Day 9 – Saturday (Part 1)
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Day 9 - Saturday

Brooke awoke with a start, the sound of gentle knocking rapidly pulling her from the tail end of her dream. Nobody knocked on her door. Her mother would just wait for her to come out, and her father would barge in. Wait, she was at Sarah's place... Was it Ms. Zwavel? Was something wrong?!


She was halfway through escaping (and halfway through further tangling herself in) her blankets when her mother’s voice came from the other side of the door. “Sweetie? Are you up? I was thinking we could make breakfast together? You know, like we did when you were younger…”


Brooke lept from her bed, blankets still clinging to her, eyes wide as she heard her mother rapidly losing steam. Her door was open before she’d escaped them entirely or even formulated what she’d planned to say. “That sounds great! I just need a minute to check out my changes first okay?” 


Oh, well that went much better than expected. She even managed to finish kicking off the last sheet! Though her mother’s wide eyes were slightly concerning… “Uh… Mom?” Her mother started, eyes snapping down from whatever they’d been staring at to Brooke’s face, a slight blush touching her cheeks.


“Oh! Yes yes of course… My goodness you really are changing quickly aren’t you? Do you- Would you- C-can I… May I join you? Perhaps an extra set of eyes would help?”


Brooke blushed at the idea, but she couldn’t bring herself to decline. Her mother clearly wanted to be a part of her new life, and Brooke wanted her to be part of it too. If that meant a bit of embarrassment, well, that’d be worth having her mother back.


Stepping aside and motioning for her mother to enter she realised after a moment she hadn’t actually responded out loud. “Uh… y-yeah sure. Um… It’s… kind of embarrassing but maybe you can help me see if anything has changed on my back?”


She flicked on the light and made her way over to the mirror, taking a couple deep breaths as she approached. It’d be fine. She wasn’t even sure why she was stressing out about it! She just had to get started.


Looking in the mirror it became obvious what her mother had been looking at. “Well, looks like my horns have grown…” They’d grown out and up, curling around the sides of her head and branching upwards into a pattern that looked positively regal. If she didn’t know it was attached to her head she’d have assumed it was a crown. 


Her mother nodded beside her with a big smile on her face. “Goodness, it looks so regal! Those little pinpricks of light and swirls of lighter amethyst make it seem like you’re wearing a crystallized cosmos. Maybe I should start calling you princess instead of sweetie?”


The playful tone didn’t do anything to mitigate Brooke’s blush at the idea of being called princess, or at the praise for her horns. They were only one change in and her face already looked more rose quartz than marble!


Brooke reluctantly moved on to the next change, one that was hard to ignore even while focusing on her horns. “I think… I think my hair is turning to crystal?” She reached up with one hand, running it through her oddly glassy hair. It still felt nice and smooth on her fingers, and it felt flexible enough to act like real hair. It was… strange, to say the least. That said, she enjoyed the crystalline tinkling as she ruffled it, the sound surprisingly quiet despite the proximity to her ears.


Her mother stepped forward, running her hand through it without issue, fussing here and there as she repositioned it into a slightly more orderly look. “Or maybe glass? It seems like it’s going more towards black than purple so maybe volcanic glass? Well, I suppose it’s probably not actually glass or crystal. Regardless of what it is, it feels nice to run my hand through it. I expected it to be rather hard and unyielding, but it’s surprisingly similar to normal hair. The sound it makes is nice and soothing too.” She gave her daughter’s hair one last ruffle before pulling her hand away.


“Oh… Uh… y-yeah. Th-thanks.” Brooke wasn’t expecting such an… in depth analysis. It was kind of nice. Like… she was being seen and appreciated… The feeling of her mother fussing with her hair wasn’t unpleasant either. She turned her attention to the next closest change. A pair of slits halfway between her eyes and horns. Gently prodding them she could tell they were supposed to open, but couldn’t quite figure out how. She supposed she probably just had to wait for them to finish? 


Speaking of her eyes… “Huh… Well I can’t say I hated my old eye colour, but ruby red really does go well with the whole pale white and dark purple.” She took a moment to shift her position, watching how her irises shimmered like actual gems.


Her mother smiled as she watched Brooke shift back and forth. “I think you’re underselling yourself a little. Those look absolutely stunning! Goodness, you’re just turning into a real work of art aren’t you?” Brooke blushed even harder as her mother giggled. Obviously she was exaggerating, that’s what mothers did. Then again… She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, enjoying the striking contrast of her purple, pointed teeth between her white lips.


With her focus already on her mouth she decided to address the question that was curled up inside. Letting her jaw hang open she relaxed the new muscle in her mouth and watched with wide eyes as a deep red tentacle fell out, the pointed tip easily reaching past her chest before she frantically tried to get it under control. It was… disturbingly easy to control. All the stiffness of the day before was gone and she found it moving as easily as any of her arms. 


She moved and twisted it around in front of the mirror, fascinated by how the series of ridges now covering its length shifted this way and that, or how she could flatten some parts and expand others. It was several moments later that she realised her mother was standing right beside her. The new appendage snapped back into her mouth with a clack of her closing teeth, her blush halfway to the ruby red of her eyes and having spread far beyond her cheeks. 


Looking to her mother Brooke found she was sporting a heavy blush of her own, both blushes only growing more intense as their eyes met and then immediately separated. “Well. That’s certainly… impressive. But… uh... Maybe try and keep that in your mouth for now okay princess?”


Brooke grumbled noncommittally, not quite sure what to do with the complicated feelings brought on by her mother casually calling her princess. It was embarrassing, definitely, that was an easy emotion to draw out of the clutter, but it was also really nice in a way she couldn’t quite place. She hadn’t even had a princess phase as a little girl! Or was that part of why it made her so happy? She turned her attention back to the mirror, eager to escape her confusion by continuing the inspection.


Her mother decided to get there first. “Well, putting that aside, it seems like both your tail and what it’s resting on have thickened up.”


There was a playfulness in her voice that made Brooke immediately suspicious, and after a moment to process what her mother had said she groaned. Turning to the side she confirmed that yes, her tail had both grown longer and thicker, now as thick as her arm and with the tip just barely reaching the ground. Spots of dark purple speckled the top of its length in what looked to be the start of a pattern that hadn’t quite come in yet.


Also, as her mother had pointed out, her ass had apparently taken the opportunity to further enhance itself. Once she was turned back to face the mirror head on she confirmed her hips and thighs had joined it, making her look rather bottom heavy with the magically restricting nature of her sleep bra. A fact her mother seemed to take note of.


“Huh… Speaking of your figure… Has your chest gotten smaller?”


Brooke groaned internally while doing her best to keep a straight face. She really didn’t want to be talking about her figure. She especially didn’t want to be talking about it with her mom! But she also didn’t want to lie to her, even by omission. They were finally talking like they used to again!


With a deep breath she attempted to explain as she worked on getting the bra off, a task made much easier by her enhanced flexibility, and made harder by the fact it was a magic bra intended to stay on through the night while her body changed. “Oh, uh… Ms. Zwavel gave me a bra that… uh… it’s for sleeping in so-”


She had spent too much time fumbling with her words, and not nearly enough time fumbling with her bra. The moment the bra came loose her pyjamas tented, revealing not only that her chest hadn’t gotten smaller, but that it had in fact grown yet further overnight. She was well into being large chested, and that once again brought with it a conflicting mix of guilt and excitement.


“Oh wow! Well now I’m double jealous!” Her mother giggled, stepping around to inspect her daughter from a few different angles.


Brooke stared at her mother with wide eyes. “What?” The guilt and excitement found a quick companion in hope and cynicism, making a perfect little mess of her brain as she tried and failed to come to a conclusion about what her mother had meant.


“Well for one, that bra sounds wonderful. I can’t say I’ve got much myself, but anything magically made to sleep in must be pretty darn comfortable right?” Her mother giggled, a twinkle in her eye as she carried on. “Which brings me to the other thing. Goodness I would love a figure like that. I’m sure you’ll find more than a couple girls giving you jealous glares on Monday. Heaven knows I threw more than a few of my own at the luckier girls in my grade when I was younger.”


Brooke stared at her mother like she’d grown a second head. Even ignoring the oddness of having this conversation with her mother, which was not inconsiderable, she couldn’t quite grasp what her mother was saying. “Wh-what? But… I…” 


She wasn’t quite sure how to say what she was thinking, the fear and anxiety she’d been feeling about how her time spent as a boy had warped her perception of femininity were finally coming to a head and she found tears collecting at the corners of her eyes. She hated it. She hated the idea that she’d somehow been tainted by that experience, that even if she had the body she’d never be a real girl because her mind had been sculpted by those experiences. She didn’t want to admit that she wasn’t really her mother’s daughter, that she was just a stupid boy indulging in a temporary fantasy.


She felt her mother’s arms wrap around her and needed no further invitation to return the hug. She realised she was crying in full as she nuzzled into a quickly dampening spot on her mother’s shoulder. “It’s okay sweetie, take your time. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together okay? We’ve spent too long facing these things on our own, I’m here for you now and I’m not going anywhere.”


Brooke sniffled as she drew back slightly, trying to formulate something to say. “But I-I’m not… A r-real girl wouldn’t-”


Her mother gently bapped her on the nose with a finger, looking somewhat stern. “None of that. You are a real girl and I won’t have you hurting my daughter by saying otherwise.”


Brooke stared at her mother in disbelief. How could she say that with such confidence? Brooke shuddered a little as a sob escaped her lips, a mix of the lingering sadness and a burst of delight from her mother’s insistence. She did her best to muster up a smile.