Chapter 001: Getting aware of things.                                                  
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Time forgives no one and will stop for no one unless you own it anyway, but on Earth, no one knew the elemental laws of magic or nature. So, Time went on its way, showing no mercy, no love, no reason.

Many souls made their "passage" every day, and the rule is simple: believer or not, every soul has a mission to fulfill, and Bastian was not free from his.

Not knowing how long it took or how long it lasted, nor all the lost memories of his family, lovers, and friends, of all the possible sensations in this universe, the most common for everyone is awakening, the beginning of a new day, but for some, it is just a sensation of movement, and for some the burden of another day to work.

As he became aware of his surroundings, he was a little startled and tried to look down to see his hands and the rest of his body, and when he did, the most frightening sensation shook him to his core, for there was nobody to look at, what seemed to be his eyes was only a trace of his consciousness, and as he expanded his consciousness further, he realized that he was floating in space, weightless, empty and aimless. Bastian was struck by the surreal nature of his current situation, what remained was a mere consciousness of the person he once was, while his consciousness wandered alone through the cosmos.

He was filled with a sense of detachment as if he were observing the world from a great distance. The stars twinkled in the distance and the planets rotated silently in their orbits, but somehow, they seemed distant and unreal because he knew none of them. Somehow, he tried to find his place in the known universe and found that none of the constellations and positions of the stars, even the most distant ones, matched. Bastian became aware of his fragility and the fleeting nature of human existence. In the vast emptiness of space, it is easy to feel small and insignificant, a mere speck in the grand scheme of the universe.

And yet, at the same time, he was filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the magnitude of the cosmos. The beauty of the stars, galaxies, and constellations, the complexity of the laws of physics that govern the universe were slowly taking root in his soul, and he recognized it all as a testimony to the incredible journey that had brought him to this moment. As he wandered through the darkness, he was filled with a sense of peace and acceptance.

His body might be dead, but his consciousness was still alive, a small part of the vast tapestry of the universe. And so, he continued to float in the void, a soul adrift in the infinite vastness of space, at once insignificant and part of something much larger than himself. He could feel the warmth of the sun, the brightness of the stars, the silence and emptiness of space, and in a moment of clouded mind, unable to comprehend what was happening, he began to mutter some questions aloud:

-How is it possible? Where am I? What happened to me?

He began to wonder what was happening, and panic began to grip him. His non-existent "body" was just a bright light in space, that was a trace of his very soul, and it started to glow more and more, but not far away there was a bright sun watching everything that happened to that little soul, he started to pay attention and listen to his questions and decided to answer.

-Hi Bastian! Do not panic! Calm Down! The Sun entity said, and then he started to explain:

-I am a God in this universe, and I am here to talk to you about what happened to you, but first, you get to calm down. Because if you do not calm down your soul is going to blast and all your soul is going to be lost.

After some time, Bastian calmed down, made a stunned face, and questioned:

-Are you God? Noticing that Bastian calmed a bit, the entity started again saying:

-Yes, child. I am God in this universe where your soul stands. And then he stated:

-First, you have to understand that you died, but, what died was a material capsule named “body” and your soul now is free from it. Bastian said:

-So, My soul is adrift in the vastness of space, my body dead somewhere and my consciousness floating aimlessly. What happens to me now? God answered calmly:

-You have completed a part of your journey in that body you have just experienced a life cycle on your path, child. It is time for you to move on to the next phase of your existence. In your last life, you were placed on Earth, and there you had a mission, truth to be told: you did not complete it, so it was decided to give you another chance.

Bastian trying to acquire more information calmed down and questioned again:

-What does that mean, God? Will I be reincarnated? God replied simply:

-Yes, child. Reincarnation is the process by which your memories are clean and you reborn into a new body, to continue your journey of growth and evolution. Bastian already calmed down and questioned again:

-How does that work, God? Will I remember my past lives? God in his calm stated:

-Your memories of past lives may be dimmed because this is the intention since your soul is going to be cleaned and erased of the memories of that last “incarnation”. First of all, now it is time for you to remember all your life since it is the moment that the cleansing happens to be, you will no longer remember your past lives, but they will always be a part of you. Each new life is an opportunity to learn and grow, to overcome new challenges and obstacles, and to continue your journey towards enlightenment.

Bastian curiously questioned:

-But how will I know what to do in my new life, God? Will I have a purpose? God stated with care:

-Your purpose, child, is to continue to grow and evolve, to learn and to love, contributing in the end to the greater good of all beings. Do not worry as your path will be revealed to you in due time, and you will be guided by your inner wisdom and intuition. Bastian replied for last:

-Thank you, God. I am ready to continue my journey. God said:

-Go forth child, and may your journey be filled with love, light, and infinite possibilities. Your mission is to develop as further as you can and live your life as you want, so, try to develop in all aspects as well as possible.

That voice hit him hard in his spiritual core and a jolted sensation spread through his mind. Not aware of what was happening with his soul, he started to calm down and said in a low voice:


Bastian had no intention to leave his memories behind, and he quickly remembered a "spiritual session" where a man, called John, that was his "spiritual guide", explained about the universe and about the mission that each individual has. To explain in a simple mode, there are 2 realms, mortal and immortal, divided into a multitude of unknown universes, these in turn are divided into an uncountable number of galaxies, the same goes for constellations and an unimaginable variety of planets. Well, to shorten the explanation, all this is simple: from the nearest to the furthest planet. The near ones are the most developed, and the far ones are the less developed.

Our mission is to 'grow', and the so-called development or enlightenment refers to all aspects. So, in this "session" his "spiritual guide" told him “how to reach” all his last memories, and believe it or not, this was not his first reincarnation...and then instead of his last life, Bastian used his deepest memories, and started to recall a previous life, one before the last... and the images of that life were displayed on the room, after checking some images, tha God cast a spell, which started to cleanse those memories from the memories of that life from his soul...after some time, God said in a low voice:

-You have an innate potential so I will give you a head start shortcut this time, in your last life your martial or body cultivation was low, so I will not erase it, instead I will add it to a preexistence where you are going. To close this explanation, your soul will be sent to a planet where the gravitational force is lower, the laws of physics are weaker and magic is abundant, with a flash of light, like a smile, I will use your soul to help a lost one. 

As soon as he said this, Bastian started to feel dizzy again and all of his senses were in a black and blank space.