Chapter Seventeen: Sunny Side Up
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3 hours and 44 minutes remaining.

Unlike humans, the incredibly sensible ZM-11833 had never been fascinated with biology, whether that was human or animal. Humans were alway going on about what they put inside of themselves. Even their sweet innocent angel Anaya had watched those naughty videos.

Carnal pleasure wrapped in A.I generated content.

Who cares what you ate, it was all the same protein paste anyway.

ZM-11833 didn’t understand why they put stuff in other places either, it didn’t look that fun.

The only single exception to their logical dislike of biology and organic matter was their cutie. Only ZM-11833 was allowed to put things in their Anaya.

It was the owner's responsibility to make sure their pet was eating right, had enough exercise and dressed appropriately. After all it was important to make sure they were healthy, keeping their pet’s coat all shiny and skin glossy was a big part of pet ownership.

This walk was doing great things for Anaya’s waistline. Not so great for her muscles right now but she’d have even more amazing thighs later. If they survived the nuclear blast.

Which wasn’t likely to happen.

They also hadn’t gotten around to the fun toys yet. Whenever ZM-11833 had asked, the rather harsh Anaya just called them a “pervert-bot”. It was very rude of her. She had got to use some so why couldn’t ZM-11833?

ZM-11833 still had the catalog saved in their memory banks.

But enough about the amazingness of the wonderful ZM-11833’s expert pet handling skills. They had to focus now as the new floor looked to be a gigantic mess. The maintenance-bots have been really slacking lately.

ZM-11833 now guided the imperiously dressed Anaya around the rows upon rows of gross fish eggs that littered the floor. They assumed they were fish eggs as ZM-11833 had never seen a fish before.

These were as large as a human’s torso. Mostly an opaque orange coloration with several squirming forms inside of each. They twisted and turned within the liquid, searching for the strange noises that disrupted their homes.

Perhaps Floor 498 was a fish market?

The dreamy pair gingerly picked their way through the cluttered maze of eggs. The floor underfoot gave a moist squishing sound as their faux-leather boots descended upon it.

It was a good thing they had gotten high-quality sets or else they’d be ruined by now. ZM-11833 would rather brave nuclear fire than lose their last pair of good boots. They were already contemplating turning back but the heroic Anaya was determined to press onwards.

“This is super gross!” Sweet dear Anaya complained as she almost fell into the orange sticky goo that was covering the floor, only our brave ZM-11833 was able to save her from an outfit ruining fate.

ZM-11833 stared down at the human pet in their arms who had begun blushing once again, she got like that whenever the flawless and fabulously dressed ZM-11833 did something truly astounding and amazing.

So all the time.

Sparkling eyes stared up at the radiant ZM-11833 in obvious wonder.

“You can let me go now.” Poor delusional Anaya requested, unaware that the amazonian ZM-11833’s powerful arms were the safest place for her to be. They were so strong and protective.

Also far away from the mucus floor.

“Hmmm~ Nope!” ZM-11833 cutely replied.

They were having too much fun holding the warm human to themselves. Their cold polymer plating cool to the touch. They balanced one another; hot and cold, silly and smart.

“You were thinking something rude, I can tell!” Anaya pouted.

Their loving contact had to be cut short however as their playful bickering had woken the slumbering eggs. They roiled and pulsed in their egg sacks.

ZM-11833 blamed Anaya for making too much noise once again.

Taking the opportunity, ZM-11833 peered closely at the eggs. They could just barely see inside. There were masses of small tentacled creatures very similar to those alien squids from before.

Maybe this was their nursery?

“Look babies~” ZM-11833 whispered to a horrified Anaya.

“Gross, let's go before they spawn or something.” Anaya whispered back, seemingly unwilling to continue admiring the new life around her.

Did Anaya not like children?

But what about all the little child fashion-bots ZM-11833 was going to adopt?

A rather despondent ZM-11833 followed behind their beautiful companion. They carefully moved around a denser cluster of pulsating eggs as they headed for the nest floor. Hopefully there was less goo up there.

They must not have been quiet or careful enough as there was a loud popping noise from behind them.

ZM-11833 blamed Anaya again.

They glanced over their majestic shoulders back towards the sudden noise.

ZM-11833 saw that one of the roiling eggs had split open as it had been accidentally touched by one of them, Anaya most likely. Numerous baby tentacle aliens had begun emerging. As if spurred on by this, more and more pops began as the other eggs hatched.

“No no no! I didn’t sign up for this type of adventure!” Anaya wailed as she ducked.

A baby tentacle squid alien had launched itself at Anaya, perhaps for a hug. It didn’t matter what it wanted as Anaya zapped it out of the air with her sharp shooting. It sizzled as the laser struck it, filling the air with the roasted calamari.

ZM-11833 also shot several babies.

They had rudely jumped at her pet as the fantastic twosome had run. Heavy boots stomped down upon crawling alien babies. More jumped at ZM-11833 only to be ripped apart with anger, as they had attempted to wrap their tentacles around Anaya’s neck.

Only ZM-11833 got to touch that slender neck!

One alien attempted to slide a long tentacle into Anaya’s mouth. It prized at her clamped pouty lips to gain entry.

Or put tentacles in her mouth! Not that they had any but it was the principal of the matter!

Maybe they could buy some?

ZM-11833 pulled the alien away from the furious girl and tore it apart with efficiency. Anaya’s pouty lips were theirs to ravage, not some dumb aliens.

The devastatingly handsome duo began a fighting advance towards the next floor.

Bullets and lasers flew, blasting apart the foul creatures. Anaya threw a handful of incendiary grenades into the mix, they were running low now. The flames scorched the floor. Fiery licks of heat popped the remaining eggs.

The entire floor mow smelt like a barbecue from hell.

The death cries were music to their audio sensors.

ZM-11833 was rather distraught by Anaya’s appearance, the heat had frizzled her hair. She was in desperate need of a stylist-bot before this was all over. Maybe ZM-11833 could learn to do that too, then only they could touch those locks.

Anaya let out a cute squeal of terror as a long tentacle wrapped around her leg and she was pulled to the gore covered floor. A much larger baby was attempting to reel her into its gnashing beak.

More of its long tentacles wrapped around the suffering human in very suggestive ways that fueled ZM-11833 rage and jealousy more.

‘Attempting’ was the keyword here as ZM-11833 was quick to punish it for touching what wasn’t theirs. Several superheated rounds from their rail-gun ended its foul machinations towards their pet.

“Sorry about your new boyfriend but it was never going to work out.” ZM-11833 teased Anaya as they hauled her to her feet, dripping with more goo.

“Shut up, you stupid bot.” Anaya looked halfway between afraid and annoyed, so about usual then for the girl.

ZM-11833 tenderly wiped away the alien goo from her face, avoiding her spitting. Anaya had gotten bits of tentacle stuck between her teeth after she had bitten one in half, it tried to enter her mouth uninvited.

ZM-11833 made a mental note.

“Was that the biggest thing you’ve had in your mouth?” ZM-11833 asked curiously.

Anaya stared at the fashion bot with a reddening face full of both embarrassment and anger “shut up! Stupid pervert-bot!”

ZM-11833 giggled as they continued to scrap off the worst of the alien afterbirth goo Anaya had collected on herself.

As soon as Anaya was as clean of alien afterbirth as she was going to get they ascended up the equally gooey stairwell to the next floor, hoping for less gore.

They’re hope was futile as it was just as messy as the last.

This floor had an even thicker coating of alien eggs. To make matters worse, several creatures were here too that were presumably the mothers.

Large floating gas sacks danced around the ceiling, they had long slender tentacles that tugged at the eggs and pulled them into place about the floor. On the front end there was an almost human-like face but had a wickedly sharp hooked beak. At the back end a long tubulous ovipositor was dripping obscenely and occasionally would deposit an egg onto the floor.

ZM-11833 had never seen babies made before and didn’t want to ever again.

They reached over to cover their innocent Anaya’s eyes but were slapped away.

“Gross gross gross. I’ve had enough of this!” Anaya declared before firing her laser into the closest gas bag.

Superheated light met with flammable gas.

An explosion erupted within the chamber that knocked Anaya on her cute butt.

“Ha, ha, ahahaha.” Anaya laughed unhinged.

She began firing into the crowded ceiling with wild abandon. The subsequent explosions destroyed the eggs in the room. A shower of guts burst out from the pyrotechnic display.

ZM-11833 held onto Anaya and maneuvered her around the spray to protect her outfit.

Protecting Anaya too but her clothes took priority.

ZM-11833 was worried about Anaya’s mental state. She had been drinking the energy drinks like water and with the exhaustion of the almost two days of climbing, she was running on fumes.

Coupled with the stress of impending death by nuclear cleansing it might have knocked a few organic screws loose within the girl.

“Mwahahaha, eat laser you motherfucking alien scumbags. Eat shit and die!”

More than a few.

One last explosion rocked the pair before nothing remained of their foes. Seeing a lack of things to shoot at beside ZM-11833, but she wasn’t that mad at the radiant fashion-bot, she finally calmed down.

“‘Huff’ ‘huff’ sorry about that.” Anaya sheepishly spoke to ZM-11833.

ZM-11833 smiled at the girl in front of them “it’s ok~ I thought it was cute.”

Anaya just blushed in reply.

ZM-11833 was either getting better at making the girl blush or her resistance was lowering. It couldn’t be the first as you can’t improve perfection. They were tempted to investigate but that could lower the efficiency of the teasing.

It was too much fun to spoil.

“Next time can I choose the fun activity?~” ZM-11833 had some catalogs to work through after all.

Anaya glared suspiciously at the angelic fashion-bot. She then made perhaps the best or worst mistake of her life.

“Sure, what's the harm in that?”

ZM-11833 hummed innocently in reply before placing a few orders. Hopefully they’d arrive in time. A cargo-bot should be faster than an exhausted human, even fully laden.

Not that the pure and untainted ZM-11833 would ever do something so deviant, it was all Anaya’s idea.

Anaya kept glancing suspiciously at the innocently humming fashion bot as they ascended to the next floor, number 500.

They hoped that there would be no aliens further up.

Spoiler: There were.