Day 10 – Sunday (Part 2)
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Clothed in the skimpiest items her wardrobe would provide, Brooke practically bounced her way into the kitchen. A black crop top with a generous neckline left her chest barely decent, and the black booty shorts were little better. She wasn’t even wearing a suppressing bra, letting the full grandeur of her unrestricted bust display itself with as little to get in the way as possible.


The looks she got as she landed in her chair should have been mortifying, but she couldn’t bring herself to care! No, better than that! She was enjoying it! They were seeing her, the real her, the full her, the her she was meant to be, and they were stunned. She wasn’t just not ashamed, she was proud, and the wide smile she couldn’t keep off her face surely showed it.


Finally it was Miss Zwavel who broke the silence, a fake cough choking down some would be giggles. “Well then! It seems your changes have finished! How do you feel?”


“Great! No! Fantastic! Better than fantastic! It’s like… it’s like I’m alive for the first time! Like I’m seeing and feeling and being for the first time! It’s- It’s so, so, so incredible!” The words poured out of her, and as she spoke she just wanted to keep speaking! Her voice was bubbly and bright, with a deep rumble backing it in a way that felt both entirely unnatural and absolutely perfect.


She tried to change her tone, to let the energy drop into something else, something more… serious. “Plus, I think I can see magic now. My field of vision also seems wider, but it’s not exactly easy to compare.”


There was nothing particularly intimate about the words, but the tone was apparently enough to set Sarah blushing. The rumble had risen up, enhancing the huskiness into something truly compelling. There was a hint of a bite to it, a promise of something dangerous buried within. It was the kind of danger that could make a girl weak in the knees.


She hadn’t even realised she’d trapped Sarah with her gaze until her own mother cleared her throat and broke the spell. Sarah looked away, blushing even harder, but Brooke refused to be ashamed. She grinned wide as she turned to her mother, her slightly too wide mouth showing off rows of perfectly sharp teeth as she did so.


Clearing her throat once again Brooke’s mother spoke with barely contained laughter, giving Miss Zwavel the chance to master her own. “Well congratulations sweetie! I’m glad you’re happy. You really do look wonderful, even if as a mother I absolutely should not approve of your fashion choices.” She turned her gaze on Miss Zwavel as she finished, a false glare pointing at the source of Brooke’s current clothes.


The accused raised her hands in defence, finally getting her most recent bout of giggles under control. “I can’t be held accountable for everything that may or may not be contained in a centuries old magic wardrobe. Things just add up over time, really, you know how it is!”


Brooke’s mother was about to comment on the very modern look of the garments in question, but Miss Zwavel carried on, dragging the conversation back on track. “Regardless! It definitely sounds like you’re experiencing a bout of completion euphoria. It’s quite common and nothing to worry about, but you should probably eat up and head out back. You’ll feel a lot more grounded after a bit of running around.”


Brooke certainly didn’t need to be told twice. As her mother had said, the food on the table was already getting cold, and she didn’t plan to let it get much colder. Breakfast consisted of hashbrowns, omelettes, sausage, and a truly impressive hunk of uncut ham, which immediately caught her eye.


The feeling of her nails sinking into the tough, stretchy skin, feeling it dent in as much as it could, before finally giving way before the edge of her claws was cathartic in a way she hadn’t even realised she needed. Her nails slid readily through the soft inner flesh, and soon they found air once more. Unfortunately, her nails weren’t long enough to cut all the way through the hunk of meat. Fortunately, that meant she could go again. And again. And Again. And again and again and AGAIN! 


She barely noticed as she hooked it with one hand and dragged it closer, entirely focused on how her claws tore into it with just enough difficulty to make her really feel it. Slice after slice after uneven slice came free until finally she’d had enough and her four hands lifted the remainder from its plate and allowed her one big, sharp, BITE!


Her jaw snapped shut with such force even she barely recognised the time between it being open and it being closed. The skin of the ham had offered absolutely no resistance, her jaw severing the mass effortlessly. Slowly, she lowered the ham back onto its plate, taking her time to chew what was in her mouth as she looked at the absolute mess she’d made of the thing. Even amid the carnage her claws had inflicted, the path of her bite was clear, the slight curve of her teeth leaving obvious indentations in the meat.


With a swallow she pushed the ham back and looked up at the others at the table. She hadn’t lost control like that since the first time with the soap... Sure, she’d indulged in a bit of a feeding frenzy before but that was…


“Oh no need to worry dear, we’ve all eaten already. You enjoy yourself alright? I’ll be sure to make lunch extra sturdy so you have plenty to play with.”


Miss Zwavel spoke with such confidence it was hard to really argue, even if what she’d said hadn’t exactly addressed the issue. She was fine with it, she was acting like this was normal, she was even encouraging it. She was the expert, right?


Brooke looked to her mother, then at Sarah, and found neither showing even an ounce of reproach. They were both smiling, even if they were slightly different kinds. Good. Good good. Good good good.


It wasn’t perfect, she wasn’t going to get past these kinds of feelings in a single day… but for the moment she could put them aside and enjoy herself. She dove back in, letting her teeth take their turn, indulging in the cut and tear and grinding of meat and vegetables as she worked through the rest of what the table had to offer. It really was a shame it was all so soft, but the promise of something sturdier at lunch was all she needed to indulge in what was in front of her.


The feeding frenzy lasted nearly half an hour, and required another half hour of cleaning up and getting changed before Brooke was finally ready to truly start her day. A day that would hopefully be spent primarily outside. She practically bounced her way to the backyard, where she was struck by three details in quick succession: First, all three of the little bots had been set up. Second, Sarah was also waiting outside dressed in workout clothes. Third, the feeling of her claws subtly digging into the dirt.


Sarah spoke up as soon as Brooke stepped outside, a smirk on her face. “Hope you don’t mind some healthy competition.”


Brook grinned wide, sauntering over to her one and only demonic friend, letting her toe claws cut into the ground a bit further than necessary with each step. “Oh? You bringing someone else to play with us too?”


Sarah scoffed in mock insult. “Oh don’t get too cocky now! Just because I don’t have as many visible enhancements doesn’t mean I’m not still a demon. You may have seen what I can do in my human form, but demonic muscles don’t need to show off to be strong.”


Brooke was about to respond when a sharp clap drew both teens’ attention to a bemused Miss Zwavel. “Yes yes all very good but I’d like to point out this isn’t a competition and there aren’t any points, understood? I’m turning them on and the two of you are just going to have some fun okay? Try to keep them operational as long as possible, but I’ve prepared a couple instant repair casts just in case. Rebecca and I will be inside so just give us a holler if you need anything.”


With that instruction she waved her hand and turned to go back inside. Brooke barely noticed her leaving however, her eyes were so transfixed on the suddenly active toys. Magic. Big, chaotic clouds of it, swirling around each of the three toys. The clouds spread out, then flowed back in, over and over, a constant in and out that scoured the area around them.


Her fascination was cut short by Sarah’s sudden charge, magic pulsing within her body as she sent dirt flying with each step. That was all the encouragement Brooke needed, and a moment later she was flying across the yard, hands grabbing ground and claws digging deep as they pulled her whole body forward. Then her feet landed and she was pushing off again, flying forward like a rocket.


She could feel the weight of her chest with each pounce, and found herself greatly praising the magical material of her top as it kept it in place. She’d never paid much attention to the different muscles in biology, finding it all rather dull. In that moment however, as she felt the impact of her landing disperse through the muscles in her legs, as they repositioned, tensed up, and then launched her closer to her goal she wondered if maybe those class notes might be worth a re-read. As she felt muscles up and down her back shift, as her shoulders took the brunt of her landings and transferred the impact down her back, as her arms flexed and twisted and pulled her along. This was a body worth learning about.


It was as she got close and the bots began to scatter that her tail began showing its value. The way it twisted and moved so naturally to compensate for the turns she made showed off an expertise born entirely of instinct. It wouldn’t have been hard to catch her target, not at her best, not in that moment of perfect precision… So instead she bounded across the yard, indulging in every little pointless manoeuvre her mind provided. She did twirls and flips and jumps, each time returning to that primal joy of claws digging into dirt, turning earth into a cloud of debris behind her as she moved on.


Despite her fooling around, the first toy was captured minutes later, a twisting front flip resulted in it taking a heavy tail to the side, followed by a heavier demon to the torso. She wanted to dig in, to overcome the toughness of the shell with her teeth and claws, but she held herself back. That wasn’t the game today. Tearing them apart could wait. The game was about hunting, and as Brooke scouted her next target she found herself entranced by her competition.


Sarah hadn’t been wrong about being far more impressive when allowed to go all out. She still moved like a human, she still jumped and kicked and pounced like a person, but the speed and precision exceeded anything Brooke would have expected. There was an economy of motion that made it look like a dance, an elegant approach that slowly pinned in her target before it culminated in an applause worthy finale. 


That was enough to break the spell. Brooke took off once more, eyes fixed on the as yet uncaught bot. Even as she gave in to the savage glee of the chase she found her focus split. A part of her refused to entirely neglect Sarah as she hunted the already recovered first bot Brooke had taken down. She watched as Sarah caught her target, as Brooke caught her own, as each changed from one bot to another and began their pursuits anew. Even when Brooke’s eyes lost sight of her, Brooke felt an awareness of her friend’s movements, a tingle in the air that told her just where her fellow demon was.


Over and over they moved through the yard, catching and releasing their target until finally, by pure coincidence, they caught their targets at the same time. They could have waited for their fresh captures to recover. Could have taken a moment to chat. Instead, they both charged. They dashed across the yard and around one another as they tried to get there first. Brooke moved like a savage beast, a primal hunter built to bring down prey with ferocity and zeal. Sarah moved like a dancer, a beautiful dream intent on dazzling her prey. Together they were a storm, tearing up the yard as they hunted and dodged one another’s limbs.


So focused on their attacks, dodges, and counters were they that the little bot was forgotten, the pursuit was the goal as much as the game. Brooke’s attention focused on Sarah with savage glee, no longer split between her and the bot. The flex of her muscles, the sweat on her brow, the shimmer of her clothes, and the twitch of her wings. Brooke was operating on pure instinct as she swiped and pounced and twisted around her partner, a delightful haze falling over her mind as she forgot about the world outside that moment.


Her target stumbled, Brooke pounced, her target spun, a feint. Brooke dodged to the side, twisting with the help of her extra arms and tail to avoid the swipe of a wing. Brooke rolled and flipped back onto her feet. Her target turned, and the pursuit continued. A dodge here, and roll there, a twist, a swipe, a dance of primal souls. Finally her target fell for real, a manoeuvre requiring more than she had to give. Brooke was on top of her a moment later.


A part of her wanted to bite, another urged her to kiss, a third urged her to cut away Sarah’s clothes and take her right there on the grass! None of it was truly distinct, none of it amounted to even a single whole thought, and as the haze faded so too did the distinction between her desires. Amidst the chaos of her mind, Brooke found herself smiling down at a deeply blushing Sarah, both of them breathing heavily with faces inches from one another. Despite the blush, Sarah was smiling right back at her, the twinkle in her eye telling Brooke just how much she’d enjoyed their game. They stayed like that for several moments, Sarah pinned to the ground, two hands pinning each arm as a big, strong tail held Sarah’s legs. With Brooke sitting on her lap, and chest pressing down on her own Sarah was at her mercy.


Slowly, ever so slowly, Brooke’s tongue slipped out. Closer and closer it came… before gently flicking some sweat from Sarah’s neck. Instantly it snapped back into her mouth and she hopped free of her friend, a deep blush colouring her cheeks as she tried to figure out why she’d done that?! That was such a weird thing to do!


She was just about ready to die of embarrassment when Sarah broke down in a fit of giggles. “Okay okay you won that one. But it’s early yet… Round two?”