13 – A cheezy line
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Arakawa River was over twenty minutes of car travel from Royal Hills Nerima. 

The place, under the unique atmosphere, was quite beautiful. The setting evening sun reflecting through the river's water only added a nostalgic feel to it. A fine place for dates. The riversides, once bustling with couples, now lay abandoned and devoid of their romantic charm.

Making my way down the staircase, I found myself beneath the imposing Arakawa Bridge. This prominent landmark traverses the Arakawa River, facilitating the movement of trains and vehicles alike. Its shadows cast over me.

“You’re late.“ And from those shadows comes a somber voice. I held back a scowl.

A relatively tall young man, over 180 centimeters — a couple of centimeters shorter than me — in his late teen strolled from behind a bridge pier. His hair was shaved on the sides, and dyed blonde like a delinquent on this side of the world — not unlike the previous owner of this body as well. The Yanki sported a simple black T-shirt and black pants. With a couple of earrings in his ears. As if the hairstyle weren’t loud enough.

“This place,“ Ignoring his vain theatrics, I looked around. “... too inconspicuous."

The Yanki, forgetting the delinquent he was, puffed his chest like a peacock.

"It's foolishly unfit."

“What?! It took me four hours to find the right spot, you know," the Yanki whined. “And the first thing you did senpai, was to bash at it. That’s so uncool man.

“Too dark and too remote,“ I said casually, keeping my annoyance inside “Anyone looking this way won’t have any doubts about the shadiness of our dealings."

“Nah, isn’t it perfect for what we are doing?" 


“… no it isn’t,“ I eyed him for a moment before shaking my head. “But I guess if you can’t understand that, you aren’t fit to be my kohai."

“Huh?” Exclaimed the annoying Yanki as he put an annoying smile on his annoying face. “No way! If I’m not worthy of being senpai’s kohai then no one is.

Restraining from clicking my tongue, “A rock is way worthier than you Taiga. Kindly stop calling me senpai."

Where did it even start in the first place? This bastard was one of those people that you know yet knew not how or when you became acquainted with. Sure if I were t squeeze my brain I could remember but it was frankly not worth it.

“I refuse!” He said vehemently, while I started to reassess my perception of this place.

It may not be as bad after all. The river runs on one side, and the bridge piers on the other. The two open sides may prove an issue but both sides seem to be deserted. Good. If I were to time it right with the train passing above the bridge, I may be able to kill the annoying prick and dump his body on the river. His cries would go unheard, concealed by the train's clanging sounds.

“Senpai... why are you looking at me like that, you are scaring me," He said, pulling me out of my fantasies. he rubbed his arms as if he felt cold.

The bastard sure has a good perception.

“I was just thinking this place may not be bad after all."

Lucky you, I still have a need for you.

“Anyway," I said before his nose reach the moon. “You have it with you?“

“What do you think?" He said, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. Facing my unamused look he sighed and pulled out a small ziplock bag “Here,” then he threw it over.

“How much?“ I raised the bag, visually examined its content.

“Well you see, the friend that used to sell me isn’t answering anymore so—"


“How much?“ Cutting him off, I asked once more. I’m not interested in the dealings or rambling of those rats.


“27700 Yen.”

Pulling the money, counted, and gave him his due before turning around with the last word “Choose a less deserted place next time.

“Wait, Samu! Didn't you say you would stop this?" Taiga's voice was devoid of the earlier annoying joking as he called me.

Shrugging was my answer as I kept walking.

That was honestly quite pricey, but the maddening voice leave me no choice. 

Of course, I won’t be stuffing my face with drugs right away. This was more of a precaution.

I was supposed to work on Chizuru this night, but I won’t get any action from her any time soon, so I put it off. I won’t go back home tonight. Taking my phone I dialed another number.

I’ll be sleeping in a hotel tonight and my wallet won’t be liking that in the least. And I fucking only have over three months before I go back to Kyoto. This deb has been getting under my skin for a while now.



It was nearly nine when my partner for the night arrived at the room I had booked.

“Tsuki-chan,“ Opening the door I greeted the older with a rare genuine smile. A smile she returned as she strode in. Though I did notice some strain.

“Ohh, Osamu-kun, when would you stop making fun of me?" She said with a small laugh while I closed the door.

“This again“ Shaking my head, I casually took her cold hand into mine “There is no way I’d make fun of my lovely Tsuki." I said, caressing her cheek with the other.

A cheezy line was classified as cringeworthy by those who lack the bravery to sincerely utter it and by those who lacked someone that will sincerely express it to them.

Tsuki tried not to openly display it, out of embarrassment but my words truly had a positive effect on her. Closing her eyes with a sigh, she relished my touch. Her head leans on my hand absorbing the warmth and affection she so hungrily sought for.

She was wearing a long white skirt with light yellow edges, a light brown shirt matching her chest-length hair. Though contrary to the usual, her choice of make-up was light or nonexistent, and the tiny wrinkles she tends to hide from me were in plain sight. You could imagine the beauty she was once she was young. Now though. Now she was perfect.

Rarely I’m chooser when it comes to women. But my preference leads to the older.

Was it a month ago? Two? I come across a heartbroken and bitter Tsukiko Tachibana in a bar. Her husband apparently left her and run with another woman, leaving her trapped in a psychological abyss of sorrow and darkness. And as the kind-hearted gentleman that I am, I couldn’t help but take pity on her and comfort her in the best way I could.

I showed her a better way than alcohol to forget her ex-husband. The first night, with alcohol in her system and bitterness in her heart, I easily had the single mother spread her legs and made her experience feelings she never experienced before, researching deep places within her, her ex could have never reached.

After the first night though, she expressed some reluctance. Mainly because of our age differences and her reserved nature. A reluctance that I easily wore down by a blatant display of affection and care. Accompanied by my intense performances in bed whenever she would fold to my advances, her fall had been fast and appetizing.