Chapter 7: Incognito With The Prince!
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 After we found suitable clothes, we headed out. And we're currently in the marketplace. Vinz was looking around with glittering eyes at almost everything. 

 “Is there something that you’ve taken a liking to, Vinz?” I curiously asked.

 Vince nodded. “Yes, this sword!” he exclaimed.

 The shop owner laughed. “Ahaha, you got good eyes, kiddo. These are, in fact, northern blades forged in frosted steel. Too bad they’re a bit tad expensive for ya,” the shopowner said while smirking.

 Vinz turned to Sylvester and asked, “Is that true me—I mean gramps!?”

 “Hmm,” Sylvester mused as he appraised the goods. “…these are indeed made out of frosted steel, but the quality of the forge is subpar.”

 The smile disappeared from the shop owner's face. “You’re sharp, gramps, and I must admit, I am trying to rid myself of these, but despite the subpar forging technique, the metal itself is quite valuable, no?”

 “My my? Are you not too honest for a merchant?” Sylvester curiously inquired.

 The merchant smiled. “Perhaps I’m still young and naïve. Who knows…?” 

 “Very well, I quite like that honesty,” Sylvester admitted. He then turned to Vinz, asking, “Then, Vinz, do you perhaps want this? We could forge it into something else.”

 “I’d love it!” Vinz expressed.  

 Sylvester then turned to me, asking the same, “Leon, do you want it as well?”

 I shook my head. “No, frosted steel doesn’t have the best electrical conductivity, so I’ll pass on the offer,” I replied.

 The shop owner looked at me with disbelief. “…you sure are knowledgeable, kiddo,” he remarked.

 But before the merchant got too suspicious, both Mark and Rose praised me and so on. Things went on for a while, and we headed to a diner.

 “Lord Leon, you should perhaps act more your age…” Rose whispered.

  Mark joined in by saying, “She’s right. We were almost exposed there, you know?”

 …..I softly smiled. “Then, how about you two act more like a love-dovey couple? Then I’ll act more like a child my age, and we’ll look like a proper family!” I excitedly said.

—who said I couldn’t act…?

 Rose and Mark grimaced at my remark.


 And seeing their reaction, Sylvester laughed. “Ahaha, Mark. Despite all that I’ve taught you, you’re still bad when it comes to the ladies.”


 “Was sy—Gramp is Mark’s mentor?” I curiously asked.

 Sylvester was mentioned here and there throughout the story, he even attempted to assassinate Celia, but since Vincent was still his master, he needed permission for it.

 But in the end, he could sympathise with her about wanting to redeem oneself. That’s why he forgave her for the things she’s done and believed that she became a suitable lady for his master.

so it is a bit surprising that he got a connection with Mark. Who’s originally from the far south.

 “Hm? Could it be that Mark has never mentioned me?” Sylvester curiously asked but glared at Mark.

 At the gesture, Mark shuddered. “A-About that, Father, I… I haven’t had the chance to properly explain it to Master Leon…”

Father…? Ohh…right, the book did mention him having an adopted son from the south. 

 “Hmph, ungrateful child,” Sylvester remarked. He then sighed. Stating, “Well, does Miss Rose at least know about me? Since you two will eventually marry, she should at least know about her father-in-law, no?”

 “I-I do…Father-in-law…” Rose said.

 Mark stared blankly at her as she blushed, and he also started to blush.

—c’mon, you guys are in your late 20’s, and you’re this bashful?  

 “A-As Rose said, I-I was going to introduce her to you later… But this is…sort of how it turned out…” Mark said.  

 Then, as the adults were talking about stuff, Vinz pulled on my sleeve. And whispered in a low voice. “Hey, Leon, aren’t they getting too into their roles…?” he asked.

—how innocent…

 “They sure are,” I replied.

 Vinz grinned and then asked, “Oh, by the way, did Charlotte invite you too?”

 I nodded. “She did,” I replied. “I was thinking of getting her a present. How about you?”

 “Umm, I dunno?” Vinz replied. “How about you?” he then asked.

I wonder that myself…

 “Perhaps a ribbon?” I contemplated.

 “A ribbon? Would she even like that?” Vinz asked. “From what I know, girls like sparkly things like gems, so I’ll give her lots of gems!” he exclaimed. 

huh…? Is that so?

 I glanced at Rose, who happened to overhear our conversation, and she shook her head as her demeanour seemed to say, “It depends.” 

 With my eyes, I asked, “What would she like then?” However, Rose smiled as if to tell me to figure that out myself.

you’re supposed to be my maid, Rose! Can’t you help your master a little!?

“Um…Vinz, I don’t think jewellery is the way to go,” I bluntly said. And in the corner of my eye, I could see Rose nod in satisfaction.

 “…a flower garden? Mommy loves flower gardens! Perhaps that—”

 “No,” I instantly said. “Would you know the significance if you gave her a flower garden, Vinz?”

 “She’ll be happy…?” he asked, tilting his head.

 I chuckled. “Probably, but do you like her?”

 He brightly smiled. “Yup! I do!” he replied. “She’s my friend, after all! And I like you too, Leon!”

well…what else was I expecting…?

 And as I glanced toward the adults, I could see them heave a sigh.  


 …now that I think about it. Vincent fell in love at first sight. Could it be that Vinz was the same? But instead of Celia, it was Charlotte…!?

 That could be a possibility…

—I highly doubt though. 

  Vinz was innocently looking my way. But he stared for some reason. And…it wasn’t at me. But something behind me. As I turned around. I saw a girl about our age helping out the store. Her hair seemed as fluffy as snow, and her eyes were shiny gold.  

hmm, he wants to make friends with the girl?

 I smugly smiled. “Vinz, why don’t you go and talk to her?” I inquired.

 “Wh-What are you talking about!?” he flusteredly replied.

Hmm, if you won’t, then I will,” I said.

 He glared at me and sulked. “I-I think I want to ask her some few questions then…” he said.  

 “You’re not going to bother her at work, are you? If anything, ask what’s recommended on the menu, as…the adults still haven’t decided. They’re way too into their little conversation…” I remarked, glancing at the trio.

 “Bu-But I won’t get to know her that way…” Vinz said.

 “My my? Vinz the scaredy cat?” I teased.

 Vinz turned red and seemed hesitant after my comment, but I just had to nudge him a little. “It was a joke. Besides, if you’re too scared now, we can always come back another time. But then you might miss her or something.”


 Vinz took a deep breath, made up his mind and went over to the girl. He was blushing, and it seemed like he was struggling to talk to her. On the other hand, the girl giggled and smiled when she saw him like that.

I could’ve just called her over, but he’ll just rely on me when he’s unable to speak…see? He just turned over here as if asking for help.

 I pretended not to see and pondered what sort of present to give Lottie. Then, after a moment in my own head, the girl approached the table with Vinz.

 She gently smiled and asked, “Excuse me, Vinz here told me you had trouble deciding what to eat. If it’s alright, can I recommend a menu?”  

well, that’s unexpected. She’s well-spoken.

 Vinz smiled and said, “Yup! I think Lia’s recommendation will be delicious!”

oh? He actually got her name, huh?

 Lia giggled and blushed a little. “Gosh, I’ll get shy if you compliment me out of the blue. Besides…Uncle is the one making all the dishes,” she said.

so she’s helping out the store? No wonder. I thought she was a bit tad young to work.


— :::: —


 After finishing our meal, we headed out and said goodbye to Lia. The food was pretty tasty, and the atmosphere was pretty calm and relaxing. Rose and Mark seemed to have calmed down and were even holding hands without me saying anything about it.

 On the other hand, Sylvester teased Vinz for staring at Lia and repeatedly said he’d teach him how to capture a Lady’s heart.

sure… It’s fun and games for now. But I doubt Vinz will get to decide his own fiancé.

 After all, that was going to be the plot point of book three. I do feel bad for Vinz, but. That girl he met at the diner was probably only nice to him as a customer.

 She seemed used to speaking to others, but it does make me wonder why she was shy around Vinz. She doesn’t know him or anything, but even I could tell that they snuck glances at one another from time to time.

heck, she even asked me if we lived in the neighbourhood.

 To that, I, of course, replied yes, and lied that we’d just moved here. After all, we were incognito. 

…seems like she’s eager to become his friend as well!

 I smiled to myself, thinking, “Good for him,” while we continued to explore the capital.