Day 9 – Saturday (Part 5)
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Fortunately, her mother was fine. Unfortunately, she was cackling wildly at the store entrance alongside a middle aged woman wearing a long black robe with silver spiderweb accents, and a wide brimmed black hat with a pointed top. She was dressed like a witch. Were witches real? It’d probably be a bad idea to ask.


Instead, Brooke tried to insert herself more naturally. “H-hey mom! Sorry that… uh… took a while? Have you just been… standing over here this whole time?”


Smooth. Absolutely flawless. Definitely not freaking out about how mortified she’d be if her mother had heard any of what they’d talked about.


“Oh yes, I saw your friend there seemed quite anxious and figured he’d be more comfortable without an old lady hanging off your arm while you chatted. Speaking of which, who’s this lovely young man?”


Brooke’s eyes went wide at the incredibly predictable question. She had no clue if Jake was out at work! But she totally didn’t want to use his deadname either! She looked to Jake for an answer only to find him looking back at her wide eyed.
The witchy woman spared them all the agony of the decision however. “Oh yes! This is Jake. One of my lovely employees.


Does an absolutely spectacular job showing off the merchandise doesn’t he?” Her voice was old and scratchy, and Brooke wasn’t entirely sure if it was done in an intentional effort to fit the witchy image better.


Her mother giggled at the comment, waving the other woman off. “Now now don’t tease the poor boy! Brooke! May I introduce you to Dia, a friend of Amy and I. Dia, this is my daughter Brooke.”


Brooke offered her hand mostly on instinct, more used to the formal introductions of her father during oh so important meet and greets. She had no clue what to do with such a casual introduction! “Um it’s… uh… nice to meet you?”


That sent the other woman cackling once more as she stepped forward and pulled Brooke into a surprisingly strong hug. “Oh you poor thing! Look what that absolute lout of a man has done to you! No need to be so stiff! Relax, relax!”


The moment Brooke was released she stumbled back, deeply confused about what was going on. She looked to her mother, but she was just smiling back at her! Then it clicked. Did she know about her dad? Did she know Brooke was trans? She felt herself beginning to panic. She wasn’t even sure why, she was out at school and surely plenty of the kids would have told their parents. Tons of people probably knew. But somehow this just made it feel all the more real and-


She was nudged out of her spiral by Dia’s shoulder. “Come on now, let’s get us all inside where we can talk with some privacy. No need to be chatting out front here.”


That… was a good idea. Brooke followed along, trying to quash the strange panic before it could bubble up once more. Fortunately they didn’t have to go far.


“Now that we have something between us and the rubberneckers let me be clear: We’re a trans inclusive establishment. No one who works here is going to have a problem with it, and if any customer tries to make a fuss I’ll handle them myself. Understood?”


She looked from Brooke to Jake and back again, receiving a nod from both before continuing. “Now Jake. I’ve known Rebecca here for years and she’s been nothing but wonderful, and from what I hear her revelation about her daughter has gone spectacularly well. Will you trust my judgment and let us all get on the same page?”


Jake visibly shrunk back at the request, but after a moment gave a quick nod.


“Excellent! So, Rebecca and Brooke! Our boy here Jake is also trans. He’s not out publicly yet, but his parents know so no need to worry there. What I’d like to ask is that you look out for him, yeah?” 


Brooke nodded her head energetically. “Of course! Ms. Zwavel would probably also be up for helping out when he’s ready to come out at school!”


Or wait, was that a special benefit of being a demon. She looked to her mom. “Right?”


Her mother giggled. “Of course! After all, if the school isn’t supporting all their trans students then they’re hardly living up to the required standard of inclusivity now are they?”


She turned her eyes on Jake, her smile bright. “We’re here to help, don’t you worry.”


Oh. Jake was starting to tear up again. Brooke felt like she should probably step in and try and lighten the mood. It was only at this point she realised Jake hadn’t fixed his makeup. Oh. They totally knew he’d been crying. Okay, yeah, change of topic time! “Oh! By the way mom I’ve got some stuff picked out! You mind paying for them?”


Based on the looks she was getting she was about as smooth as a car crash. Whatever! Jake didn’t look like he was about to cry and that’s what mattered!


After taking a moment to recover from the tonal whiplash her mother was the first to speak. “Of course sweetie. You go grab them while I head over to the counter.”


Brooke barely got a step forward before Dia spoke up. “Uh uh uh! You aren’t getting out of here that easily. Your daughter may have some new clothes, but what about you my dear Rebecca?”


Oh. That was a nervous giggle from her mother. “Oh Dia please, I’m much too old for these things! Despite what some of my writing might have you believe, it's been decades since I’ve worn anything like this!”


And that was a challenging glare from Dia. What was going on here? “Too old? Ha! No such thing! Being decades out of practice just means you’ve no time to waste getting back into it! Now that you’re cutting free of that waste of space there’s no reason to hold back!”


Now her mother was blushing and… biting her lip? “Oh Dia, as lovely as your wares are, I fear I’d merely detract from their appeal.”


Why were they talking like that?! “Oh but Rebecca, fears are so often unfounded, and this one most obviously of all. If there is anything to fear it is that any clothing at all might detract from your natural splendour.” Oh goddess that was a wink.


Her mother was bright red as she huffed out a response. “Fine then, if you must insist with such crude innuendo then I suppose you shall find no trouble in providing me with something to wear?”


Dia grinned wide. “Of course my fair lady, this humble seamstress would be overjoyed if you would try out her newest creation.” She turned to Jake, clapping once to free him from his confused stupor. “Bring out the red and black bag from the back would you please? I shall locate the accessories.”


Apparently Jake was as eager to escape whatever was happening as Brooke was, because the moment he had reason to leave he was gone. Fortunately, Dia was eager to collect the accessories she had in mind, leaving only Brooke and her rather ruffled mother to sit and wait for the employees to return.


Brooke considered asking what that was all about, but quickly realised she absolutely didn’t want to know the answer. Whatever was going on with her mother and every middle aged woman she came across was none of her business. She hoped.


Eventually Jake returned, carrying a black dress bag with red stripes. He was about to say something as he offered the bag to her mother, only to find himself being cut off by his boss yelling “Be there in a moment!” from halfway across the store. How she knew Jake had returned without any apparent line of sight was up for debate, but Brooke wasn’t entirely willing to rule out magic.


The trio stood in silence, staring off in the direction the call had come from, waiting for the woman to return. Despite thus being entirely prepared for her return, none of them were prepared for the disorganised armful she returned with.


“Oh Dia, absolutely not! Look at you! How can I wear it when you can barely hold it!”


Despite what she was saying, she made her way over to the somewhat struggling woman, taking the most precariously perched items from her with a shake of her head. 


Having been disencumbered, Dia began moving more quickly, directing the group towards the changing rooms. “Oh Dia, absolutely yes! Let’s get you into something nice! You’re going to be a free woman soon and I intend to make sure you start the new leg of your life in style! Besides, you already agreed.”


Of course, Brooke had abandoned her outfit when she realised her mother was missing, and so it still remained to occupy the single changing room. This, in Brooke’s opinion, was an absolutely wonderful stroke of luck. She quickly began scooping up the items, slightly mourning her two missing arms as she did so. “Oh! Here let me bring this up to the cash and we’ll get it all rung up and everything!”


She didn’t wait for an answer, fleeing the two older women the moment she had everything in her arms. With Jake quick on her heels they were soon granted the minimal privacy of half the store’s distance. She began laying things out on the counter as she tried to think of anything to talk about besides the obvious.


Then suddenly it hit her! “Hey JAke! Do you know if the cheerleaders are still taking signups or tryouts or whatever?”


The absolutely baffled look on his face forced Brooke to explain. “Listen, I need to talk about something that’s not whatever is going on between my mom and your boss. Please. I know at least a couple of the girls you hang out with are on the squad.”


That earned a stifled laugh from Jake and a shake of his head. “Right, okay yeah that’s fair. Bad news is that tryouts to actually be on the team are done at the end of the year so you can train together over the summer.  Even signups for the pre-team squad are done in the first month… Though, I suppose if someone left the team they’d probably at least hold tryouts, even if they’d probably pick someone from the pre-team.”


That caught Brooke’s attention. Something about his tone made it sound much more like a real possibility than it sounded. “Oh? You heard something?”


Jake blushed a bit, focusing down on the item he was scanning as he spoke. “Well, you know, if I came out there’d be an opening.”


Brooke hadn’t even realised Jake was on the team. She didn’t go to any of the games, and barely paid attention at pep-rallies. She felt a little bad now… “You know you don’t need to leave the team just because you’re a guy right? I’m pretty sure guys can also be cheerleaders.” 


That got a snort out of him. “Oh yeah I know don’t worry it’s just… I don’t actually enjoy it? I only even tried out because of my friends, and once I come out I doubt they’ll still want anything to do with me so…”


Brooke grimaced. “Maybe they’ll surprise you?”


The look she got for that comment told her everything she needed to know about the odds of that. “How’d you four even end up as friends? No offence but you don’t exactly seem to… like… click?”


He sighed long and hard. “So, you know they’re all kids of, like, business people right?” Brooke nodded. “Well I am too. Our parents met up at this, like, big names in town meet-up and thought it was so great that the four of us were the same age and basically forced us to be friends.”


Brooke nodded along. “Yeah, that makes sense. MY dad tried that but there were a few years between me and the… boys…” She sighed, and Jake gave a half smile, half grimace in return.


There was a bit more idle chatter, commiserating about youths spent trying to fit in with the wrong gender, as Jake finished wringing up the items. It wasn’t a small number. Despite the look of the shop everything was actually pretty high quality, a boon considering her suddenly much more sensitive skin. That didn’t make the price any less eye watering. 


It was at that point that she realised she hadn’t actually gotten the card from her mom. Turning back towards the changing rooms Brooke set her shoulders. “I’m going back in. If I don’t make it back, tell my mom… that she was there when it happened?”


Jake waved her off, and she made her way back, cringing slightly as she heard the exuberant voice of the proprietress as she complimented Brooke’s mother. Even before Brooke could make out the words it was obvious that’s what was happening, and all getting in range to hear did was confirm that they’d gone back to their ridiculously over the top flirtatious dialogue.


At least they had the good grace to pause when she came into view. Which, she had to admit, was indeed a view. A black dress with red accents, with layers of skirt and an armless top that entirely covered her mothers chest was paired with long, arm length black gloves, a black lace choker, and a black bat hairpin, all with red accents to match the dress. Given her mother’s pale complexion Brooke couldn’t help but look a bit like some kind of vampire countess. It was an impressive look, and certainly nothing like what her mother usually wore.


“Well? What do you think? Lovely right? I just knew she’d look stunning in it!” Dia practically roared with cheer, apparently pleased someone else was around to appreciate the look even if it interrupted their… talk.


“Oh! Uh, yeah it looks great! You should totally get it mum!”


“Oh I most certainly will not! This dress is hand made, I can’t possibly buy something like this with everything going on!” Her mother’s cheeks were reddening, and based on Dia’s grin that would only be getting worse.


“Oh but you must! After all, that dress was made for you and only you! Besides, it’s on special! one-hundred percent off for the most beautiful woman in the mall, today only.” She shot Brooke’s mother a wink that had her mother hiding behind her hands.


“Oh Dia, you absolutely can’t be serious! You have a business to run!” 


“I’m being serious! Amy told me you were finally dropping that potato and I dedicated myself to making sure you’d have something worth wearing to the celebration!” Dia placed her hands on her hips and stuck out her chest, apparently proud of her thoughtfulness.


Brooke did wonder how long the divorce had been in the works for Dia to have already prepared an entire dress… Or this was just more evidence she was an actual witch. Did witches have sewing magic? Probably.


For her mother’s part, she looked absolutely defeated. “At least let me pay for the accessories. Please Dia.”


So it was that Brooke and her mother left Dia’s Disaster with one full outfit each, and a whole lot more to think about. Not that Brooke really wanted to. What Brooke wanted to think about was shopping, and thankfully the mall was still happy to provide.