Day 8 – Friday (Part 1)
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Day 8 - Friday

Brooke greeted the morning with a startled yelp that quickly chased off the dream she hadn’t fully awoken from. It was only moments later that she was out of bed and on her feet, whimpering quietly as she rubbed just above her rear. A tail. She was growing a tail and had somehow managed to roll onto the foot long appendage in her sleep.


With a sigh she checked the time, and upon confirming she was only up half an hour early decided to forfeit the additional sleep. With the light on she began her inspection, and quickly confirmed her new tail wasn’t the only appendage that had grown. Her new arms had reached full size and boasted their own impressive set of claws! She tested out some range of motion and found all four of her arms surprisingly flexible, even able to shake any of their counterparts behind her back with ease.


The inspection of her new arms also showed some dark purple marbling on her upper shoulders and all four hands, and she quickly confirmed it was present on her feet. Moving over to the mirror her horns were the next thing to catch her eye, they’d grown larger and begun to branch out around her temples, forming what at first glance might appear to be a tiara made of amethyst and bedecked in stars.


They were honestly beautiful, and she found herself already regretting not being able to show them off at school. Not that she wouldn’t love showing off just about every aspect of her demonic transformation, but her horns were just… absolutely dazzling.


Focusing back on her changes she was puzzled to find her hair looking longer, darker, and most oddly, thicker. As though each strand had merged with two or three others. Running her claws through it she certainly appreciated the lack of knots the thicker hair seemed to provide, and it didn’t feel any less soft... With a shrug, she inspected her claws. She’d gotten the feeling the day before, but checking them at that moment she felt confident in saying they’d finished their development. She flicked them against one another for a moment, enjoying the sound of crystal on crystal.


Unfortunately, there was one… peculiarity that she couldn’t quite place. It wasn’t discomfort exactly, but something in her mouth felt… different? She’d put off checking her teeth in favour of ignoring the sensation as long as possible, but she really couldn’t ignore it anymore. 


With some reluctance she opened her mouth, confirming her teeth had begun looking properly purple, and with a sudden burst of instinct relaxed a previously non-existent muscle in her mouth. Her eyes went wide as her tongue lolled out over her teeth, the rounded end having begun to take on a pointed tip which reached past her chin by several inches. Startled, she pulled it back in, tightening up the muscle and somehow condensing the longer tongue back into her seemingly unchanged mouth.


Cautiously, she opened her mouth and let her tongue slowly slide back out, practising with the new muscle to avoid defaulting to either extreme. It was… weird. But also kind of cool? She couldn’t really do any cool tricks with it, but maybe with practice? More notably, it seemed to have absolutely no problem with her teeth. She’d been avoiding letting her tongue interact with them out of fear of accidentally biting it off, and supposed the newest change put that fear to rest. Demon tongue resists demon teeth. Makes sense.


With no other changes to be inspected while dressed, she grabbed her clothes for the day and made her way to the bathroom. For once she was actively excited to see her naked body in the mirror. She giggled to herself as she closed the door. Not even a week ago she’d have thought the idea completely impossible, yet there she was, light on and facing the mirror as she stripped.


The first revelation was that she was actively pleasing to look at. That feeling had certainly been growing, and it had probably also been true the day before, but this still felt like a monumental thing to realise. The second thing she noticed was that her muscles looked a bit more clear, and she found herself flexing and posing to get a better look at them. She’d never thought she was into women with muscles before, but she was rapidly re-evaluating that stance.


Her skin was also marginally different in some abstract way she couldn’t place. She found herself transfixed by her still figure, unable to help but compare herself to a marble statue. Whatever distinction had remained the day before was gone, at least while she stood still. Her skin seemed to take on a bit more of a natural life as she moved, but a few moments after she stopped it became indistinguishable from stone. It was… well, really pretty. She’d found herself thinking that a lot recently.


It was as she removed her magic bra that she realised there was one more change. Without the arcane garment it was immediately obvious her chest had grown again, and had reached well into the large side of average! Perhaps even the small side of large! She tried to quash the excitement, once again reminding herself of all the complaints she’d heard about large chests in the past. The fact her hips and rear seemed to be keeping pace with her chest only further spurred on the complicated feeling of excitement.


She almost welcomed the frustrating bulge still remaining between her legs for its ability to distract from more complicated thoughts. Confirming it was still there managed to somewhat dull her enthusiasm as she stepped into the shower and began the meditative work of polishing herself. Without the background fear of how the changes were affecting her mind she found the task even more enjoyable, dedicating some extra time to polishing her horns and claws as conditioner soaked into her hair. 


Smiling, and without much of a thought in her head she stepped out of the shower, totally lost in the indulgent experience of her new morning routine. Even what was between her legs couldn’t phase her as she dried off and got dressed, riding the pleasant haze all the way down to the kitchen.


She hadn’t even thought about the fact her underwear and skirt had entirely bypassed her tail until Ms. Zwavel commented that she was glad the tail enchantments were still working. She also took the chance to complement Brooke on her horns, which earned a lovely blush and “Thanks…” in response. Besides the minor heart attack when Sarah gave Brooke’s little tail a tug it was a lovely little breakfast, and soon enough the two highschoolers were on their way to class.


It was only her second day out as a girl and even if the first day had gone well she found herself growing anxious as they got closer. The fact so much of her felt like it was being stuffed into a too small bodysuit certainly didn’t help. Fortunately, Sarah was happy to offer a plethora of assurances, both that she’d be okay and that she still looked hot as a human. By the time they reached the doors Brooke had built up enough confidence to at least fake it convincingly.


So, with head held high she made her way to her locker, waved at a couple people who complimented her looks, and finally settled into first period. Then it was second period. Then third. She had to introduce herself to a teacher she hadn’t had the day before but he already seemed to have figured out who she was so there wasn’t much to it. Fourth went by without incident, and lunch was spent chatting with Sarah and her soccer friends. Before she knew it the day was over and she found herself once more baffled by how utterly indifferent the school population seemed to her changes.


Sarah was busy with soccer and so Brooke found herself walking home on her own, lost in thought once more. Was it demon magic or something? That… probably wasn’t reasonable? They were clearly aware of the changes, they just didn’t seem inclined to make a big deal out of them. She was being treated like a new store opening up, something to gossip about and stare at a bit, but little more than that. Of course, some of the guys were having a somewhat predictable reaction, but she tried to stay positive and take it as a compliment. The handful of girls she’d caught making eyes on the other hand…


Her daydreaming was cut short as she walked into the clearing of the Zwavel house. In fact, every last thought in her head rapidly evacuated as her eyes locked on a familiar pair walking out of the house she’d been staying at. One was a familiar red skinned demon. The other was a middle aged woman with a worn but friendly face, long black hair, deep brown eyes, and thin lips pulled into a small smile. She was the kind of lean one achieved with a half-decent diet, regular use of a treadmill, and an otherwise sedentary lifestyle accompanied by frequent anxiety.


Her mother was standing in the front door. Her mother was standing in the front door with wide eyes and mouth hanging open. Her mother who didn’t know she was a girl was standing in the front door with wide eyes and mouth hanging open as she stared at her child with a very clearly feminine appearance wearing girls clothes.


Her mind was like a car unable to get traction, spinning its tires as fast as it could to desperately try and go anywhere or do anything. It managed to catch on something once or twice. Why was she there? What did she know? What would she say? Would she be angry? How could she have abandoned her mother? Each time a thought began it slipped free a moment later. 


She was dimly aware she was shaking, unsure if it was fear or guilt or relief or some combination of the three. She was also dimly aware that her mother was getting closer, and very aware that tears had begun to form in her mother’s eyes. Suddenly those eyes were her whole world, the tears beginning to flow a potential indication of so many tragic words that would soon follow. She was so desperate to put it off, but she was even more desperate for something else.


As her mother came to a stop, preparing to speak, Brooke stepped forward. Her arms wrapped around her mother and she hugged her with all the love she had. She was careful of her newfound strength, even in human form, but she wouldn’t let that diminish the embrace. She pressed herself close, in a way she hadn’t done in years, and let her head rest on her mother’s shoulder.


A moment later she felt her mother’s arms wrap around her, and she began to cry. Gentle words were whispered, assurances that it was okay, that she was beautiful and loved and so much more, but it all blurred together. The words weren’t important in that moment, as Brooke let out all the bottled up fears she hadn’t known she’d been holding so close to her heart. She’d been so scared of how her mother would respond, and in that moment, even without the words to give detail, she could feel the acceptance that she’d been longing for. 


As the hug continued, and Brooke realised her mother was also crying on her shoulder, she realised that perhaps her mother had been just as afraid of how their meeting would go. They’d both been waiting a decade for it after all.


When the hug finally broke they were both sniffling and wiping tears from their eyes, giggling back and forth as they tried to say something, only to be interrupted by a hiccup, a sniffle, or one another. There was a catharsis there that Brooke could have indulged in for ages.


Unfortunately, the appearance of a woman with bright red skin, glowing red eyes, twisting white horns, and a spade tipped tail in the doorway somewhat demanded her attention. Her eyes went wide as she looked from Ms. Zwavel to her mother, unable to figure out a way to voice the plethora of concerns in her head. Fortunately, Ms. Zwavel saw fit to answer most of her potential questions with a single response.


“She knows about demons sweetie, it’s okay. You can let her see the real you.”

I could have drawn this out with more details of the school day, but I figured we'd all rather get to the after school festivities. In exchange, enjoy this incredibly small cliffhanger.

Also! Please go check out Day 5 part 2 to see some lovely fan art of Miss Zwavel!