer. Celia’s always known that what she did was wrong. And that apologising wouldn’t be enough for the suffering she’d inflicted on others, even if they were bad people. She thought she was worse.

 That’s why it was too late to apologise, she thought. Nevertheless, Vincent convinced her otherwise, and she gave it a shot when they got out. And that’s how book one ended.

 Book two was about her trying to amend. She’s come to terms with the fact that she wouldn’t be forgiven by most, but… To her surprise, she and Vincent managed somehow.

it wasn’t smooth sailing, of course.  

 Charlotte, a girl who, even previously masked Celia, wasn’t willing to mess with, started to harass her for her ‘new’ behaviours. It was for a good reason. Charlotte was one of her first friends—that was until Celia snapped and joined in on the bullying. It was easy since Charlotte was chubby and bullied before even attending school.

all in all, Charlotte was an easier target.

 Then why did Celia and the others stop harassing her? Simple. Charlotte bloomed into a beautiful flower and had boys around her. Always there to defend her.

they were all being used, but…happily so…  

 Unlike Celia, Charlotte was pushed to the extreme, and it got so bad that she became exiled and later found dead. In the end, Celia wasn’t able to make up with Charlotte. And the second book ended with Celia’s regret and the school becoming a better place.

—although leaving a bitter taste in the mouth of everyone involved.

That’s why…I want to finish the story. But… not in the way one would expect. I want to change the outcome. Change the tragedy. Why? You ask? 

 “U-Umm… Nice to meet you! I’m Vincent Skysword!”  

because that is now my reality…


— :::: —


 Currently, on the balcony of the royal place, where the sky is clear, and the moon is in full view, I… Had an encounter with one of the characters from ‘my’ book. My previous self’s character, that is. 

 “You’re…Leon, right?”

—quite…the informal prince, huh?

 “I am. It is a pleasure meeting Your Highness Vincent,” I formally replied, bowing my head a little.

 Even if we’re children, we’re noble children, and I wouldn’t want to cause trouble for Father and Mother. 

“You are correct, Your Highness. I, Leon Shellheart, am honoured to make your acquaintance,” I replied.

I know, I know. It’s a little… How should I say it? It just shouldn’t come out of a seven-year-old’s mouth…

 “I-I see…” Prince Vincent replied in a fluster. “Um… I thought you looked lonely out here…” he said.

 “No, such thing,” I replied. “I am enjoying the night sky, the breeze and the party's ambience.”

 ”I-I see…” Vincent uttered.

 He seemed flustered and not sure how to lead the conversation. And honestly, I’m not too keen on leading it either. But I guess he lacks friends. Since he’s sick and all.

now that I mention it.

 He doesn’t seem too ill. And I’ve not heard anything about him being ill either. How come…? After all, he seems like a normal kid, except for the prince part.

 “Um… is it okay if I call you Leon?” Prince Vincent asked.

 He looked timid, and he had platinum blond hair and red eyes. He awkwardly fidgeted and stared at me, waiting for a reply.

 “By all means,” I softly replied.

 His eyes sparkled. “Then… can you call me Vincent as well?”

 It took me by surprise, but… “That I cannot do, Your Highness,” I said, lowering my head.  

 He seemed troubled and awkward, yet. It seemed like he wanted to continue the conversation.

—well… There was a lack of one.

 “…then, Is it all right if I refer to Your Highness as Prince Vincent?”  

 Prince Vincent’s eyes sparkled, and he grabbed my hands. “Th-Thank you…” he said with a bright smile.

 I…feel bad for the guy, but was he supposed to be like this? As I dug into my head, trying to find info about his past, it just said that Vincent was sickly and was unable to leave his bedroom. His coming of age ceremony…

wait… His coming-of-age ceremony, which wasn’t supposed to happen since he was too sick to attend, is now being held?

 Something’s amiss. Or am I stupid? Of course, something was amiss. Where has it been altered? Was he already cured? How? Should I ask? But… it was never stated that Vincent was sick until he miraculously recovered; only the royal family should know about it.

well, I don’t mind, I guess. As long as things don’t get too chaotic. 

 “Le-Leon, you’re my age, right?” Prince Vincent suddenly asked.

 …my age, you ask? I’m seven, but with my knowledge of the world, I guess I seem older than him? I could consider the age of my previous self, but… I decided to keep us separate since I could not completely understand him. His emotions and views. Can I even call my previous self me if I don’t even know his name? What he looks like? Or what he felt?

hence, the separation.

 “Yes, I am seven, as you, Prince Vincent,” I replied.  

 ”I see! What is your attribute!?” he excitedly asked.

 I chuckled. “It is lightning, Prince Vincent.”

 …right, I have one of the unique attributes, lighting. The other three are shadow, light and nature.

 “That’s cool!” Prince Vincent said. “I can just use all of the standard attributes…” he later said.


 How’s that even possible? He’s only supposed to have two elements, hiding one of them. And… they also just announced fire on his appraisal… What is going on?

could he be lying…?

 “My my… That’s very impressive,” I said with a strained smile. “Could you, perchance, demonstrate your prowess?” I queried.

 And to my dismay, he really was able to use all four standard elements.

—seriously? What’s going on!? Old me, help!? What is this!?