Chapter 4
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On the other side of the door, the hallway was dark and empty. Elaina leaned out and looked to the left toward the stairs and saw the shadow of someone rushing down the stairs just now fading from view. She had only a moment to consider the implications of the possible pervert when she looked down the hall in the other direction and froze. There, far down the hall outside of room twelve, was an older man hunched over looking through a dark-colored shot glass of some kind that he had pressed to the door. Elaina's face screwed up as she watched him idly grope himself outside his trousers, licking his lips once or twice as he did so.

Elaina took a step toward him but caught herself when she felt her foot knock against something on the floor. She looked down and, just underfoot, was what looked like another one of the dark shot glasses. Quietly, she leaned down to pick it up and turn it over in her hands a few times. It wasn't really a shot glass but it did have a similar shape, and it was made with a kind of dark smoked glass with the exception for the very 'bottom' of the glass, which had an eye sized iris of perfectly clear glass. As she turned it over, she could feel the faint hum of magic that had been folded into it when it had been made, but she couldn't tell what the magic was for.

Looking back up, she saw that the older man down the hall still hadn't taken notice of her, and his groping of himself was becoming more vigorous---more animated.

"Alright, that's enough." she whispered aloud with an angry hiss, storming down the hall toward the man, "The hell you think you're doing?"

Startled, the man jumped back, removing his hand from himself and shoving the glass he had been holding into a vest pocket. He wasn't quite elderly, but he had only a few more years before he would be referred to as such, much of his hair had thinned to a point where it was almost entirely gone, and his teeth were severely yellowed---all five of them.

"Nothing!" he stammered, "Nothing, just uh- Just..." he didn't seem to have thought out a viable excuse in the event he got caught.

Elaina raised her sword to point at him, "Where'd the other guy go?"

The man stared at her wide-eyed, shaking his head, fearfully, "What other guy?"

"The other guy." she repeated, holding up the other glass that she had found just outside her door, "Your partner in crime."

The man just stared dumbly at the sword she was brandishing at him.

"Do you work here?" she asked, still speaking just slightly above a whisper so as not to alert anyone. If it had been just her that had been spied on, she would have been between punching someone's lights out or letting them off with a warning, but questions wouldn't really have mattered to her. But he'd been found outside the door of the women she had been paid to protect, so she needed to know if this was just an old pervert getting his rocks off or something else. The man, again, didn't reply.

Elaina brought the tip of the sword closer to the balding man's throat, "Do. You. Work. Here." she repeated slowly, and the silence of the man began to crumble.

"In the kitchen." he blubbered, "We work in the kitchen. We stay after hours 'til everyone is asleep to get a look at whatever ladies are staying here."

"The kitchen?" she sneered.

"Y-yes. We help prepare the meals," he clarified.

"Yeah, I know what a kitchen is for," she growled, "Gimme that thing. Now."

The balding man reached into his vest and pulled out the strange shot glass, holding it out to her to take. Elaina lowered her sword and leaned forward to take the second glass in the same hand as the first.

"Did you make the roast beef earlier tonight?"


"Was it you who prepared the roast beef tonight?" she repeated. One of the things she hated most in life was to repeat herself, and somehow she found herself doing it often.

"N-no, the chef did." his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Well, thank the fucking gods for that then. Now get the fuck out of here; I don't want to see your face around here again." Elaina motioned with her sword for him to go. For a moment, he didn't seem to be sure that she was sincere, so she lowered the weapon to allow him to pass. He moved in small baby steps as he circled around her, then broke into a more sweeping stride once he was on the other side of her and made for the stairs with a quickness.

"Creepy little goblin," Elaina muttered, holding up one of the glasses to her eye to look through. Nothing seemed any different, just a little bit of wavy distortion from small imperfections in the glass itself.

"The hell were you even looking at?" Elaina glanced at the door and then down to the glass. After a moment, she set her sword gently against the wall next to the door frame. She pressed the open end of the glass to the door itself and peered through the clear bottom. To her surprise, she could see through the thick wood of the door as if it wasn't even there. Inside, the room was dark, but something small glowed red somewhere around where the bed ought to be. It grew and shrank and sometimes disappeared from view altogether. The shape was irregular and didn't fit the description of anything she knew, but there was no doubt that it was magical in nature.

"Dammit." Elaina snatched up her sword once again and pushed at the door, which came open part way before catching on the chain latch. With a quick shove of her shoulder into the door, the latch ripped free of the door frame, and Elaina stepped into the room.

"Azade!" she called into the room, now much less dark than it had been thanks to the open door, her sword at the ready for whatever magical creature it had been floating around in their room. But as her eyes came into focus, she saw that it wasn't a magical creature at all but something entirely different.

What she had seen in the dark was a kind of curling magical marking that was splayed out across the lower abdomen of Anisha, who was lying naked in the bed. On top of Anisha, straddling her lap, was Azade. Between Anisha's legs, just below where the strange magical markings were, was the shaft of a thick cock buried inside the woman astride her, and it was sans scrotum the way that Elaina's was. She stood there dumbfounded as did the two women she had barged in on, caught mid-coitus.

"I..." Elaina struggled to find any words as her mind seemed to be slogging through thick mud to process what it was her eyes were seeing. Both the women stared at her indignantly; Anisha even grabbed one of the blankets in an attempt to partially cover-up.

"What are you doing!?" Anisha snapped; Azade continued to breathe heavily, her breasts rising and falling with each breath as she considered what to do with their intruder.

Elaina gestured vaguely behind her, "There um... was an uh-"

"Close the door," Azade said firmly without raising her voice, and something about the level tone cut through Elaina's frozen state of mind long enough to allow her to close the door quickly behind her, plunging the room back into darkness.

The only thing Elaina's eyes could see in the dark were the red markings again, which bobbed and moved with Anisha's movement as the two women shuffled around. A moment later, a match was struck, and one of the room's lanterns glowed gently to life, growing brighter as Azade adjusted it. She was standing next to the bed as the light came up, while Anisha still laid on the bed, glaring at Elaina angrily. Between her legs, the cock still stood erect, itself looking angry at being interrupted. It was roughly the same size as Elaina's own, which continued to baffle her.

"You're like me...?" Elaina blurted out, and Anisha's expression shifted subtly from straight anger and irritation to confusion. Even with things as they were, Elaina couldn't help but admire the nudity of the two women she'd interrupted. The two had fairly different body types that contrasted one another beautifully. Azade had broader shoulders and hips than Anisha had, giving her a much more dramatic hourglass figure. Her breasts, too, were more generous, with large pink nipples that remained stiff from her arousal. There was no hair between her legs, giving Elaina just a slight glimpse at the top of her pink slit. However, Anisha did have a little hair, just a strip that broke up the strange glowing red markings. Elaina could also see that Anisha's pussy's soft flesh had a distinctly more red hue than was expected, a color that was matched to the throbbing head of her cock and the small cute nipples on her perky breasts.

"Like you?" Azade asked curiously as she stepped closer to Elaina, her hips moving deliciously from side to side as she walked. Elaina swallowed hard, her eyes darting between the two women who's undivided attention was on her. Azade came to a stop only in front of her, the smell of her catching Elaina off guard. It was a mix of arousal, sweat, and the delicate perfume that Azade had been wearing earlier mingled with traces of the scent that Anisha had been wearing.

Anisha sat up, her curiosity beginning to overtake her irritation rather quickly. Elaina noticed that the half-elf’s erection was as firm as it had been when she first came in, so regardless of how she felt about the situation, it didn't seem to deter her sex drive at all. Azade took another slow step closer to Elaina, and suddenly she felt as though she were a small animal being stalked by a powerful predator.

"You don't seem quite as shocked by my spell as I would expect a person normally to be," Azade purred as she reached out with one hand and slid it just under Elaina's tunic to place it firmly between her legs, "Ah, I see."

If her body had not locked up, Elaina was sure she would have jumped out of her skin as Azade's hand closed down around her own cock. She realized, only now, that she had become erect as well. Azade's hand slowly massaged at the hardness barely contained by her panties, a different kind of smirk forming on her lips, "This is what you meant, hmm? Seems you like what you saw."

Anisha sat up now, looking between Azade and Elaina, "She's got a dick?"

"Mhm," Azade answered with a gentle nod, her hand still working in small motions for a moment, "But it's not a spell, is it?"

"N-No. It's not a spell." Elaina shook her head a little as Azade finally released her, only to reach out and take her sword from her. The long haired beauty turned away from her, placing the blade on the small table on the other side of the room. Even with her long silken curtain of hair running down her back, Elaina was able to make out the distinct sway of her ass as she walked.

"Well, let's see it then," Anisha said with a bit of a smirk, motioning toward Elaina with one hand, "Only fair now that you've seen us, isn't it?"

Elaina's eyes went wide, "Excuse me!?"

"Don't give me that. You come barging in here waving your sword around and cock-blocking me; I think I'm entitled to a little show, don't you?"

Elaina's mouth hung open as she looked over at Azade, who turned to face her and nodded, “Undress." she said simply.

Elaina's eyes darted between them a few more times before she attempted to move, finding that, to her surprise, she was actually able to. There was a certain logic to what they were proposing, she supposed. She reached down to the bottom of her long tunic and pulled it up over her head, fiddling with the emerald pendant she wore around her neck before tossing the tunic to the side. It was all she could do to keep from immediately turning away from them as the swollen bulge of her cock in her soft pastel panties was now plainly visible.

"I like those panties." Anisha commented offhandedly, motioning with one finger for her to drop them, "They're cute."

Elaina bit her lip a little bit and took a deep breath in an attempt to steady herself. She hooked her thumbs into the band of the soft panties and then slid them down her legs. She bent over at the waist, guiding the underwear to her ankles before stepping out of them slowly and tossing them onto her tunic. Now, totally nude, Elaina stood upright with her hands clasped nervously in front of her. Her cock stood at attention as if it had a mind of its own, and as she stood there under the scrutiny of the two attractive women, Elaina began to feel a strange fog setting in within her mind. It wasn't the first time that it had happened, but she had thought with how mortified she had been with all of this, that it wouldn't happen again. The mental haze had a way of muting her reason and common sense, turning her over to her more base desires.

"Interesting!" Anisha exclaimed, now that she had a better look, "No scrotum, just like the spell. But it looks fully functional. Have you seen anything like this before in a human?"

Azade shook her head, "No. Not in a human. You were born with this?"

Elaina nodded, "Yeah." her eyes settled on Anisha's throbbing cock once again, "You weren't?"

Azade answered for her, "No, it's a virility charm spell I placed on her," with just a slight wave of her hand Azade dismissed the spell. The length of the penis seemed to shrink as if retracted back into Anisha's body, and with it, the markings began to lose their glow and curl back up into a central point around the base of the shaft. Anisha's pussy and nipples similarly returned to a more natural pink color as the rest of the dong vanished. "See?"

Elaina felt her heart sink a little despite the strange haze in her mind. She hadn't realized it, but part of her had been excited. The prospect of having found someone like herself was alluring. "You... willingly let that be put on you?" she asked.

"Of course," Anisha shrugged as she stood and moved over to Elaina, "Is that strange?"

Elaina brushed a ginger lock behind an ear, "Yeah, a little. I was mistreated for being born with this, and it's not something I can do anything about. It's always there."

Anisha's hand closed softly around the shaft of Elaina's cock, causing a sudden surge of excitement to run through Elaina's body despite how sudden and unexpected it was. With a gentle pull, the brunette began to guide the redhead back to the bed where she had a seat to look at the hot hard flesh a little more closely, "I'm sorry to hear that."

For some reason, the words struck a chord with her. It was perhaps the first time someone had even attempted to express sympathy for the situation, even if she didn't fully know the extent of the torture she'd gone through over it.

"So," Azade began as she sidled up beside Elaina, "What was this all about anyway?"

Elaina's attention was split between the woman fondling her cock and the one speaking almost right into her ear; it was a lot to take in at once. With her attention divided, she almost couldn't remember what had brought her in here in the first place. Slowly she held up the small shot glass-looking things she had been holding in one hand, "There was a man. He was outside your room using one of these to spy on you; I had one spying on me as well."

Azade took the glasses from Elaina slowly, her lithe fingers brushing against hers in a way Elaina had to imagine was intentional. She turned them over a few times as she examined them, "How do they work?"

"You place the open part up to something, then look through the clear piece on the bottom. You can see right through whatever it's pressed against, I guess, or at least through doors. I just figured that out on the door here and saw the red..." she motioned to Anisha despite the markings not being there any longer.

"With it being dark, all I saw was the glowing red. I thought the worst and-" Azade raised a finger to Elaina's lips gently, and the redhead stopped talking. After another brief look at the glasses, Azade tossed them to the bed.

"No harm was done, then. You were hired to protect us, and you were just doing your job, right?" Azade said approvingly.

Elaina's eyes shot to Azade now as realization began to settle in; Azade wasn't angry at all, "R-right. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Azade took Elaina's chin between her thumb and finger and pulled her a little closer, "Shh. It's alright," she whispered, "We're safe. You did well."

Azade took Elaina's lips into her own as the hand along her chin slid around the back of her head, fingers weaving into her ginger hair, to prevent her from escaping. The mental fog grew thicker, and Elaina's cock began to throb almost painfully now, something which Anisha seemed to notice immediately during her fondling. The dark-haired woman pressed herself up against Elaina, parting her lips and invading her mouth with her soft wet tongue. Below, she felt Anisha's hand began to move closer to the base of the shaft where it connected to her vulva until she was massaging at the petal-soft lips of her pussy.

Elaina let out a soft moan, bringing her arms up from her sides slowly. She wrapped one around Azade to hold her close as she placed her other hand on the woman's right breast. It was just as soft as she'd imagined it would be but much heavier. She gave a trial squeeze, closing her hand down around the pillow-soft flesh until she was pinching softly at her firm nipple. The sound that came from Azade in their kiss signaled her approval, and Elaina repeated the motion with a little more confidence. Azade's hand came up to Elaina's left breast, mirroring the gesture but with a degree of expertise that both surprised and excited the redhead.

Before Elaina could find some kind of rhythm or method for Azade's breast, she felt a finger slide inside of her and gasped, her lips breaking with Azade's for a moment. The swordmage looked down at Anisha to see her leaning close, her brown eyes briefly flicking in the redhead’s direction before turning back to her work.

"So wet," the half-elf commented as she sank her finger to the knuckle and curled it gently, pressing delightfully on some spot inside of her that she hadn't even been aware of. She rubbed at it, even as she moved her finger in and out of her in slow long strokes, "Seems to work just like normal."

Elaina's eyes fluttered, and she turned her head to the side away from Azade, who kissed and licked along her neck, "Normal?"

Anisha looked up at Elaina, realizing how it might have sounded, "You know what I mean." She opened her mouth and licked along the underside of Elaina's cock as if it were an offer of apology. The fog in Elaina's mind didn't even allow her to be offended; all she could feel was her senses lighting up at both of the women's physical attention.

Anisha's mouth then wrapped around the tip of her cock and slid down about halfway, forming as tight of a seal as she could around it with her lips. Elaina's back arched a little as she gasped, pressing her breast more firmly against Azade's hand that squeezed down with a sudden firmness before pulling a little at her nipple, "Oh gods!"

Anisha pulled her mouth from Elaina with a low slick slurp, glancing up at her with a smirk, "I'll take that as a sign of your approval."

Elaina answered with an enthusiastic nod and Anisha's mouth returned to her throbbing she-cock to bring it a bit of relief once more. Azade's mouth moved from Elaina's neck to her other breast as she took the hand from the back of her head and moved it to cup her ass firmly. Elaina felt frozen in place for a moment as she felt the tongue of the dark-haired beauty dance around her sensitive nipple and the brunette’s mouth slide down to the base of her shaft where her tongue cradled her pussy gently. Elaina's hand moved from Azade's breast and settled on top of Anisha's head as her hips eased forward in a trial move. When Anisha didn't protest, she thrust again and again with a little more vigor each time.

Azade kissed her way back up to Elaina's mouth, a smile on her lips when she arrived at eye level with her, "You like fucking her mouth?"

Elaina let out a helpless incoherent moan, unable to form the words she wanted when all her body wanted to do now was cum. Azade’s hand massaged the swordmage’s breast long and deep, dragging out the moan from Elaina just a little longer, speaking gently against her lower lip "Are you going to cum already?"

Elaina gave another nod; this one was a little more desperate as Anisha took her to the hilt on each stroke while continuing to finger her pussy, adding an additional finger to her efforts. It was too much for her to handle, and she felt like she was just a moment away from the sweet release she so desperately craved. Azade's hand suddenly went down to Anisha's head and pulled it free of the swordmage with a small pop noise, "I don't think so."

The half-elf pulled her fingers from Elaina as well, taking a moment to catch her breath and wipe the saliva from around her mouth with the back of her hand. She glanced up at Azade with only slightly less confusion than Elaina had as the onslaught of pleasure suddenly ground to a halt.

"*You* interrupted *us,"* Azade said with only a note of reprimand as she sat down slowly next to Anisha on the bed, "So it wouldn't be fair if you were the first one to get off, right?"