Volume 3 – Prologue: Regarding Amethyst Curses…
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“Why can’t these feelings subside? I hate it. I hate this unnecessary and pointless hatred.”



Prologue: Regarding Amethyst Curses…



There are certain creatures in this world created by curses. They often pop up in fictional stories and legends. For example, one of the commonly known cursed species are the vampires. Then there are the less common ones like Were-Mutts, Spriggans, and Satyrs. Most people refer to these beings more as monsters than as people, but the truth is actually the opposite. They were people turned into monsters.

Still, it’s far safer to say that these beings are not monsters at all. They are just poor souls that have been cursed. 

That’s right. Cursed.

I once personally knew one of these Cursed beings. My king’s third wife, Third Queen Lucienne, was a vampire that the two of us once fought against. She was indeed powerful.

As we got to know each other, she told us about vampires. She told us that most if not all vampires were born this way. Other than those born this way, there were the ones who were turned. It was both genetic and practically a disease. It was unknown if the original vampire was still around or not. But either way, it didn’t matter.

We eventually saw proof of this when Third Queen Lucienne’s children, Lucie and Rufus, were born with amethyst colored eyes and a set of fangs. It seemed that being born to a human and a vampire meant nothing. If they had vampire blood, they were guaranteed to become a vampire as well. It was safe to assume that others that had the Amethyst Curse were the same way.

It was Third Queen Lucienne that made my king and I catch an interest in curses. Especially my king. He ended up researching it a lot before he was crowned. His studies mostly focused on Amethyst, much more than I did. I will give some information in this book about Amethyst Curses, so whoever is reading this doesn’t have to worry. However, for a more detailed study of the Amethyst Curses, search for the book called Amethyst Fascination by the former King of Famut, Johannes Famut XXVI.

Either way, one thing is for certain. Even forgetting the fact that all of the king’s family, the king aside, managed to survive the fall of the Famut Kingdom, it is highly likely that all of his abnormal children will outlive most everybody. Princess Hildegard and her direct siblings, Princess Lucie, and Prince Rufus aside, there’s also the children of Second Queen Mirei, an elf, and the other three queens. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they lived thousands of years in the future. Perhaps they will uncover secrets long since hidden away…

Thus, Volume 3 begins. This volume will have a certain moment in it that is particularly brutal, but it’ll be a while before it gets to that point. That said, sometimes people in important position have to make a statement. You’ll understand once you get there.

Chapter 1 will officially come out Saturday, May 25.