Day 10 – Sunday (Part 1)
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Brooke rose from her slumber into a world wholly and distinctly unlike the one she had left the night before. Even with her eyes closed, it was impossible to smother her awareness of the abstract wholeness that filled and surrounded her. An undisguisable rightness that defined and saturated every fibre of her being. It was warm and good and wonderful in a way she’d never experienced before and hoped to never have to go without again…


With a moan of satisfaction she allowed her body to stretch. To squirm and twist and tease out the muscles that had grown slightly stiff with the night of inactivity. She could already tell her tail had grown, but anything more would require a mirror, and possibly some assistance. So it was that she took the second step to rising, and opened her eyes. All four of them. 


It wasn’t just the feeling that filled and surrounded her that separated the present world from the one of before. Through her new eyes the room she had occupied since the revelation of what was happening looked completely different. Everything glowed. Every piece of furniture, every wall, the ceiling and floor, even her blanket. It all glowed with intricate patterns that ebbed and flowed in trails of not-quite light. Even the air wasn’t free of the glow, ambient clouds of fog swirled through the empty spaces, not quite illuminating its surroundings, but defining them by failing to pass through.


It was beautiful. The expanded field of vision barely seemed worth noting. Even with the distraction of the ambient fog she found her vision crisper and more clear than ever before, the room existing in far sharper clarity in a way that felt impossible with so much layered over it.


It took her a while to finally roll out of bed, and the moment she did she was in front of the mirror. It only took her a moment to decide the vanity mirror would be insufficient. No, she needed a full length mirror. She wanted to see herself in full.


It took her a minute of moving boxes before she found the mirror that had been stored with them. It was huge, nearly floor to ceiling when standing up and twice as wide as the door it had presumably come in through. She almost wanted to wonder how they’d even gotten it in the room, but it felt disingenuous when she could see the magic carved into walls.


Finally, with the mirror standing straight and uncovered, she got a look at herself in full. She was perfect. If anyone had asked her before that moment what her perfect body would look like, she wouldn’t have been able to answer. If they’d asked more than a week ago she probably wouldn’t have even thought to mention the majority of what she saw. But in that moment, looking at herself in the mirror, she knew it was true. This was exactly what she wanted to be. Who she wanted to be. Even the tears running from her four eyes couldn’t obscure her beauty. The fact she glowed with an internal not-light that permeated every inch of her body certainly helped.


With a deep breath she began to strip. She wanted to take stock. To go through what she was piece by piece, and enjoy each in turn. To that end, she’d need to take off her pyjamas.


Once stripped down to just her underwear the first, and most obvious, thing to focus on was her skin. Marble white, perfectly smooth, and totally hairless. She wasn’t concerningly pale, her skin had a distinct brightness and life to it… At least when she moved. She let herself settle into a pose and watched as she seemed to solidify, her skin looking like perfect, polished stone. She let herself wait, enjoying the stillness in a way she never had before. 


It didn’t stop her from appreciating the second most obvious feature, at least while she was naked. Muscles. Arms, legs, stomach. It wasn’t too any extreme degree, but she was clearly toned, the visible muscles doing little to truly express what her new body was capable of. Her mind immediately flashed back to her last session in the backyard and she knew how she’d be spending at least part of her morning.


Finally, she allowed herself to move, stretching all of her arms and flexing her tail as she groaned. Oh yes it was good to be alive. She decided to focus on her arms next, stretching out her lower arms to meet in front of her, while her upper arms met behind her back. She’d never have guessed how much she’d love having four arms, but at this point she found it a little strange that neither of the other demons had them. 


She followed the length of her arms, appreciating the muscles and shape until her eyes reached the intricate pattern of crack like lines of amethyst tracing up just past her wrists. Following them down the lines wound themselves across the back of her hands until they reached her fingers, growing slightly larger until finally joining up with her claws. Beautiful little daggers, several times thicker than a normal nail and with a slight hook, they shimmered in the light as she shifted them slightly side to side. She could help but smile as she remembered the feeling of eviscerating a bar of soap with them when the changes had just begun.


They looked to be made of the same amethyst that traced up her hands, but faded to a slightly brighter purple towards the tip, and housed little pinpricks of something brighter, giving them the look of little stars. Beautiful. Even Abby had thought so. It was a shame Abby wouldn’t get the chance to see just how beautiful they could be.


Looking at her feet she took a moment to appreciate her toe claws, and to admire the pattern of crack like amethyst lines tracing just up her ankles. That did draw her attention to the other places the amethyst had been used to make a work of art from her skin. Her shoulders sported what looked like amethyst scales, and though it was somewhat hard to see despite her enhanced flexibility, she could tell the mural on her back had expanded.


A pattern like wings made of purple lightning extended down from her upper shoulders, meeting with her spine to trace geometric patterns down until it met the smooth, subtle curve of purple from her lower shoulder blades. Finally, they moved down to meet with a pattern of amethyst scales that expanded out from the point where her tail met her torso, before descending some distance down the tail itself. She’d never considered getting a tattoo before, but now she’d never need to.


Speaking of her tail, it had certainly grown. Four and a half feet at least, with a base thicker than her thigh… which were also considerably larger than when everything had begun. She focused back on her tail, appreciating the way it twisted and flexed and curled all at her command, as easy to control as the limbs she’d been born with. It trailed the ground somewhat if she let it relax, but didn’t find the tension needed to keep it raised to be much of a struggle. That said, there was certainly something satisfying about letting it move across the floor, a little like scratching at an itch,


She let it sway side to side, shifting her hips to send the movement from her rear and down its length in a truly tantalizing display. A display that drew her attention back towards the feature she’d previously disregarded. Her curves. She’d certainly blossomed. No one would ever accuse her of having ever been a man if they could see what she looked like in her true form.


Her hips were wide, even compared with the healthy amount of thickness to her waist. Childbearing hips if she’d ever seen them. The idea made her cheeks flush slightly, but there was no point in lying to herself. The idea of being a mother one day was thrilling, far more exciting than the idea of being a father had been. Heck, she hadn’t even liked the idea of being a father or a boyfriend! Letting her eyes rest between her legs, she promised herself she’d give more attention to that change later.


For the moment, she still had to take a moment and appreciate her thighs. Thick enough to be worthy of a third C, let alone the second, yet still obviously powerful. Skull crushing thighs, as she decided to call them. Soft enough to smother, yet strong enough to crush, what a way to go. She shook her head with a giggle. She’d do her best not to cause any fatalities.


Her ass was, unfortunately, mostly covered by her tail, but the fact it was only MOSTLY covered was a strong indicator of just how much junk she had in the trunk. Though she was more inclined to consider it valuable cargo considering how good it looked and, after a quick smack from a hand to confirm, how good it felt. 


Her eyes trailed up her body, and she was stopped by the sight of her chest, covered as it was by her sleeping bra. With a bit of excitement she unclipped the enchanted garment and let it fall. As it did she grinned, watching as her chest revealed itself in apparent slow motion. When it was finally revealed she let out a sigh of satisfaction. Big. They were big, and beautiful, and that was okay to be happy about. She had to remind herself of that last part, a bit of the shame she’d grown up with trying to insist otherwise.


She couldn’t actually be sure how big they were exactly, bra sizes didn’t make a ton of sense and she didn’t exactly have the best angles for estimation. That said she was well into the large chested size of things, definitely larger than any of the girls she’d seen at school. She felt a little proud of that for some reason. Brains were weird. Speaking of brains being weird, it felt a bit weird that her nipples weren’t amethyst. It kind of felt like everything about her was either white or purple, so the sizable circles of rose pink came as a bit of a surprise. She supposed her cheeks did go pink when she blushed, and she had red eyes, but it still felt odd.


Speaking of her eyes… There were four of them. That was new, but given their position replacing the sealed slits from the day before it was rather obvious where they came from. They also explained the expanded vision, and if the slight glow in all four was an indication of anything, her sudden ability to see… magic? Given the patterns that she assumed were runes that was her best guess as to the nature of the glow she was seeing.


She took a moment to re-centre herself, not wanting to be drawn off on a tangent by the implications of that. She looked into her eyes and smiled. Ruby red. Which was to say, they looked like discs of actual ruby had replaced her irises. They even shimmered slightly.


Speaking of shimmering though, they definitely couldn’t compete with her horns. Rising out of the sides of her forehead, a bit above and out from her new set of eyes, came a pair of crystal structures that spread and blended into a tiara of shimmering amethyst fit for a queen. The crystal wasn’t all a uniform colour, involving a baseline of dark amethyst that had swirls of lighter purple and points of shimmering white that gave them the look of containing a frozen cosmos. She’d been trying to resist calling every detail of her body beautiful, but if any one part deserved it, her horns did.


Moving from her horns to her hair, she was once again struck by the disparity between how it looked and how it felt. By touch, it seemed to simply be unnaturally thick and smooth. It was just as soft and flexible as her original hair. But by look, her hair had been replaced by strands of light purple crystal, perhaps some kind of quartz. She didn’t actually know much about rocks but she knew quartz could take on all kinds of colours.


Shaking off the strange thought, she admired the shape of it, reaching nearly to her shoulders. She might have enjoyed having it longer, but she supposed there were some concerns of practicality. The fact her horns kept it from getting in her eyes was certainly a bonus.


There wasn’t much left really. She could note the way the shape of her face had changed, the lack of facial hair, the lines of pale purple crystal that acted as eyebrows, but none of it felt significant enough compared to her teeth. She smiled wide, revealing the clearly sharper and far more perfectly shaped crystal that had once been… something like bone? She still hadn’t actually looked up what teeth were made of.


Her teeth looked to be made of purple crystal, though they were dark enough that they couldn’t be seen through. She still had her grinding teeth, though it was hard to get a look at them, she could feel them with her tongue. They’d similarly been refined, their surfaces polished and their structures uniform, the added hardness allowing for smaller ridges to optimize their ability to break down food. She really hoped they’d have some bones in their breakfast, thinking about them had reminded her just how much she enjoyed using them.


She was also getting hungry, so she directed her attention towards the last change, allowing her tongue to fall free from her lips. It was, frankly, obscene. There was no question as to the purpose of the appendage and she would shelve any related thoughts until her shower.


It was long enough to reach just past her chest, and ended in a pointed tip. The deep red appendage was the most clearly organic thing about her, and didn’t look even remotely human. It was somewhat flat, but definitely thicker than a human tongue. It was also covered in ridges that she could flex or relax to cause them to grow firm or soft. It was also incredibly easy to control. She could practically tie it into knots if she wanted to! She’d never thought she was… like that… but perhaps this was the result of spending the vast majority of her time on the internet. She could live with that. She assumed whoever she ended up with would be able to too.


Finally, she took a step back to appreciate her body as a whole. She struck one pose after another, some even had her tongue out! But all of them were beautiful, all of them showed that she was a work of art. Especially when she allowed herself to settle in, becoming a statue of herself fit for the greatest art galleries in the world. She flexed and stretched and smiled and pouted and all the while knew there wouldn’t be a pose she could strike that’d make her think her body was anything less than perfect.


Then she heard someone knock on the door.


“You coming sweetie? Food’s getting cold!”

