Chapter 004 – Inside the Cave
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Thorem immediately understood the confusion and pain in his son's behavior and tried to help him clear his mind by calling him by his name over and over again:

- Bastian! Bastian! Bastian! Bastian, my son, look at me! 

Confused, but aware that his name was being called, he tried to look around and move toward the voice calling his name, until he noticed a man with his back to the rocks speaking a strange language to him. He looked at the man with intense eyes, trying to understand what was being said, and suddenly his vision went black and he faded back to the ground he felt.

At that moment, Bastian the reincarnated unknowingly reached his Dantian with his conscience, black space with glowing shaped transparent balls floating through the whole space, these were his memories and the elf boy also called Bastian memories, some of them turned into liquid and dripped onto a pond mixing them into a big bright viscous liquid while others just popped into the air and vanished, floating on the pond was an ethereal body, and above his head was a sparkling whirlwind of dust that shone endlessly, gathering some particles and merging them, again and again, this cycle repeated endlessly, long after this he was able to access some of the memories of his predecessor, and he also remembered the conversation in space with that god, he began to understand what was happening, it was a "consolidation" of both his predecessor's and his memories and cultivation. Not long after, he woke up again and tried to reach the man who was calling for him.

Getting closer to the man, which he recognized as the elf boy’s father he started to cry, holding his son in his embrace spilling tears of joy started to ask about the boy’s health.

- Bastian my son, how are you feeling? Bastian, who had reincarnated somehow understood the language and assumed it was better to play the elf’s boy role, and in the same strange language answered the man: 

- Fine, I am a fine father and how do you feel? Bastian was not aware, but tears run down his face, and answered with mixed emotions in his eyes displaying to be in worry about the man's condition.

Thorem in the understanding of his son’s feelings started to speak in a way slowly and calmly not to worry or traumatize his kid.

- Bastian, be brave and hear me out, ok? I and your uncle were severely injured and poisoned by the venomous snake dragon because, at the last moment, it made an overpowered attack on us. Do you understand? He tried to explain easily to the boy.  

Recognizing that he understood what his father was telling him, he just knocked his head and said:

- Yes, Father.

So, his father started again to explain the situation and what the boy should do.

- Bastian, your uncle is dead and his body is kept within this spatial ring. Giving some time for the boy to digest the information he handled a black ring and resumed again.

- Son, this is your uncle's magic sword, it is yours now. Train and cultivate it well because this is a powerful spiritual weapon! He delivered a sword handle to his son and after this, some tears rolled down his face his speech continued:

- Bastian, do not cry my son, be strong because the situation is not over yet because we are far from our village and father is not well! And again, he gave some time for the boy and continued instructing in a calm tone.

- Bastian, I will not go on, I am dying by the beast’s venom, so, keep calm with your head in place because we are cultivators and fighters. After a long breath, he resumed his speech.

- Son, this is my space ring, there are food, water, and supplies in here. Take your time to recuperate before you go back to the village. At this moment he handed his silver spatial ring to his son small hands holding his tears before he handled a pouch, a book, and an amulet in his son’s hands explaining in tears:

- Bastian, this is my magic spatial pouch, and in there are several magic items that will be handy for your journey, including banner spells and seals. Use it with care and wisely because these can save your life. Thorem sobbed hard trying to keep calm, but he knew that his body could not last too much time he breathed deeply and continued:

- Bastian, this is our family “Spell Tome” and in those pages is all the knowledge for all the spells I learned in my life from the simplest till my strongest, take care of it, learn, and practice each one to perfection and ease before you start to learn the next. As he was choking, he took some air and continued:

- For last my dear son, this is my “Amulet”, and it represents me as a High Mage and my position in the clan that from now on, belongs to you. For this I will not teach anything because you are the wisest child, I am very proud of you and I trust in you.

After some tears and breathing heavily he breached some items and handled a small knife in one of his son’s hands and placed a page of paper on the other hand and said in tears:

- My dearest son pays attention now for this is the most important! He stated seriously while Bastian tried hard not to cry about his father's situation, he could see the man hanging on a breath of life.

- With this knife, you will open my chest and retrieve my magic core while I am still alive so it is still usable, after you do that, I will launch a healing spell, while you will take my magic core and absorb it through the technique and spell on that paper. This is my final gift because I know I am dying so you will keep my body in the same spatial ring your uncle is in and you will retrieve our bodies to the village. Got it?  

With tears in his eyes, Thorem and Bastian looked at each other in accordance so the boy wandered off his tears from his face and walked away from his father to submit to the middle-aged man in a deep bow reaching with his forehead on the floor to show his respect, love, and appreciation with a simple sentence.

- Thank you, Father, for your love, efforts, and teachings. I will travel back to our village and I promise that your bodies will be buried in our family sanctuary. May the time offer us a reunion again! And then he made another deep bow.

With effort, he began to read the paper with the technique and spell to reach and absorb the magic core. After some time, with tears in his eyes, he approached his predecessor's father, placed the amulet given by his predecessor's father on his chest, and helped the old man lie down on the floor to begin the procedure.

Looking into the eyes of the elf boy's father, a few tears dripped down and with some gathered courage he started to open the middle-aged man’s chest to retrieve the magic core as soon as he finished, the high mage cast his last healing spell until his body was completely healed and the pupils of his deep silver eyes lost their brightness. 

Sometime later, breathing hard to keep himself alive Bastian watched a black and purple magic core in the shape of a round semi-transparent stone with some bright deep lay on his small hands. Not too long ago, he also lost his conscience, which disappeared for who knows how long.

Later that same day, Bastian was awakened again by a strange noise, noticing only a huge headache and a sore body, opened his eyes wide and tried to look around, realizing what had just happened, said in his mind…”- This is too much to digest…”

Bastian saw the elf boy’s father lying dead and understood that everything that had happened before his eyes was indeed true. Out of respect for his efforts, Bastian bowed deeply to the ground, and then he kept the body inside the same spatial ring where the man kept the other body. But what Bastian had not seen yet seen were 2 bright, long, venomous fangs and a black and purple, bloody, longhorn that had been left at a corner of the cave.